The use of Rompun-laced heroin is a dangerous trend that is becoming more common. Rompun, also known as Xylazine, is a sedative used for animals, and when mixed with heroin, it can have deadly consequences. It’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to stay safe. I am writing this post to educate in the hopes of preventing the loss of more lives.
Last year I lost three people that I cared about to infections resulting from Xylazine. In all three instances, they had let an infection go for a few weeks, and by the time they made it to the hospital, they had to be admitted. Each of them stayed long enough to get antibiotics. Shortly after receiving IV antibiotics, each of them left the hospital AMA (against medical advice), and none of them ever made it back to the hospital until it was too late. Please share and talk to friends and family members that are high-risk.
What Are Rompun, Tranq, and Xylazine?
Rompun is the generic name for Xylazine. Xylazine is a type of sedative that is commonly used in veterinary medicine to calm animals such as horses and cows. I have noticed that a lot of people mistake it for Ketamine, and we will get to that shortly. It is not intended for human use, and it is not approved for use in humans by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Rompun belongs to a class of drugs called alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, which work by binding to specific receptors in the brain and central nervous system.
Ketamine Vs. Rompun/Xylazine
Ketamine and Rompun have different effects on the body and come with different risks and benefits. Ketamine is generally considered to be more potent than Rompun, and it is often used to induce anesthesia in animals. Rompun, on the other hand, is often used to calm animals and reduce anxiety during procedures or exams. One of the main differences between ketamine and xylazine is their side effects.
Ketamine can cause increased heart rate and muscle rigidity, while xylazine can cause decreased heart rate and blood pressure. Both drugs can cause respiratory depression, which can be dangerous in some cases. Another difference between ketamine and xylazine is their duration of action. Ketamine has a shorter duration of action than xylazine, which means that it wears off more quickly. Xylazine, on the other hand, has a longer duration of action, which means that it can provide longer-lasting sedation.
How is Rompun Used in Heroin?
Individuals selling substances often use xylazine to cut heroin, which means they mix it with heroin for a much more potent and deadly high. In the throes of addiction, that actually sounds good to us. Xylazine is much cheaper than heroin, and it has a similar effect on the body, which makes it an attractive option for individuals selling heroin. Heroin laced with xylazine is often referred to as “Mexican black tar” or “Mexican brown.”
The Dangers of Heroin Laced with Rompun
Heroin laced with Rompun is causing fatal infections among drug users just like my above-mentioned friends. Rompun suppresses the immune system, making users more susceptible to infections. In addition, Rompun is much more potent than heroin, which means that users are at a higher risk of overdosing. Rompun also has a longer half-life than heroin, which means that it stays in the body for a longer period of time, increasing the risk of overdose.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning about the dangers of heroin laced with Xylazine. The warning notes that Xylazine can cause severe respiratory depression, coma, and death, especially when used in combination with other drugs, such as opioids. The CDC also warns that Xylazine can cause necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection that destroys the body’s soft tissues. It is also important to note that you can NOT reverse the effects of Rompun/Xylazine with Narcan/Naloxone. The effects can be reversed by a drug called Tolazine, which the EMTs typically have on hand these days.
Rompun Withdrawal
Rompun withdrawal can be very difficult and dangerous. As we know, all withdrawal can be difficult. Symptoms of Rompun withdrawal include anxiety, agitation, muscle pain, insomnia, sweating, and nausea. In severe cases, Rompun withdrawal can cause seizures and even death. It is important to seek medical help if you or someone you know is experiencing Rompun withdrawal. I will address more on this below.
The best way to prevent the use of heroin laced with Rompun is to avoid using heroin altogether. However, for those of us who are struggling with active addiction, seeking treatment is essential. Treatment options include medication-assisted treatment, behavioral therapy, and support groups. It is important to seek help from a qualified healthcare professional who can provide a personalized treatment plan. If you don’t have one or don’t know what to do, please contact me via the comments or email [email protected]. I will help you.
It is also important to be aware of the signs of someone that used laced heroin. These signs include extreme drowsiness, shallow breathing, blue lips and nails, cold skin, and pinpoint pupils. If you suspect someone is using heroin laced with Rompun, it is important to seek medical help immediately. I can’t tell you how much this drug has me worried. People think they are dealing with a simple cellulitis infection, and that is not the case. I also want to say that I personally would hit the overdosed individual with Narcan anyway to possibly counteract any opioids that may be contributing to the overdose, but I am NOT a medical professional.
