Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics

Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics

In the vast landscape of the internet, where opinions flow freely, and diverse voices converge, leaving negative comments has become a common practice. These digital snippets of disdain, often delivered with the comfortable veil of anonymity, can cast a shadow over the vibrant online communities we’ve come to cherish.

The digital realm has empowered us to connect, share, and express ourselves in ways unimaginable just a few decades ago. However, with this freedom comes a responsibility—to be mindful of our words and their impact on others. Behind every screen is a real person, a creator pouring their passion into content that speaks to them and their audience.

In this post, I am going to address why these unfair critics leave these comments, the true meaning of these comments, how they can stop, and different ways to handle different kinds of negativity in your comments sections. I address those who leave negative comments not to perpetuate a cycle of blame but to foster understanding and encourage a shift toward positivity.

We delve into the reasons behind the seemingly senseless negativity, exploring the psychological underpinnings and the ripple effects it creates. Together, we can transform the digital landscape into a space that nurtures creativity, fosters meaningful connections, builds others up, and uplifts the diverse voices that enrich our online world.

What Made Me Address This Issue?

I have recently become a Newsbreak contributor in hopes of getting my work out there because I can’t help people if they don’t know I exist, right? I was immediately blown away by the reach and the number of individuals reading my content, but with that came something that I knew was coming and had been trying to prepare for… The negativity.

I am writing this post because what I am about to share is what I needed to hear, and thanks to Alysse Bryson, founder of The Sober Curator, I was able to hear this and move forward instead of obsessing over why people don’t like me and want to rip me apart with words. When I told Alysse about the negativity, she said,

“You know you’re doing big things when the trolls make their appearance in your comments.”

She couldn’t have said a more perfect thing at that moment. She was right. I needed not to take it personally because the people leaving negative comments- they don’t know you. Even if they did know me, I do not claim to be anything I’m not. I am also not the person that I once was. Misery loves company. People leaving negative comments are not happy with themselves, so they take it out on an external source.

I have never been a negative person. I always try to make the best out of all situations, no… matter… what… I will be eight years into my recovery journey in March. In my recovery, I have become extremely sensitive. I’m not talking about constructive criticism, either. As an empath, I have become very conscious of the pain of others, but I am also hyper-sensitive to energy and unwarranted negativity sent my way from other people.

Choose Peace & Joy

I started noticing kindness first. I use a lot of meditations and astral projection videos on YouTube, and if you are a part of any of these communities, you know the comments of which I speak. Words of encouragement from stranger to stranger that go something like this:

“Hey, you. To the person reading this. Everything is going to be okay. You are strong. You are valued. You are loved. Pass it along.”

Some are more expressive and kind, and some are short and sweet, but they are such beautiful things. New people in these communities always say the kindness in the comments blows them away, and some say they visit the comments when feeling down. I am a huge believer that we reap what we sow. I have lived this for most of my life. It wasn’t working the way I was doing it, so today, I choose to pass along peace and joy. What do you choose?

I used to be judgmental and sometimes negative. I used to gossip and get sucked into drama for speaking my mind at times when I should have known better. Now, I only spread love, support, kindness, and gratitude. Maybe this is why my life did such a dramatic 180 turn. I am so much lighter and happier now. What if you could be, too? Don’t you want to be happy?

The Negative Comments

I created an Addiction & Incarceration series that I post every other week. I allow myself to be vulnerable in this series because my vulnerability is authentic, and it makes me uncomfortable. I believe authenticity paves the way for honesty, which is essential when trying to help people. The first post was picked up on The Sober Curator site, where I am a Sober Curator. This made me apply to be a contributor. I decided to submit the rest of the series thus far because I am passionate about doing everything I can to prevent other people from going through what I went through.

My intentions have been and continue to be pure, and I thought that would count for something. I couldn’t believe there were thirteen comments an hour after I published the post. I felt my stomach flip. I am fully aware of the negativity in comments and how negativity tends to perpetuate more negativity, but I looked. The first comment was from a person I had never heard of in my life, from California with no photo. It went something like this:

“Oh yeah. Worst jun&ie I ever met in my life.”

Another said,” You do the crime, you do the time, girlfriend. I am sure you blame everyone else but yourself for it. It’s always everyone else’s fault when addicts mess up. They look at everyone but themselves.”

A few more comments alluded to the fact that I “… don’t know what a real prison is…” and a small argument about Vermont not having any prisons, only jails.

What has Happened to This World?

I was really hurt by these senseless comments. First of all, I wasn’t claiming to be all big and bad. I was telling a part of my story. I wasn’t claiming to be all OG-She or acting like I was all hard because I spent twenty years wasting my life away going in and out of jail. I am trying to educate the younger generations on what it’s like when you go down that road.

I still can’t justify in my mind how anyone could turn around and bash me for being vulnerable and putting myself out there like that in the name of helping people. How sad is it that human beings are going out of their way and taking time out of their day to make other people feel bad about putting themselves out there? What happened to this world? Why is everyone so angry and hateful?

Kween of Kings

I follow a family on YouTube, and their channel is called Kween of Kings. I love them, and I love watching how happy and in love they are. They are a beautiful family showing the world what they are made of. The day after I received my negative comments, I wanted to give them some positivity, and I went to comment, and my heart fell. The video was the husband asking his family members what they thought of his “chocolate queen.” It was adorable.

Someone in the comments made a list of 5 or 6 extremely cruel and extremely racist things in response to what he (the commenter) thought of his chocolate queen. This comment made my blood boil. The queen played it so cool by pinning his comment to the top of the comments and saying that she believed there was a racist and to “…get him, guys!” I envied her cool, collected move and that she didn’t allow any of it to take more than one second of her thoughts, but to be honest, I was mad for her.

Why Do They Do It?

Stop Negativity
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The act of leaving negative comments for no apparent reason can be attributed to various factors. I think by this point, most of us know that these negative comments often reflect more about the individual leaving the comment than the content or the creator they are targeting. Here are some potential reasons why people become keyboard warriors/e-thugs/keyboard cowards:

  1. Anonymity and Disinhibition Effect: The online environment, particularly when individuals can comment anonymously, can lead to a disinhibition effect. People may feel emboldened to express negativity without facing immediate consequences, leading to behavior they might not exhibit in face-to-face interactions, so basically, they become a cyberbully, or they engage because they just want to start drama and try to make everyone feel as bad as they do.
  2. Projection of Insecurities: Individuals who harbor deep-seated insecurities or self-hatred may use online platforms as an outlet to project their negative feelings onto others. Criticizing or belittling others might temporarily alleviate their own emotional distress.
  3. Seeking Attention: Negative comments can be a way for individuals to seek attention and validation, even if it’s through negative means. They might believe that leaving controversial or hurtful comments will garner more responses and engagement.
  4. Frustration and Power Dynamics: Some people may feel a lack of control or power in their own lives, and leaving negative comments can be a way for them to exert control or feel a sense of power in the online space.
  5. Lack of Empathy: Some individuals may not fully realize or understand the impact of their words on others. A lack of empathy can lead to insensitive or hurtful comments without considering the person’s feelings on the receiving end.
  6. Social Comparison: In the age of social media, people often compare their own lives to the seemingly perfect lives of others. Negative comments may be a manifestation of envy or frustration stemming from their own perceived inadequacies.
  7. Boredom or Trolling: For some, leaving negative comments may be a form of entertainment or a way to pass the time. This behavior is often associated with trolling, where individuals intentionally provoke and upset others for their own amusement.

Understanding these underlying motivations can help both content creators and online communities develop strategies to address and mitigate the impact of negative comments. Promoting a culture of empathy, positive communication, and constructive criticism can contribute to a healthier online environment for everyone involved. This is the way things should be.

The Effects of Negative Comments

Negative comments can have far-reaching effects, creating a ripple of negativity that extends beyond the immediate interaction. Here are some of the effects of negative comments and how the negativity can be perpetuated:

  1. Impact on Mental Health: The effects can be profound for the recipient of a negative comment. Constant exposure to criticism, insults, or derogatory remarks can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. The emotional toll can be particularly significant for content creators who invest time and effort into their work and that create in hopes of helping others.
  2. Creation of a Toxic Environment: Negative comments contribute to the overall atmosphere of online spaces. When negativity becomes pervasive, it can create a toxic environment where people hesitate to express themselves, share their work, or engage in discussions. This, in turn, stifles creativity and constructive dialogue.
  3. Deterioration of Community and Support: Online communities thrive on mutual support and shared interests. Negative comments disrupt the sense of community and support these spaces aim to foster. Content creators may become discouraged, leading to a decline in the quality and quantity of content produced.
  4. Spreading Negativity to Others: Negativity can be contagious. Individuals encountering negative comments may be more likely to adopt a critical or cynical mindset. This spreading of negativity can create a cycle where one negative comment begets more negativity, ultimately shaping the culture of an entire online community.
  5. Fear of Expression: The fear of receiving negative comments can stifle creativity and self-expression. Individuals may become reluctant to share their thoughts, ideas, or creations out of concern for potential criticism. This fear can limit the diversity of voices and perspectives in online spaces.
  6. Escalation of Conflict: Negative comments can escalate into online conflicts and heated debates. What starts as a single negative remark can quickly snowball into a larger argument, like what happened in the video comments I mentioned above, with multiple individuals getting involved. This not only intensifies the negativity but also detracts from meaningful and respectful discussions.

To break the cycle of negativity and mitigate its effects, it’s essential for both individuals and online communities to foster a culture of positivity, empathy, and constructive communication. As content creators, we need to encourage positive interactions by moderating comments, promoting community guidelines, and actively engaging with our audience in a supportive manner. Online platforms can also play a role by implementing tools and policies that discourage and address harmful behavior.

By promoting a more positive and respectful online culture, individuals can contribute to a healthier digital environment that encourages creativity, collaboration, and meaningful connections. Just as negativity breeds more negativity, positivity doubles positivity. Negativity isn’t doing anyone any favors. It just sucks.

How to Handle Negative Comments Professionally

I had no idea how to handle the negative comments. It’s important to realize that there is a big difference between someone leaving honest feedback that we don’t like and negative comments. All creators need to be able to accept constructive criticism, of course.

It’s how we grow and get better, but nobody deserves to be another person’s verbal punching bag either. More importantly, we need to be supporting other creators. I have never watched a video and not clicked that thumbs up. How easy is that? As creators, we know how much those likes mean. Come on. It will come back to you. If anyone knows how brutal, unforgiving, and underappreciated creators are, it’s other creators. Support one another. It’s not like a click is going out of your way. Build one another up! This is also a great way to know whether you have already seen a video or not. See? Look at the perks.

Handling negative comments can be challenging, but responding with grace and professionalism can help us, as creators, maintain a positive online presence. Here’s a detailed list of ways we can handle different types of negative comments and appropriate responses:

1. Constructive Criticism:

  • Response: Appreciate the feedback and thank the commenter for their input.
  • Example: “Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate constructive criticism. I’ll take your suggestions into consideration for future content.”

2. Unsubstantiated Criticism or Insults:

  • Response: Stay calm and avoid escalating the situation. Respond politely and assertively.
  • Example: “I’m sorry you feel that way. If you have specific concerns, I’m open to hearing them, but let’s keep the conversation respectful.”

3. Trolling or Provocation:

  • Response: Refrain from engaging in a heated argument. Maintain a calm and neutral tone.
  • Example: “It seems like you have strong opinions. Let’s try to keep the conversation constructive. If you have specific concerns, I’m open to discussing them.”

4. Hateful or Offensive Comments:

  • Response: Report and delete offensive comments. Address the issue without stooping to the same level. Remember, they are looking for a strong reaction from you because that’s how they get their “fix.” Do not give them the satisfaction.
  • Example: “This comment violates our community guidelines. I’ve reported it. Let’s keep our discussions respectful and focused on the topic.”

5. Negative Feedback About Your Character, Appearance or Personal Life:

  • Response: Establish boundaries and redirect the conversation to the content. Remind them that you’re only trying to help other people with _______.
  • Example: “I believe in promoting positive and respectful dialogue. If you have concerns about my character or physical attributes, let’s address them constructively. Personal attacks don’t contribute to meaningful discussions. I’m open to feedback that helps improve my content or fosters a more positive community. Let’s focus on the topics at hand, and if you have specific questions related to the content, feel free to ask via email or messenger.”

6. Comparisons to Others:

  • Response: Acknowledge differences and express gratitude for individuality.
  • Example: “We all have unique styles and perspectives. I appreciate your feedback, and I’m committed to staying true to my own voice and vision.”

7. Accusations or Misinformation:

  • Response: Clarify any misunderstandings calmly and factually.
  • Example: “I understand there may be confusion. Let me clarify that [provide accurate information]. If you have further questions, feel free to ask.”

8. Concerns about Content Quality:

  • Response: Acknowledge the concern and share your commitment to improvement.
  • Example: “I hear your concerns about the content quality. I’m constantly working to improve, and I appreciate your patience. If you have specific suggestions, I’m all ears!”

9. Negative Comments from Regular Followers:

  • Response: Address the comment with empathy and openness. If they cross the line don’t hesitate to block them.
  • Example: “I value your perspective as a regular follower. Let’s discuss your concerns openly. Your feedback helps me grow, and I want to ensure the content meets your expectations.”

10. Comments Affecting Mental Health:

  • Response: Prioritize your mental health. Encourage positive discussions and block or filter harmful comments. Feel free to delete these comments because they definitely aren’t worthy of your attention.
  • Example: “I’m here to create positive content and help people. If you have constructive feedback, I’m all ears. Otherwise, let’s keep the conversation uplifting and supportive.”

Remember, each situation is unique. Consistency in maintaining a positive and respectful tone helps cultivate a healthy online community. Additionally, consider establishing clear community guidelines to set expectations for constructive engagement. State in the guidelines that you have a zero tolerance for (fill in the blank) behaviors. This way, they are fully informed going in and know what will happen should they decide not to adhere.

Additional Tips:

  1. Maintain Dignity: Respond with dignity and avoid stooping to the level of personal attacks.
  2. Redirect the Conversation: Politely steer the conversation back to the content or the topics being discussed in your community.
  3. Establish Boundaries: Clearly communicate that personal attacks are unacceptable within your community and that you expect discussions to remain respectful.
  4. Encourage Constructive Feedback: If the commenter has specific concerns, invite them to provide constructive feedback that can contribute to the improvement of your content.
  5. Report and Block: If the comments persist and become harassing, consider reporting and blocking the user to maintain a positive and safe online space.

Remember, your response not only addresses the negative comment but also sets the tone for the type of interactions you expect within your community. By maintaining a calm and constructive approach, you reinforce the values of respect and positive engagement.

How to Stop Perpetuating Negativity

Dont Tear Down. No Negative Comments
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Stopping the habit of leaving negative comments is a positive step towards personal growth and fostering a healthier online environment as I’ve mentioned above. Here are some strategies to help a person break the cycle of leaving negative comments:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on why you feel the need to leave negative comments and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you projecting your own insecurities? Are you seeking attention or a sense of power? Understanding the underlying motivations can be a crucial first step. Are you seeing yourself or someone you know in the creator? What’s your deal?
  2. Empathy: This is crucial to living a happy, healthy, rounded-off lifestyle. Put yourself in the shoes of the person you’re about to comment on. Consider how your words might impact them emotionally. Developing empathy can help you recognize the human aspect behind online personas.
  3. Pause Before Posting: If you feel the urge to leave a negative comment, pause and give yourself time to reconsider. Ask yourself if your comment adds value to the conversation or if it’s driven by negativity. Often, a moment of reflection can lead to a more constructive response and one that I live by if you don’t have anything nice to say- don’t say anything at all.
  4. Focus on Constructive Feedback: If you have feedback or criticism, frame it in a constructive manner. Instead of using harsh language, offer suggestions for improvement. This approach encourages a more positive and collaborative online environment.
  5. Unplug and Take Breaks: If you find yourself consistently leaving negative comments, it might be helpful to take breaks from social media or online platforms. This can give you the time and space needed to reset and break the habit of negative behavior.
  6. Cultivate Positivity: Make a conscious effort to contribute positively to online discussions. Engage in conversations that uplift others, share encouraging comments, and focus on creating a supportive online community.
  7. Set Personal Guidelines: Establish personal guidelines for online behavior. Define what type of comments are acceptable to you and what crosses the line. Having clear boundaries can help you navigate online interactions more thoughtfully.
  8. Seek Support: If you’re struggling to curb the habit of leaving negative comments, consider talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional. They can provide support and guidance and help you explore the underlying issues contributing to your behavior.
  9. Educate Yourself: Learn about the impact of online negativity on mental health, both for the recipient and the person leaving the comment. Understanding the consequences of negative behavior can motivate positive change.
  10. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine. Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and reactions, allowing you to respond to situations in a more intentional and positive way.
  11. Try Not Commenting: You already know the old saying if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. I was never a fan of this saying, but now that I understand why I find I am using it regularly.

Remember, breaking habits takes time and effort. By taking proactive steps to change your online behavior, you can contribute to a more positive and constructive digital community. DOn’t be too hard on yourself. We are only human.

How to Stop Perpetuating Negativity

The rise of online hate speech has serious consequences, contributing to a toxic online environment that can adversely affect mental health and well-being. I am only speaking for myself, but I know many creators feel much like I do. Please understand that, as a creator, I am just trying to help people and make enough money to feed my kids and pay my bills. Thats it.

I’m not trying to be anything I’m not. I am trying to use my story, which my loved ones, friends, and clients have told me is inspirational, to encourage, motivate, and instill hope in the lives of people suffering from substance use disorder, their families, and people struggling in any way.

To the Unfair Critics

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and they are even entitled to share those opinions, but tact is crucial. Why choose to unnecessarily hurt another human being, especially one who is just trying to make the world a better place?

I need you to think about why you have been intent on taking precious time out of your day to make others feel bad about things they put a lot of time and energy into. Can you see how unfair that is? If you can, then you are just a step away from healing. If not, I hope that you will at least think twice before contributing your negativity in the future. You’re hurting yourself more than you know at this moment.

I am so sorry that you are hurting and want to hurt others. I really am. I used to have this issue, and wouldn’t you know that as soon as I got right with myself, my issues were eliminated? I wasn’t angry anymore.

Now, let’s explore the impact these comments have on all content creators. Every like, share, or comment represents a connection between the creator and their audience. Negative comments, however, can erode the sense of community and support, discouraging creators from producing the content that their followers enjoy. Over time, this can lead to burnout and a decline in creativity for the creators.

I implore you to consider the human cost of your actions. Remember that content creators are real people with feelings, aspirations, and vulnerabilities and most genuinely do what they do to help people just like you. Your negative words, even if typed behind the screen of anonymity, have real-world consequences. It’s time to break the cycle and redirect your energy towards positivity.

But how can you stop this harmful behavior? The solution lies in self-awareness and empathy. Take a moment to reflect on the reasons behind your negative comments. Are you projecting your insecurities onto others? Are you using online platforms as an outlet for your internal struggles? Acknowledging these issues is the first step toward personal growth.

Instead of spreading negativity, try to cultivate a positive online presence. Share constructive feedback, engage in meaningful discussions, and support the creators whose content you enjoy. You might be surprised at the positive impact you can have on others and your own well-being. I promise that you will feel so much lighter.

As a society, we spend so much time comparing and clocking what and where other people are that we tend to forget that even though we may not like it, we are in this together. I know you’re in pain because I used to be just like you. I always had a smart comment and thought I was a funny girl, but always at the expense of others because I wanted my focus to be on anything but myself.

I was repeatedly torn down by others my entire life, and I allowed how they felt about me to determine how I felt about myself, and I projected that onto others. Not Fair. I have held myself accountable, and every day, I work toward being the best and highest version of myself. I am so much lighter. Negativity is the hard choice, and it is a choice. You owe it to yourself to allow the healing to commence. Let… It… Go…

Lead With Love

Life really is a better place when you lead with love always, build people up, and do random, unexpected acts of kindness every single day. Give hugs. Hold hands. Give tons of compliments. Do all of the things because if you do, you will quickly see how it all comes back to you. When you are living your life with only pure intentions, things quickly start looking up. Give it a shot, and you can thank me later.

Let us collectively strive to create a digital space where kindness, empathy, and constructive criticism prevail. Remember, your words have power – use them to uplift rather than tear down. You are better than those negative comments that you take time out of your day to write to hurt someone you have never met and don’t particularly have anything against. Words are powerful. Use yours to spread kindness. Its life changing. Seriously.

I am going to take this a step further and I am committing to writing three positive comments for every negative comment I am impacted by in any context. It’s easy because I do it anyway. I like making people feel good and connecting. It’s what we are made for. Is anyone else up for a Turning Negatives to Positives Challenge so you can be a part of the Creator Collective for Kindness?

I am wishing you a journey of self-discovery and positive online interactions.

FREE Printable: Get a detailed actionable super awesome list to help you rid your online space of negativity.

101 Ways to




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Post Off

“Your greatest challenge is to not be distracted by that which happens in front of you, or is pulling on you or calling to you, but instead to find your center and magnetize to yourself all those things that are in alignment with your inner being”

-Sonaya Roman

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am fierce and I am fragile. This is okay because this is me as I rise up from the ashes of the person I was and spread my wings to welcome the person I’ve become.

If This Post…

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach. In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Check Out the Rest…

Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
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Logo Hoodie
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Pnp Womens Tee
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Pnp Hoodie
Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics 49

**Disclaimer: I include affiliate links throughout this blog post. While they come at zero cost to you, they help support my work and allow me to create this blog! I only ever promote companies I personally use and that would benefit my readers. All affiliate links are clearly marked. See full disclosure at the bottom of the page. Thanks again!**

Mother Earth Gaia
Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics 50

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

SUD Resources

If you are interested in getting help, please see the links below or contact me.

SAMSHA National Helpline


This is an amazing resource that is run by an amazing individual, Stephen Murray. I personally volunteer as an operator for the hotline, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of such a life-saving organization. The hotline is for anyone who doesn’t want to risk using alone. You call the hotline, and we stay on the phone with you while you do your dew and until you are sure you are okay. Should you become unresponsive, we immediately contact emergency services and send them to your location. I can personally attest to the fact that this hotline saves lives and changes lives for the better. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should, you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics 51
Suicide And Crisis Hotline Dial 988
Navigating Negativity: The Psychology of Negative Comments & Understanding the Critics 52

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

A Vermont Women'S Prison Story: Samantha Bushika
A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 103

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a woman’s prison? In this series, you will journey with me into the heart of the Green Mountain State, where the stark beauty of Vermont’s landscapes belies a hidden world, one often shrouded in secrecy and shadows. In ‘A Vermont Women’s Prison Story,’ we will embark on a compelling exploration of an often-overlooked aspect of the state’s history and society. Within these prison walls, stories of resilience, redemption, and the human spirit’s unbreakable strength come to life. Get ready to dive deep into the captivating narrative of a woman who has found her voice and her path to transformation against all odds.

Vermont, renowned for its natural splendor, serves as an unlikely backdrop for a narrative as complex as it is inspiring. In the articles in this series, I will unveil the untold stories of the women who have passed through the Vermont women’s prison system, each with our own unique struggles and triumphs. I will shed light on our experiences and offer a glimpse into the challenges we faced, the lives lost in the VT prison system, the corruption, the abuse of power, our experiences (good and bad), the transformations, and the hope we clung to. ‘A Vermont Women’s Prison Story Series’ is a poignant reminder that amidst adversity, there is strength, resilience, and the potential for profound change, not to mention a criminal justice system that knows no justice. Join me on this illuminating journey through the lives and lessons of women raised in the Vermont Women’s Prison.

A Brand-New Dimension of Evil

Behind the imposing steel bars and echoing corridors of that first fateful day in jail, I was about to confront a brand-new dimension of evil. In this story, I will recount the surreal and bewildering experience of my initial incarceration, a chapter in my life I’ll never forget. Little did I know that within the confines of those gray walls, an encounter with an evil inmate harboring unfounded malicious intentions would leave an indelible mark on my memory. My vulnerability became her sinister canvas.

Picture it: my very first sentence behind bars, a sentence etched in memory as one of an evil initiation into a world I never wanted to be a part of. That morning, as I reluctantly entered the unforgiving cold hard steel doors of the prison, I had no inkling that a bizarre nightmare was about to unfold with me as the protagonist. As I stepped into my new reality, I was about to learn that incarceration isn’t just about time served—it’s also about navigating the wicked uncharted waters of human nature, especially when it reveals its darkest facets. I am still traumatized by the perplexing events that transpired when this evil inmate cunningly exploited my vulnerability as a twisted means to an end with no motive past her own entertainment.

The Red-Haired Girl

Vermont Womens Prison 2-Woman Behind Bars
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I was booked and sent to the hole, where I sat for twelve days. On the 12th day, I was sent to a unit. After I was done with the CO (Correctional Officer), I dragged my bag to the cell that I had been assigned to. I was roommates with a sixty-five-year-old woman with only one leg, which my gregarious personality never thought twice about. When I turned around, four of five girls were at my door, and a red-haired girl said, “You got anything?” (Referring to drugs.)

My best guy friend had been to jail, and he had some experiences that he shared with me that had taught me enough to say “no.” She whipped back, “Why aren’t you sick then?” meaning that she assumed I was an addicted person who was suddenly thrown in jail where I had no drugs. I would have been sick had I not had drugs. I was so surprised by her comment that I just stared into her small beady, rat-like eyes.

The CO door slammed shut, and they all scuffled away. I would soon learn that we weren’t allowed in cells that were not our own, and most officers would write us up for standing in the doorways. I would also learn that that loud slam of the door was a wonderful warning that the officer would soon be making his way down the hallway, which they did every half hour on the dot. I looked at my new roomie and shrugged, and she said quietly, “Watch out for that one.” Those were the only words I ever heard her speak.

Yes, Your Hoo-ha

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I won’t get into the details of how this girl kept busting into the bathroom stall on me, trying to catch me with drugs out, or about all of the things she did to make the first days of my incarceration a living hell. I needed to be in nature with my hippie self. There was nothing I loved more than sitting on the grass and feeling the sun on my face, so that’s what I did. About two or three weeks into my bid, I went outside to the rec yard. The red-haired girl had been getting more and more ferocious towards me with every day that passed that I wasn’t sick. From what I had experienced to this point, I knew that she was a level of evil I had never experienced before, but I really had no idea of the depths of this red-haired girl’s depravity. I should have paid better attention.

I was sitting in the grass away from everyone. This is what I had come to like. The normal extroverted me decided I didn’t want anything to do with the kind of energy floating around there. I noticed that red-haired girl and a group of girls giggling as they walked in my direction. By this point, I was hoping she would. I had always been a freedom fighter. I had always fought for the underdog, and now I was the underdog. Believe I was about it, but she had a different plan. She kept walking around me. I was sitting cross-legged on the ground, making a dandelion crown (I told you I was a hippie.) I didn’t like having her hovering over me like she was, and she knew it.

I had been told stories about how girls were so desperate for drugs in jail that they would hold you down and go inside your “purse,” as they called it. There are many ways to get drugs in jail, but there is only one place that is safe to hide them. Yup, you guessed it- your hoo-ha. I won’t lie the idea that I could be raped for my drugs scared me because these girls would have followed anyone who wanted to lead, as I found out later on.

