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Harm Reduction

All resources and up-to-date information about all things Harm Reduction.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for things that should be on this page, please email support@samanthabushika.com. Thank you!

Never Use Alone

As I have mentioned this hotline has saved several people really close to me. They really care. You don’t even have to keep a convo going. They just stay on the phone and contact emergency services if you become unresponsive.

On a personal note, If I were actively using, I would definitely have this number in my phone. Just do it. Put it in ur phone. Please. Now. Right now. Thank you!


I have saved lives with Narcan and Narcan has saved many of my loved ones lives!

Please, EVERYONE, carry NARCAN! It could make the be the difference between life and death. If you don’t know where to get it in your area you can email me at support@samanthabushika.com and we will get you taken care of. Free of charge ofc.


Please do Use Non-Stigmatizing Language.

We have been through enough.

Believe it or not, we beat ourselves up more than anyone else ever could. Just because we are hard on ourselves doesn’t mean you have to be. I spent 20+ years of my life being defined by how a small town and its state’s attorney felt about me before addiction was officially a disease and I am here to tell you that WORDS DO MATTER.

I am still struggling with these same issues today twenty-five years later. I allowed what others felt or said about me to define my own self-worth and this was a HUGE mistake on my part, being that the only words said individuals had ever heard me mumble was “Not Guilty, your honor!” 

Let’s stop the cycle now. This cycle led me to believe that I wasn’t worth more than a jail sentence and had someone, anyone told my teenage self that I was worth more, things would have most definitely turned out differently for this Po’ kid. Let’s make an effort to lead with LOVE. Try it. You will thank me some day.


This is the Xylazine/Rompun Section and the place to get resources and information on Xylazine. Awareness is a step in the right direction! PLEASE Share!

Purchase Xylazine/Rompun Test Strips

Providers– Lochness Medical has Xylazine test strips available for purchase online now. As far as I can tell, tests are $3 a piece but only come in kits of 300.

Check it out!

Company Develops Test for Xylazine

This article is about how and who developed the new Xylazine testing strips.

Read it!

Evaluation of Xylazine Test Strips for Drug Taking Purposes

From the Philadelphia Department of Health. For those of you that are into the stats.

Check out the Report!

DEA Xylazine Warning

Click below to check out the DEA’s most recent Xylazine warning.

Read it!

FDA Restricts Unlawful Import of Xylazine

Read about what the FDA is doing to combat this nightmare drug and its illegal import into our country.

Read more

Xylazine Recognized as an ‘Emerging Threat’ by President

Check out this article about Xylazine being recognized as an emerging threat to our communities and our citizens from the Washington Post.

Read It!

Xylazine and the Potential for Loss of Life and Limb

Not only can Xylazine take your life, but it can also take your limbs. No joke. Fr. Fr. Xylazine is not even close to sterile for human consumption let alone injection. It causes fatal infections, of which I have lost three friends in the last 9 months to said infections. Please read this article before taking the plunge. Pun intended. Make sure you read the part about how a rotting limb smells.

Save my Limbs!

Check Out My Post on Xylazine!

I have lost three people in the last 6 months to infections caused by this drug so I am doing everything I can to raise awareness in hopes of prevention. 

Read Sam’s Post

It’s True.

I have witnessed the drastic difference Harm Reduction has on communities.

Click the button below to read some amazing statistics.

Tell Me More!

CA Passes Law Regarding Fentanyl

This is a copy of the bill that CA passes amending their paraphernalia law to exclude testing equipment so people cannot be charged if found with testing equipment on their person, in their cars, or in their homes. Definitely a step in the right direction.

How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips According to the CDC

Check out this article from the Centers for Disease Control on what the tests are, how they work and how to use them.

2021 SAMHSA Announces that Federal Grantees Can Use Funds to Purchase Fentanyl Tests

This is important because this is how most of our local and state harm reduction agencies are able to distribute the tests free of charge.

Purchase Fentanyl Tests Online

Click the button below to purchase Fentanyl test strips online. (This is NOT an affiliate link because I can’t bring myself to profit from the purchase of such an important product.) You can purchase a pack of 5 for $6.40. Tests are also available at any of your statewide Harm Reduction agencies and/or needle exchanges. If you are unsure where to go in your state, just shoot me an email at support@samanthabushika.com and I will get that information to you asap.

Providers Can Purchase Boxes of 100 Test Strips

I say providers because they only offer boxes of 100 on dancesafe.org. A box of 100 test strips for $139. Please check with your local health department before purchasing because you may be able to get them for distribution at no cost to you.

Bars Handing Out Fentanyl Test Strips

I can’t tell you how much I love the article on reuters.com. It tells us how bars in the US are leaving the test strips in their bathrooms because they “…are done with dead kids.” I love it! I love what it stands for and what it says. This is unity. This is what it means to be American. No man left behind type of thing, and if this doesn’t give you hope I don’t know what will.

Check Out My Post on Fentanyl!

 You know me, always working towards education, awareness, and prevention. Click below to check out my post on Fentanyl.


This is the Fentanyl Section and the place to get resources and information on Fentanyl. Remember that you can pick up Fentanyl Test strips at any of your local and state harm reduction agencies and/or needle exchange programs. Awareness is a step in the right direction! PLEASE Share!

DID YOU KNOW… (According to the CDC)

Between 2020 and 2021, nearly 79,000 people between the ages of 18 and 45 died of fatal Fentanyl overdoses?

Can just a few grains the size of salt grains
be deadly?

Fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin.

Fentanyl can be inhaled if it becomes airborne?

Fentanyl can cause irreversible brain damage if used over long periods of time?

Fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin?

Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than Morphine?

A few Street names for Fentanyl are:
-Dance Fever
-Murder 8
-Tango & Cash

According to the CDC over 150 people die each day from ODs related to synthetic opioids like Fentanyl. Thats 300 parents losing children a day and it doesn’t have to be this way.


This is the Carfentanil Section and the place to get resources and information on Carfentanil. Education & Awareness are steps in the right direction! The toxicity of Carfentanil has been juxtaposed with Nerve gas. In fact, emergency personnel and first responders to possible Carfentanil overdoses need to take care due to the drug being highly dangerous when absorbed through the skin or inhaled if airborne, according to the CDC. PLEASE Share!

DEA Public Warning Issued Regarding Carfentanil

Just when we thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, we hear about Carfentanil which is even MORE deadly and dangerous than Fentanyl.

Show Me!

What is Carfentanil?

If you are unfamiliar with Carfentanil, then please click the button below to become familiar. It could save your or your loved ones’ life.

I Need to Know!

VDH Carfentanil Fact Sheet

Check out this fact sheet from the Virginia Office of Emergency Services.

Check it out!


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