The Connection to the Opioid Epidemic
Heroin laced with Rompun is just one example of how the opioid epidemic has led to an increase in dangerous and deadly drugs on the market. Individuals that sell drugs are always looking for ways to increase their profits, and cutting drugs like heroin with cheaper and more potent substances like Rompun is, unfortunately, one way they do so.
I personally couldn’t imagine doing something like this to have so many lives lost so unnecessarily. Being an empath, I obsess about things like this because they are so self-serving and tragic. This is why it is crucial to address the root causes of drug addiction and to provide effective treatment options for those who are struggling with addiction. If you are interested in more statistics, check out my post, Opioid Addiction: History and Shocking Statistics for more information.
What resources are available for those struggling with addiction to Rompun?

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to Rompun-laced heroin, there are resources available to help. The first step is to seek professional help and support from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance on treatment options, including medication-assisted treatment and counseling. Additionally, support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous can provide a community of individuals who understand the challenges of addiction and can offer encouragement and support.
Not to mention we are in the process of building an all-inclusive, supportive, and non-judgmental community that will meet you where you’re at. You should register, and if you are really struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the comments or email me at [email protected]. I really do care. It’s important to remember that recovery is possible and seeking help is the first step towards a healthier, happier life.
Heroin laced with Rompun is a growing concern among public health officials, law enforcement agencies, and substance users. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction. Please check out my resource page to get the help you or your loved one may need. Prevention is the key to avoiding the dangers of heroin laced with xylazine.
By being aware of the signs of heroin laced with xylazine and seeking help, when necessary, we can help prevent the spread of this deadly drug. Addressing the root causes of drug addiction and providing effective treatment options is essential to combating the opioid epidemic and preventing the rise of dangerous and deadly drugs like heroin laced with xylazine.
Final Words
Please be sure to like, subscribe, and, most importantly, SHARE this post. A person seeing this post or not seeing it could make the difference between life and death, and as I mentioned, I have lost friends to this nasty drug. It isn’t sterile for use in humans, and that’s scary. Prevention is key with these things, so please share and tell your loved ones.
Join our growing community and check out the PNP Support Forums. They are a work in progress, but they are something. Light and love, friends.
You can purchase Xylazine/Rompun tests here.
Post Off Quote (on the loss of a friend) Lost two more in the last few weeks.
“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.”
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Psychiatrist
Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)
I am allowed to feel my emotions. My emotions are HEAL-thy and they help me to move forward when I am ready.
Hey I am back to respond to your lovely comment Samantha. I wish you a lovely weekend and I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well.
LOL good job on the SEO audit evaluation, that is so good to hear and you are welcome Samantha. I definitely can’t stay silent about this stuff especially seeing how important it is to you. I am glad that you respect my opinion, I have always felt that, but I am happy that you said it because it’s very reassuring and I get where you are coming from. Addition is very much comparable to a mental health disorder where the person is drawn to a particular thing and gets alot of psychological pleasure from it to where even though there are issues involved, they become psychologically numb to them and would do anything just to get the temporary satisfaction from a substance, which causes alot of long term debilitation and destroys people as you have noted and experienced first hand much to the ache of my heart.
I also sense your concern over the transactional pieces, things like the mortgage, the price of the vitawater indicating greed and the increasing cost to living etc. Hahaha thank you for the compliments over my intelligence; I really do appreciate that especially as I also think that you are beautifully intelligent and witty lol. Marketing is something that I have never done but I think the best thing to do for people who are recovering from addiction etc, is to encourage and inspire them to avoid harmful practices because you really don’t want them to start to get addicted to something else and to make them absolutely believe that they need to depend on some other form of product or substance even if the item is considered healthy. I can easily recommend ideas and tips for people to just want to get healthy in general but marketing is a whole other ball game, though I think that you are on the right track with the water lol. Practically anything that does not encourage them to harm themselves, is a huge plus considering the kind of trauma and abuse that many of them have experienced. One thing that might work if us to look up eth kids of drugs and what effects and side-effects they have and what harm they cuse to people health-wise (dehydration, poisoning certain chemical imbalances etc) and see what products are out there on the market that would help them to replenish vitamins and essential nutrients based on the kind of drugs that you know are out there, but you also don’t want to get too much into the area of playing the role of a doctor. Generally, for most people trying to recover, just keeping off the drugs should make a significant difference in their improvement health-wise, but if they should need extra help in that area, then maybe it’s best that they see a doctor. But things like water, or fruit-based stuff, things that have fiber etc should be great recommendations.
Hahaha Samantha you are so funny and cute. Thanks for the laugh and I will remember your advice.