Self-Love Candle
Self-love Aromatherapy Candle
Protection Candle
Protection Aromatherapy Candle
Love Candle
Love Aromatherapy Candle

She suddenly let out a howl. It sent me about three feet off the grass where I was sitting, and I was expecting it. I turned towards the noise, noticing some of the girls hysterically laughing. She was pointing at me. Pointing at me and saying words that I had never heard before. “She has bugs! She has lice! Get her buggy ass outta here!” She went on and on, as you can imagine. The COs were now heading quickly towards us. I remember thinking, “God, help me!” I was a very scared, very young, very naive girl. I caught on quickly, though.

The COs arrived and looked as equally as disgusted as the inmates as she loudly began telling them over and over that I was absolutely infested with head lice. Side Note: Never mind the fact that I had been incarcerated for about 3-4 weeks by this time, had gotten a lice check upon arrival, and that had I actually had head lice, I had gotten it from someone in the unit.

The COs reluctantly asked me to stand up and back, and I did so with my hands up because I would have done anything to escape that rec yard at that moment, as the crowd of inmate spectators grew and grew, and the laughs and giggles grew and grew.

This walk of shame tops almost ANY walk of shame. The guard asked me to keep a six-foot distance between us. He escorted me to the nurses’ office. When I got to the nurses’ office, the moment the door shut behind me, I lost it. I was sobbing and shaking. I don’t think I have ever had a reaction to anything in my life as this reaction. I wasn’t a chick that often cried. I was tough, but a person can only take so much, and unfortunately, this story gets so much worse.

Hurt People Hurt People

Vermont Women'S Prison- Crazy Woman In Cell
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The Nurse Practitioner took pity on me, and when I told her what had happened, she gently smiled. She looked at me with wet eyes and said the red-haired girl’s name. My jaw hit the floor.

She proceeded to use pencil erasers to check my head. She didn’t find anything at all after her fifteen-minute head check. If not for the kindness of this woman, I don’t think I would have found the strength. Turns out that this woman would continue to have my back relentlessly throughout the next twenty-plus years. She was amazing as our facility doctor, and her words meant the world to me.

She told me that the facility would only allow one small bottle of lice shampoo per individual, two per incident. The first initially and the second seven or ten days later. I told her that one bottle wouldn’t even do my ends. She said, “My dear, this is not something you should worry yourself with because you do not have head lice. I am giving you this bottle because I know that if your new friend doesn’t see you treat your head, she will continue to give you a hard time.” She further confided that “hurt people, hurt people.” This stuck with me and has been a mantra of mine for all time since this incident. She gave me a few more tidbits of sage advice and sent me back to my unit. Lice shampoo in my liceless hand. This was the walk of dread that followed the walk of shame.

When I walked back into my until with my head down, my beautiful hair in a giant messy bun on top of my head, something caught my eye after the door slammed behind me, and I looked up to see that every single woman in the unit had a trash bag over their heads, tied in crafty knots; some had the knot in the front, some on the side, and some in the back. Just when I didn’t think things could ever get worse. I grabbed some clothes and went to de-louse my louse-less self.

A Living Breathing Punchline

Yet another walk of shame while I listened to this girl, go on and on about how disgusting and dirty I was, and those were the kinder comments. When she saw that I only had one bottle, she started getting louder, yelling at the CO, asking what one bottle was going to do to “fix her nasty hippie head of dirty hair.” She went on and on. The CO yelled something equally offensive, if not more so. The COs loved the drama and contributed more often than not with no fear of repercussions.

Their relentless cruelty killed a part of me. I had always believed that humankind was inherently good, as were their intentions. This shifted, especially after what came next. A forced haircut that was not about hygiene but, instead, a cruel and calculated successful attempt to turn me into a living, breathing punchline.

There was a men’s unit perpendicular to my unit that shared the middle CO office with a window in each unit—being that the women’s prison was simply a unit in a men’s prison. The men and women were always exchanging notes, contraband, and drugs in the food, under the doors, and left in the rec yard. I was walking out for chow, and I looked up at the office, and I saw four or five men in the window. They were looking at me, laughing hysterically, inching their heads, and yelling for their buddies to check me out. I wanted to curl up in a ball, but I knew it was not an option.

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New Moon Candle
New Moon Aromatherapy Candle
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Vermont Women'S Prison- Woman In Orange Prison Attire
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After chow, I was in my cell writing a letter, and I heard the red-haired girl start firing up by being loud and laughing. Suddenly I heard my last name being called by her. They called me out, and I went. I looked her dead in her eyes and said, “What’s up?”

“Can I check your head to see how the little guys are doing? We all want to remove our new hats,” she said, smirking, looking more like a homely rat than ever. I told her to have at it.

This seemed to me to be a Broadway production because this girl sure was putting on quite the show. Grunting and groaning and pretending she was cracking nits (this is what they call lice eggs, and I had never even heard the word prior to this) between her fingernails for effect. I just kept praying and rolling my eyes. At one point, she was like screaming in my ears while they all laughed, grabbing their stomachs rolling over while the CO sat with feet up on the desk, smiling behind the magazine he was “reading”. My ears seriously hurt for days after.

How was this kind of cruelty humorous? What kind of people were they? So desperate for external approval from a completely irrelevant individual. We all lived in different parts of the state, and she was the only woman there from her area. Most would never see her again.

As expected, her prognosis didn’t disappoint her fans. I was infested. There were colonies upon colonies. I just have been walking around with bugs for most of my life. I finally had had enough. I stood up, again looked her dead in her eyes, and asked her what I had to do to make it stop. She flinched and broke eye contact. She looked at her friend and then back to me. “The only thing you can do, baby girl. Let us cut your hair. It’s the only way we will know FOR SURE that your friends have left their home in your head.”

Good Ole Vermont Women’s Prison

To say I was shocked is a gross understatement. I took two steps towards her, put my face right up to hers, and quietly said, “Not gonna happen.” She broke eye contact again and said, “Don’t say we didn’t warn you then ’cause it’s game on until that pretty hair is gone.” I walked back to my cell, but I didn’t cry. I knew this was all happening for a reason, but I was never going to cut my hair off. I loved my hair. It made me, me.

The torture got worse and worse, and they did unspeakable things to me. It was bad, really, really bad. I have never seen a person go through worse than what I went through. They put shit on my pillow! Who does this kind of stuff? Two weeks later, I allowed them to chop off my hair. I reasoned that it would grow back before I was released, and at this point, I would have given them my pinky finger to get them to even just relent a little.

She tried to sweeten the deal by telling me that she wouldn’t be the one doing it. She told me her friend (this almost six-foot-tall girl with bad breath) would be my barber. I asked how we would get scissors, and, big surprise, they all laughed. She told me that they would be using fingernail clippers. I promised myself I wouldn’t react. That’s what they wanted, and it wasn’t going to happen. I would not let them see me broken. I would not give them that power.

Surreal Act of Degradation

In that stark, unforgiving environment, my heart pounded like a drumbeat of dread as I watched the malevolent inmate prepare what would be needed for the job. The jail dayroom had become an unlikely stage for this surreal act of degradation. Surrounded by her captive audience of amused onlookers, the air hung thick with tension, anticipation, unease, and my own trepidation. As the first lock of hair fell to the ground, I could now not only feel my heart- I could hear it, and I knew as they did that this act was not about personal hygiene but about power for them and humiliation for me. With each calculated snip, my reflection in the commissary mirror transformed into a grotesque caricature, leaving me feeling like the punchline of this cruel joke penned by fate. Yet, hidden beneath the layers of humiliation, a spark of determination ignited within me, a resolve to reclaim my sense of self in this unsettling new reality.

The red-haired girl’s sinister grin revealed her sadistic pleasure in my vulnerability. Each snip of those fingernail clippers and there were many, seemed to carry a piece of my dignity away, strand by strand. The cruel transformation she wrought was a grotesque parody of a haircut, leaving me resembling something out of a slapstick comedy. But beneath the facade of humiliation, an ember of resilience was still burning within me, determined not to let this bizarre ordeal define my experience in this unforgiving place.

I sat there and allowed them to destroy my very long, thick, and beautiful hair. Every single one of them knew that I had never had head lice to begin with. I thought maybe I would have an uneven bob or the equivalent. What they did to me is something I will never understand. The cruelty of this “haircut” and everything after has haunted me to the point that I have never had even a trim in all the time since. Never once until a few weeks ago by my stylist, who has been doing my hair for years. It was hard, but she got me through it. I am forever grateful.

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A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 108

The Top of the Food Chain

Does anyone remember Kid & Play? This girl did more damage with those little, tiny nail clippers than I could have done with a chainsaw. She started on the bottom and went in a perfectly straight line from the bottom of one ear to the middle of the other ear, leaving about 1/2 inch of hair. She then moved up 1/4 of an inch and made the same crooked line. 1/4 of an inch above that the same and on and on. So, those lines on the sides of Kid & Play’s hair; I had lines like that but crooked all the way around my head, and she also left a tuft in the middle on the top. You don’t even know. No matter how badly I try to portray this with words, they just can’t possibly do the hideousness of my new haircut justice. To give you an idea, this image is what my hair looked like, except not just on the sides; it went all the way around with these even lines. 👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉👉

I’m not going to get into what happened after this except to say that I had many chances over the next 20 years to get back at that red-haired girl, but aside from ensuring that she never received drugs that made their way to population as I worked my way to the top of the VT prison food chain, I never did anything to her. I thanked her silently for making me strong and preparing me for all that came after. Honestly, holding out on her and ensuring she never got anything from my direction, which was often the only direction, was enough. I pitied her for having to live her existence, hating herself more than anyone else possibly could.

This was my welcome to the following twenty years of torture. It wasn’t long before the jail started treating me much as my town did. Why? I’ll be honest. It was because I was a highly intelligent person addicted to heroin. In my experience, most of us addicted to heroin are highly intelligent, not all but a lot. There was also the fact that, much like now, I didn’t say I was going to do something and not do it. Authenticity was and continues to be very important to me. I was no innocent by far. When I would get out, I would send drugs in, and they would get in.

Concealing Internally

I did it in legal mail, so nine times out of ten, it was a supervisor who handed the drugs over to the inmate. When that got blown up (told on and caught), I would come up with another way. I was doing it for my girls AND to get over on those who had repeatedly administratively segregated me for up to six months at a time… Alone… In the hole for things like “suspicion of trafficking drugs/Suboxone” into the facility, when most of us were prescribed upon arrival and inhumanely ripped off to detox with nothing to help. Side Note: Suboxone is a medication prescribed for people with SUD to aid them in discontinuing their drug use. At times when I was down there, the superintendent would come down at lunchtime, put one glove on, and hand me my lunch, antagonizing me. One time he came down, and they were short on beds, and they knew I could get a ride at a moment’s notice. He told me if I gave him my word that I wouldn’t send drugs into the facility, he would let me out. Even they know I am a woman of my word, and I kept my word to him that time.

I think it’s important that I let you know that I do not think any of this is cool. I am not proud of the things I did during this time of my life. You have no idea what it’s like to be served a search warrant on your vagina and then have the incident put in every single newspaper in your state, talking about you having drugs, tobacco, and body jewelry hidden in your ‘vaginal cavity.’ The thought of my kids someday finding these newspaper articles makes me see that I REALLY have to make it count so that they will not see what I have done but what I have overcome.

Being treated the way we were treated, and for so long, steals a part of you. You start to think of yourself the way that they see you. After that, there is no possibility for growth. You do desperate things because desperate times call for desperate measures, and this is somehow justifiable. I can say that I probably wouldn’t have worked so hard to get drugs if I had been kept on my meds or if maintenance was allowed in facilities back then. We stuck together back then. It was us vs. them and we were all suffering with addiction and mental health issues (dual-diagnosis’.)

One time when I was administratively seggregated (ad-segged) my case worker, who used to be a correctional officer supervisor, told me that he had heard a long time ago that I “was smarter than all of them put together.” This had a profound effect on me and is one of the things that made me see that I was pointing all of my energies in the wrong direction. If I worked as hard on my transformation as I did to do things like get drugs in the jail, I might be able to accomplish something and don’t you know I DID.

The Rise of Fentanyl

Aside from the red-haired girl, I never had another issue in jail. I wouldn’t allow it. The women I met in that jail are/were some of the gentlest, kindest, funniest, most loving, and amazing individuals that I had ever met. We all have our shit, and 90% of us were running from things that someone else did to us that we had no control over. We all suffered from serious mental health issues that were NEVER addressed or treated within those walls. I can also tell you that some of the best times in my life were within those walls. Well- almost all of the years in my life were within those walls, but e always made the best of it. Back when we were moved to Windsor and could move freely around the facility, even though it was so cold our shampoo would freeze on our dressers, we used to have scavenger hunts. You know, like Sam’s black brush, Tonya’s red sock, etc. Each team would have a list of hard-to-get items, and whoever finished first won the game. Maybe it was more like Capture the Flag or something. Who cares because it was fun.

What really breaks my heart is how things changed when Fentanyl came on the scene. Before this, we never wondered upon going back out if we would ever see one another again. It was another whole nightmare altogether. Every time I would leave or watch my friends leave, I would be silently wondering if this was it. Is this the last bid? Is this the last time I will see her? The worst part was that, more often than not, they would leave to never come back. On top of all of the other stuff, we had a whole hidden world of another level of corruption in that jail, as I’m sure you can imagine reading the articles. They treated us like dirt, and yes, we went in there addicted, but they perpetuated our diseases. Between the vicious revolving door/recidivism and not knowing how we could ever feel right after witnessing and experiencing some of the stuff we experienced in that jail. The COs that would meet up with us (inmates) and buy drugs for us definitely didn’t help either. When someone would roll in that the COs had “interacted” with on the streets, they would get nervous and suddenly start over-enforcing the rules and reg’s by ALOT. Too much. The abuse of power in that place was staggering, almost like they sought out dudes with “little man” syndrome. Maybe people who were picked on their whole lives and never felt in control of anything throughout those lives. When they got a taste of the power within the correctional officer title, they unleashed. They took it all out on us lowly inmates, and we were the low lives?

Good People with Bad Drug Problems

One of the COs had sex with multiple inmates in the facility, and most of the upper food chain had witnessed or was aware of the circumstances. When it hits the fan, and everybody starts being questioned, three girls pursue charges as a result of his harassment inside and outside the walls. That’s three witnesses against this sick fu*k. The state knows that he had purchased drugs for them in the past, and so do the other inmates, and suddenly all three of these beautiful women, two with children, pass away as a result of ‘overdoses.’ The CO walks! He walks! Three of his witnesses don’t live to tell the story, and he walks. Nobody has said a thing, as you will see in the articles. So, because they were addicted to drugs, this doesn’t seem suspicious at all? Pshhhhhhhh… This is Vermont, friends, and I am opening it wide for the world to see!

I was very close with one of the women, and what she told me about their contacts made my blood run cold. This guy was a sick, twisted, perverted sadist, and they didn’t deserve this. Looking back now blows my mind because you would never believe the resilience, strength, and perseverance that we exhibited during those times. It is truly commendable. No matter what we were losing with the current bid, we were able to rise above and make the best of our current circumstances. I have never experienced such an inspirational populace in my life. None of us were bad people- we just had bad drug problems.

My Name is Sam, Addict.

Vermont Women'S Prison
A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 109

Hi, my name is Sam, addict. I was addicted to using and selling heroin for more than twenty years of my life before addiction was considered a disease. My addiction was so bad that my hands are permanently damaged from IV drug use. I spent my entire early-mid adulthood behind bars for minor, non-violent drug-related crimes without being offered any kind of significant rehabilitation program.

In 2016 at the age of thirty-five, I suddenly found myself pregnant, and it wasn’t just about me anymore. I immediately began making small changes and living in a more positive mindset as a result of learning about the law of attraction. I checked myself into a local homeless shelter to get out of the apartment where I was selling drugs, with the clothes on my back, a 450 credit score, and a correctional GPS around my ankle, and two years after I had a second child and one year after that I purchased my own 350k home. I am a Certified Addictions Recovery & Life Coach, CDAC Intern, and I just finished my addiction counseling education program at Westfield State.  I hit seven years in March.

All I want is to help others struggling in life. Every person who knew me growing up would have bet the farm that I would have been dead long ago. I created this blog to build a beautiful community of support because I truly believe that I can help people and make enough money to feed my kids, despite being told that this is not possible. It’s much harder than I expected. I’m struggling to stay afloat, and I am blogging even more than full-time with two small children. I just assumed that people would come, and that’s not the case. This is why I need all the support I can get. I am bound and determined to #provethemallwrong and to #showthemwhatwecando. I need your help, though. Please share, like, follow, subscribe, register, and comment below if you are someone or know someone who has spent time in prison. I would love to hear from you, and you will be helping me give a voice to those of us who have been failed by the Criminal ‘Justice’ System because if we don’t find our voice, it will be lost, and the world will never know what our addictions have truly cost us. I am going to link to an article regarding the incident that I referenced above. I am only sharing it to maintain authenticity and because I believe in 150% transparency with readers.

You have to understand that addiction really is a disease. The first time I heard how drugs were transported into a facility I was absolutely repulsed like BAD. When we are going in knowing we would be yanked off all of our meds instantly it leaves you with two choices and though one may be repulsive it not sitting in your own fecal matter from a dibilitating detox. I chose not detoxing every time. The article below was the result of my first body search warrant. I only gave up a small portion of what I had and this was the more mild incident. I managed to the the entire jail high for quite awhile and so badly we were locked down for weeks. It’s Suboxone people, if you could die from overuse I would have died a long time ago and I said I would be honest. The murderers that didn’t use drugs were pretty angry about losing their visits and I could eat kitchen food for months because they kept putting bugs in my food. Awesome, right? That’s jail.

Woman allegedly smuggled drugs within her body into state facility

I Need Your Help

The thought of other young people getting sucked into this unjust system eats me alive, so let’s work on prevention and get our stories out there. I want your stories. I want to know about your experiences. I want the good, the bad, the wicked. You can submit your original works such as writing, drawings, sketches, paintings, poems, and whatever else is relevant to this cause. Help me help them and you. Please use the submission form at the bottom of the page. If you are in need of support, check out my support forums after registering. If you are looking for resources, check out my sidebar or my Resource page. If you are interested in learning more about me and my story, check out my About page. If you are looking to contact me, click this 👇👇👇.

I am here to tell you that if I can do what I have done, it is a real possibility for ANYONE! I never even wanted to get sober. I was fine with dying the way most of us do. I am so glad I kept fighting because it really does get easier, just like they said, and now I just want to help you find your way because if my zero willpower having ass can rack up seven years, then there is hope for all. I swear.

If you enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments below and check out my post, Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System, and see some of the issues we were forced to deal with inside of a corrupt and unjust justice system in Vermont with links to real newspaper articles.

Post Off

“Before you can break out of prison, you must realise you are locked up.” 


Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

Today I release shame. I forgive those that have wronged me, and I allow forgiveness from those I have wronged.

Drug War Veteran and Purple Ribbon V-Neck T-Shirt

Drug War Veteran Merch V Neck
A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 110

About This Product

  • Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Pull On closure
  • Machine Wash
  • Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve, and bottom hem
  • Available in 9 Colors and Many Sizes

PNP Logo Design Zip Hoodie

Pnp Logo Hoodie
A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 111

About this item

  • Solid colors: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester; Heather Grey: 78% Cotton, 22% Poly; Dark Heather: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • This is the famous logo representing the blog Progressing Not Perfecting.
  • PNP is an addiction recovery blog, and the founder works hard to motivate, instill hope, and inspire people to change.
  • 8.5 oz, Classic fit, Twill-taped neck
  • Comes in 8 Colors and Many Sizes

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Over-Unity Long Sleeve Shirt

Overunity Long Sleeve
A Vermont Women's Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series) 112

About this item

Fit TypeClassic Fit
Neck StyleCrew Neck
MaterialPolyester, Cotton
Sleeve TypeLong Sleeve
  • Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve, and bottom hem
  • Multiple colors and sizes

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Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control

Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control

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Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control 179
Game Changing Book Covers
Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control 180

Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey that requires constant growth and development. Building resilience, personal development, and exploring purpose are among the topics I target when looking for life-changing books. These life-changing books provide practical advice and indirect strategies for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life. Whether you are struggling with addiction or not, these books will help. Being a helper of people and a seeker of knowledge, books are a large part of my story. I am a firm believer in the fact that knowledge is power. These books prove that to be accurate.

The following is a list of the fifty-eight best personal development books, which I found to be inspiring and to offer practical advice and strategies for those of us in addiction recovery as well as those that are not. Every single book that made this list was a game-changer for me. They are in no particular order because I found each to be equally important for different reasons. Most are available on Audible, and all are available on Amazon. You can click the image or the title to be brought to a page for purchase. If you use my link, I may receive a small commission, which allows me to continue to create great content and costs nothing to you.

My Life-Changing Books List

The Power Of Now Book Cover A Life Changing Books
Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control 181

Living in the present moment is the key to avoiding being consumed by addiction. Eckhart Tolle offers practical techniques for achieving inner peace and serenity. By focusing on the present moment, we can overcome negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to addiction. Like, for real. The Power of Now is a must-read for those of us on the path to recovery and anyone else who is a seeker of truth. Religion and spirituality are different things. Honestly, I often refer to them as opposites. Spirituality is truth, and you know how I feel about truth. #truthtime Honorable Mentions: A New Earth and Living a Life of Inner Peace.

Steven Greer National Press Conference
Overcoming Addiction: 58 of the Life-Changing Books That Inspired Me to Take Control 182

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Dr. Steven Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Conference

Dr. Greer has dedicated the last thirty years of his life voluntarily to collecting the overwhelming evidence presented to Congress this week regarding secret black ops, extra-terrestrial programs, our government, and everything that has been kept from the public. He has collected the testimonies of over 736 high-ranking government officials and other reputable citizens. The Pentagon has been ordered to comply. You can check out the whole conference below. He has gotten us this far, and now it’s our turn to give back for his grandkids and for ours.

Daring Greatly Book Cover
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Vulnerability is often viewed as a weakness, but it can be used to build resilience and overcome addiction. Brené Brown explores the concept of vulnerability and how it can be used as a tool for growth. By embracing imperfection, we can learn from our mistakes and use them as a tool for personal growth. I fell in love with Brene Brown after watching her Ted Talk on The Power of Vulnerability. She is AMAZING! I could listen to her talk for days. She seems really down to earth, and I like that a lot. Honorable Mentions: Dare to Lead, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. All of her content is fantastic.

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People Cover By Stephen Covey
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This book is a classic in the field of personal development. It offers practical advice on cultivating positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction and succeed in all areas of your life. The seven habits outlined in this book are: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw. This book is a must-read for those of us who are sick of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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Carol Dweck explains how our mindset shapes our attitudes toward various aspects of life, including education, relationships, sports, and business. Through numerous examples and studies, she demonstrates how the growth mindset leads to greater resilience, motivation, and achievement. She also highlights the damaging effects of a fixed mindset, such as a fear of judgment, a limited sense of potential, and a lack of fulfillment growth mindset is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life.

This book offers a thought-provoking exploration of human potential and the power of our beliefs. It challenges us to reflect on our own mindset and consider the ways in which it may be limiting our personal and professional growth. Carol Dweck’s work provides a compelling argument for embracing a growth mindset, inspiring individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success and fulfillment in all areas of life, which is perfect for those of us in recovery because it’s kinda exactly what most of us are trying to do.

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It’s no secret that Dr. Joe Dispenza is a large part of my journey to recovery. It was one of his YouTube videos that changed the direction of my life. Just keep an open mind because this is exactly what the Doctor ordered (pun intended). I call him the science behind the Law of Attraction. Joe Dispenza teaches us how to eliminate old habits and ways of thinking completely. I often say, “if you don’t believe, you don’t receive.”

Joe Dispenza introduces us to the idea of the “quantum self” – a version of ourselves that exists beyond our current limitations. He explores the concept of mindfulness and meditation as powerful tools for shifting our awareness and accessing our potential. By letting go of old beliefs and embracing new possibilities, we can transform our lives and manifest our desires.

This offers a profound understanding of the mind-body connection and the potential for personal growth and transformation. I read it after watching everything I could find on YouTube. It hooked me by challenging me to take responsibility for my own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and further empowered me to create the life I truly desired by making me see that it was a very real possibility with very little physical effort on my part but a HUGE mental and emotional effort. It was just what I needed when I needed it.

This book serves as a roadmap for breaking free from old patterns (addictions/behaviors), unlocking our potential, and living a more fulfilling and authentic life which, as I said, is just what the doctor ordered for those of us in recovery. It provides practical exercises and techniques to help us break free from our old habits. He guides us through meditation practices, visualizations, and affirmations that enable us to tap into our subconscious mind and reprogram it for positive change.

Joe Dispenza emphasizes the importance of consistency, dedication, and self-discipline in the process of personal transformation. It sounds like a tall order now, but in long-term recovery, we tend to have a NEED to be better. I do, anyways. Just go into it with an open mind and watch the transformation begin. Honorable Mentions: You Are the Placebo and Becoming Supernatural. All of Joe Dispenza’s books are fire. He has amazing meditations too.

 E² Book Cover
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This book was a game changer for me because it includes nine actionable steps or “energy experiments” that prove consciousness trumps matter. In other words, thoughts become things. This involves nine 48-hour experiments that prove the universe is on our side. If you are skeptical, please just humor me. You won’t regret it. I have gifted this book to at least four people, all of which have changed the direction of their lives in very positive ways. Pam Grout also has an E-Cubed, which is a sequel to this one, which makes it onto my honorable mention list.

I have also encouraged many of my clients just to do the first exercise, and I’ve got to say I have yet to be disappointed. Thank you, Universe and Pam Grout!

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Another complete game-changer. New York Times Best Seller. Gabby Bernstein is in recovery and has a beautiful life. A life beyond her wildest dreams. She shares practical steps for sliding into spiritual practice, clear guidance, mindfulness, and many other ways to align with the universe and make all of your dreams come true.

Since the release of this book, she has written at least one more best seller and has manifested everything she was aiming for while writing this book. I subscribe to her newsletter, which is one of the few I open. Honorable Mentions: Spirit Junkie, The Universe Has Your Back, and Miracles Now. She is truly an inspiration. We all know how difficult it can be to make your recovery an open book. (Again, pun intended.)

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New York Times Best Seller. Mike Dooley teaches us how to tap into our true spiritual nature to live a wonder, joyous, and happiness-filled life. This book explores and shares how powerful we truly are and what happens when we finally realize it. Mike Dooley shares that we are beings with infinite possibilities. I love Mike Dooley’s tone. You can just tell he is a pragmatic guy that stumbled on a faith-based experience, and I love it.

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Dr. Wayne Dyer (May he rest in peace) is one of my favorite authors, and he got that title after I read this book. He has a beautiful writing style that makes everything seem profound and beautiful. Wayne knows that with God, all things are possible. We learn his technique for retraining your subconscious mind, how to connect and stay connected to our God Source Energy, and he teaches us in detail how to be our best and highest selves and how to live our best and highest lives.

Wayne passed away in 2015, I believe but don’t quote me, and he lived his best and highest life for sure. He inspired millions, including me. RIP, Wayne Dyer.

Honorable Mentions: Change Your Thoughts- Change Your Life, The Power of Intention, and The Shift. These books left me speechless and very motivated.

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I am a huge fan of YouTube’s Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu, so when he mentioned that his wife’s new book was coming out, I had to get on the list to receive it, and I am so glad I did. Lisa was raised by a family that was very traditional in their ways of thinking. Translation: Lisa should aspire to be nothing more than a stay-at-home mother and wife.

Lisa teaches us that we don’t have to wait out our insecurities to go after our dreams because we can attain them right now. We must acknowledge our fears and insecurities, look them dead in the eye, and then push them to the side. Lisa helps us to stop listening to the “mean girl inside our heads” and dream big already. Thank you, Tom Bileau, for the AMAZING recommendation. Look how adorably beautiful she is!

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This book also helped me on a profound level. Being someone that suffers from ADHD, I really get overwhelmed easily, but since reading this book, not so much. I take small steps each day towards my goals for big results over time. It’s genius. Achieving success in all areas of life requires developing positive habits and behaviors. Darren Hardy provides practical strategies for achieving success in all areas of your life. By focusing on small changes, we can achieve big results. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve success in recovery or otherwise.

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Achieving personal growth and development is essential for overcoming addiction. Jen Sincero provides practical strategies for achieving personal growth and development. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives. Jen Sincero is hilarious and witty. She is fun, and her humor makes you eager to read more.

This is one of my favorites, and she now has a series of these books called You Are A Bad Ass at Making Money, You Are A Bad Ass Every Day, and Bad Ass Habits. Those are really good as well. Side Note: She is also the author of a little book called The Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping With Chicks, which is hilarious, like laugh-out-loud hilarious, and she holds nothing back. Side Note: Jen does mention having alcoholic beverages in this book, so if that is something that bothers you, then I would steer clear of this guide.

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Mark Manson introduces the concept of “not giving a f*ck” as a mindset that liberates us from the need for approval and societal expectations. He emphasizes the importance of choosing our battles wisely and investing our time and energy in things that align with our values. By accepting the inevitability of pain and discomfort, we can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and find meaning in the process.

Mark Manson explores the concept of values and how they can be used to overcome addiction. By focusing on our values, we can let go of negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to addiction. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to overcome addiction and achieve personal growth, and aren’t we all?

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Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for achieving success in all areas of life. Napoleon Hill provides practical strategies for developing a positive mindset and overcoming the obstacles that can lead to addiction. By focusing on our goals, we can achieve success in all areas of our lives. Hill has become one of my very favorite authors. I love his tone, and we both share a strong desire to help others succeed.

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Achieving inner peace and serenity is essential for overcoming addiction. Michael Singer provides practical techniques for achieving inner peace and serenity, which work. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and go on to achieve success in all areas of our lives.

This is a profound and introspective book that delves into the nature of consciousness and the path to inner freedom. Michael Singer guides us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, inviting us to explore the depths of our inner world and transcend the limitations of the ego. Through profound insights and practical teachings, we are encouraged to release the attachments and fears that hold us back and instead embrace a state of pure awareness and mindfulness.

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Living a fulfilling life requires adopting four simple agreements: be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. Don Miguel Ruiz provides practical advice on how to let go of negative beliefs and behaviors that can lead to addiction. This is the one that could change the world if we could get everyone to read it. I love everything that this book stands for. I really do. We should all live by these principles. Not to mention that we lose touch with some of these principles throughout active addiction, so it was nice to be reminded.

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Times are changing, and most of us know that spirituality has nothing to do with religion but more to do with extra-terrestrial and multi-dimensional beings. This book sums it all up perfectly, and I owe my recovery to my spirituality. Somehow the harder I tried to prove it wrong, the further it was proven until seven years had gone by, and holy sh*t, I’m still sober. It filled that dark, empty hole within me that had always caused me to feel like I didn’t belong or that I was different. This is the same emptiness and hole that I believed I was filling with heroin.

My spirituality allowed me to see that I am different and that being different isn’t such a bad thing. My spirituality has had me witness real-life magic many times over the last seven years, and every day is filled with more wonder than the last. I truly believe that spirituality can help many of us suffering from addiction and other issues. It is faith and hope and has nothing to do with religion, and Stewart Dixon nails it in this book.

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The book begins by introducing the concept of the avatar as a symbol of our highest potential and divine nature. Darren explores the idea that each individual has an inner wisdom and power waiting to be awakened and expressed. He offers practical tools and techniques to help us tap into this inner potential and unleash our most authentic selves.

He delves into topics such as energy healing, consciousness expansion, and personal growth. He provides insights and exercises to help us navigate our own inner landscapes, release limiting beliefs and patterns, and embrace our unique gifts and purpose in life. Yes, every single one of us has unique gifts, and that’s why this book is on the list.

I love this book, and I think I have listened to it about five times now. I found myself immediately integrating the suggestions into my life and seeing positive change shortly after. This book is another that gave me hope that I could still have a fantastic life and accomplish great things as a five-time convicted felon and ex-addicted individual.

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Breaking bad habits and cultivating positive ones is essential for overcoming addiction. James Clear provides practical advice on how to develop positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction. By focusing on small changes, we can achieve big results.

James provides a four-step model for building effective habits: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. He shares practical strategies for implementing these steps in various areas of life, such as health, productivity, relationships, and personal growth. He also addresses common pitfalls and offers strategies for overcoming obstacles and staying on track. Are you sure this book wasn’t written for people in recovery?

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This amazing book challenges traditional beliefs about the relationship between the mind and body. Author Bruce Lipton presents a revolutionary perspective on health and healing that will change the way you think about your body and mind. Lipton is a cell biologist who has spent years studying epigenetics, how cells work, and how they communicate. In this book, he presents his findings on how our beliefs and thoughts can affect our physical health. Yes, the SCIENCE.

Bruce Lipton presents a groundbreaking perspective on the mind-body connection. He argues that our beliefs and thoughts can actually affect the way our cell’s function and communicate with each other. He explains that our cells are not controlled solely by our genes but also by our environment and our beliefs. This means that our thoughts and beliefs can actually influence our physical health. Lipton’s research provides a scientific basis for the mind-body connection and offers a new way of thinking about health and healing.

I recommend listening to this book on Audible. I tried reading it but kept losing myself in thoughts and concepts. Listening was much more beneficial for me, like by a landslide.

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One of the main concepts in “You Were Born Rich” is the Law of Attraction, which states that we attract into our lives what we focus on. If we focus on lack and scarcity, we will continue to experience those things. But if we focus on abundance and prosperity, we will attract more of those things into our lives. This is where the power of positive thinking comes in – by focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs, we can shift our mindset and attract more abundance into our lives. As some of you know, this is the exact formula I used to beat my lifelong addiction to heroin.

While having a positive mindset is important, it’s not enough on its own to attract wealth and abundance. Action is also necessary. Bob Proctor emphasizes the importance of taking action toward our goals and persisting through challenges. He encourages us to set clear goals, create a plan of action, and take consistent steps toward those goals. He also reminds us that challenges and setbacks are inevitable, but it’s how we respond to them that determines our success. By persisting through challenges and staying focused on our goals, we can unlock the secrets to wealth and abundance. Yes, even us!

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This is a self-help book that was first published in 1925. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality and that by changing them, we can achieve success and happiness. The book is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different aspect of life, such as health, wealth, and relationships. Throughout the book, Florence Scovel-Shinn offers practical advice and real-life examples to help readers understand and apply her teachings.

One of the key teachings is the power of positive thinking and visualization. Florence Scovel-Shinn believed that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality and that by focusing on positive outcomes and visualizing them, we can manifest them in our lives. She encourages readers to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations and visualizations of their goals. By doing so, she believed readers could attract success and happiness into their lives. I am living proof that, somehow, this magic works.

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A self-help book written by Joseph Murphy that explores the power of the subconscious mind and how to harness it to achieve personal and professional success. The book offers practical advice and techniques for developing a positive mindset and achieving one’s goals.

One of the book’s main points is that the subconscious mind is a powerful force that can be harnessed to achieve success in all areas of life. Murphy provides readers with a series of exercises and techniques for accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming negative thought patterns.

This is a valuable resource for those of us interested in personal growth and development. Murphy’s writing is clear and accessible, and his ideas are grounded in both spiritual tradition and scientific research. The book provides practical advice and exercises to help us achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.

. The Last Law Of Attraction Book You Will Ever Need To Read Book Cover
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This is a self-help book that also explores the concept of the Law of Attraction and how to use it to achieve success and abundance in all areas of life. The book provides readers with practical advice and techniques for accessing the power of the subconscious mind and manifesting their desires.

One of the book’s main points is that the Law of Attraction is a natural law that governs the universe and that anyone can learn to use it to create the life they desire, even those of us in long-term recovery. Andrew Kapp emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and grateful mindset and provides us with exercises and techniques for cultivating this mindset.

I honestly wish I had read this one before the many, many LOA books I had read prior.

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This self-help book explores why we struggle to follow through on our goals and intentions. In the book, Nick Hall argues that the key to achieving success is not just setting goals but also understanding the underlying psychological barriers that prevent individuals from taking action. How perfect for us!

One of the book’s main points is that the subconscious mind plays a powerful role in shaping behavior and habits. Nick Hall provides us with a series of exercises and techniques for identifying and overcoming negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs.

Nick Hall’s writing is clear and accessible, and his ideas are grounded in psychological research and personal experience, which I love. The book provides us with practical advice and exercises that can help us overcome the psychological barriers to achieving our goals and living a more fulfilling life.

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This book presents a series of teachings from the non-physical entity Abraham, who offers guidance on manifesting one’s desires and living a fulfilling life. Remember I said to keep an open mind? Esher, Jerry, & Abraham are a close second to Joe Dispenza in the act of changing my life forever.

One of the book’s main points is that we have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. Abraham emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with positive intentions in order to attract positive experiences and outcomes. Be a good person and attract good things. I recommend watching some of their hot seat talks on YouTube to familiarize yourself.

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This is a collection of works by the influential spiritual teacher Neville Goddard, whom I absolutely adore. The book includes several of Neville’s most famous lectures and essays and lesser-known works that offer unique insights into his teachings.

His philosophy is that we have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and constructive mindset and provides readers with practical advice and exercises for cultivating this mindset. Are you catching the theme here?

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This spiritual book explores the concept of the Law of One. In the book, Erin Werley argues that all beings are connected and that only one ultimate truth and law governs the universe.

The Law of One is a fundamental principle that underlies all existence. Erin Werley emphasizes the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of all beings and the role that each individual plays in the larger cosmic scheme. Yes. We all have a role.

I found this to be a thought-provoking and enlightening book that offers a path to spiritual growth and understanding. This makes the book a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring addiction recovery, the nature of consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

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This book is a must-read for all of us who are maniacally personally developing, and especially beneficial to those of us who do the self-sabotage thing on repeat. Whenever things are going well, we are just biding our time waiting for the other shoe to drop because good times never last, right? This was me and most of you. Gay Hendricks helps us rid ourselves of the limited happiness deal to move forward and ditch the whole self-sabotage thing. He also teaches us that we create our own problems and who better solve them or eliminate them altogether. Let go of useless worries, and success lies in the “Zone of Genius.” Find what you love and do it.

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This is a spiritual book that explores the nature of consciousness and the evolution of the human soul. In the book, Gary Zukav argues that humanity is in the midst of a profound transformation and that individuals must learn to align their intentions and actions with the principles of the soul to achieve spiritual growth and fulfillment.

One of the main points of the book is that the soul is a multi-dimensional entity that exists beyond the physical body and is connected to all other beings and the universe as a whole. Gary Zukav emphasizes the importance of cultivating awareness and intentionality to align one’s actions with the principles of the soul and achieve spiritual evolution.

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This is a beautiful book with a beautiful message and seven ways to unlock your heart and manifest happiness. At the time of this writing, it has all five-star reviews, but most of these books have this or close. Sarah Prout, a single mom that spent her four children’s early life on welfare, is a great writer, and I also love her podcast, Manifest. I am obsessed with this podcast. I love her accent and that she has four kids and is killing it from all angles.

We have the power to manifest our dreams by connecting to the universe. The book shares that we must live with our choices; that’s life, but living with those choices is how we grow. Love this book.

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This book explores the power of thought in shaping one’s life and destiny. In the book, James Allen argues that our thoughts have a powerful influence on our actions and experiences and that by changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. I did it, and it works. Just saying.

One of the main points of the book is that we are the architects of our own destinies and that our thoughts and beliefs shape the reality we experience. Allen emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and constructive mindset and provides readers with practical advice and exercises for cultivating positive thinking.

Overall, As a Man Thinketh is a timeless classic that offers us valuable insights into the power of thought and its role in shaping our lives. It is a short and accessible book that is well worth reading.

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This book discusses the Buddhist concept of non-self and the path to spiritual liberation. In the book, Ayya Khema explores the nature of the self and how attachment to the self can lead to suffering. He provides readers with practical guidance and exercises for cultivating mindfulness and developing a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.

One of the main points of the book is that the self is a construct of the mind and that it is possible to overcome attachment to the self through mindfulness and meditation. Ayya Khema emphasizes the importance of developing a mindfulness practice and cultivating insight into the true nature of reality.

Overall, Being Nobody Going Nowhere is a thought-provoking and enlightening book that offers us a path to recovery via spiritual liberation.

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This book teaches us that we are unstoppable. Once we find the right motivating factors, there really is no stopping us. I love this because this is kind of my thing. Empowering people by inspiring and motivating them to chase the change they want to be. Jessica Marks shares simple, actionable steps to gain momentum and begin achieving success in all areas of life.

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Breakthrough is a book that offers practical advice and guidance on achieving personal and professional success. It is written by Made for Success, a company that specializes in personal and professional development training. The book presents a compelling argument that success is not a matter of luck but rather a result of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks.

The authors of Breakthrough provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving our goals. They emphasize the importance of developing a growth mindset that allows us to approach challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset helps readers overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.

One of the strengths of Breakthrough is its accessibility. The authors present complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making the book easy to follow and understand. They use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate their points, which helps us apply the concepts to our own lives.

Moreover, the book offers practical advice that we can immediately implement. It gives us a roadmap for achieving our goals by breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps. This approach helps us build momentum and stay motivated as we work towards our goals.

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This book is a guide to making small habits to recognize that you are in control and attaining the life of your dreams. My favorite is the attitude habit. “Things don’t happen to you; you make things happen!” I say this to my kids because it is such a fantastic truth. Robert Ringer further teaches us that happiness is not a goal. It’s a state of mind. A state of mind that you have control of. Love it!

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This is a book about the Silva Method, a self-help program designed to improve mental abilities and promote personal growth. I learned of this book by taking a course of the same name with my MindValley subscription. In the book, Jose Silva Jr. and Ed Bernd Jr. describe the history of the Silva Method and provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for developing our own extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. It actually works!

One of the main points of the book is that everyone has the potential for ESP and that it can be developed with practice and dedication. The authors provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for developing our ESP abilities, such as visualization, relaxation, and positive thinking (My favorite.)

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This is a personal finance book written by Robert Kiyosaki. The book contrasts the financial teachings of Kiyosaki’s “rich dad” (his best friend’s father) with those of his “poor dad” (his biological father). Robert Kiyosaki explains that his rich dad’s teachings focused on building assets and passive income streams, while his poor dad emphasized traditional education and working for a paycheck.

Robert Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial literacy, understanding the difference between assets and liabilities, and the power of investing to build wealth over time. He also challenges us to shift our mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance and to think creatively about ways to generate income.

Overall, Rich Dad Poor Dad is a thought-provoking and practical guide to personal finance that encourages us to take control of our financial future and build wealth through smart investing and a mindset of abundance. I found this book to be incredibly motivating and exciting. I was excited to begin taking control of my financial future by using the things I had learned in this book.

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The Energy Codes is a book written by Dr. Sue Morter about the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. In the book, Sue Morter presents a system of energy healing that is designed to help us connect with our inner wisdom and achieve optimal health and wellness.

One of the main points of the book is that the body has an innate intelligence that can be harnessed to promote healing and well-being. Morter provides us with a series of exercises and techniques for accessing this inner wisdom and aligning our body’s energy systems.

Sue Morter’s approach is grounded in scientific research and personal experience, making this book a valuable resource for those of us interested in exploring the mind-body connection and promoting optimal wellness, which we can integrate into our recoveries.

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This is a book about personal accountability and taking responsibility for one’s life. In the book, Eric Thomas shares his personal experiences and inspiring stories to motivate us to take ownership of our lives and pursue our goals.

One of the main points of the book is that success is not a matter of luck or circumstance but rather a result of one’s own choices and actions. Thomas emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, hard work, and perseverance in achieving success.

Eric Thomas’s message is practical and motivational, making this book a valuable resource for those of us looking to achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives.

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Achieving success in all areas of life requires focusing on one thing at a time. Gary Keller provides practical strategies for achieving success in all areas of your life. By focusing on one thing, we can achieve big results. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve success.

This is a compelling self-help book that aims to guide us toward achieving extraordinary results in our personal and professional lives. Gary Keller emphasizes the importance of focusing on one specific task or goal at a time, arguing that this singular focus is the key to success. By prioritizing and dedicating undivided attention to the most impactful task, we can maximize our productivity and achieve significant results.

Gary Keller introduces the concept of “The Domino Effect” to illustrate the power of prioritization. He encourages us to identify our most crucial goal and align all our actions toward accomplishing it. By doing so, each task completed becomes a stepping stone towards the next, creating a chain reaction of success. The book provides practical strategies to help us overcome distractions, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Ultimately, it offers valuable insights and actionable advice for those of us seeking to streamline our efforts and achieve remarkable outcomes by focusing on what truly matters.

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Starting each day with a routine can set the tone for the rest of the day. Hal Elrod offers a unique approach to personal development by providing a daily routine for achieving success. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve our goals. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to start their day on the right foot.

This is a transformative self-help book that presents a powerful morning routine designed to enhance personal growth and improve overall well-being. Hal Elrod introduces the concept of the “SAVERS” system, which stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing. He argues that by dedicating intentional time to each of these activities every morning, individuals can set themselves up for a successful and fulfilling day.

The book delves into the importance of starting the day with silence and solitude, allowing for reflection and mental clarity. Hal Elrod emphasizes the value of positive affirmations and visualization techniques to cultivate a mindset of abundance and optimism. Additionally, he highlights the benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health. Engaging in reading and learning, as well as journaling or writing, are also encouraged as powerful practices for personal development. I was fortunate to discover these very effective methods prior to reading this book. I have Aphantasia, a blind mind’s eye, and I am unable to visualize anything but blackness, and these methods are still extremely effective.

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Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life. Norman Vincent Peale provides practical strategies for developing a positive attitude and achieving success in all areas of your life.

This is a timeless self-help book that explores the transformative potential of a positive mindset. Norman Vincent Peale emphasizes the significance of cultivating positive thoughts and beliefs as a means to overcome challenges (SUD), achieve success, and lead a fulfilling (substance-free) life. Drawing on his experiences as a minister and psychologist, Norman Vincent Peale presents practical techniques and inspirational anecdotes to guide us in harnessing the power of our thoughts.

He highlights the role of faith and optimism in shaping one’s outlook on life. He encourages us to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations, enabling us to overcome self-doubt and develop resilience. The book explores the concept of “applied Christianity,” emphasizing the importance of aligning spiritual beliefs with practical actions to foster personal growth and well-being. His teachings empower us to reframe obstacles as opportunities, maintain a confident attitude, and unleash our full potential.

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Following your dreams is essential for living a fulfilling life. Paulo Coelho provides a powerful message on how to live a fulfilling life by following your dreams. By overcoming obstacles, we can achieve success in all areas of our lives.

This is a captivating and philosophical novel that tells the enchanting story of Santiago, a young shepherd who embarks on a journey to discover his personal legend. Set against the backdrop of the mystical and spiritual traditions of the desert, the book explores themes of destiny, purpose, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Paulo Coelho weaves a tale that is both profound and accessible, inviting us to reflect on our own aspirations and the significance of following our hearts.

Through Santiago’s encounters with various characters and his pursuit of the fabled Alchemist, Paulo Coelho imparts timeless wisdom about the importance of listening to one’s intuition, embracing the present moment, and finding meaning in life’s challenges. The book encourages us to embrace our own personal journey, emphasizing that true fulfillment lies not in the destination but in the process of self-discovery and growth. With its lyrical prose and thought-provoking insights, this book serves as a guiding light, inspiring us to pursue our dreams and live life with a sense of purpose and authenticity. One of my favorite things is authenticity.

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Breaking bad habits and cultivating positive ones is essential for overcoming addiction. Charles Duhigg provides practical strategies for developing positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction. By understanding the science behind habits, we can develop positive ones and break bad ones. This is essential for those of us in recovery.

This is a captivating exploration of the science behind habits and their profound impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Charles Duhigg delves into the mechanics of habit formation, revealing how habits shape our lives and offering insights into how they can be understood, changed, and harnessed to achieve personal and professional success. Through engaging anecdotes and in-depth research, he illustrates the power of habits in influencing behavior, productivity, and overall well-being.

The book introduces the “habit loop,” a three-step cycle of cue, routine, and reward, which serves as the foundation of habit formation. Charles Duhigg highlights how understanding and identifying the cues and rewards associated with our habits can help us create positive changes and break free from destructive patterns. He explores the role of habits in various domains, including individual habits, organizational habits, and societal habits, shedding light on how habits can be manipulated and transformed. A must-read for those of us in recovery.

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Achieving personal growth and development is essential for overcoming addiction. M. Scott Peck provides practical strategies for achieving personal growth and development. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives.

This is a timeless self-help book that explores the journey toward spiritual and emotional growth. M. Scott Peck presents a compelling argument for the importance of discipline and personal responsibility in leading a fulfilling life. Through a blend of psychological insights and spiritual wisdom, he challenges us to confront and transcend our own limitations, urging us to choose the path of self-awareness, love, and personal growth.

He emphasizes the significance of self-discipline, delayed gratification, and the willingness to face and work through life’s challenges. He addresses various topics, including love, relationships, and the nature of suffering, offering practical advice and thought-provoking perspectives. By embracing the concept of “the road less traveled,” which involves embracing uncertainty and taking responsibility for one’s choices, we are encouraged to embark on a transformative journey toward authentic self-discovery and inner fulfillment.

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Embracing possibility is essential for living a fulfilling life. Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander provide a powerful message on living a fulfilling life by embracing possibility. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and succeed in all areas of our lives.

This an inspiring and thought-provoking book that challenges us to shift our perspectives and embrace a mindset of possibility. Drawing on their experiences as a therapist and a conductor, respectively, the authors present a captivating exploration of creativity, leadership, and personal transformation. Through a series of powerful stories, principles, and practices, they invite us to break free from limiting beliefs and open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.

The book offers a refreshing and optimistic approach to life, urging us to adopt a mindset that sees obstacles as opportunities and failures as stepping stones toward growth, which I love. The Zanders introduce transformative concepts such as “giving an A,” which encourages individuals to approach others with trust and belief in their potential, fostering an environment of collaboration and empowerment. They also emphasize the importance of embracing the present moment and finding joy in the process rather than focusing solely on the outcome. A wonderful blueprint for those of us in recovery or considering recovery.

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Achieving happiness and success in all areas of life requires cultivating a positive mindset, as we have learned thus far. Shawn Achor provides practical strategies for achieving happiness and success in all areas of our lives. By focusing on positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve said success. If you are interested in achieving happiness and experiencing true joy, then this is the book for you.

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Angela Duckworth delves into the concept of grit and how it separates successful people from others. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance that can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve success. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to cultivate grit and overcome addiction.

This book explores the concept of grit and its importance in achieving long-term success. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist, and MacArthur Fellow presents her research and insights into what separates high achievers from those who fall short, emphasizing the role of perseverance and determination.

It debunks the common myth that talent is the sole predictor of success. Instead, Angela Duckworth argues that grit, defined as a combination of passion and perseverance, is a better indicator of achievement. Drawing from her own experiences and interviews with a wide range of individuals, including athletes, students, and professionals, she provides compelling evidence that passion and sustained effort are more critical than innate ability.

She explores the four psychological assets that contribute to grit: interest, practice, purpose, and hope. Delving into the importance of cultivating a sense of purpose, finding and maintaining interest in one’s chosen field, and developing a growth mindset that embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. These are all things I am big on advocating for in recovery.

Throughout the book, Angela Duckworth presents numerous anecdotes and case studies to illustrate the power of grit in various domains, such as sports, education, and business. She also discusses the role of parents, teachers, and mentors in fostering grit in individuals, emphasizing the value of providing support, guidance, and a nurturing environment that encourages perseverance.

In addition, Angela Duckworth acknowledges the potential pitfalls of excessive grit, cautioning against blindly pursuing goals without reassessing them in light of changing circumstances. She emphasizes the importance of adaptability and knowing when to adjust one’s course. This is incredibly important to acknowledge on the road to true transformation and success.

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The Arbinger Institute explores the concept of peace and how it can be used to overcome addiction. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can achieve inner peace and serenity. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve inner peace.

This is a powerful book that explores the concept of finding peace in personal relationships and resolving conflicts. It presents a fictional story that takes place at a retreat center where individuals from different backgrounds and with varying conflicts come together to learn a new way of approaching conflict resolution. The book focuses on shifting our mindset from a “heart at war” to a “heart at peace” and offers practical tools to apply this mindset in everyday life.

The central message of the book is that peace begins with an individual’s willingness to examine their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It encourages readers to recognize their role in perpetuating conflicts and to take responsibility for their contributions to the situation. Through engaging dialogue and relatable characters, the book provides insights into how individuals can shift from a self-centered perspective to one that emphasizes empathy, understanding, and accountability. It explores the transformative power of seeing others as human beings with their own struggles and desires, fostering a genuine desire for reconciliation and cooperation.

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Achieving a work-life balance is essential for living a fulfilling life. Timothy Ferriss provides practical strategies for achieving a work-life balance and living life on your terms. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve a work-life balance.

This is a groundbreaking book that challenges traditional notions of work and productivity. Timothy Ferriss presents a revolutionary approach to escaping the 9-to-5 grind and achieving financial independence by working smarter, not harder. Drawing on his personal experiences as an entrepreneur and lifestyle designer, he introduces the concept of “lifestyle design,” emphasizing the importance of prioritizing personal freedom and fulfillment over conventional career paths.

In this book, Ferriss provides practical strategies and step-by-step instructions to help readers streamline their work, automate processes, and outsource tasks, enabling them to reclaim their time and create a life of abundance and adventure. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, adopting a mindset of efficiency, and leveraging technology to create a sustainable and flexible work-life balance. Timothy Ferriss demonstrates how individuals can break free from the constraints of traditional employment, redefine their relationship with work, and embrace the possibilities of a four-hour workweek. What could be better for those of us that have acclimated to lives with “fast money”?

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Starting each day with a routine can set the tone for the rest of the day. I tell my kiddos every day that each day is a fresh start, and I truly believe that. Robin Sharma provides a unique approach to personal development by providing a daily routine for achieving success. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve our goals.

This is an insightful and motivational book that explores the power of waking up early and developing a morning routine for personal growth and success. Robin Sharma presents a captivating story that follows the lives of four individuals who embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation by joining the 5 AM Club. Through a blend of fiction and practical advice, Sharma highlights the significance of starting the day with intention, discipline, and purpose.