P.S: I am sorry that I haven’t really touched on some of the newest and most recent topics that you have posted as yet 😅
“Hi Killa! Sorry, it took me a bit to get back to you”
Lol that’s no problem Samantha 😆🤗💕. Good to see you; I really liked reading what you had to say as always and I hope that you have a good day today. You have also posted new topics which is so cool — I definitely need to catch up! 💯😆😆
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friends and those who are dear to your heart my friend 🙏😢😇.
These are some really awful drug cocktails that are out there. Heroine by itself is already bad enough, but to then have it mixed with tranquilizer substances and Xylazine, and who knows what else, is literally a recipe for death and untold suffering; cutting lives short and breaking families apart.
I really admire how you raise these concerns, break down and educate people on these matters in the way that you do which makes them so understandable and easy to grasp 💯💙💙.
Killa, I am telling you that you would not even believe the people that I have lost in this lifetime. I grew up in a small Vermont jail, so I came up with all of the same girls doing the same “life on the Installment plan” revolving door lifestyle, and it really is just like a war. They would get out of jail… Again, we would have no idea who would make it back. It was a rough way to come up. Then add in the abuse we went through in that hell-hole jail. Check this out https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/guarded-secrets-claims-of-sexual-misconduct-drug-use-plague-vermonts-womens-prison/Content?oid=29082891 Google ‘7 days Chittenden RCF,” and you will have some good reading and a bigger picture of how I came up. This is only one of many articles like this. Those men had complete control. NOTHING we could do. They would throw me in the hole by myself for months and months, never knowing when I would be released. Throw in the perversions and sickness of those who had power over us, and it’s sickening. One of the COs was indicted and was facing agg. Sex ass. When he got out on bail ALL three of the girls that were testifying against him overdosed and died within months. He never went back, not even for a day. I couldn’t make this up. I truly feel that I have been through a war. That war has stomped on me, broken me, maimed me, and destroyed everything and everyone I care about. Addiction knows no bias. Addiction will ravage, destroy, de-story, incapacitate, uninitiate, leverage, stomp, burn, scar, wound, and smile while waiting for you to give it more. It is scarier than ANY disease, past, present, or future. How a disease could take SO…. much from a person still escapes me. I can’t allow others to suffer as I suffered. I just can’t. I have to raise awareness. Did you see the page I added for my friends and people that readers have lost? It’s only my friends right now, and I have so so many more to get on there, but it will get done slowly but surely. I haven’t had time to do ANYTHING lately. I am barely sleeping. My site was really messed up because of my plugins and WPs last update. I didn’t even know that it looked different, honestly. Who is looking around here? Lol.
True I know that I would not even begin to understand the magnitude of your losses 😭💓💓.
You have been through so many ups and downs, severe trauma, hurt and pain and sorrow. I think you have described it best as a war, and you were basically fighting for your life, every day from so young. Even now there are so many challenges to overcome; it’s very very heavy stuff with loads of destruction and despair, uncertainty and cries for help. You were tortured and brutalized so much by many people that you encountered, and the effects of those drugs, and scared and wounded mentally and physically, but yet you somehow make it to where you are today because it still wasn’t enough to may your heart fail 💔💙😥🤗.
I think it shows the kind of heart you have inside of you, that even after all of that bad stuff that was going on, you wanted to use the lessons from your own life and what you had to deal with, to help other people and potential victims of this life of addiction, and abuse, to either avoid or be empowered to wake up out of it and loosen themselves from its deadly grasp.
I agree that addiction is a very bad thing. While addiction is not really a disease, it’s still very dangerous behavior, and the more it is allowed, is the more it ruins if or until the individual had enough and backs away from the problem that they are addicted to.
Thanks for recommending the articles, I must check them out to get to know more about our background and because your story is very important.
“facing agg. Sex ass.”
🤣🤣🤭 “short & sweet” at its finest
“One of the COs was indicted and was facing agg. Sex ass. When he got out on bail ALL three of the girls that were testifying against him overdosed and died within months.”
Whoa, that is too sad, the addiction took control of them to the point where, when they had the opportunity to defend themselves and also be the voice for so many others, they still couldn’t stay off of the drugs and every single one of them ended up overdosing. It is truly heartbreaking, especially knowing that it leads to the broader issue of situations like this continuing to persist as the perpetrators go unchallenged.