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Building strong relationships is essential for overcoming addiction. Gary Chapman provides practical strategies for building strong relationships and overcoming addiction. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can build and maintain healthy relationships.

This is a renowned book that explores the different ways people give and receive love. Gary Chapman introduces the concept of love languages, which are distinct methods through which individuals express and interpret love. He identifies five primary love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. By understanding and effectively communicating in their partner’s love language, couples can strengthen their relationships and experience deeper emotional connections.

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Adventures Beyond the Body is a book written by William Buhlman about the phenomenon of out-of-body experiences (OBEs). In the book, Buhlman shares his own experiences with OBEs and provides readers with tips and techniques for inducing their own experiences.

One of the main points of the book is that OBEs are a natural and normal part of human experience that can be used to explore the nature of consciousness and the universe. Buhlman suggests that anyone can learn to have OBEs with practice and dedication.

If you are not familiar with astral travel, then I highly;y recommend this book. You can also check out The Gateway Audios. This is the program created by Robert Monroe for the CIA to train its participants in remote viewing after the cold war. This is a very real phenomenon, and yes, you can absolutely experience contact with loved ones who passed. I know it sounds crazy, but before you pop off in the comments, just… try… it.

Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Astral, The Secret of the Soul, Higher Self Now, and How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience.

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The Unacknowledged is a book written by Stephen M. Greer about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the government’s involvement in covering up this knowledge. In the book, Greer argues that there is substantial evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial life and that the government has been actively covering up this information for decades.

One of the main points of the book is that there have been numerous sightings of UFOs that cannot be explained by natural phenomena. Greer suggests that these sightings are evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

Dr. Steven Greer is an amazing man who has dedicated the last thirty years of his life to delivering the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to all of humankind. Last week congress was hearing the case he built with over 730 high-ranking government and military officials, amongst many other reputable witnesses. He is actively making history. It’s so exciting!

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This amazing book is a blueprint for us to see money for what it is and to become financially empowered. Amanda Francis tells us that this is a book for you if money has always been a problem for you and never a solution. This book teaches us how to crack the code to financial liberation and how to achieve abundance in all areas of finance.

I listened to this book on Audible, and Amanda Frances was the narrator. Some authors choose not to read their books, and that is a huge mistake. I love her voice, the way she read the words from the depths of her soul, and how I could tell that she really and sincerely wants her readers to find the financial freedom that she was able to find. This book was her baby. It was evident in the way she read the words and the voice she carried throughout. This is a must-read for all of us that have ever wanted more money and who don’t.

Parting Words

Books have always been my very best friends. As a child, they were my escape. My only escape and I read ANYTHING that had words. My sister and my ex cellie’s used to steal and hide my books, so I would play with her. This was always something I was ashamed of and kept private. I read to my kids every single night before bed. I share with them that knowledge is power, and there aren’t many more truthful statements than that.

If you have read any of these books or you do after I recommend them, please share below in the comments or visit the PNP Forums and start a conversation. Please be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe to my newsletter for first access to my freebies, tips for recovery and personal development, and updates on all things PNP (Progressing Not Perfecting.)

Post Off Quote

“It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.”

-Ram Dass

Post Off Affirmation (Until next time)

I deserve so much more than my addiction has served me. I am capable and deserving of all that I ask for. Being ME is enough.

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SAMSHA National Helpline


This is an amazing resource that is run by an amazing individual, Stephen Murray. I personally volunteer as an operator for the hotline and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of such a life-saving organization. The hotline is for anyone that doesn’t want to risk using alone. You call the hotline and we stay on the phone with you while you do your dew and until you are sure you are okay. Should you become unresponsive we immediately contact emergency services and send them to your location. I can personally attest to the fact that this hotline saves lives and changes lives for the better. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
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The Sober


The most amazing site with the most amazing Alysse Bryson and her crew of Sober Curators, and I happen to be one of them! This is a sister addiction recovery site, and it has everything anyone in recovery could ever want or need in an all-inclusive and beautifully curated website.

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The Sober Curator Website and About Page

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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It

The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It

People pleasing can be a common trait in those who are in recovery from addiction or other mental health issues. While it may seem like a positive trait, constantly putting others’ needs before your own can lead to burnout and hinder our own progress. Learn how to break the cycle of people pleasing and prioritize your own well-being in this informative post.

Let me start off…

The Words Just Say No Representing Being People Pleasing And Learning To Just Say No.
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I’ve decided that every post I write doesn’t have to be perfectly optimized for SEO or strictly informative. That’s just no fun, and I am fun. I started this blog to do what I love… Help people, make money, and write. I believe I have helped a few people. I have yet to make a cent. So, I have decided that once in a while, I can make a post that is not keyword researched or anything but my thoughts, feelings, rants, wishes, and/or experiences. (Psssttt… I won’t Iie. I did end up optimizing for SEO, but there are typos.)

People don’t have to read any of them if they don’t want to. I think it’s important for my readers to get to know me and how I have and continue to cope in my seven years of recovery from IV heroin addiction. I think it might help people, and what do I love to do? What do you guys think? Yes! Help people! I am going to share a bit about my journey of people-pleasing, and then I will share how to STOP RIGHT NOW, and like usual, if I can do it, then you guys totally got this.

Why do we become so weak in our recovery from addiction? (My self-talk version, “Why do I keep allowing people to punk me out?”)

This is a topic that I regularly struggle with. I struggle with this just about every day, and I have recently gotten to a point where I just don’t want any ‘friends’ because it becomes too painful for the new and improved me. I am always letting people move right on in when they need a place to stay, whether they are getting out of jail or they got evicted because their kids destroy property. I turn my life upside down to help them and… I basically get spit in my face every… single… time.

You don’t know until you know. I have been homeless. I have sat in jail for lack of residence because nobody wanted FSU (field supervisory unit) officers all up in their business. It’s the worst feeling not having a home. It’s almost as bad as losing one with all of your possessions, which I have done more times than I would like to admit. I can’t bear to allow someone else to experience that kind of pain and suffering when I can immediately offer a solution AND be the hero. It’s just too irresistible. (Oh, don’t judge me. We all have our ish.)

Lately, I have to admit that I was beginning to lose respect for myself. How I went from being the OG-She that I thought I was to this getting-punked-out-on-the-regular-fool is beyond me, and I knew it had to stop, so I changed it.

Friends Are Like… Overrated

Three Friends Sharing An Embrace.
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This is why all of my best friends are guys. Women have just caused me a lot of drama and trauma. Not to mention I was bi-sexual before it was the cool thing to be, and sometimes my lines got blurred, and I ruined some amazing female friendships by involving that extra element temporarily. I care a bit too much now. Why? I have yet to meet a person that matches my loyalty. My best friend did until recently when he didn’t. I think of my loyalty as a curse because I have this running theme where I get what I have come to call ‘hurt for helping.’

You can tell I don’t have friends anymore because I am CONSTANTLY talking to myself… Out… Loud… I actually realized the other night that I am okay with this. I am learning that relationships should be rewarding. I know! It’s a shocker, right? Surprised the tweedle twaddle out of me. They also shouldn’t be work. We shouldn’t have to try hard to be or stay friends with someone. Another shocker. Prepare yourself for this next bit. You should FEEL GOOD after spending time with friends. Not depleted. Not sad. Not defeated or put down. Not like you are running a competition for your life and losing. Not one-upped and not one-downed. After spending time with friends, you should feel… FANTASTIC! If you’re like me, this hasn’t happened since high school.

Understanding the People Pleasing Mindset

I read a lot of people’s comments about suddenly turning into “yes” people in their recoveries, meaning that, like me, people have a hard time saying no. Why do you think this happens? Is it because we feel obligated because we spent so much of our lives disappointing people? Is it because, for once, we want to receive a positive reaction? Is it because we are dying for external approval from others in any way we can get it? Is it because nobody ever says yes to us? Is it from not being heard as children?

I have picked this apart until there is nothing left to pick, and I will tell you why I can’t say no to people. It’s because I have what I have coined the “my mommy never loved me syndrome.”

People pleasers often have a deep-seated need for approval and validation from others (Mommy never loved me). They may feel that their worth is tied to how much they can do for others or how much they are liked by others.

This mindset can be particularly dangerous in recovery, as it can lead to neglecting our needs and boundaries to please others, which we all do. I don’t care what you say. It’s important to recognize this mindset and work on developing a healthier sense of self-worth and self-care, which most of us are horrible at, to begin with.

This brings me to another common issue: our lack of healthy boundaries. Does anyone else REALLY struggle with this? I totally do, and it also seeps into almost every other area of my life. Hold tight, and we will touch on this too.

Recognizing the Negative Effects of People Pleasing in Recovery

Woman With Arms Forming An X In Front Of Her To Non-Verbally Represent Saying No.
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People pleasing in recovery can have a number of negative effects on our well-being. It can lead to burnout, resentment, and a lack of boundaries. It can also make it difficult to prioritize one’s own recovery and self-care. It’s important to recognize these negative effects and develop a healthier mindset that prioritizes your well-being. This may involve setting better boundaries, learning to say no, and focusing on your own needs and goals. Sounds easy, right? For me? Not so much.

I have always had to have the approval of older women. Whether it was my friend’s mom’s or my girlfriend’s. I could never quite put my finger on it. Sure, I figured it might have something to do with returning to our apartment when I was fourteen and realizing that everything was gone, but my bedroom had remained untouched. No note. No forwarding address. That was when I decided at that very young age that I would never be a victim, period. When your mom leaves and takes your sister and not you (even if you were the reason for the eviction), it does something to you. If my mom couldn’t love me, then who would?

Another Addiction

I spent so much of my life disappointing anyone that was in it that I guess it felt good to be able to say yes to others in need and follow through. It felt really good. Until I started getting extorted, and people I had taken in began calling my job when they couldn’t get any more out of me. I have always been someone that kept my word.

To this day, my word means something, but a lot happens that we have no control over. That lack of control that powerlessness can drive a person insane. It has to be the worst feeling in the world. I guess I got sick of spending my life feeling either like I was on top of the world (high) or powerless (finishing school.)

Helping others allowed me to feel in control. Ultimately, I choose how I am helping and how much I am willing to help. After a while, it becomes almost addicting. Just like the way everyone wants to be near you when you sell drugs. I was addicted to that feeling too. I felt needed, and we all know I was, but definitely not in any kind of healthy context. It was all fabricated, and I knew it, but I had to let it feel good, or else I would have never felt anything.

Setting Boundaries and Saying No

As I mentioned above, one of the most important steps in overcoming people-pleasing in recovery is learning to set boundaries and say no. This is often difficult for us, especially if we have a history of putting others’ needs before our own. However, setting boundaries and saying no is essential for maintaining our own well-being and recovery. It’s important to clearly assert our boundaries and stick to them, even if it means disappointing others. Remember, our recovery and well-being should always come first. It’s so hard, though! Like beyond hard, especially when you have gotten into a cycle with someone. I promise there is hope, though. There is always hope.

Learning to Prioritize Self-Care

The Words Self-Care Isn'T Selfish On A Board With Self-Care Items
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Prioritizing self-care is crucial for overcoming people-pleasing in recovery. This means taking time for yourself, engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and setting aside time for rest and reflection. It’s important to remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish but rather a necessary part of maintaining your recovery and overall well-being. Make self-care a priority in your daily routine, and don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family, or an accountability partner, if needed.

I have struggled with this greatly since becoming a late-in-life mom in recovery. I had no idea how hard it would be with kids, a house, and doing it all on my own. I noticed that when I don’t take care of myself, and I never do, I was becoming an “angry mom.” I have never been angry in my life, but running around picking up after people after spending twenty hours in a windowless office that very much resembles my quarters in finishing school, can cause some serious resentments to build.

When I ask my six-year-old, “when do you see mommy do something for myself? My nails? Sit down and watch a tv show? Read a book?” and all she can come up with is showers, you know there is a problem. A shower is the only thing I give myself every day. It’s literally my only self-care, and I know it ain’t healthy, but we are progressing, not perfecting, around here, right?

Click here to get my self-love/self-care workbook freebie.

Seeking Support from a Therapist or Support Group

Overcoming people pleasing in recovery can be challenging, and it’s important to seek support from a therapist or support group. A therapist can help you identify the underlying causes of your people-pleasing behavior and develop strategies for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own needs. Support groups can also provide a safe and supportive environment for sharing your experiences and receiving encouragement from others who are going through similar challenges. Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can be a crucial step in your recovery journey.

Setting Heal-thy Boundaries

Image Of Tall Fence To Represent Healthy Boundries
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Setting boundaries is essential for building healthy relationships and improving our quality of life. However, it can be challenging to establish boundaries and start saying no, especially if you’re used to putting others’ needs before your own. Here are thirty creative ways to help you establish healthy boundaries and start saying no:

  1. Practice self-awareness – Learn to recognize your limits and understand the reasons behind them. Take the time to reflect on your values, beliefs, and needs. Be honest with yourself about what you can and cannot tolerate. Knowing your limits will help you establish boundaries that are true to who you are. Don’t overpromise and disappoint. Be realistic.
  2. Communicate effectively – Clearly express your needs and feelings to others. Be direct and specific about what you want and need. Use “I” statements to avoid blaming others and take ownership of your feelings. Effective communication is key to establishing healthy boundaries. You already know.
  3. Be assertive – Stand up for yourself and your beliefs. Don’t be afraid to speak up and defend your boundaries. Be confident and firm in your communication. Assertiveness is a valuable skill that will help you establish and maintain healthy boundaries.
  4. Use “I” statements – Take responsibility for your feelings and avoid blaming others. Again, using “I” statements can help you communicate your needs and feelings without sounding accusatory. For example, instead of saying, “You’re being rude,” say, “I feel disrespected when you interrupt me.”
  1. Be consistent – Stick to your boundaries and say no consistently. Once you’ve established your boundaries, it’s important to stick to them. Saying no consistently reinforces your boundaries and lets others know you’re serious. Let them know this is all about you and NOTHING to do with them. This helps enforce consistency.
  2. Be firm – Don’t waver or give in to pressure. You’re the boss. This is your story. It’s natural for people to test your boundaries, but it’s important to stand your ground. Don’t let others pressure you into doing something that goes against your values or beliefs. We have done too much of this already.
  3. Prioritize your needs – Put your needs and well-being first. It’s not selfish to prioritize your needs. In fact, it’s necessary for building healthy relationships. Taking care of yourself will help you establish and maintain healthy boundaries. It’s hard at first, but like I always say, “if I can do it…”
  4. Don’t apologize – You have the right to say no without feeling guilty. Saying no is not rude or selfish. It’s okay to prioritize your needs and say no when you need to. Don’t apologize for setting healthy boundaries. Not for nothing, but I still over-apologize. Don’t beat yourself up.
  5. Set clear boundaries – Define what is and isn’t acceptable to you. Be clear about your expectations and communicate them effectively. Setting clear boundaries will help you avoid confusion and misunderstandings. Write them down. I have created a list I will add to this page that I printed and placed on my fridge.
  1. Use body language – Use nonverbal cues to reinforce your message. Your body language can communicate a lot about how you feel. Use open and confident body language to reinforce your boundaries. Don’t be scared to chest bump if that’s what you got to do to get the point across. No, I’m playing. That’s old behavior. You shouldn’t do that… Unless you absolutely have to.
  2. Say no without explanation – You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your boundaries. It’s okay to say no without giving a reason. You have the right to set boundaries that are true to who you are. This one is a toughie for me as well. It does get easier with time.
  1. Practice saying no – Get comfortable with saying no by practicing in low-stakes situations. Saying no can be uncomfortable at first, but it gets easier with practice. Start by saying no in low-stakes situations, like turning down an invitation to a social event.
  2. Use positive language – Frame your boundaries in a positive way. Instead of saying, “I can’t do that,” say, “I would rather do this.” Positive language can help you communicate your needs without sounding negative or accusatory.
  3. Don’t over-explain – Keep your message clear and concise. Over-explaining can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Keep your message clear and to the point. I tend to always over-explain, which helped me because after I say no, they just don’t want to hear anything else I have to say. Let them run to the door. Don’t let it hit you in the…
  4. Understand your values – Base your boundaries on your values and beliefs. Your boundaries should reflect who you are and what you stand for. Understanding your values will help you establish boundaries that are true to yourself.
  1. Take small steps – Start with small boundaries and work your way up. Setting boundaries can be overwhelming at first. Start with small boundaries and work your way up to bigger ones.
  2. Use humor – Lighten the mood and reduce tension with humor. Humor can be a great way to diffuse tension and make others feel more comfortable. Use humor to communicate your boundaries in a lighthearted way. Yes, humor is always good.
  3. Don’t take it personally – Recognize that other people’s reactions are not your responsibility. You can’t control how others react to your boundaries. Don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t like your boundaries.
  1. Be mindful of your tone – Use a confident but respectful tone of voice. Your tone can communicate a lot about how you feel. Use a confident but respectful tone to communicate your boundaries effectively.
  2. Be honest – Don’t make excuses or lie to avoid saying no. Honesty is key to establishing healthy boundaries. Don’t make excuses or lie to avoid saying no. Be honest about your needs and limitations.
  1. Use “no, but” – Offer an alternative solution that is within your boundaries. Saying no doesn’t always have to mean shutting someone down completely. Offer an alternative solution that is within your boundaries.
  2. Limit your exposure – Reduce contact with people who consistently violate your boundaries. Sometimes, limiting your exposure to people who consistently violate your boundaries is necessary. You have the right to protect yourself from toxic relationships.
  1. Be prepared for pushback – Anticipate and prepare for people who may challenge your boundaries. It’s natural for people to test your boundaries. Anticipate and prepare for pushback so that you can respond effectively.
  2. Seek support – Get advice and support from friends or a therapist. Setting boundaries can be challenging. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist who can help you navigate the process.
  3. Set consequences – Establish consequences for those who repeatedly ignore your boundaries. Consequences can help reinforce your boundaries and let others know that you’re serious. Be clear about the consequences of violating your boundaries.
  1. Give yourself permission – Recognize that you have the right to set boundaries and say no. You have the right to prioritize your needs and set boundaries that are true to who you are. Give yourself permission to do so. If you don’t give yourself permission, then I give you permission.
  2. Be aware of your emotions – Recognize when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed and take action to protect yourself. Your emotions can be a signal that your boundaries are being violated. Be aware of your emotions and take action to protect yourself.
  1. Don’t negotiate – Avoid bargaining or compromising on your boundaries. Your boundaries are important and should be respected. Don’t negotiate or compromise on your boundaries. This one is non-negotiable!
  2. Practice self-care – Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Setting boundaries can be emotionally taxing. Take care of yourself by practicing self-care activities, like exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.
  3. Celebrate your successes – Recognize and celebrate your achievements in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Setting boundaries takes practice and patience. Recognize and celebrate your successes along the way.

Remember, setting healthy boundaries takes practice and patience. Start with small steps and be kind to yourself along the way. With time and effort, you can establish strong boundaries and improve your relationships and overall well-being. Believe me, I know it’s a tall order, but for me each time I enforced my boundaries, I found that it was empowering, and it felt FANTASTIC. I know how much we all love things that just feel good. This is a big one. The empowerment that each small act gifted me with became the outer boundary of my newfound boundaries.

I do want to warn you about one thing regarding setting your boundaries. These people that we have spent months or years being boundaryless with don’t typically like boundaries. The lack of boundaries is what allows them to take our kindness for weakness and repeatedly take advantage of us. (I know we have all played both parts in this storyline, but for once, this is ALL ABOUT YOU.) The part I now think is hilarious is that I always, and I mean always, know when I am being manipulated. I spent most of my life being a master of this craft. I knew these people were trying to manipulate me, and I would help them anyway.

“Everybody gets mad when their meal ticket suddenly develops and defines HEAL-THY boundaries, so be prepared to deal with it by getting out your butt-kicking boots and digging in those heels. The kitchen is closed.”

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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 282

I don’t know if I was feeling embarrassed for them internally or if my pity clouded my newly found good judgment, but I would help them anyway. Over time they stopped putting so much effort into the manipulation because they knew it wasn’t needed. Sorry. So embarrassing on my part. Everybody gets mad when their meal ticket suddenly develops and defines HEAL-THY boundaries, so be prepared to deal with it by getting out your butt-kicking boots and digging in those heels. The kitchen is closed.

You wouldn’t believe the backlash I have dealt with. This is the number one reason why I have NO friends. Everybody got a problem when they stop getting what they want. Never mind the 10k they owe you from the last 7 years of lending them money for gas and/or cigarettes that they have never even once mentioned paying you back for after the request. You are an #$hole now. Just be consistent across the board. Tell them you are doing some deep intrinsic work or integrating your shadow, and this has to happen for you to be able to grow. I might not currently have any friends, but I also don’t have chronic headaches anymore or find myself worrying how a “friends” kids will eat this week.

It does get easier, kinda.

People count on the fact that we have suffered in the past. We are good people and know how it feels to have the world turn its back on us. It hurts our hearts to see others go through what we went through. This isn’t easy, and I won’t pretend that it is, but it’s necessary. I still struggle with it regularly. I had a reader email me about my offer to mail fentanyl tests, on my dime, to readers who could not find them in their area after consulting with me.

The reader did not reach out to me about this, so I didn’t know if there was access in their area. When I expressed this in a return email, the person started freaking out like I was a fed. No, I am absolutely not a fed. Ew. Just ew. Like, how did you think I was going to mail them to you? You’re freaking out because I asked what part of the country you’re in. C’mon.

I did break heal-thy boundaries by making that offer, though. I make excuses. Well, this is for a good cause. It’s to save lives. This is different because… Do yourself a favor and never allow yourself to violate your newly found heal-thy boundaries with ANY excuse, or next thing you know, you will have seven pro-bono clients and be struggling to put food on the table. Then you’re forced to manipulate yourself into someone else’s kitchen. Let’s just avoid the whole ordeal and have enough respect for ourselves to JUST SAY NO, like we should have all those years ago after we participated in DARE and were more intrigued by what the officer shared than scared. We don’t think like normal people, so we just gotta find our groove. You’ll be alright.

Do This for You

In conclusion, I think that removing the people we call friends, which we should have removed a long time ago, offers a sense of sadness mixed with a sense of relief at the same time. I had no idea how much of my stress came from trying to take care of other families when I can barely provide for my own. Here I am cleaning out my cupboards for someone that receives aid but claims they don’t have food for their kids. I honestly probably just did it for so long because everyone loves the hero. I’ve never been the hero in any context, so let me play the hero real quick. I can be such a dumb a$#.

Learn from my missteps. That’s why I am here. I might not be a hero, but I am definitely no longer a zero, either. Look at me trying to be clever. I know. I know. Not so much. I might not have friends now, but I know that my high vibin self will be attracting my tribin any day now. (I’m so off. That one was horrible too.) Oh, wait! I do have a friend now!

I didn’t even tell you guys! The Sober Curator, Alysse Bryson, said she will be my friend! Can I just tell you that I love her so so much? She was kind enough to agree to meet with me last week, and you know how you meet someone, and you just know you are so aligned? This was Alysse and me. I could have talked to her for days. I love her energy and everything she is putting out in the universe. We both share a passion for helping people in recovery, and I HIGHLY recommend checking out her site by clicking the button below.

You can also become a sober curator, as I have, and contribute regularly or even just once. We will be doing a lot of work together moving forward, and I will always keep you apprised because I love ya. I really do, too, so what I don’t actually know you. I have unconditional love for all, and you should too.

See? I do have a friend. A new one. A new heal-thy one. I got this, and so do you.

Post Off Quote

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

-Ram Dass

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am strong. I am worthy. I make the rules. If I say no, I mean no. The kitchen is closed.

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The Sober Curator

Hit the button below and be taken to the awesomeness of Alysse Bryson and The Sober Curators, which will soon include me! You will love this site. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletter, like, share, comment, and all the things!

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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 283

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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 284

want one of these soooooo… bad. Anybody? I won’t mind one bit. Check out that anti-reflective rotating touch screen. This is a thing of beauty for sure. Maybe I will get one for Christmas. Probably not, but I have read the reviews and the success rates of these Peloton bikes, and it has me super impressed, so if you’re in the market, please do use my link and let me know how much you love it so I can live vicariously through you.

  • See Affiliate Disclosure at the bottom of the page, please.
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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 285

.This is a close second to the coolness of the Peloton bike. This is a strength training device with a camera that even tracks your reps! What the what?!? The part that is the coolest to me is that you can control it with….. Your Voice! I love it. It is said to motivate and works for all body types. This isn’t like the 1 year gym membership I paid for and used twice. This thing keeps you on task. Ai-powered personal trainer. How about that?
*See Affiliate Disclosure at the bottom of the page, please.

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The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 286

I can’t stop with these more than 2.5 feet jellyfish lava lamps that I got for my kids. I got them to reward them for quitting TV before bed on school nights, and we couldn’t be happier with them. First off, they are huge. Much taller than my 6-year-old. Believe it or not, people stay asking me if they are real jellyfish. Ofc, I have to mess with them and pretend that they are indeed real. e talking teenagers here but c’mon. Our future may just be in trouble. Highly recommend these bad boys.

*See Affiliate Disclosure at the bottom of the page, please.

Yoga Mat Set
The Dangers of People Pleasing in Recovery: How I Overcame It 287

I got this before Thanksgiving last year, and I couldn’t be happier with it. The towels are really nice and soft. Even now, my mat is thick and comfy. It’s got all the Yoga tools I need, and it just happens to be my favorite color. FYI- they have this in just about every color. Check them out.

*See Affiliate Disclosure at the bottom of the page, please.

Take A Food Journey Around The World!

**I include affiliate links throughout this blog post. While they come at zero cost to you, they help support my work. If you buy through links on this page, I may earn a small commission. I only ever promote companies I personally use, love and that I believe will benefit my readers. All products are items that I and/or my family and/or friends use and love. I stand by my recommendations. I appreciate you!**

If you liked this post, be sure to check out The Benefits of Meditation In Addiction Recovery, The Effects of Addiction on Our Children and How to Repair and hmu in the comments below.

Sobriety’s Spiritual Alchemy: Overcome, Evolve, Transform, Inspire.

Rompun Laced Heroin: 1 Deadly Combination

Rompun Laced Heroin: 1 Deadly Combination

Image Of A Warning For The Drug Rompun/Xylazine Laced Heroin On Top Of A Faded Veterinarian Tending To Horse.
This is a seriously fatal mixture, and it is not sterile because it is NOT for human consumption.

The use of Rompun-laced heroin is a dangerous trend that is becoming more common. Rompun, also known as Xylazine, is a sedative used for animals, and when mixed with heroin, it can have deadly consequences. It’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to stay safe. I am writing this post to educate in the hopes of preventing the loss of more lives.

Last year I lost three people that I cared about to infections resulting from Xylazine. In all three instances, they had let an infection go for a few weeks, and by the time they made it to the hospital, they had to be admitted. Each of them stayed long enough to get antibiotics. Shortly after receiving IV antibiotics, each of them left the hospital AMA (against medical advice), and none of them ever made it back to the hospital until it was too late. Please share and talk to friends and family members that are high-risk.

What Are Rompun, Tranq, and Xylazine?

Rompun is the generic name for Xylazine. Xylazine is a type of sedative that is commonly used in veterinary medicine to calm animals such as horses and cows. I have noticed that a lot of people mistake it for Ketamine, and we will get to that shortly. It is not intended for human use, and it is not approved for use in humans by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Rompun belongs to a class of drugs called alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, which work by binding to specific receptors in the brain and central nervous system.

Ketamine Vs. Rompun/Xylazine

Ketamine and Rompun have different effects on the body and come with different risks and benefits. Ketamine is generally considered to be more potent than Rompun, and it is often used to induce anesthesia in animals. Rompun, on the other hand, is often used to calm animals and reduce anxiety during procedures or exams. One of the main differences between ketamine and xylazine is their side effects. 

Ketamine can cause increased heart rate and muscle rigidity, while xylazine can cause decreased heart rate and blood pressure. Both drugs can cause respiratory depression, which can be dangerous in some cases. Another difference between ketamine and xylazine is their duration of action. Ketamine has a shorter duration of action than xylazine, which means that it wears off more quickly. Xylazine, on the other hand, has a longer duration of action, which means that it can provide longer-lasting sedation.

How is Rompun Used in Heroin?

Individuals selling substances often use xylazine to cut heroin, which means they mix it with heroin for a much more potent and deadly high. In the throes of addiction, that actually sounds good to us. Xylazine is much cheaper than heroin, and it has a similar effect on the body, which makes it an attractive option for individuals selling heroin. Heroin laced with xylazine is often referred to as “Mexican black tar” or “Mexican brown.”

The Dangers of Heroin Laced with Rompun

Heroin laced with Rompun is causing fatal infections among drug users just like my above-mentioned friends. Rompun suppresses the immune system, making users more susceptible to infections. In addition, Rompun is much more potent than heroin, which means that users are at a higher risk of overdosing. Rompun also has a longer half-life than heroin, which means that it stays in the body for a longer period of time, increasing the risk of overdose.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning about the dangers of heroin laced with Xylazine. The warning notes that Xylazine can cause severe respiratory depression, coma, and death, especially when used in combination with other drugs, such as opioids. The CDC also warns that Xylazine can cause necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection that destroys the body’s soft tissues. It is also important to note that you can NOT reverse the effects of Rompun/Xylazine with Narcan/Naloxone. The effects can be reversed by a drug called Tolazine, which the EMTs typically have on hand these days.

Rompun Withdrawal

Rompun withdrawal can be very difficult and dangerous. As we know, all withdrawal can be difficult. Symptoms of Rompun withdrawal include anxiety, agitation, muscle pain, insomnia, sweating, and nausea. In severe cases, Rompun withdrawal can cause seizures and even death. It is important to seek medical help if you or someone you know is experiencing Rompun withdrawal. I will address more on this below.


The best way to prevent the use of heroin laced with Rompun is to avoid using heroin altogether. However, for those of us who are struggling with active addiction, seeking treatment is essential. Treatment options include medication-assisted treatment, behavioral therapy, and support groups. It is important to seek help from a qualified healthcare professional who can provide a personalized treatment plan. If you don’t have one or don’t know what to do, please contact me via the comments or email I will help you.

It is also important to be aware of the signs of someone that used laced heroin. These signs include extreme drowsiness, shallow breathing, blue lips and nails, cold skin, and pinpoint pupils. If you suspect someone is using heroin laced with Rompun, it is important to seek medical help immediately. I can’t tell you how much this drug has me worried. People think they are dealing with a simple cellulitis infection, and that is not the case. I also want to say that I personally would hit the overdosed individual with Narcan anyway to possibly counteract any opioids that may be contributing to the overdose, but I am NOT a medical professional.

The Connection to the Opioid Epidemic

Heroin laced with Rompun is just one example of how the opioid epidemic has led to an increase in dangerous and deadly drugs on the market. Individuals that sell drugs are always looking for ways to increase their profits, and cutting drugs like heroin with cheaper and more potent substances like Rompun is, unfortunately, one way they do so. 

I personally couldn’t imagine doing something like this to have so many lives lost so unnecessarily. Being an empath, I obsess about things like this because they are so self-serving and tragic. This is why it is crucial to address the root causes of drug addiction and to provide effective treatment options for those who are struggling with addiction. If you are interested in more statistics, check out my post, Opioid Addiction: History and Shocking Statistics for more information.

What resources are available for those struggling with addiction to Rompun?

Image Asking Readers To Share The Post To Raise Awareness And Save Lives.
Please share this post with anyone you believe may be at risk, and do not let them leave the hospital early.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to Rompun-laced heroin, there are resources available to help. The first step is to seek professional help and support from a healthcare provider or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance on treatment options, including medication-assisted treatment and counseling. Additionally, support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous can provide a community of individuals who understand the challenges of addiction and can offer encouragement and support.

Not to mention we are in the process of building an all-inclusive, supportive, and non-judgmental community that will meet you where you’re at. You should register, and if you are really struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the comments or email me at I really do care. It’s important to remember that recovery is possible and seeking help is the first step towards a healthier, happier life.


Heroin laced with Rompun is a growing concern among public health officials, law enforcement agencies, and substance users. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction. Please check out my resource page to get the help you or your loved one may need. Prevention is the key to avoiding the dangers of heroin laced with xylazine. 

By being aware of the signs of heroin laced with xylazine and seeking help, when necessary, we can help prevent the spread of this deadly drug. Addressing the root causes of drug addiction and providing effective treatment options is essential to combating the opioid epidemic and preventing the rise of dangerous and deadly drugs like heroin laced with xylazine.

Final Words

Please be sure to like, subscribe, and, most importantly, SHARE this post. A person seeing this post or not seeing it could make the difference between life and death, and as I mentioned, I have lost friends to this nasty drug. It isn’t sterile for use in humans, and that’s scary. Prevention is key with these things, so please share and tell your loved ones.

Join our growing community and check out the PNP Support Forums. They are a work in progress, but they are something. Light and love, friends.

You can purchase Xylazine/Rompun tests here.

Post Off Quote (on the loss of a friend) Lost two more in the last few weeks.

“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.”

-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Psychiatrist

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am allowed to feel my emotions. My emotions are HEAL-thy and they help me to move forward when I am ready.

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The Benefits of Shadow Work with Free Prompt Journal PDF

The Benefits of Shadow Work with Free Prompt Journal PDF

Benefits Of Shadow Work: Image Of A Woman In Front Of A Mirror Looking Into Her Black Shadow Reflection.
Understanding our shadow is essential in creating self-awareness.

Shadow work is a powerful method that involves exploring your deepest fears, insecurities, and unresolved emotions. The benefits of shadow work are beyond life-changing, and I can personally tell you that this is no exaggeration. By facing your shadow self, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and break free from negative patterns in your life, which alone is a game changer. If you’re curious about shadow work and want to start exploring this transformative practice and get yourself a sixteen-week, 136-page beautiful free shadow work prompt journal PDF, keep reading.

The Universe has dragged me kicking and screaming to Shadow Work. I was resistant because I am a “live in the here and now” kind of person. I thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie, though, after about two months into my own shadow work, I think good ole Carl Jung knew exactly what he was talking about. Most of you might be wondering what the heck shadow work is, and you are about to find out.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung coined the term “shadow work” to refer to the therapeutic process of accepting and integrating one’s shadow or repressed aspects. According to Jung, this integration with the subconscious self enables a fuller expression of ourselves and our creativity. Shadow work involves facing our darker aspects, which we have been avoiding and repressing for years, in order to become whole humans again. By engaging in this process, individuals gain greater insight into themselves, allowing them to break down psychological barriers that have hindered their growth. One must also confront one’s fears and learn to embrace one’s darkest thoughts and emotions as part of one’s psychology.

Carl Jung proposed the idea of ‘shadow work’ to appropriately term the process. He emphasized that these bits of ourselves often include our negative traits, such as greed, fearfulness, or cruelty. It is by no means necessary for those who commit wrongful acts to be labeled as ‘bad’; rather, those wrongdoings are only important in the sense of self-reflection and learning – without acceptance and acknowledgment of one’s own complex psychological landscape, it is nearly impossible to grow as a person. Carl Jung famously stressed the importance of shadow work in psychological development, referring to it as an unveiling or awakening of parts of ourselves that have long remained hidden before.

Understanding Shadow Work

Shadow work is a journey that should only be embarked upon when you are in a mentally sound and stable place, unlike the mental conditions of early recovery. I suggest educating yourself on everything shadow and waiting until you enter long-term recovery. Through shadow work, we can learn to recognize these patterns that keep us stuck in negative behaviors or thought processes and break free from them.

Understanding and accepting our shadows is essential in cultivating greater self-awareness, self-mastery, and compassion. We must delve into our psychological triggers and explore where they came from. We must learn to accept the parts of ourselves that we would rather reject so that we can find strength and resilience in resolving these issues. Through shadow work, we seek to unlock the wisdom within us that informs our decisions, actions, and interactions with others. We understand how others feel and come to terms with our own emotions more effectively. It involves accepting and reclaiming those parts of ourselves to attain wholeness, and for me, it really has worked.

Understanding Shadow Work

Image Of Shadow Hand Representing The Struggle Of Shadow Work.
The Benefits of Shadow Work with Free Prompt Journal PDF 310

Working through shadow issues can be emotionally and psychologically intense, so it may be necessary to seek professional help to approach trauma from childhood and beyond. There are numerous resources available, such as books, articles, videos, courses, and self-help groups for those seeking help with their mental health. At the end of this post, I am offering a FREE sixteen-week 136-page digital Shadow Work Prompt Journal that I created just for my readers. Every page is beautifully detailed, with photos and spaces for you to type or write.

Carl Jung believed that one of the most important and essential steps to growth is shadow work. We must confront our inner darkness. We do this by connecting with whatever parts of us feel hidden, shameful, and/or suppressed— bringing those deeper aspects of ourselves into consciousness so they no longer have control over us. According to Carl Jung’s theory of individuation, one must acknowledge and embrace their shadow self in order to attain true enlightenment. He challenges the traditional idea that we must deny our “dark” side in order to be spiritual, insisting instead that only through a process of integration or shadow work can all aspects of the personality be acknowledged, accepted, and unified.

This unification then leads to a sense of wholeness and understanding required for one’s overall growth and development, which includes understanding and accepting our “shadow” or “shade” self. This process can be uncomfortable at times. It can also lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and a sense of empowerment. Shadow work can take many forms, from journaling and meditation to therapy and support groups.

Break Free of Limiting Beliefs

The key is to be open and honest with yourself as you explore your shadow self. Shadow work is a powerful tool for personal transformation and self-discovery. It requires bravery, openness, and a willingness to confront these darker parts of ourselves. This process can also lead to greater self-awareness, more authentic relationships, and a sense of inner peace. Shadow work takes a lot of time and effort. The rewards are well worth it– increased emotional intelligence, greater personal power, and a stronger connection with ourselves and others.

Engaging in shadow work can also help us break free from limiting beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us. This allows us to live more fulfilling lives. With greater awareness of our own shadows, we may also have a clearer understanding of the shadows that exist within our communities and society at large. Which leads to greater social responsibility and activism. Overall, engaging in shadow work allows us to live more authentic lives with a deeper sense of purpose and clarity. By using the free shadow work journal PDF, you can explore your shadow over there next sixteen weeks. Simply work through the beautiful pages and see where it takes you.

How to Begin Shadow Work

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Before embarking on shadow work, it’s important to approach the practice with self-compassion and without judgment. Begin by setting aside dedicated time and space for exploring your inner world. Be sure to print or download the free shadow work journal PDF. It can be helpful to journal your thoughts and feelings. One can also engage in creative pursuits like art or music to access unconscious aspects of your psyche. Notice patterns in your behavior, relationships, and reactions to certain situations or people. Pay attention to any emotions that arise when reflecting on these experiences, as they can offer valuable insight into internal conflicts or unresolved issues. Seek support from a therapist or trusted friend, if necessary, during this process. Remember that shadow work is a journey and not a destination. Please be patient with yourself as you explore the depths of your psyche using my shadow work journal.

Why is Shadow Work Important in Addiction Recovery?

As I mentioned, shadow work requires a certain degree of introspection and self-exploration. We must deal with issues such as shame, anger, and/or fear, which those of us in recovery have plenty of. These are a few of the many issues we struggle with each and every day. By doing our shadow work, we can better understand the root causes behind our addictions. This helps us gain insight into our repetitive pattern of self-sabotage and ultimately find the inner strength to overcome our struggles with substance abuse. It is important because it offers a path to healing that goes beyond physical abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol.

Exploring the Root Causes of Our Addictions

Childhood Wounds and Trauma

Childhood wounds and trauma can often be the root cause of addiction. Experiences such as neglect, physical or emotional abuse, or the loss of a loved one can create deep emotional scars that individuals may try to numb with addictive behaviors. My shadow work journal PDF can help you explore these experiences further. By acknowledging and processing these past experiences, you may begin to understand why you turned to addiction in the first place and develop healthier coping mechanisms moving forward.

Shift your perspective on addiction and explore positive behaviors that reinforce sobriety. Addiction recovery is a journey that involves more than just quitting a substance or behavior. Shadow work can help us shift our perspective on addiction and develop positive habits that reinforce sobriety. For example, instead of focusing on the negative consequences of addiction, try to focus on the benefits of being sober. Use shadow work prompts such as: What positive changes have you experienced since getting sober? What are some healthy activities that bring joy into your life? How can you create new positive memories to replace the ones associated with addiction? By exploring these prompts, you can shift your mindset towards living a healthier and happier life without addictive behaviors.

Carl Jung’s Four Steps to Shadow Work

Shadow Work can be thought of as a four-step process. The first step is Identification, in which you learn how to recognize and identify the parts of yourself that lie in your Shadow. The second step is Acknowledgement, where you accept and explore the hidden aspects of yourself with an open mind. The third step is Analysis, where you can start to understand the underlying energies behind these aspects before finally entering the fourth and final stage: Integration. Through this stage, you begin to consciously incorporate these newfound discoveries about yourself into both your personal life and/or creative practice for positive evolution. Let me break it down for you.


You must identify the parts of you that you unconsciously repress. Let me give you an example. My last post was about how I lived my entire life trying not to feel abandoned after I went home one day when I was barely a teenager to find that everything in my apartment was gone except for my bedroom. My mom had taken my little sister, had moved out of state, and left no forwarding address.

I decided after spending the night crying that I would not be a victim. By refusing to be a “victim,” I fed my shadow self. I refused to acknowledge that I had been abandoned at that time, which led to a life of silently suffering and always fearing and then feeling abandoned. Every time that we deny ourselves healthy emotions because emotions are, in fact, healthy and normal, we are feeding our shadow, and it’s growing.

If anyone knows what real abandonment feels like, you know that it seeps into every aspect of your existence. When you deny the feeling, it gets so much worse. I liken it to trying not to obsessively think about something you are obsessively thinking about. Before long, I had picked up heroin because I never felt right. Who would feel right after being left and abandoned at fourteen or fifteen years old? I have come to call my issues with abandonment, people pleasing, and lack of appropriate boundaries when it comes to helping those less fortunate the “my mommy never loved me” syndrome.


Photo Of A Real Hand Reaching Out And Touching A Shadow Hand Represents The Integration Of Our Shadow Selves.
Real hand meets shadow hand to integrate.

No, I have never blamed my addiction on anyone or anything except myself. I refuse to be a victim, remember? After working through my issues in my shadow work, I am now able to reflect and see why my feelings were completely valid, and one night of bawling my eyes out was not enough. Identify the issues that you know you have repressed by looking at your past and current behaviors and writing them down so you can address them one by one. It’s so worth it. I promise.

This is not for the faint of heart. After you identify any issues that you may have, you will need to revisit certain experiences that you lived through that may be at the root of how the behavior came to be. Look at the list that you have identified as problems in your current life, then pick out the ones that are the biggest struggle for you or that affect your day-to-day life the most. My advice is to start with the most problematic behavior.

Side Note

For instance anger, we all struggle with some degree of what would be healthy anger. If you spent your childhood being angry because you had to repeatedly watch your mother be abused by a slew of men, and every time you got angry and tried to defend your mom, you would be yelled at by your mom, and she may have told you that you were bad and/or awful. Over time you would stop trying to defend her, but you were still forced to watch it over and over. You suppressed the anger that was welling up inside of you. Little did you know that you were making your shadow big and fat.

You may have also begun to develop opinions or biases against men because it happened with every single one of them. These emotions that you felt were completely normal, and as an adult, you now know that on a conscious level. You must acknowledge it on both a conscious and subconscious level with no judgment, and you must acknowledge before you and your shadow-self that it was safe and healthy to express your emotions and that you know that he/she/others was only trying to help. You are allowed to feel angry. Start by acknowledging the events/experiences that need to be revisited. Look at your triggers regarding what sets you off before the unwanted behavior manifests.


In my experience, acknowledgment and analysis went hand in hand. Except I discovered a lot of things that I had forgotten. While revisiting some of my experiences, I came across one of my old, very loved childhood “stuffy” that I had adored as a child. It was almost like cleaning out my attic and finding an old book that I had once read a hundred times. Snowflake had been hiding in the dark recesses of my mind, misfiled along with the rest of my good, though sparse, childhood memories.

My advice is to be mentally prepared. Don’t start this journey if you aren’t ready to do the work. If you are not at a stable place in your life or your recovery, then do not proceed. You just don’t know what’s hidden in the dark recesses of your mind, and if you aren’t prepared to handle doing whatever it takes to move forward and be whole, then wait. No doubt is permitted. For me, it wasn’t and hasn’t been even half as bad as I suspected, and I not only found a beautiful part of me that I didn’t know existed, but I found things like Snowflake.


I will tell you how I did this, and it was pretty easy to get the ball rolling. I went to YouTube and found a few really good shadow work meditations, which you can find here and here. Don’t think you can’t meditate because I suffer with ADHD, and I recently found out I have Aphantasia. I seriously cannot visualize, and I still made it work. Complete one of the meditations and see how you feel. Wait a few days and see what rolls in. Keep track of any thoughts that might occur, even if they don’t make sense at the time. It will often make sense with some distance.

How to Incorporate These Shadow Work Prompts into Your Daily Routine

To incorporate these shadow work prompts into your daily routine, it’s essential to set aside some time each day for self-reflection. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed and where you feel safe to express yourself fully. Start by reviewing the shadow work journal PDF of prompts and choose one that speaks to you at this moment. Write your answers down in your shadow work journal, allowing yourself to explore your thoughts and emotions without self-judgment or criticism. Do this every day, revisiting previous prompts, if necessary, until you start to notice patterns or themes emerging. This can help you gain deep insights into your inner life. We can also uncover the root causes of our addictive behavior, which might not have been so apparent before.

I know you hate to hear it, but meditation and deep reflection are crucial for being successful in your shadow work. I have mentioned that for years and years, I was overly resistant to meditation. Now it remains one of my deepest regrets. If you would like, you can check out my post on how meditation can aid those of us in recovery here. I seriously could have been astral projecting for all this time. Meditation can lead to higher levels of consciousness. It has been confirmed by the CIA here. If you look at page twenty-five, it also makes a reference to manifesting. This was the missing page that was found in an old barn at The Monroe Institute. If this is something you are into, you can check out my post on how I used the law of attraction to beat my lifelong addiction to heroin here.


Ge Wave I Discovery 2019
The Gateway Experience Audio

I actually purchased the entire Gateway series on The Gateway audios are the audios that were used to train the CIA to astral project/remote view. If you are interested in these audios, you can purchase them here. Totally worth it, though they may not work for everyone. If you do all of the tapes in order and are consistent with your practice, you should be in the astral realm in no time at all.

Please don’t forget to grab your 16-week shadow work journal PDF. I made it with all of you in mind. You will have to provide your email for my newsletter, but pshhhhh… you have been meaning to subscribe anyway. Now is the time. I will never ever SPAM you or give out your email. That’s a promise. If this post has you excited about your future, let me know in the comments below. I also would love to know what you guys think of the shadow work journal PDF. Lol. Hit me with it in the comments. Also, support this blog, so I can keep going by following, liking, subscribing, sharing, and registering for our new judgment-free supportive community.

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“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

–C.S. Lewis

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

It doesn’t matter how slowly I go as long as I don’t stop. Today I take time for myself.

Image Of Mockup For Shadow Work Journal
The Benefits of Shadow Work with Free Prompt Journal PDF 312

Shadow Work

Prompt Journal

Shadow work has had such an absolute and profound effect on my life that I created this 138-page prompt journal to be done over 16 weeks when completing one prompt per day.

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 362

Hey there, fellow herb enthusiasts and seekers of wellness! Today, I want to take you on an in-depth exploration of using herbs for addiction recovery. Addiction is just so… hard. Life is so… hard. Let’s seek wellness, right? Make the best of things? As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of an extremely long and soul-sucking addiction and, with the help of a few other natural and holistic helpers with the help of herbs, was able to find profound healing through the power of plants, I’m excited to share this part of my journey with you and offer insights into the transformative potential of herbal medicine.

Let’s dive deeper into the world of herbal allies and explore a wide range of plants that can support you on your path to recovery:

1. Kava Kava

Kava Kava Herb
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 363

Kava kava, also known simply as kava, is a plant native to the South Pacific islands, where it has been used for centuries in traditional ceremonies and rituals. The roots of the kava plant contain compounds called kavalactones, which are responsible for its calming and sedative effects.

Here’s a deeper dive into the benefits and uses of kava kava:

  1. Anxiety Relief: One of the most well-known benefits of kava kava is its ability to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Kavalactones in kava interact with neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA receptors, which help calm the nervous system and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, which we tend to experience a lot of when we stop our drug use.
  2. Improved Mood: In addition to its anxiolytic properties, kava kava has been shown to have mood-enhancing effects. By promoting a sense of calm and well-being, kava can help lift spirits and improve one’s overall mood, which can really make all the difference. I was actually blown away by how I felt after drinking Kava Tea. I felt like I was walking on water and from something that wasn’t poisonous to my body. Imagine that!
  3. Muscle Relaxation: Kava kava has mild muscle relaxant properties, making it useful for relieving tension and muscle spasms. This can be especially beneficial for individuals experiencing physical symptoms of stress, such as tightness in the neck and shoulders.
  4. Sleep Aid: Kava kava is often used as a natural sleep aid due to its calming and sedative effects. By promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety, kava can help facilitate restful sleep without the grogginess associated with prescription sleep medications. I love anything natural that can help my insomnia, and I drink tea before bed every night, so it really aligned.
  5. Social Anxiety Support: Some studies suggest that kava kava may be helpful for individuals with social anxiety disorder. By reducing feelings of nervousness and inhibition, kava can help individuals feel more at ease in social situations. Note that it MAY be helpful. I didn’t notice any changes with this, but you may have different results.
  6. Pain Relief: While not as potent as prescription pain medications, which we should avoid anyway, kava may have mild analgesic properties to help alleviate minor aches and pains. This makes it a popular choice for individuals seeking natural pain relief without the side effects of traditional painkillers.
  7. Stress Reduction: In today’s fast-paced world, chronic stress has become a common concern for many individuals. Kava kava offers a natural solution for stress reduction, helping to promote a sense of calm and relaxation in the face of life’s challenges.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of kava kava:

  • Kava Tea: My favorite is brewing kava tea, perhaps the most traditional and straightforward way to consume kava kava. Simply steep the dried kava root powder in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Some people may find kava tea slightly bitter or earthy, but you can always add honey or other flavorings to mask the taste.
  • Kava Supplements: Kava kava supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of kavalactones, making it easy to incorporate Kava into your daily routine.
  • Kava Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of kava, typically made by soaking the dried root powder in alcohol or glycerin. Kava tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of kavalactones for quick absorption.
  • Kava Paste: Kava paste is a concentrated form of kava that can be mixed with water or other beverages for a potent and convenient way to enjoy its benefits. Simply mix a small amount of kava paste with water and drink it down for fast-acting relaxation.
  • Kava Bath: This might not be a common way to use kava, but I’m not a common person. I make my own bath oils and bath salts (No, not those ones) and I create my own combinations depending on who I am making it for and what issues they are having. Most of my favorites include kava, which means I can’t say for sure that the kava makes my baths as heavenly as they are, but they are in the combos. I encourage you to experiment and see what works for you and your friends and family.

It’s important to note that while kava kava can offer many benefits, it should be used with caution and in moderation. Long-term or excessive use of kava may lead to adverse effects such as liver damage or dependency. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using kava, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Related Recommended Products

Kava Kava 250Mg 120 Capsules- A
Now Kava Kava Extract 250 mg
Grassroots Kava House Lahui (Mind) Premium Kava Powder - Kava Kava Powder For Kava Drinks
Grassroots Kava
Kavafied Aluball Pro Kava Maker - Makes Kava In Less Than 60 Second- A
Kavafied AluBall Pro Kava Maker

*These are affiliate links. I earn a small commission if you buy through links on this page. This helps me to keep this blog going. I appreciate you!*

2. Valerian Root

Herbs For Addiction- Valerian Root
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 364

If you struggle with insomnia or sleep disturbances, and I know you do, valerian root may become your new best friend. Valerian is one of my favorite herbs. This natural sedative has been used for centuries to promote restful sleep and alleviate nighttime restlessness. Valerian can help you achieve a deeper and more restorative sleep, whether brewed as a tea or taken in capsule form.

Let’s delve into the wonderful world of valerian and its myriad benefits:

  1. Natural Sleep Aid: Valerian root is perhaps best known for its ability to promote restful sleep. It contains compounds such as valerenic acid and valepotriates that have sedative properties, helping to calm the nervous system and induce sleepiness. Valerian can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.
  2. Anxiety Reduction: In addition to its sleep-promoting effects, valerian root also has mild anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties. By interacting with neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA receptors, valerian helps calm the mind and alleviate stress and anxiety.
  3. Muscle Relaxation: Valerian root has muscle relaxant properties that can help relieve tension and muscle spasms. This makes it useful for individuals experiencing physical stress symptoms, such as neck and shoulder tightness.
  4. Stress Management: Chronic stress has become a prevalent issue in today’s society, contributing to a wide range of health problems. Valerian root offers a natural solution for stress management, helping to promote relaxation and emotional well-being in the face of life’s challenges.
  5. Menstrual Cramp Relief: Some research suggests valerian root may help alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms associated with PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Its muscle relaxant properties can help ease uterine contractions and reduce discomfort during menstruation.
  6. Digestive Support: Valerian root has been used traditionally to support digestive health and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It may help reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas, and indigestion, making it a valuable herb for promoting overall digestive wellness.
  7. Mood Enhancement: While valerian root is primarily known for its calming effects, it can also have mood-enhancing properties. Valerian root can help improve mood and overall sense of well-being by promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of valerian root:

  • Valerian Tea: Brewing valerian tea is a popular and time-honored way to consume this soothing herb. Steep dried valerian root in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Valerian tea can be sipped before bedtime to promote relaxation and restful sleep.
  • Valerian Supplements: Valerian root supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of valerenic acid, making it easy to incorporate valerian into your daily routine.
  • Valerian Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of valerian root, typically made by soaking the dried root in alcohol or glycerin. Valerian tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of valerenic acid for quick absorption.
  • Valerian Essential Oil: Valerian essential oil is another way to experience the benefits of this herb. It can be used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Add a few drops of valerian essential oil to a diffuser or inhaler and breathe deeply to enjoy its calming effects.