Is the added page that you are mentioning titled “THE FALLEN MEMORIAL”?. I didn’t notice it earlier but after reading your comment I went searching for it and the “Fallen Memorial” page seemed like it was page lol. That is such a compassionate thing to do Samantha; their legacies and memories are certainly not in vain because of your voice for them and your selfless efforts 🙏🙏😇. There are so many people on there already that don’t even look like they fit the stereotype or druggies and addicts but to know that there is way more that you can put on that page, it’s a really dramatic reminder of the awful reality.
I know exactly what you are saying; working so many long hours and being so pre-occupied, certainly affects your ability to do much of anything with your site’s issues at this time, but it’s great to see that the little you have done with it, actually has paid off to make your site run a little faster and also remedy some other issues, so congrats ✌️😂. The visual changes to the site are mainly noticeable whenever I enter a topic like this one but your homepage generally still looks the same and looks so cool haha. I hope that you are able to get some rest at some point, because your health is what helps keep you going aswell 🤗🤗☺️
“Who is looking around here? Lol.”
Hahaha, it looks like I am your only guest for now 🤣😁
P.S: I sent this reply a few days ago, but I am not sure if it was successfully submitted so I am resending it so you will know that I have read it, and also get a chance to see what I think lol
Damn, Killa! You got a way with words. Your pretty deep! I just decided when I was very young that I wasn’t going to be a victim again at any point. No matter what. My dad always told me when I called him collect from jail that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and he was right. I choose positivity. I choose to leave the world better than it was when I found it. I have experienced true magic and truly unexplainable things in the last few years. I went into this knowing that it would take time and a lot of patience. I am good. I am huge on gratitude. I have two alarms in my phone to remind me to take a few moments a few times a day and be grateful for all that I am and all that I have because nobody including myself thought that I would live this long.
We have differing opinions about addiction being a disease because it is. I get how you could come to the conclusion that it’s not, but I am here to tell you that if you lived it you would not be at the same conclusion. Never for a second did I choose to hurt those I love repeatedly and lose everything I worked for over and over. Selling drugs that I knew would get people addicted. I have ALOT of guilt & shame that I doubt will ever dissipate. Those fallen women- they had kids that they adored and that adored them. They didn’t choose to be the way they were.
I will tell you how it happens. Something happens that we had no control over. Usually something that someone else did to us. When they stole away our power to choose they stole away our power to properly heal and with that a seed of self-loathing was planted. That seed grew through elementary and high school and made us feel different than all the kids around us who were actually able to be kids because they weren’t carrying the weight of the world on their small shoulders. We spent our childhoods in a constant state of fight or flight. You can’t imagine how that feels for a child when there is nowhere to flee. No safe place. By the time drugs are introduced to our lives we had been waiting. We were waiting for a magic fairytale that would take it all away. Drugs did that, albeit temporarily, it was enough. I spent my life hating myself more than anyone else ever could, and for something that I had absolutely no control over. It has been much more difficult for me creating The Fallen than I had initially thought it would be because I hadn’t processed so many of their deaths. It’s like they are all passing at once again. Its hard but I gotta admit that it feels so good to feel these HEAL-thy emotions. Well, now you got me all going deep. Its alright though. I am glad to have someone challenge me on this because this is a debate I will have until my last breath. I respect your point of view and I know that if you had seen what I have seen that view point would be much different. Its hard because addiction affects so so many and it seems so so selfish. Just stop people would say. I wish it were that simple, friend. I really do. Damn, this would have been a great topic for the forum. Lol. Its all good though. How are things going with your site? I haven’t been over in awhile. I will have to visit soon
Samantha 🙌🙌😂. Hello to you my friend, I am happy to hear from you 💙🥰. I visited here a number of times but I didn’t see anything so I was away for a while but something told me to check your sight today and I am now catching up.
Things are great with my site 😂😂😃. Thanks for asking and you can visit any time you want. I will reply to other points you made in your message soon aswell; this is just a hello comment LOL
I am incredibly humbled by your complimentary remarks my friend 🙌🙌😄☺️💙. I really feel what you are saying and it does have an impact on me and the caring affection I have for you. You are definitely reaching me on a sensitive level. I think that ultimately, you having enough and realizing that no one should experience what you had been putting up with, and seeing so many people that you loved being ruined by that life, was definitely the inspiration that you needed. It’s interesting hearing about what your dad told you about the light at the end of the tunnel and how supportive he was because in some situations like these, alot of people have no one to look up to or to talk to about these very serious things, or to be with them through these awful situations, and they keep slipping back into the same cycle and it just keeps getting worse and worse, so I am very happy for you that you chose positivity. It touched my heart when you said that there was a time when you as well as other people who knew you, didn’t believe that you would be alive for much longer but now you are able to look at your life and see a drastic change and reality compared to where you were and come from, and how you are doing now which is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard, to use your words, the experience has been magic!.