It’s important to note that while valerian root is generally considered safe for short-term use, it may cause drowsiness and should be used with caution, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery. Long-term or excessive use of valerian root may also lead to tolerance and dependency. As always, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before using valerian root, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Related Recommended Products

Valerian Root By Maryruth'S 2 Month Supply- A

Valerian Root by MaryRuth’s 2 Month Supply attached images:

Organic Valerian Root 4 Oz. (113G), Usda Certified Organic Valerian Root Herb-A
Carlyle Valerian Root Capsules
Carlyle Valerian Root Capsules- A

Carlyle Valerian Root Capsules

*These are affiliate links. I earn a small commission if you buy through links on this page. This helps me to keep this blog going. I appreciate you!*

3. Passionflower

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 365

Known for its gentle sedative properties, passionflower is a wonderful herb for calming the mind and easing anxiety. It can be especially beneficial for those experiencing heightened stress or emotional turmoil during recovery. Passionflower can be consumed as a tea, tincture, or capsule to promote relaxation and emotional balance.

Let’s explore the incredible benefits of Passionflower:

  1. Anxiety Relief: Passionflower is renowned for its ability to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. It contains compounds such as flavonoids and alkaloids that interact with neurotransmitters in the brain, such as GABA receptors, helping to calm the nervous system and alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.
  2. Sleep Aid: In addition to its anxiety-reducing effects, passionflower is also a popular natural sleep aid. It contains compounds that have sedative properties, helping to induce feelings of drowsiness and promote restful sleep. Passionflower can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.
  3. Mood Enhancement: Passionflower has mood-enhancing properties that can help improve overall sense of well-being. By promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of anxiety, passionflower can help lift spirits and improve mood, making it a valuable herb for promoting emotional balance and resilience.
  4. Muscle Relaxation: Passionflower has mild muscle relaxant properties that can help relieve tension and muscle spasms. This makes it useful for individuals experiencing physical symptoms of stress, such as tightness in the neck and shoulders.
  5. Digestive Support: Passionflower has been used traditionally to support digestive health and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It may help reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas, and indigestion, making it a valuable herb for promoting overall digestive wellness.
  6. Menstrual Cramp Relief: Some research suggests that passionflower may help alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms associated with PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Its muscle relaxant properties can help ease uterine contractions and reduce discomfort during menstruation.
  7. Blood Pressure Regulation: Passionflower has been studied for its potential benefits in regulating blood pressure levels. Some research suggests that passionflower may help lower blood pressure by promoting relaxation of blood vessels, making it a valuable herb for individuals with hypertension or cardiovascular concerns.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of Passionflower:

  • Passionflower Tea: Brewing passionflower tea is a simple and delicious way to consume this soothing herb. Simply steep dried passionflower in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Passionflower tea can be sipped throughout the day to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • Passionflower Supplements: Passionflower supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of passionflower extract, making it easy to incorporate passionflower into your daily routine.
  • Passionflower Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of passionflower, typically made by soaking the dried herb in alcohol or glycerin. Passionflower tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of the herb for quick absorption.
  • Passionflower Essential Oil: Passionflower essential oil can be used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Simply add a few drops of passionflower essential oil to a diffuser or inhaler and breathe deeply to enjoy its calming effects.

While passionflower is generally considered safe for most people, it may cause drowsiness and should be used with caution, especially when driving or operating heavy machinery. It may also interact with certain medications, so it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before using Passionflower, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Related Recommended Products

Passion Flower Tea Organic Calming - Whole Leaf Dried Passionflower- A
Whole Leaf Dried Passionflower
Crysalis Passion Flower (Passiflora) Oil- A
Crysalis Passion Flower (Passiflora) Oil
Now Supplements, Passion Flower (Passiflora Incarnata) 350 Mg-A
NOW Supplements, Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) 350 mg

*These are affiliate links. I earn a small commission if you buy through links on this page. This helps me to keep this blog going. I appreciate you!*

4. Rhodiola-Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 366

Another powerful adaptogen, Rhodiola is known for its ability to increase energy levels and improve mental clarity. It can be especially helpful for combating fatigue and low motivation often experienced during recovery. Rhodiola can be taken as a supplement or brewed into tea to enhance physical and mental stamina.

Let’s delve into the wonderful benefits of Rhodiola rosea, also known as golden root or Arctic root:

  1. Adaptogenic Power: Rhodiola rosea is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stressors and promote overall resilience. It contains active compounds such as rosavin and salidroside that have been shown to modulate the body’s stress response, helping to reduce the negative effects of stress on both physical and mental health.
  2. Energy Enhancement: Despite its calming effects, Rhodiola rosea is also known for its ability to increase energy levels and combat fatigue. By supporting adrenal function and improving overall vitality, Rhodiola can help increase stamina, reduce feelings of fatigue, and promote a sense of vitality and well-being.
  3. Mental Clarity and Focus: Rhodiola rosea has been studied for its potential benefits in supporting cognitive function and mental clarity. Some research suggests that Rhodiola may help improve memory, focus, and concentration, making it a valuable herb for individuals seeking to enhance cognitive performance and productivity.
  4. Mood Regulation: In addition to its stress-reducing effects, Rhodiola rosea has mood-enhancing properties that can help improve overall mood and emotional well-being. It can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, promote a more positive outlook, and enhance resilience to emotional stressors.
  5. Physical Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often turn to Rhodiola Rosea for its potential benefits in enhancing physical performance and reducing exercise-induced fatigue. Some research suggests that Rhodiola may help improve endurance, increase exercise capacity, and reduce recovery time after strenuous physical activity.
  6. Immune System Support: Rhodiola rosea has immune-modulating properties that can help support overall immune system function. By promoting balance within the immune system, Rhodiola can help the body better respond to stressors and maintain optimal health and wellness.
  7. Cardiovascular Health: Rhodiola rosea has been studied for its potential benefits in supporting cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of heart disease. Some research suggests that Rhodiola may help lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce inflammation, making it a valuable herb for individuals seeking to support heart health.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of Rhodiola rosea:

  • Rhodiola Supplements: Rhodiola rosea supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of Rhodiola extract, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Rhodiola Tea: While less common, Rhodiola tea can be brewed using dried Rhodiola root or powder. Steep the herb in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Rhodiola tea can be sipped daily to promote relaxation and stress relief.
  • Rhodiola Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of Rhodiola rosea, typically made by soaking the dried root in alcohol or glycerin. Rhodiola tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose for quick absorption.
  • Rhodiola Powder: Rhodiola powder can be mixed into smoothies, teas, or other beverages for a natural energy boost and stress relief. Add a spoonful to your favorite drink and enjoy the benefits of this versatile herb.

It’s important to note that while Rhodiola rosea is generally considered safe for most people, it may interact with certain medications or medical conditions. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using Rhodiola, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Related Recommended Products

Rhodiola Root Extract With Natural Rosavins - Liquid Delivery For Better Absorption
Rhodiola Root Extract with Natural Rosavins – Liquid Delivery for Better Absorption
Rhodiola Rosea-A
Rhodiola Rosea

*These are affiliate links. I earn a small commission if you buy through links on this page. This helps me to keep this blog going. I appreciate you!*

5. Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 367

This liver-loving herb is essential for supporting detoxification and promoting liver health during recovery. After years of substance abuse, the liver may be overburdened and in need of support. Milk thistle can be taken as a supplement or brewed into a tea to promote liver detoxification and overall vitality. Let’s explore the incredible benefits of milk thistle:

  1. Liver Support: Milk thistle is perhaps best known for its powerful liver-protective properties. It contains a compound called silymarin, which has been extensively studied for its ability to support liver health and function. Silymarin acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, helping to protect liver cells from damage caused by toxins, pollutants, and oxidative stress.
  2. Detoxification: Besides its liver-protective effects, milk thistle also supports the body’s natural detoxification processes. By promoting the production of enzymes involved in detoxification, milk thistle helps the liver effectively remove toxins and metabolic waste products from the body, promoting overall health and wellness.
  3. Anti-Inflammatory: Milk thistle has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. By reducing inflammation, milk thistle may help lower the risk of chronic disease and promote overall well-being.
  4. Cholesterol Reduction: Some research suggests that milk thistle may help lower cholesterol levels and improve lipid profiles. By inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and promoting the excretion of cholesterol from the body, milk thistle can help support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  5. Blood Sugar Regulation: Milk thistle has been studied for its potential benefits in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. Some research suggests that milk thistle may help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes complications, making it a valuable herb for individuals with diabetes or prediabetes.
  6. Skin Health: Milk thistle has been used traditionally to promote skin health and alleviate skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help protect skin cells from damage and promote healing, making it a valuable herb for individuals seeking to maintain healthy, radiant skin.
  7. Digestive Support: Milk thistle has been shown to support digestive health by promoting the production of bile, a substance that aids in the digestion and absorption of fats. By stimulating bile production, milk thistle helps improve digestion, reduce bloating and gas, and alleviate symptoms of indigestion.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of milk thistle:

  • Milk Thistle Supplements: Milk thistle supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of silymarin, making it easy to incorporate milk thistle into your daily routine.
  • Milk Thistle Tea: Brewing milk thistle tea is a simple and delicious way to consume this liver-loving herb. Steep dried milk thistle seeds in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Milk thistle tea can be sipped throughout the day to promote liver health and overall well-being.
  • Milk Thistle Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of milk thistle, typically made by soaking the dried seeds in alcohol or glycerin. Milk thistle tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of silymarin for quick absorption.
  • Milk Thistle Powder: Milk thistle powder can be added to smoothies, juices, or other beverages for a natural liver cleanse and detox. Simply mix a spoonful into your favorite drink and enjoy the benefits of this liver-supporting herb.

It’s important to note that while milk thistle is generally considered safe for most people, it may interact with certain medications or medical conditions. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using milk thistle, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Related Recommended Products

Milk Thistle Powder-A
Milk Thistle Powder
Imatchme Premium Milk Thistle Tea Bags- A
iMATCHME Premium Milk Thistle Tea Bags

6. St. John’s Wort

St Johns Wort
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 368

St. John’s Wort is another of my all-time favorite herbs. For those struggling with depression or mood swings during recovery, St. John’s Wort can offer natural relief. This herb acts as a mild antidepressant and mood stabilizer, helping to lift the dark clouds of depression and restore emotional balance. It’s great! St. John’s Wort can be consumed as a tea, tincture, or capsule to promote mental well-being. Let’s explore the wonderful benefits of St. John’s wort:

  1. Mood Enhancement: St. John’s wort is perhaps best known for improving mood and alleviating symptoms of mild to moderate depression. It contains active compounds such as hypericin and hyperforin that are believed to act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, similar to some prescription antidepressants. By increasing serotonin levels and other neurotransmitters in the brain, St. John’s wort can help elevate mood and promote emotional well-being.
  2. Anxiety Relief: In addition to its antidepressant effects, St. John’s wort also has anxiolytic properties that can help reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. By calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation, St. John’s wort can help alleviate symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and other anxiety-related conditions.
  3. Sleep Aid: Some individuals find that St. John’s wort helps improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia symptoms. By promoting relaxation and reducing feelings of stress and anxiety, St. John’s wort can create a more conducive environment for restful sleep.
  4. Nerve Pain Relief: St. John’s wort has been used traditionally to alleviate nerve pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as sciatica, neuralgia, and fibromyalgia. Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help reduce pain and inflammation in the nervous system, making it a valuable herb for individuals experiencing chronic pain.
  5. Wound Healing: St. John’s wort has been used topically to promote wound healing and alleviate skin conditions such as cuts, burns, and bruises. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help reduce inflammation, prevent infection, and promote tissue regeneration, making it a valuable herb for first aid and topical applications.
  6. Anti-Inflammatory: St. John’s wort has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Chronic inflammation is associated with a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders. By reducing inflammation, St. John’s wort may help lower the risk of chronic disease and promote overall well-being.
  7. Menopausal Symptom Relief: Some research suggests that St. John’s wort may help alleviate symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Its mood-stabilizing and hormone-balancing effects can help ease the transition through menopause and improve the overall quality of life for menopausal women, which, from what I hear, is definitely necessary.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of St. John’s wort:

  • St. John’s Wort Supplements: St. John’s wort supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of hypericin and hyperforin, making it easy to incorporate St. John’s wort into your daily routine.
  • St. John’s Wort Tea: Brewing St. John’s wort tea is a simple and enjoyable way to consume this mood-enhancing herb. Simply steep dried St. John’s wort flowers and leaves in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. St. John’s wort tea can be sipped throughout the day to promote relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • St. John’s Wort Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of St. John’s wort, typically made by soaking the dried flowers and leaves in alcohol or glycerin. St. John’s wort tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of the herb for quick absorption.

It’s important to note that while St. John’s wort is generally considered safe for most people when used appropriately, it may interact with certain medications, including antidepressants, birth control pills, and blood thinners. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using St. John’s wort, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

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7. Peppermint

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 369

While not traditionally thought of as an herb for addiction recovery, peppermint offers valuable support for digestive health during the detoxification process. Many individuals experience gastrointestinal discomfort during recovery, and peppermint can help alleviate symptoms such as nausea, bloating, and indigestion. Peppermint tea is a refreshing and soothing option for promoting digestive wellness. Let’s explore the wonderful benefits of peppermint:

  1. Digestive Support: Peppermint is perhaps best known for its ability to support digestive health. It contains menthol, a natural compound that helps relax the digestive tract muscles, alleviating symptoms such as gas, bloating, and indigestion. Peppermint tea or oil can particularly benefit individuals experiencing digestive discomfort after meals.
  2. Relief from Nausea: Peppermint has long been used as a natural remedy for nausea and motion sickness. Its soothing properties can help calm the stomach and reduce feelings of queasiness. Peppermint tea or a few drops of peppermint oil on a cloth inhaled can provide quick relief from nausea.
  3. Headache Relief: Peppermint has analgesic and cooling properties that can help alleviate tension headaches and migraines. Applying diluted peppermint oil to the temples or forehead may help reduce headache symptoms and promote relaxation.
  4. Respiratory Support: Peppermint contains menthol, which has a cooling effect on the respiratory tract and can help alleviate symptoms of congestion and respiratory discomfort. Peppermint tea or steam inhalation with a few drops of peppermint oil can help open up the airways and promote easier breathing.
  5. Mental Alertness: The invigorating aroma of peppermint has been shown to help improve mental alertness and cognitive function. Inhaling the scent of peppermint oil or drinking peppermint tea can help boost energy levels and promote mental clarity.
  6. Antimicrobial Properties: Peppermint has antimicrobial properties that can help fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. Peppermint oil has been used traditionally as a natural remedy for oral hygiene, helping to freshen breath and prevent dental plaque and gum disease.
  7. Skin Soothing: Peppermint has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe skin irritation and reduce itching and redness. Applying diluted peppermint oil to the skin can help provide relief from insect bites, rashes, and sunburn.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of peppermint:

  • Peppermint Tea: Brewing peppermint tea is a simple and delicious way to enjoy the benefits of this versatile herb. Simply steep dried peppermint leaves in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Peppermint tea can be sipped throughout the day to promote digestive health, relieve nausea, and support overall well-being.
  • Peppermint Oil: Peppermint essential oil can be used topically or aromatically to enjoy its therapeutic benefits. Diluted peppermint oil can be applied to the skin to relieve headaches, soothe muscle tension, or alleviate skin irritation. Peppermint oil can also be diffused or inhaled to promote respiratory health and mental alertness.
  • Peppermint Chewing Gum or Candies: Chewing gum or candies flavored with peppermint can help freshen your breath, alleviate nausea, and promote digestive health. Opt for sugar-free varieties to avoid excess sugar consumption.
  • Peppermint Supplements: Peppermint supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of peppermint extract, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

It’s important to note that while peppermint is generally considered safe for most people when used in moderation, it may cause side effects such as heartburn or allergic reactions in some individuals. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using peppermint, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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8. Ashwagandha

Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 370

As an adaptogenic herb, Ashwagandha helps the body adapt to stress and restore balance to the nervous system. It can be particularly beneficial for managing stress-related cravings and promoting overall resilience during recovery. Ashwagandha can be taken as a supplement or added to smoothies and other beverages for daily stress relief. I have been taking an Ashwagandha supplement for a few months now, and I am really pleased with the effects. Let me tell you about them.

Let’s explore the incredible benefits of ashwagandha:

  1. Stress Reduction: Ashwagandha is perhaps best known for its powerful adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stressors and promote overall resilience. It contains compounds called withanolides that have been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone, helping to calm the mind and alleviate feelings of anxiety and tension.
  2. Energy Boost: Despite its calming effects, ashwagandha is also known for its ability to increase energy levels and combat fatigue. By supporting adrenal function and improving overall vitality, ashwagandha can help increase stamina and promote a sense of vitality and well-being.
  3. Mood Enhancement: In addition to its stress-reducing effects, ashwagandha has been shown to have mood-enhancing properties. It can help improve overall mood and emotional well-being, making it a valuable herb for individuals struggling with depression or mood swings.
  4. Cognitive Support: Ashwagandha has been studied for its potential benefits in supporting cognitive function and brain health. Some research suggests that ashwagandha may help improve memory, focus, and mental clarity, making it a valuable herb for individuals seeking to support cognitive function as they age.
  5. Immune System Support: Ashwagandha has immune-modulating properties that can help support overall immune system function. By promoting balance within the immune system, ashwagandha can help the body better respond to stressors and maintain optimal health and wellness.
  6. Sleep Aid: While ashwagandha is not typically known as a sedative herb, some individuals may find that it helps promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. By reducing feelings of stress and anxiety, ashwagandha can create a more conducive environment for restful sleep.
  7. Muscle Strength and Recovery: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often turn to ashwagandha for its potential benefits in supporting muscle strength and recovery. Some research suggests that ashwagandha may help increase muscle mass, improve muscle recovery time, and reduce exercise-induced muscle damage.

Now, let’s explore the different ways you can enjoy the benefits of ashwagandha:

  • Ashwagandha Supplements: Ashwagandha supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid extracts. These convenient options offer a standardized dose of ashwagandha extract, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
  • Ashwagandha Powder: Ashwagandha powder can be mixed into smoothies, teas, or other beverages for a natural energy boost and stress relief. Simply add a spoonful to your favorite drink and enjoy the benefits of this versatile herb.
  • Ashwagandha Tinctures: Tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts of ashwagandha, typically made by soaking the dried root in alcohol or glycerin. Ashwagandha tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of the herb for quick absorption.
  • Ashwagandha Tea: While less common, ashwagandha tea can be brewed using dried ashwagandha root or powder. Simply steep the herb in hot water for several minutes, then strain and enjoy. Ashwagandha tea can be sipped throughout the day to promote relaxation and stress relief.

It’s important to note that while ashwagandha is generally considered safe for most people, it may interact with certain medications or medical conditions. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using ashwagandha, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Organic Ashwaganda Root-A
Organic Ashwagandha
Himalaya Ashwaganda Capsules- A
Himalaya Ashwagandha Capsules- A
Tribe Organics Ashwagandha Ksm 66 Pure Organic Root Powder Extract Ayurvedic Supplement
Ashwagandha Dry Herb

How to Use Herbs for Addiction

Herbs For Addiction
Herbs for Addiction: Natural Solutions for a Healthier Life 371

Now that we’ve explored a variety of herbs that can support addiction recovery, let’s discuss the more amazing and beneficial ways you can incorporate them into your daily routine:

  • Teas: Herbal teas are a convenient and enjoyable way to consume medicinal herbs. Simply steep the desired herbs in hot water for several minutes, strain, and enjoy! Herbal teas can be sipped throughout the day to provide ongoing support for relaxation, sleep, digestion, and mood balance.
  • Tinctures: Herbal tinctures are concentrated liquid extracts made by soaking herbs in alcohol or glycerin. Tinctures are easy to use and offer a potent dose of herbal medicine. Simply add the recommended number of drops to water or juice and consume as directed. Tinctures are particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a higher concentration of herbal compounds.
  • Capsules: Herbal capsules provide a convenient and portable option for consuming herbs on the go. Capsules contain powdered herbs or herbal extracts enclosed in a gelatin or vegetarian capsule. Simply swallow the recommended number of capsules with water or another beverage according to the dosage instructions on the product label.
  • Topical Applications: In addition to internal use, some herbs can be applied topically to provide targeted relief for specific symptoms. For example, arnica and comfrey are herbs commonly used in topical preparations to soothe sore muscles and joints. Herbal salves, creams, and poultices can be applied directly to the skin to promote healing and alleviate discomfort.
  • Herbal Baths: Adding dried herbs or herbal oils to your bathwater can create a soothing and aromatic bathing experience. Herbs like lavender, chamomile, and rosemary are popular choices for their calming and skin-soothing properties. Simply tie a handful of dried herbs in a muslin bag or infuse herbal oils directly into the bathwater for a relaxing herbal bath.
  • Herbal Infused Oils: Infusing carrier oils with dried herbs creates herbal-infused oils that can be used for massage, skincare, or hair care. Place dried herbs such as calendula, comfrey, or peppermint in a jar and cover with a carrier oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil. Let the mixture sit for several weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain out the herbs. The resulting herbal-infused oil can be used topically for massage or as a natural moisturizer.
  • Herbal Vinegar: Infusing vinegar with fresh or dried herbs creates flavorful herbal vinegar that can be used in cooking, salad dressings, or as a natural cleaning solution. Simply place herbs such as basil, thyme, or tarragon in a sterilized jar and cover with vinegar. Let the mixture sit for several weeks, then strain out the herbs. The herbal-infused vinegar can be stored in a cool, dark place and used to add flavor to a variety of dishes.
  • Herbal Sachets: Creating herbal sachets filled with dried herbs can freshen up drawers, closets, or other enclosed spaces with a natural aroma. Choose aromatic herbs such as lavender, rosemary, or lemon balm and place them in small fabric pouches or muslin bags. Place the herbal sachets in drawers, closets, or other areas to enjoy their pleasant scent and natural insect-repelling properties.
  • Herbal Cooking: Using fresh or dried herbs in cooking can enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your meals. Experiment with incorporating herbs such as basil, cilantro, or parsley into soups, salads, sauces, and marinades. Fresh herbs can be added towards the end of cooking for maximum flavor, while dried herbs can be added earlier in the cooking process to allow their flavors to develop.
  • Herbal Smudging: Burning dried herbs such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass in a process known as smudging can purify the air and create a calming atmosphere. Light the dried herbs and allow them to smolder, then waft the smoke around your space using a feather or fan. Focus on areas where you want to cleanse or purify the energy, such as your home or workspace.
  • Herbal Pillows: Making herbal pillows filled with dried aromatic herbs can promote relaxation and restful sleep. Choose calming herbs such as lavender, chamomile, or hops and place them in a small fabric pouch or pillowcase. Place the herbal pillow under your regular pillow or near your bedside to enjoy the soothing aroma as you sleep.
  • Herbal Pest Repellents: Planting certain herbs in your garden or around your home can help repel pests such as mosquitoes, flies, and ants. Herbs like citronella, lemon balm, and mint have natural insect-repelling properties. You can also create homemade insect repellent sprays using essential oils derived from these herbs mixed with water or a carrier oil.
  • Herbal Foot Soaks: Treating your feet to an herbal foot soak can help relax tired muscles, soothe aches and pains, and soften rough skin. Add dried herbs such as peppermint, eucalyptus, or lavender to a basin of warm water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes. The aromatic herbs will help refresh and rejuvenate your feet, leaving them feeling pampered and revitalized.
  • Herbal Hair Rinses: Rinsing your hair with herbal infusions can promote healthy hair and scalp and add shine and vitality to your locks. Herbs like rosemary, nettle, and chamomile are particularly beneficial for hair health. Brew a strong herbal tea using dried herbs, let it cool, then pour it over your hair after shampooing. Leave the herbal rinse in for a few minutes before rinsing it out with water.
  • Herbal Potpourri: Creating your own herbal potpourri blends allows you to customize the scent of your home while benefiting from the therapeutic properties of herbs. Mix dried herbs such as rose petals, lavender buds, and cinnamon sticks in a bowl and add a few drops of essential oils for extra fragrance. Place the potpourri in decorative bowls around your home to enjoy the natural aroma.
  • Herbal Mocktails: Infusing mocktails with herbs adds complexity and depth of flavor while providing additional health benefits. Experiment with muddling fresh herbs such as basil, mint, or cilantro into your favorite drinks or garnishing them with herb sprigs for a refreshing twist.
  • Herbal Eye Pillows: Making herbal eye pillows filled with aromatic herbs can help soothe tired eyes, relieve tension, and promote relaxation. Fill a small fabric pouch or pillowcase with dried herbs such as lavender, chamomile, or rose petals, then place the pillow over your eyes while lying down or meditating.
  • Herbal Fire Starters: Dried herbs such as rosemary, thyme, or sage can be added to homemade fire starters to infuse your fireplace or campfire with a pleasant aroma while repelling insects. Simply tie bundles of dried herbs together with twine and place them in the fire pit or fireplace before lighting the fire.
  • Herbal Body Scrubs: Creating homemade body scrubs using dried herbs and natural exfoliants like sugar or salt can help slough off dead skin cells, promote circulation, and leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Mix dried herbs such as lavender, rose petals, or calendula with a carrier oil and exfoliant of your choice to create a luxurious herbal body scrub.
  • Herbal Incense: Crafting your own herbal incense blends allows you to create custom scents for meditation, relaxation, or ceremonial purposes. Mix dried herbs such as frankincense, myrrh, and sage with aromatic botanicals like lavender, rose petals, or cinnamon sticks. Roll the mixture into cones or sticks, allow them to dry, then burn them on a heat-resistant surface for a fragrant and therapeutic experience.
  • Herbal Infused Honey: Infusing honey with herbs adds flavor and therapeutic benefits to this natural sweetener. Place dried herbs such as lavender, thyme, or rosemary in a jar and cover with raw honey. Let the mixture sit for several weeks, then strain out the herbs. The herbal-infused honey can be drizzled over oatmeal, yogurt, or toast, or used as a sweetener in herbal teas and beverages.
  • Herbal Salad Dressings: Adding fresh herbs to homemade salad dressings adds depth of flavor and nutritional value to your salads. Experiment with combining herbs such as basil, cilantro, dill, or parsley with olive oil, vinegar, citrus juice, and seasonings to create delicious and aromatic dressings for your favorite salads.
  • Herbal Infused Water: Infusing water with fresh herbs and fruit creates flavorful and refreshing herbal waters that can help increase hydration and promote detoxification. Simply place fresh herbs such as mint, basil, or lemon balm, along with sliced fruit or cucumber, in a pitcher of water and let it infuse in the refrigerator for several hours. Enjoy the infused water throughout the day for a hydrating and invigorating beverage.
  • Herbal Ice Cubes: Adding fresh herbs or edible flowers to ice cube trays creates beautiful and aromatic herbal ice cubes that can enhance the flavor and presentation of your beverages. Place fresh herbs such as mint, lemon verbena, or lavender flowers in an ice cube tray, fill with water, and freeze. Add the herbal ice cubes to water, lemonade, cocktails, or iced tea for a decorative and refreshing touch.
  • Herbal Syrups: Making homemade herbal syrups allows you to preserve the flavor and medicinal properties of fresh herbs for use in beverages, desserts, and culinary creations. Combine fresh herbs such as ginger, elderflower, or lemon balm with water and sugar in a saucepan, simmer until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens, then strain out the herbs. The herbal syrup can be stored in the refrigerator and used to sweeten drinks, drizzle over pancakes or yogurt, or flavor desserts and baked goods.
  • Herbal Infused Butter: Infusing butter with fresh herbs adds flavor and aroma to this versatile ingredient, perfect for spreading on bread, melting over vegetables, or seasoning meats. Blend softened butter with chopped fresh herbs such as chives, tarragon, or thyme, along with garlic, lemon zest, or spices if desired. Roll the herb-infused butter into a log using parchment paper, chill until firm, then slice and use as needed.
  • Herbal Infused Salts: Infusing salts with herbs adds flavor and aroma to your dishes and makes for a delightful seasoning. Mix dried herbs such as rosemary, thyme, or sage with coarse sea salt or kosher salt. Spread the mixture on a baking sheet and let it air dry for a day or two, then store it in an airtight container. Use the herbal-infused salt to season meats, vegetables, or salads for an extra burst of flavor.
  • Herbal Hair Rinses: Rinsing your hair with herbal infusions can help nourish your scalp, strengthen your hair, and add shine and softness. Brew a strong herbal tea using herbs like rosemary, nettle, or chamomile, then let it cool. After shampooing your hair, pour the herbal infusion over your hair as a final rinse. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it out with water.
  • Herbal Infused Ghee: Infusing ghee with herbs adds richness and flavor to this clarified butter, making it perfect for cooking, baking, or spreading on toast. Heat ghee in a saucepan over low heat, add dried herbs such as turmeric, ginger, or fenugreek seeds, and let them infuse for a few minutes. Strain out the herbs and transfer the infused ghee to a jar for storage. Use it in place of regular butter or oil in your favorite recipes for a delicious herbal twist.
  • Herbal Sodas and Mocktails: Making herbal syrups and infusions allows you to create unique and refreshing sodas and mocktails at home. Mix herbal syrups made from herbs like mint, basil, or thyme with sparkling water or soda water for a bubbly and flavorful drink. Add fresh herbs, fruit slices, or citrus zest for extra flavor and visual appeal.
  • Herbal Honey Face Masks: Homemade face masks using herbal-infused honey can help nourish and rejuvenate your skin. Mix herbal-infused honey with ingredients like yogurt, oatmeal, or mashed fruits to create a soothing and hydrating mask. Apply the mask to clean skin, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water for a glowing complexion.
  • Herbal Infused Rice or Quinoa: Infusing rice or quinoa with herbs adds flavor and aroma to these staple grains, making them a delicious and versatile side dish. Cook rice or quinoa according to package instructions, adding dried herbs such as thyme, bay leaves, or saffron threads to the cooking water for extra flavor. Remove the herbs before serving the grains for a fragrant and flavorful accompaniment to your meals.
  • Herbal Infused Chocolate: Infusing chocolate with herbs adds depth of flavor and complexity to this indulgent treat. Melt dark chocolate in a double boiler, then stir in dried herbs such as lavender, rose petals, or peppermint leaves. Pour the mixture into molds or spread it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, then let it cool until set. Break the chocolate into pieces and enjoy the herbal-infused goodness.

These are some creative ways to incorporate herbs into your daily life, from natural pest repellents to aromatic fire starters. Whether you’re looking to enhance your beauty routine, create a relaxing atmosphere, or add flavor to your cooking, herbs offer endless possibilities for exploration and enjoyment. Have fun experimenting with different herbs and discovering new ways to incorporate them into your lifestyle. The possibilities are truly endless. The benefits? Even more so!

Honorable Mentions: Herbs for Addiction

Green Tea – The Gentle Detoxifier

Packed with antioxidants, Green Tea was a gentle way for me to detoxify. It also has a small amount of caffeine, which helped me stay alert without the jitters while detoxing.

Skullcap – The Nervous System Soother

This herb was a gem for soothing my nervous system. Skullcap helped me deal with the feelings of jitteriness and nervousness, especially in the early stages of recovery.

Lemon Balm – The Mood Enhancer

This herb has a refreshing scent and a gentle, mood-enhancing effect. Lemon Balm was like a balm for my soul on tougher days, easing anxiety and lifting my spirits.

Holy Basil (Tulsi) – The Holistic Healer

In my journey, I learned that recovery isn’t just physical; it’s also emotional and spiritual. Holy Basil was my holistic healer, helping me find a sense of calm and resilience.

Oat Straw (Avena Sativa) – The Emotional Balancer

Often used to support nervous system health, oat straw can help reduce stress, improve mood, and support overall emotional balance.


  1. Ginkgo Biloba: This herb is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function and memory, which can be beneficial during recovery when mental clarity is important.
  2. Nettle: Rich in nutrients, nettle can help detoxify the body and support overall health, which is vital during the recovery process.
  3. Catnip: Catnip is not just for cats. It has calming properties that can help alleviate anxiety and improve sleep quality, both of which are essential in addiction recovery.
  4. Yarrow: Known for its ability to aid in detoxification and support liver health, yarrow can be beneficial in cleansing the body of toxins.
  5. Burdock Root: This herb is valued for its blood-purifying properties and can support liver health, which is crucial for those recovering from substance abuse.
  6. Siberian Ginseng: Unlike regular ginseng, Siberian ginseng can help the body adapt to stress, boost energy levels, and improve immune system function.
  7. Red Clover: Often used for its detoxifying properties, red clover can help cleanse the bloodstream and support overall bodily health during recovery.
  8. Motherwort: This herb is known for its heart-supporting qualities and can help reduce anxiety and stress, which are common during addiction recovery.


I can’t promise you the exact results that I got from using herbs throughout my addiction and recovery journey, but I can share my experience. I was addicted to IV heroin from the age of fourteen or fifteen to the age of thirty-five. Something I did worked, and that never happened for me and there were many tries. This was one of the things that finally worked for me. It was a combination of things that resulted in my success, but here I am eight years, clean and sober, loving my life and helping others. I think it’s worth a try and that’s what I thought back then. Like I am always telling you, keep an open mind.

I’m telling you that incorporating herbs into your addiction recovery journey can be a powerful and effective way to support physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Whether consumed in any number of the above-shared ways, herbs offer a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the root causes of addiction and promotes lasting recovery, such as mine. By harnessing the healing power of nature, you can cultivate resilience, restore balance, and reclaim your health and vitality. Remember, healing is a journey, and herbs are here to support you every step of the way. Throw in some crystals and we have ourselves a party. Well, it’s a no addictions-allowed party. Embrace the wisdom of the plant kingdom and embark on a path of transformation and renewal. You deserve to live a life of health, happiness, and fulfillment, and herbal medicine can help you achieve your goals. Here’s to your journey of healing and wholeness! Oh, and don’t forget to check with your doctor or medical professional before beginning your herb journey because I am not a medical professional. I’m just a person with lived experience who wants to help people overcome one of the hardest experiences life has to offer, but no, not a medical professional.

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If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach. In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

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If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach.

In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

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Personal Development, Addiction Recovery, Spirituality

Personal Development, Addiction Recovery, Spirituality


In the journey of life, we often find ourselves facing challenges that test our inner strength and resilience. For some, this may manifest in the form of addiction, a struggle that can feel all-consuming and overwhelming. However, through the power of personal development and spirituality, there is hope for recovery and transformation. As someone who has walked the path of addiction recovery and personal growth, I am here to share insights and wisdom on how spirituality can be a guiding light in this profound journey of healing and self-discovery.

Understanding Addiction Recovery:

Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It is not merely a matter of willpower or lack thereof; rather, addiction often stems from underlying trauma, unmet emotional needs, and a deep sense of disconnection. Acknowledging the presence of addiction is the first step towards recovery, paving the way for a transformative journey of self-exploration and healing.

The Power of Personal Development:

Personal development is the process of cultivating self-awareness, honing skills, and fostering a growth mindset to become the best version of oneself. In the realm of addiction recovery, personal development plays a crucial role in rebuilding self-esteem, setting boundaries, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Through practices such as therapy, self-reflection, and goal-setting, individuals can embark on a journey of self-improvement and empowerment.

Embracing Spirituality:

Spirituality serves as a guiding force that transcends the confines of the material world, offering solace, meaning, and purpose to those on the path of addiction recovery. Whether through traditional religious practices or personal beliefs, spirituality provides a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, fostering inner peace and resilience. By cultivating a spiritual foundation, individuals can find strength, hope, and healing in the face of addiction.

The Intersection of Personal Development and Spirituality:

The intersection of personal development and spirituality offers a synergistic approach to addiction recovery, combining introspection, growth, and faith in a holistic framework. By integrating practices such as meditation, gratitude, and mindfulness into one’s personal development journey, individuals can cultivate a sense of inner peace, resilience, and self-compassion. This integration of mind, body, and spirit paves the way for profound transformation and healing.

Celebrating Self-Discovery and Growth:

As individuals progress on the path of addiction recovery, personal development, and spirituality, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth that is as beautiful as it is challenging. Each step taken towards healing and self-improvement is a testament to one’s strength, courage, and resilience. By embracing the process of transformation with open hearts and minds, individuals can unlock their true potential and live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and authenticity.

Quotable Quote:

“Recovery is not just about healing the wounds of the past; it is about stepping into the light of your true self and embracing the beauty of your own journey.” – Unknown

In conclusion, the path of addiction recovery, personal development, and spirituality is a profound and transformative journey that holds the potential for healing, growth, and self-discovery. By embracing the power of personal development and spirituality, individuals can embark on a path of healing, self-improvement, and empowerment that transcends the limitations of addiction. May this journey be one of courage, resilience, and hope, guiding each individual towards a life of purpose, authenticity, and inner peace.

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Discover how personal development and spirituality can lead to addiction recovery and transformation. Gain insights and wisdom for a journey towards inner strength and resilience.

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Personal development, Addiction recovery, Spirituality, Inner strength, Resilience, Transformation, Recovery, Addiction, Personal growth


Personal development, Addiction recovery, Spirituality, Inner strength, Resilience, Transformation, Recovery, Addiction, Personal growth


Personal Development, Addiction Recovery, Spirituality




Discover how personal development and spirituality can lead to addiction recovery and transformation. Gain insights and wisdom for a journey towards inner strength and resilience.

Master Your Mindset: Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs

Master Your Mindset: Breaking Free From Limiting Beliefs

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Everyone is talking about how to master your mindset so you can manifest what you desire. How do you know when it’s time to change your mindset? After all, you’ve been thinking the same way for as long as you can remember. Or maybe you’ve had a rough patch, and your brain functioning is a bit out of whack. When you start having more negative days than good ones, it’s time to change your mindset. Below are some of the ways you can master your mindset.

Our mindset produces our thoughts. Our attitude shapes our thinking, which controls our actions and how we feel about things. If you have a negative attitude, your thoughts start blaming and thinking the worst. When you have positive or healthy thoughts, you create a better environment for yourself and those around you. 

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Your mindset serves as the driving force behind your actions, guiding you to either take a particular course of action or choose to abstain. It shapes your perception of yourself and the people in your life. The diversity of mindsets holds unique significance for each person, shaping their thought processes and motivations. Every mindset offers its own set of advantages and limitations.

How many times have you encountered someone urging you to broaden your perspective or accusing another of being close-minded? It’s a sentiment familiar to most of us. As we journey through life, our attitudes towards various issues and the world itself tend to solidify with time depending on our life experiences, our acquaintances, and even our environment.

However, initiating or furthering personal development can be challenging without a clear understanding of mindset and its significance. Your mindset dictates the realities you encounter and the ideas you entertain. It serves as a determining factor for success across various domains of life, including relationships, careers, accomplishments, and much more. Whether fixed or growth-oriented, your mindset shapes your ability to adapt and find fulfillment.

According to Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, mindset encompasses the perspective through which you navigate life, perceive the world, and make decisions. It reflects your beliefs about your capabilities and qualities, influencing your actions and interpretations of events.

Consider your inherent strengths or talents. Are you musically gifted? Do you possess wisdom or intuition? Are you inclined towards creativity? Your responses to these questions unveil your mindset and shed light on your worldview. Your mindset constructs the boundaries of your reality, determining what you perceive as achievable or beyond your grasp. Mindsets can range from optimistic to pessimistic or encompass a blend of both. They may embody the sunny outlook of an optimist, the relentless pursuit of success characteristic of an athlete, or the methodical approach of a business owner, and they can improve or get worse over time.

I personally have always managed a pretty sunny outlook, considering the situations I consistently found myself navigating over the years were less than ideal, i.e., city streets at night and prison bids for things that don’t entail prison bids. I think my sunny dispo was a direct result of my acquired resilience. After fighting for so long, I knew that I was stuck in an unjust criminal justice system, and I learned in the hole a long, long time ago that I could scream for days, and nobody was going to hear me, and if they did, they definitely weren’t doing anything to help me. Talk about handing it over to a higher power and admitting I was powerless. Yeah, I aced that one.

As I mentioned above, there is a vast variety of mindset types, with the fixed and growth mindsets being predominant. You might identify with a social mindset, a fear-driven mindset, or one rooted in laziness or envy. Alternatively, you may resonate with a business-oriented, follower, or dreamer mindset. Furthermore, you could possess a creative, confident, or gratitude-based mindset. Conversely, your mindset might be colored by greed or anger. It’s also common to harbor different mindsets for distinct aspects of your life.

In essence, understanding and cultivating the right mindset can pave the way for personal growth, success, and overall well-being.

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Mindset plays a significant role in how we cope with challenges. When we were in school, having an open or growth mindset helped us achieve more and learn by requiring more effort. Our mindset can also determine how resilient or persistent we are. 

Our mindset determines how successful we are in every area of life. For example, someone with a growth mindset is much more likely to succeed because they are driven and believe in always aiming for bigger and better things. Those with a closed or fixed mindset become stagnant, lacking motivation to achieve more than they already have. 

Your mindset is the force behind whether you thrive or avoid challenges, how you view failures and setbacks, and how you persevere toward your goals. You can change your mindset when you realize it’s keeping you stuck. 

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If you’re like me, you never realized you had to master your mindset because you believed you had always had that sunny dispo. I found out later that is not the case and here’s why:

  1. Resilience during Challenges: Even optimists encounter setbacks and challenges in life. Mastering your mindset equips you with the resilience and mental fortitude needed to navigate difficult situations effectively. It allows you to maintain your positive outlook and bounce back stronger when faced with adversity.
  2. Continuous Growth: While a sunny disposition is undoubtedly beneficial, it’s essential to recognize that personal growth is an ongoing journey. Mastering your mindset enables you to continually evolve, learn from experiences, and expand your horizons, contributing to long-term fulfillment and success.
  3. Handling Negativity: Despite having a generally positive outlook, you may still encounter negativity from external sources or internal doubts and fears. Mastering your mindset helps you develop strategies to address and overcome negative influences, ensuring they don’t undermine your optimistic perspective.
  4. Enhanced Relationships: A sunny disposition can foster positive relationships, but mastering your mindset allows you to deepen these connections further. By cultivating empathy, understanding, and effective communication skills, you can nurture stronger bonds and navigate conflicts constructively, enriching your interpersonal experiences.
  5. Optimizing Performance: Mastering your mindset optimizes your performance, whether in personal or professional pursuits. It enables you to maintain focus, stay motivated, and approach challenges with confidence and creativity, ultimately enhancing your ability to achieve goals and fulfill your potential.

In essence, mastering our mindset, even with a naturally sunny disposition, empowers us to lead a more fulfilling, resilient, and successful life. It’s about harnessing the power of positivity while also cultivating the mental agility and strength necessary to thrive in all aspects of life. This is the primary force behind my success in long-term recovery. I started making small changes by exploring small positive actions every day. For example, I made a habit of random acts of unreported acts of kindness. After that, my life kept drastically changing for the better, and I have just stayed with it because it works.

The variety of mindsets available depends on the extent to which you categorize or generalize the concept of a mindset. Identifying your specific type of mindset is crucial for understanding how it influences every aspect of your life. There are primarily two types of mindsets: Fixed and Growth. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages.

Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and traits are static and unchangeable. They hold firm beliefs about various aspects, including their level of intelligence and their personality or character traits. People with this mindset often restrict themselves and are focused on validating their abilities to others.

Some of the sub-mindsets of a fixed mindset include: 

  • Fear mindset
  • Lazy mindset
  • Envy mindset
  • Greed mindset
  • Short-term mindset
  • Angry mindset
  • Follower mindset

Characteristics include:

  1. Blaming others for your problems
  2. Lazy habits
  3. Addictions
  4. Insatiable and always want more
  5. Self-absorbed, with little thought of others
  6. Self-serving or narcissistic
  7. Limited initiative to achieve
  8. Obsessed with what others are doing or saying
  9. Waste time
  10. Send out negative vibes

If you have a growth mindset, you are apt to believe you have a basic set of qualities that can be cultivated and developed through your efforts, strategies, and help from others.

Some of the sub-mindsets of a growth mindset include: 

  • Social mindset
  • Business mindset
  • Dreamer mindset
  • Gratitude mindset
  • Confident mindset
  • Creative mindset

Characteristics include:

  • Willing to help others
  • Ability to solve problems
  • Thinking big and knowing what you want
  • Feeling gratitude for what you have
  • Eager to learn 
  • Dedication to achieve and grow
  • Able to change and develop skills
  • Embrace challenges
  • Learn from failures

What mindset is the basis of your thoughts and actions? Do you believe that you are just this way and cannot change? Do you believe you can change and things can be different for you? The good news is that you can change your mindset to one of growth and abundance when you’re ready. Are you ready? Let’s find out. 

  1. You’re always focused on failure instead of succeeding. You feel angry and disappointed over every failure without celebrating your success. You constantly see yourself as a failure, unconsciously sending negative messages to your mind that you will fail at whatever you try to accomplish. Instead, Keep a success diary acknowledging every success each day, no matter how small.
  1. You have a victim mentality. You’ve been a victim of bad experiences or been hurt by others you love. Or you were traumatized from some event. You’re still holding onto those moments. Instead, Forgive and let go of the past.
  1. You have social media envy. You see the unnatural glamorous lifestyles of other people online, and it makes you feel worse about yourself. You devalue what you have. You focus on what you don’t have or aren’t doing. Instead, Think about what you do have and show gratitude for it. There are billions of people on this planet and at least a billion would love to have your life.
  1. You see work as a chore. You dread going to work, complain about doing the work, or feel like it’s a burden. Instead, view your job as a means of providing value to others and as having an impact on you and others around you. Being able to work gives you the opportunity to contribute to society.
  1. You obsess about things you can’t control or change. You complain about what you can’t control, like the weather, government, traffic, and other people. Your mind is filled with everything you don’t like rather than what you can control, which is yourself. Identify how you can change and control your own actions and thoughts to make the experience more positive. Stop complaining and start taking actions that will bring you a greater sense of accomplishment and abundance. 
  1. You lack gratitude for what you have. You focus on what is wrong with things or the world, or the inadequacies in yourself and others. Instead, acknowledge that no one is perfect, and everyone learns lessons as they go. Focus on identifying the positive things you are grateful for every day.

When you realize that the reason you rarely feel happy and content is because of a negative mindset, you know it’s time to change your mindset to feel better about yourself and attract more abundance into your life. 

-Bob Proctor

Absolutely! Here’s a list of actionable ways to change your mindset, featuring original ideas that might not be widely discussed:

  1. Embrace Micro-Mindset Shifts: Instead of focusing solely on major mindset overhauls, incorporate small, daily adjustments. These micro-shifts involve consciously challenging negative thoughts or assumptions as they arise, gradually reshaping your overall mindset over time.
  2. Practice Mindset Flexibility: Cultivate adaptability by consciously adopting different mindsets depending on the situation. For instance, switch between a growth mindset for learning opportunities and a resilience mindset during challenges, allowing for greater versatility and problem-solving capacity.
  3. Utilize Mindset Priming Techniques: Integrate mindset priming into your routine by exposing yourself to inspirational content or engaging in activities that reinforce positive thinking patterns. This could involve reading uplifting literature, listening to motivational podcasts, or practicing visualization exercises to cultivate a mindset of possibility and abundance.
  4. Engage in Mindset Mapping: Using techniques such as mind mapping or journaling, create a visual representation of your current mindset and desired mindset. Identify specific beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors associated with each mindset, then develop actionable steps to bridge the gap between the two.
  5. Experiment with Mindset Metaphors: Explore the use of metaphors as a tool for reframing your mindset. For example, visualize your mindset as a garden, where nurturing positive thoughts and pruning negative ones leads to growth and abundance. Experiment with different metaphors to find ones that resonate and inspire personal transformation.
  6. Embody Mindset Embodiment Practices: Incorporate embodied practices such as yoga, tai chi, or expressive movement into your routine to cultivate a more embodied mindset. These practices promote greater awareness of the mind-body connection, helping to ground your mindset in physical sensations and experiences.
  7. Integrate Mindset Rituals into Your Day: Establish daily rituals that reinforce your desired mindset, such as a morning gratitude practice or an evening reflection exercise. Consistently engaging in these rituals creates a positive feedback loop, reinforcing new mindset patterns and habits over time.
  8. Cultivate Mindset Curiosity: Approach your mindset with a sense of curiosity and openness to exploration. Ask yourself questions like, “What if I viewed this situation from a different perspective?” or “How might my mindset be influencing my interpretation of events?” This mindset of curiosity fosters self-awareness and facilitates continuous growth and learning.
  9. Practice Mindset Integration: Integrate your desired mindset into various aspects of your life, including your relationships, career, hobbies, and personal goals. Actively seek out opportunities to apply your new mindset in different contexts, reinforcing its relevance and impact across diverse areas of your life.
  10. Engage in Mindset Dialogue: Initiate conversations with others about mindset-related topics, exchanging insights, experiences, and strategies for personal growth. By engaging in open dialogue and sharing perspectives, you can gain new insights, challenge limiting beliefs, and inspire mutual support and accountability in cultivating a more empowering mindset.

By incorporating these original and actionable strategies into your daily life, you can effectively change your mindset and unlock new levels of personal growth, resilience, and fulfillment.

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As someone who has journeyed through recovery, making profound changes along the way, I can attest to the transformative power of mastering mindset. Each day presents new opportunities to challenge old beliefs, embrace growth, and cultivate a mindset rooted in resilience and possibility. Through dedicated effort and a commitment to personal growth, I’ve witnessed the ripple effects of mindset mastery in every aspect of my life.

The journey hasn’t always been easy, and there have been moments of doubt and setbacks. Yet, with each obstacle overcome, I’ve emerged stronger and more determined to harness the incredible potential within myself. Whether it’s through practicing gratitude, reframing challenges as opportunities, or fostering a sense of abundance, I’ve discovered that mindset mastery is not just a destination but a continuous journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Today, I stand on the foundation of my journey, reaping the abundant benefits that come with a mindset cultivated through intention and perseverance. From improved relationships and career fulfillment to a deeper sense of inner peace and purpose, the rewards of mindset mastery are truly limitless.

As I continue to walk this path of growth and self-discovery, I am grateful for the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the unwavering commitment to embracing each day with a mindset of possibility and positivity. And while the journey is far from over, I take solace in the knowledge that with each step forward, I am one step closer to realizing my fullest potential and living a life of profound meaning and fulfillment.

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach. In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Post Off

“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begn to take note of things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things you lack.”

-Germany Kent

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I will find the positive in all aspects of existence and soon enough it will begin naturally.

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Confessions of a Yelling Mom in Long-term Recovery

Confessions of a Yelling Mom in Long-term Recovery

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As a 43-year-old woman in recovery from addiction, raising two small children has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. I never could have imagined then that I would become a mom in long-term recovery, let alone a yelling mom in long-term recovery. I was smart enough not to want kids because I knew how selfish my addiction was. I also witnessed women in jail destroyed as a result of losing custody of their children as a result of their addictions and incarcerations. It was devastating, to say the least. Maybe one of the reasons that my eventual and unexpected journey to motherhood was a turning point in my life, leading me to sobriety the moment I found out I was pregnant.

I left my apartment and checked into our local homeless shelter with a habit, a 450-credit score, and a correctional GPS around my ankle. Three years later, I purchased my own 350k home. It’s amazing what we can do when we finally find our purpose. My kids—my 3-year-old boy, Malyckai, and my 7-year-old girl, Mikaiyah—I call them my little M&Ms, are my greatest accomplishments, and they are the reason I wake up every day with drive and determination to do better- be better. If I did it I am here to tell you ANYONE can.

But let’s be real here – parenting is tough in the best of circumstances. Add in the complexities of being in recovery plus any mental health issues you may struggle with because we all do, and you’ve got yourself a whole new level of challenges. From navigating tantrums to managing emotions, every day brings its own set of trials and tribulations.

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I never wanted children because I knew my addiction was selfish, not to mention I had spent most of the almost twenty years prior to getting pregnant doing life on the installment plan. Not to mention, I didn’t think I had a maternal bone in my body.

The biggest reason being that I saw so many good and strong women broken and destroyed, falling down and never truly getting back up as a result of losing custody of their children while incarcerated. Most would overdose within months of being released after losing them. Even then, I understood.

This, along with my advancing age, is the reason finding out I was pregnant at the age of thirty-five had such a profound effect on me. Never mind that I was running a trap house and selling dope with a correctional GPS bracelet around my ankle. It changed everything in a way that I could have never surmised. Suddenly, it wasn’t about me anymore. Turns out that made all the difference.

It has never been easy, but I approach parenting like the big Peter Pan syndrome kid that I am. I am spontaneous. I am extremely loud. I run. I play. I scream, and I yell. I’m boisterous, gregarious, and playful. You could say I have a big personality. People tend to either love me or hate me with no in-between. Yes, I yell at my kids. I yell like crazy, and they yell back. Sometimes, I end up in tears, and sometimes, I am laughing so hard by the time I’m done that I can barely breathe, and they are, too.

One thing I’ve learned along the way is that yelling seems to come naturally to many parents as it does to me. It’s almost like a reflex – a knee-jerk reaction to the chaos that ensues when you’re trying to juggle a million things at once. But why do we yell? And why do our kids seem to brush it off with a laugh rather than cower in fear?

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First, let’s address the elephant in the room – hitting/spanking. As someone who has experienced the damaging effects of physical punishment firsthand, I refuse to lay a hand on my children. But that doesn’t mean I’m immune to the urge to lash out when I’m overwhelmed. Yelling becomes a way to release pent-up frustration without resorting to violence. I will never ever put a hand on my kids, but now they know it, and that’s where things get messy. What happens these days when kids figure out we can’t whoop their a$$es? If you already know please fill us in in the comments below.

But here’s the thing – yelling isn’t the answer either. It may provide temporary relief, but it doesn’t solve the underlying issues. And trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way. My kids may giggle or roll their eyes when I raise my voice, but deep down, I know it’s not the kind of parent I want to be. When I am fully aware that every neighbor within a half-mile radius can hear me, and I don’t even care, it is probably something I need to work on, and that’s okay. I’m working on it.

I started doing research, and I found that it can take a preschool-aged child up to twenty seconds to follow through with a question or command. That time is called cognitive processing speed. After finding this tidbit, I made a conscious effort to wait 20-30 seconds after a request made to my kids, and that alone has decreased my yelling by half! It’s these little tidbits that help us change the game.

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So why do we yell? Sometimes, we yell because we’re tired, stressed, or feeling overwhelmed. Other times, we yell because we’re trying to assert our authority or get our point across. But more often than not, we yell because we’re human—flawed, imperfect, and prone to moments of weakness. Also, annoyed.