The reason why I don’t see addiction as a real disease is because addiction is mostly to do with self-control than it is an actual “genetic disorder”. To put it into context so that you can see where I am coming from; some people just like certain things and they will always go out of their way to have what it is that they want, and we have the tendency to want to do certain things excessively even at the cost of our own health and well-being. To explain even further, let me give you the scenario of someone loving to go fast. They may be addicted to excessively driving their car fast, but there is a possibility that they can crash and end up in a really bad life-changing situation. It’s not a disease, it’s just that fast driving is something they like to do despite how dangerous it is, but they love the feeling of it and the pleasure that they get out of doing it, so they keep doing it despite the fact that it is dangerous and they can die from it. Someone can become addicted to the excessive use of alcohol because they really like alcohol and although alcohol is very bad for their health and can have serious consequences, they still like the joy and the pleasure and the feeling of drinking alcohol so much that despite the dangers, they keep using it. It’s the same thing with drugs, it all comes down to the fact that people like different things but sometimes the things that they really like or love to do, have bad negative effects, and if they keep doing these things, they will become negatively affected but in different ways according to what it is or the types of things they like doing.
A real disease is not really like that, since, they are often genetic mutations that occur randomly within the body that leads to disorders and dysfunction within someone that they have absolutely no control over concerning whether or not, they have it or not, and these conditions are not fun at all. In most cases, unlike addiction, many diseases are not something that a person can stop doing and then the issue will go way. Alot of true “natural” diseases (or “medical” diseases) have no cure and the individuals have to live with the issue throughout their whole life whether they like it or not. That is what I think about when I hear about diseases, not so much addiction which is mainly just the repetitive action of doing something excessively that is consequential. But I think you can say that addiction is a disease in the same way that you would consider certain types of behaviors “toxic” or refer to something figuratively as a “cancer” etc etc lol. So in that sense, I can see why addiction is considered a disease. But when I say that it wasn’t really a disease, it still doesn’t minimize or trivialize the life of pain and trauma that you were in. As you put it, selling drugs can get people addicted to them and rip families apart and cause people to die who may have kids and then the kids are left without their mothers or father (even both) and create major hardships which is very sad. It was not their intent but it unfortunately happened.
When you talked about the reality that some people are often manipulated or introduced to very terrible habits and lifestyles by others without knowing any better and are in a circumstance where they are put at a severe disadvantage without truly knowing what it is that they are getting into that may change their lives forever at such young vulnerable ages, could not have been said any better Samantha. That is so true — especially when you talked about how it made you, and many others that were in your situation, feel when you were around others who just didn’t know or could understand what terrible thing you had been subjected to and how uncomfortable it was for you to have to be “normal” on the outside but actually felt very wrecked, outcasted and victimized and didn’t feel as if you were valued and as if you were a letdown and a failure compared to everyone else.
I see where you are coming from when you said it was alot more difficult creating the Fallen Angles page than you originally thought because you truly had not processed it. It’s like being on adrenaline where everything is just happening so fast, and then when it wears off, the true extent of the pain, scars and injuries set in. And I really love how you referred to the emotions and feelings as “Heal-thy” LOL
A topic like this sure would make a great topic for the forum haha. I don’t think I actually saw the forum yet, but if you made it already, that’s SUPER! 👏🤟😂😄
Hi Killa! Sorry, it took me a bit to get back to you. I finally got my site’s SEO audit to a 97, so I am like ecstatic. Thanks for saying all of that. I respect your opinion. I do. I never compare addiction to terminal diseases. When I say it’s a disease, I am meaning a mental health disorder for sure. Sometimes mental health disorders can debilitate and destroy, and addiction fits the bill for that. It just does. I am kinda stressing because I have to come up with some transactional pieces with affiliates, and aside from rehabs, what can I market in addiction? It’s been discouraging, to say the least. The mortgage is due, and have you been to the grocery store lately? OMgoodness. A Vitawater is $2.49! What is going on here? Just when you think people couldn’t possibly be more greedy. Man. Anyway, I am thinking, with your very high level of obvious intelligence, that maybe you may have some ideas on what types of things I can market to people in recovery. I know firsthand that we love to shop, but this is the hard part of this niche. Very stressful. I am super excited that the Vermont Winter has come and gone, and praying I won’t have to spend next winter in the cold. Ugh. I gotta go put my kiddos to bed but I will get back soon enough. DOnt ever stay away from the computer in the windowless office for long. Lol. How could I?