We yell because we are annoyed. I used to get annoyed a lot before I integrated the information below into my routine. Life is annoying, and if we are honest, no matter how much we love our kids- kids are annoying. There. I said it.

But here’s the silver lining – it’s never too late to change. As a yelling mom in long-term recovery, I’ve made it my mission to find healthier ways to cope with stress and communicate with my children. It’s a work in progress, but I’m committed to breaking the cycle of yelling and creating a more peaceful home environment, even if I wouldn’t exactly call it peaceful.

So how do we stop being yelling moms? Here are a few tips, tricks, and hacks that have helped me along the way:

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  1. Meditate: Meditation has made me the kind of Zen person I never dreamed I could be. Even five minutes a day keeps me on an even keel. I wish I had started sooner. I have ADHD, and I meditate just fine, so no excuses.
  2. Practice mindfulness: Take a moment to pause and breathe before reacting in anger. My daughter can usually tell when I am getting close to blowing my stack, and she will say, “Mama, breathe. In with the good. Out with the bad.” and repeat. It has become incredibly grounding and helpful, and I appreciate her for it every day.
  3. Use positive reinforcement: Focus on praising good behavior rather than dwelling on the negative. I know how it feels to have a parent constantly highlight the negative, and that’s not going to happen in my house. Now, I tend to overreward, but that’s why we are progressing around here, not perfecting.
  4. Set boundaries: Establish clear rules and consequences and stick to them consistently. This one is easy if you don’t have to worry about another parent or party allowing things to go down behind your back. Lay out the expectations and the consequences should they not be. That way, you can let them know that they were fully aware of the consequences when they made their poor choice. I lied. This one is NOT easy. Why kids want to force us to be di#$s is beyond me. I have a hard time sticking to what I threaten, so for this one, we will just say it’s a work-in-progress thing. Let me know what your experiences have been with this below.
  5. Seek support: Lean on friends, family, or a therapist for guidance and encouragement. I’m not too big on this one, but I added it because not everyone is like me and would rather take a bullet to the brain before asking anyone for help. Support is good, and maybe, unlike me, you still have friends in your recovery. Utilize them.
  6. Prioritize self-care: Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup—take time to recharge and rejuvenate. I am horrible about self-care, but again, it’s another of the many things I am working on.
  7. Use humor: Diffuse tense situations with humor by finding ways to inject laughter into your interactions with your children. Sometimes, a funny joke or silly gesture can help lighten the mood and shift the focus away from frustration. This is my go-to. My kids and I stay laughing. It truly is the best medicine, and I have no problem making a fool out of myself to see those beautiful smiles and hearing that beautiful laughter.
  8. Set realistic expectations: Recognize that parenting is a demanding job, and it’s okay not to have all the answers or handle every situation perfectly. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your children, and be gentle with yourself when things don’t go as planned. Kids are unpredictable, and sometimes we have background stuff going on. Just do what you have to do to ensure you never lay a hand on your children, and if you do yell, take it easy on yourself.
  9. Practice empathy: Before reacting, put yourself in your child’s shoes and consider their perspective. Understanding their feelings can help diffuse tense situations and foster better communication. This really works, too. Once I make a point to check in and empathize it tends to make things easier on all of us.
  10. Use positive language: Instead of focusing on what you don’t want your child to do, try phrasing your requests in a positive and encouraging manner. For example, instead of saying, “Stop running in the house,” try saying, “Let’s use our walking feet indoors.” You will be surprised by the difference that this one small change makes.
  11. Take breaks: When you feel yourself getting overwhelmed or on the verge of yelling, excuse yourself from the situation and take a short break to calm down. Use this time to take a few deep breaths, collect your thoughts, and regain your composure before addressing the issue.
  12. Implement a signal: Create a visual or auditory signal that reminds you to pause and reflect before reacting with anger. This could be as simple as placing a sticky note on the fridge or setting a calming chime on your phone to go off periodically throughout the day. We have a code word that we can say when we think someone is stepping out of line. It makes things fun for everyone when you do this.
  13. Seek professional help: I don’t mean that. I do, but not like you think. If yelling has become a persistent issue despite your very best efforts to control it, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in parenting or anger management. They can provide valuable insights and strategies to help you break the cycle of yelling and build healthier communication habits with your children. I say this only because of your status in recovery. We never want to jeopardize our recoveries, and being a single mom or just being a mom is hard work, and it is the most thankless of jobs. Just know if you need to talk, I am here for you. Hit me up, and I will help in any way I can.

At the end of the day, parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, laughter and tears. But by embracing our imperfections and learning from our mistakes, we can become the parents our children need and deserve – loving, compassionate, and always striving to do better. And remember, you’re not alone. We’re all in this together, one yelling mom at a time.

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Amid the chaos and the occasional yelling, there are moments of pure joy and laughter that remind me why I became a mom in the first place, not that I had much of a choice. Whether it’s watching my son take his first wobbly steps or hearing my daughter’s infectious giggle, these moments are the fuel that keeps me going, even on the toughest days. No matter how much I used to yell my children know how very much they are loved.

My goal is to inspire my children. I don’t want them to look at me and see the person I once was. I want them to look at me and see the journey I’ve embarked on for them, how far I have travelled, and what I have accomplished. I want to give them enough to be inspired by. I want them to know what a boss mom they came from and to have zero doubts of what they are capable of.

Getting back to it, know that it is important to acknowledge that being a middle-aged, recovering, single mom adds an extra layer of complexity to the parenting journey. There are days when the weight of my past mistakes feels like the heaviest of burdens, and I worry about whether I’m doing enough to break the cycle of addiction for my children. But then I remind myself that every day sober is a victory and that I have the power to rewrite my story and create a brighter future for my family. My only real goal is to give my children a childhood they don’t have to heal from. Sounds easy enough, right? They tell me I’m doing alright so far, so fingers crossed.

So, to all the recovering yelling moms out there, I want you to know that you’re not alone. It’s okay to struggle, to stumble, and to make mistakes along the way. What matters is that you keep showing up, keep trying, and keep loving your children with all your heart. Don’t spank or hit your little guys. I’m living proof that it just doesn’t work. You are a mom of all moms. A mom rockstar and if you ever need a reminder that you’re doing an amazing job, just look into the eyes of your little ones – because they see you as their superhero, flaws and all. Trust me on this.

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Together, we can rewrite the narrative of parenting one day at a time. So, let’s embrace the chaos, find humor in the madness, and celebrate the small victories along the way. After all, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about being present, loving fiercely, and never giving up, no matter what life throws our way. And remember, you’ve got this. We’ve got this. And together, we can conquer anything that comes our way.

As we navigate the ups and downs of parenthood, let’s remember to extend grace to ourselves and each other. Let’s create a community where we can share our struggles and triumphs, lean on each other for support, and lift each other up when we need it most. To join this new judgment-free, supportive, all-inclusive, free-of-charge community, click below. We can work together to prove them all wrong and, even better, show them what we can do. Oh yeahhhhh.

And to my fellow recovering yelling moms, I want to leave you with this: You are stronger than you know, braver than you believe, and more loved than you could ever imagine. Your journey may be filled with twists and turns, but every step forward is a victory worth celebrating.

So, let’s embrace the messiness of motherhood, the imperfections of recovery, and the beauty of being human. Together, we can rewrite the narrative, one moment of laughter, love, and connection at a time.

Post-Off Quote

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

-Sue Atkins

Post-Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Some days are better than others; that doesn’t mean I’m a bad parent. Tomorrow is a new day.

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Mother Earth Gaia
Confessions of a Yelling Mom in Long-term Recovery 444

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery

From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery

Road To Recovery For Maggei
From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery 453

Five years ago, my life was a labyrinth of shadows, a place where light seemed like an unwelcome intruder. Addiction had me in its grasp, a relentless hold that seemed impossible to break. Every morning was a battle, not against the world, but against myself and the monster I had welcomed into my life. But within this darkness, I found a flicker of hope that eventually guided me out of the shadows and on the road to recovery.


My journey into the abyss began with a seemingly innocuous injury. A prescription for painkillers was the key that unlocked a door I never intended to open. What started as a relief from physical pain soon morphed into an escape from emotional turmoil. Before I knew it, I was ensnared.

My descent into addiction wasn’t a sudden fall; it was a slow, spiraling descent, one that began under the guise of normalcy. My life, from the outside, seemed filled with success and promise. I had a career that many envied, a family that loved me, and friends who always seemed to be around. Yet, beneath this veneer of perfection, I was crumbling, broken by a relentless need for escape that no amount of external success could satiate.

Addiction is a Deceiver

The prescription that started it all soon became insufficient. My attempts to fill the void led me down darker paths, seeking out stronger substances, each one a new level of betrayal to my body, my mind, and those who cared for me. I was convinced I was in control, that I could stop whenever I decided. But addiction is a deceiver; it makes you believe you are the puppeteer when, in reality, you are the puppet.

As my addiction deepened, my world shrank. Friends began to distance themselves, family ties strained to breaking points, and my career, once a source of pride, became a tightrope walk of maintaining appearances. The moments of euphoria I chased became increasingly fleeting, replaced by longer periods of despair and isolation.

Confronting My Addiction Without Words

Maggei'S Road To Recovery Voices
From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery 454

The turning point came in an unexpected form—a simple, forgotten hobby from my childhood: painting. One particularly rough day, in a moment of sheer desperation, I found myself rummaging through old boxes in my attic. My fingers stumbled upon a set of dusty, unused paintbrushes and canvases. Something inside me urged me to paint, to spill my emotions onto a canvas in a way words never could. That day, I didn’t just paint; I poured my soul out, stroke by stroke, color by color. It was raw, chaotic, and unrefined, but it was a start.

Painting became my sanctuary, a place where I could confront my addiction without words. Each brushstroke represented a battle, a day I had survived, a reminder of the beauty in the world that addiction had blinded me to. The more I painted, the more I found the strength to seek help, to open up to others, and to join support groups. I realized that recovery was not a journey I had to embark on alone.


Maggei'S Road To Recovery Voices
From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery 455

The attic, filled with memories of a life before addiction, became my refuge not because it offered an escape, but because it confronted me with the truth of what I had lost. Among these memories, the paintbrushes and canvases were not just tools for art; they were relics of a passion unfulfilled, a reminder of a time when joy wasn’t synthetically derived.

Embracing painting was akin to opening a dialogue with my former self, one who found beauty and expression in creativity rather than in the escape offered by drugs. Each piece I created was a conversation, sometimes a confrontation, with my deepest fears and regrets. The canvas bore witness to my inner turmoil, becoming a mosaic of my journey through addiction and into recovery.

The path to recovery was neither straight nor easy. It was fraught with relapses, moments of doubt, and times when the light at the end of the tunnel seemed to flicker and fade away. But every time I fell, I returned to my canvas, to the act of creation that reminded me of the possibility of a life beyond addiction.

From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

Unheard Voices Logo
From Pills to Paints: An Unconventional Road to Recovery 456

The Road to Recovery

Support groups and therapy played a crucial role, providing me with the tools and understanding I needed to rebuild my life. But it was through painting that I rediscovered my voice, learning to articulate my struggles and victories in hues and strokes. My art became a bridge, connecting me to others who shared similar battles, creating a community bound by the shared experience of overcoming.

Now, I stand on the other side, not as someone who has conquered addiction but as someone who lives with it every day, choosing recovery with each sunrise. My art has evolved, reflecting not just my journey but also serving as a beacon for others. It speaks of the pain of addiction, but more importantly, of the resilience of the human spirit, the capacity for renewal, and the infinite possibilities of transformation.

Today, I stand before you not just as someone who has survived addiction but as someone who has learned to live again. My paintings tell a story—a story of despair, hope, struggle, and redemption. They are a testament to the fact that even in our darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of hope, a chance for change.

If you’re out there struggling, feeling like you’re trapped in the darkness, know this: you are not alone. Your story isn’t over yet. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve fallen; what matters is how many times you’re willing to stand up again. Find your ‘paintbrush’—whatever it may be that allows you to express and confront your pain. Embrace it, and let it guide you out of the shadows. Your future self is waiting to thank you for the strength you have today, the strength to choose a different path.

This is my story, unique and unlike any other, not because of the specific challenges I faced, but because it is mine, and it led me to where I am today. I share it not for accolades or sympathy but in the hope that it might light a path for someone else, a beacon to guide them back from the brink. Your story is waiting to be told, and the world is waiting to hear it.

Remember, no one is too lost, too broken, or too far gone to start anew. Your unique, unlike any other, original story can also be one of hope, recovery, and inspiration. It begins with a single step: a decision to seek help, to reach out, and to believe in the possibility of change. And when you do, you’ll find a community ready to walk alongside you every step of the way. This community, though still in its early stages, has someone who has dedicated their life to helping others. When you’re ready, we are here.

Thanks for reading my story. I would love to hear yours.

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. We love to hear from you. You could also support our work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach.

In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact us at

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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life

Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life

Astral Travel: Woman With Aligned Chakras Astral Traveling
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 474

Have you ever dreamed of soaring through the skies, exploring far-off lands, and diving into the depths of the ocean? With astral travel, these dreams can become your reality. Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is the practice of consciously separating your soul or consciousness from your physical body, allowing you to travel to different dimensions and experience limitless possibilities.

Okay, I know this might sound a little bit woo-woo to those just hearing about it for the first time because that’s exactly what I thought until I experienced it. Better yet- I left my body, went into my kitchen, and found a number on my refrigerator that I couldn’t have possibly known off-hand. I remembered that number and when I got back to my body, I ran out to the kitchen to find the number and….. IT WAS THERE, AND IT WAS THE EXACT NUMBER I FOUND WHILE IN THE ASTRAL.

Just imagine being able to visit ancient civilizations, communicate with your spirit guides, and gain profound insights about yourself and the universe. Astral travel offers a transformative journey that can open doors to self-discovery, spiritual growth, and enlightenment. I know because astral travel/projection is a big part of my journey.

In this article, we will explore the incredible power of astral travel and how it can truly transform your life. We’ll delve into the various techniques and practices that can help you achieve this altered state of consciousness, as well as the benefits and potential risks involved. Whether you’re a spiritual seeker or simply curious about the mysteries of the astral realm, this article will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to unlock the full potential of astral travel. Get ready to embark on a mind-expanding adventure like no other.

Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is the phenomenon where an individual’s consciousness separates from their physical body, allowing them to travel and explore different dimensions and realms. It is believed that during astral travel, the soul or consciousness can navigate the astral plane, a realm that exists beyond our physical reality.

The concept of astral travel has been present in various cultures and spiritual traditions throughout history. While the scientific community may view it as a subjective experience or a form of lucid dreaming, many individuals who practice astral travel believe it to be a genuine and transformative phenomenon.

If you are still in the air about AP (astral projection), I can help. Go to Google and search for the CIA document, The Gateway. For a long time, nobody could find page 25 of this report, but it was found. It was found in an old shed at The Monroe Institute. Robert Monroe, the founder, was the man who created The Gateway Program.

Page 25 has been released to the public. I have included a shot below, along with a link to the above-referenced document. I brought Google so that you can see that it’s an official CIA document. We won’t be going into it today, but it’s super interesting stuff, and you should definitely check it out.

Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process

The Gateway Page 25
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 475

This article by Susan Lahey explains everything perfectly in a pretty understandable way.

The CIA’s Secret Plan to Build a Laser Beam Powered by the Human Mind

Astral Travel Woman X'S Self
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 476

The practice of astral travel has roots in ancient civilizations and spiritual traditions. It is believed that ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Hindus had knowledge of astral projection and incorporated it into their religious and spiritual practices.

In ancient Egypt, the concept of the Ka, the spiritual double of an individual, was closely related to astral travel. The Ka was believed to leave the body during sleep or death and travel to different realms. The Egyptians also had rituals and practices to facilitate astral travel, such as dream temples and the use of specific symbols and incantations.

In ancient Greece, astral travel was associated with the soul leaving the body and journeying to the realms of the gods. Philosophers like Plato and Plotinus explored the soul’s ability to transcend the physical body and reach higher realms of existence.

Similarly, in Hinduism, astral projection is known as “Astral Yatra” or “Astral Journeys.” Advanced yogis and spiritual practitioners are believed to be able to detach their soul from the physical body consciously and travel to different planes of existence. Astral travel is seen as a way to gain spiritual insights and connect with higher states of consciousness.

Woman Leaving Her Body
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 477

Astral travel offers a wide range of benefits for those who practice it regularly. Here are some of the key benefits that astral travel can bring to your life:

  1. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Astral travel allows you to explore the depths of your own consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. It can help you uncover hidden talents, heal past traumas, and develop a stronger sense of self-awareness.
  2. Spiritual Exploration: Astral travel provides a unique opportunity to connect with higher realms and spiritual beings. It can enable you to communicate with spirit guides, angels, and even deceased loved ones. This spiritual exploration can lead to profound insights, guidance, and a deeper connection with the divine.
  3. Expanded Consciousness: By transcending your physical body and entering different dimensions, astral travel expands your consciousness and helps you see beyond the limitations of everyday life. It can provide a broader perspective on existence, the nature of reality, and the interconnectedness of all things.
  4. Healing and Energy Work: Astral travel can be a powerful tool for energy healing and working with subtle energies. By exploring the astral realm, you can learn to harness and direct energy for healing purposes, both for yourself and others.
  5. Creative Inspiration: Many artists, writers, and musicians have reported gaining inspiration and creative ideas during astral travel experiences. The astral realm is a rich source of imagination and creativity, and tapping into it can unlock new levels of artistic expression.
  6. Overcoming Fear of Death: Astral travel can help alleviate the fear of death by providing direct experiences of the soul’s ability to exist beyond the physical body. It offers a glimpse into consciousness’s continuation beyond the physical realm, leading to a greater acceptance and understanding of the cycle of life and death.

These are just a few of the many benefits of astral travel. Each individual’s experience may vary, and the true potential of astral travel is only limited by one’s imagination and willingness to explore.

Astral projection can be achieved through various techniques, each requiring dedication, practice, and an open mind. One of the most common techniques is the “rope technique.”

  1. To begin, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Lie down and relax your body, focusing on your breathing.
  2. Once you are relaxed, imagine a rope hanging above you. Visualize yourself reaching out and grabbing the rope, feeling its texture and weight.
  3. Slowly, start pulling yourself up using the rope, imagining your soul or consciousness separating from your physical body as you ascend. This technique requires concentration and the ability to maintain a relaxed state of mind.

Another popular technique is the “phasing technique.” This involves focusing on the sensation of your body falling asleep while keeping your mind awake.

  1. Lie down comfortably and close your eyes.
  2. Relax your body and clear your mind of any thoughts or distractions.
  3. As you start to feel your body becoming heavier and more relaxed, imagine yourself floating out of your body like a ghostly apparition.
  4. Maintain a sense of detachment from your physical body and allow yourself to explore the astral realm.

You can also find so many amazing guided astral projection meditations on YouTube. I will link a few of my favorites below. I will also add my absolute favorite channel for reality shifting, Alunir. She is AMAZING, and you will love her. Yes, reality shifting is a thing, too. I haven’t mastered it yet, but I try daily and will keep trying until I do. Divine timing and all that.

Countless individuals have reported extraordinary experiences through astral travel. These stories range from visiting distant planets and exploring parallel dimensions to meeting deceased loved ones and receiving profound teachings from spiritual guides. One such story involves a woman named Sarah who, during an astral projection experience, found herself in a lush, vibrant forest.

She encountered a wise old man who imparted ancient wisdom and guidance, leaving Sarah with a sense of deep peace and clarity upon returning to her body. Another story involves a man named Mark who, while astral traveling, had a profound encounter with a higher-dimensional being who revealed the interconnectedness of all things. These experiences and stories highlight the limitless possibilities that astral travel can offer.

While astral travel experiences can vary greatly, it is important to approach them with an open mind and a discerning eye. Some experiences may be purely imaginative or influenced by personal beliefs and desires. However, many individuals report encounters that feel incredibly real and provide them with valuable insights and lessons. It is up to each individual to interpret and integrate these experiences into their lives, using discernment and intuition to determine their authenticity and relevance.

Astral travel is not just about exploring other dimensions; it is also a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Through astral projection, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their true nature and their place in the universe. By exploring different realms and interacting with spiritual beings, one can tap into ancient wisdom and receive guidance on their spiritual journey.

Astral travel can also help individuals overcome fears, traumas, and limitations by providing a broader perspective and a sense of interconnectedness. By experiencing the vastness and beauty of the astral realm, individuals often develop a greater appreciation for life and a deeper sense of gratitude. This expanded awareness can lead to profound personal transformation and a shift in consciousness.

It is important to note that astral travel is not a substitute for traditional spiritual practices or personal growth work. It is a complementary tool that can enhance and accelerate one’s spiritual journey. It is essential to approach astral travel with respect, humility, and a commitment to personal growth.

Many Representations Of A Woman Lying Down To Capture The Act Of Astral Projection
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 478

When I first heard about astral travel, I was a bit hesitant to believe the hype. I had an out-of-body experience in my late twenties, but I was deep into my addiction, and to be honest, I thought it was a near-death experience. I used to be a big fan of Reddit before people would make me cry every time I asked a question. I’m not going to lie: Despite the negativity, I now love Reddit without asking questions.

My point is that you should go check out the astral projection sub because there, you will read about all of the experiences and tips, tricks, hacks, etc. After you visit, I think you will be a believer. I saw no way that thousands of people all around the globe had such similar experiences.

When I was a member of Mindvalley, the founder, Vishen Lakhiani, told a story about how when he first started astral traveling, he kept ending up in this park. The park featured a pleasant guide with a smiley face. (: The being was helpful and helped him kinda get the hang of things. You know, along those lines anyway. It was a great story, and I never thought much of it.

A few months later, while perusing Reddit, I read this thread about the same guide. All of these people from different parts of the world and different walks of life were talking about the exact park and the exact guide. I think I read every single thread, and there were hundreds. It was fascinating. I then heard another similiar story from someone I worked with at the Suboxone clinic.

The astral plane is a place. It has different spaces, places, and characters. We can go there and do whatever makes our hearts sing. We can see the rings of Saturn or get input from our guides. It’s beautiful and it should give you hope just as it does me.

Please watch this phenomenal music video by Spirit Science and check out their channel. I love this video, and my kids play it on repeat. I’m a big fan of Spirit Science, and you will be too.

Gateway Product
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 479

The GATEWAY By Robert Monroe

The audio program used to train CIA agents

on the art of astral travel. The Gateway consists of 8 levels with between 8 and 10 tracks per level. Robert Monroe talks us through. I have the audios and like many others found tremendous success. Click below to check them out.

Embarking on an astral travel journey requires knowledge, practice, and the right resources and tools. Fortunately, numerous books, online courses, and guided meditations are available to support individuals in their astral travel endeavors. More importantly, it takes patience because chances are good you won’t get it on your first try. Don’t give up. Never… Give… Up. I love saying that.

Books such as William Buhlman’s “Adventures Beyond the Body” and Robert A. Monroe’s “Journeys Out of the Body” provide valuable insights, techniques, and personal accounts of astral projection experiences. These resources can help individuals understand the process of astral travel and offer practical guidance on how to achieve this state.

**The above links are affiliate links, and I will get a small fee if you make a purchase from those links. This costs nothing for you but helps me to keep going and creating great content.**

Online courses and workshops led by experienced astral travelers can also be beneficial. These programs provide structured guidance, exercises, and a supportive community to help individuals develop their astral travel skills.

Additionally, guided meditations specifically designed for astral projection can be found on platforms like YouTube and various meditation apps. These meditations can assist individuals in relaxing their bodies and minds, making it easier to enter the astral realm.

Below are some of my top recommendations for beginning your journey to AP. As some of you may know, I am a ‘go big or go home’ type, so please know I went in on astral projection. I met people and learned things that were sometimes magical and almost always profound. I am not affiliated with any of the below resources.

When I first started my spiritual journey a few years back, when I got sober, I could not find anything online about astral travel. It was horrible, and it made me crazy. I never stopped looking, and one day, I finally hit pay dirt when a very kind Redditor suggested Graham Nicholls Infraliminals. I purchased his course and all of the Infraliminal audios. It definitely helped me to explore the hypnotic state, and that helped me a great deal.

I love the Infraliminals, and they actually work! Check out some of the testimonials on Graham’s website. I love that he offers all of his AP products at affordable prices, too. I haven’t seen that much. I actually had to email Graham after making my purchases with some questions, and no joke, I got a response not even twenty minutes later. I have a great deal of respect for people who are on top of things like that because I am so very opposite of on top of my email. Progress, right?

Astral travel holds the key to unlocking limitless possibilities and transforming your life in profound ways. Not to mention, it’s new, exciting, and life-changing. By exploring different dimensions, meeting spiritual guides, and gaining valuable insights, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.

Remember, astral travel requires dedication, practice, and an open mind. It is a complementary tool that can enhance your spiritual journey, but it should be approached with respect and discernment. As you delve into the mysteries of the astral realm, be prepared for extraordinary experiences, profound teachings, and a deepening connection with the universe.

So, are you ready to spread your astral wings and embrace the transformative power of astral travel? Prepare yourself for a mind-expanding adventure like no other as you unlock the limitless possibilities that await in the astral realm. I will see you in the astral, everybody! Safe travels!

Before attempting to astral travel, I think you should check out Ed Detori’s post below. Astral projecting isn’t without risk, even if it is not a serious risk. You should know what to look out for. Still, just be aware and have fun.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Astral Projection

If This Post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach.

In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 480
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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 482
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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 483

Post Off

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.”

-Henry Ford

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I access an inner stillness at will that allows me to tap into my own intrinsic wisdom. I accept any help I am able to recieve from higher beings.

Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 484
Pnp Hoodie Product
Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 485
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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 486
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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 487

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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 489

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Unlock Limitless Possibilities: How Astral Travel Can Transform Your Life 490

About this item

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From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align

From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align

Spiritual Awakening And Ets Cover Image
From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align 536

Embark on a mind-bending journey from the cosmos to consciousness as we delve into the fascinating realm of spiritual awakening and ETs. Prepare to have your beliefs challenged and your perspectives expanded as we explore the intersection of extraterrestrial encounters and the profound transformation of the human spirit.

In this captivating exploration, we will unravel the mysteries of cosmic consciousness, examining the significance of ET contact in our collective evolution. From ancient civilizations to modern-day encounters, we will traverse the vast expanse of human history to uncover the profound impact that these otherworldly beings have had on our understanding of ourselves, our personal development, and our connection to the universe.

Brace yourself for a thought-provoking adventure that will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality as we navigate the enigmatic path toward spiritual awakening with ETs as our guides. Get ready to embark on a journey like no other, where the boundaries of possibility are stretched and the depths of human consciousness are illuminated. I can promise you one thing; you are in for the ride of a lifetime.

Woman And Alien Face To Face Holding Hands Friends
From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align 537

Spiritual awakening is a transformative process that involves a profound shift in consciousness, leading to a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization, where individuals awaken to their true nature and purpose, and this is a journey that I am currently on and have been now for about three years. I can’t believe how long I walked this earth blind and believing in our systems. I no longer do. I search for truth beyond what my eyes can see, and you should too.

My spiritual awakening was like the lifting of a veil. I started seeing the world and the universe in a much broader, more interconnected way. It wasn’t just about self-improvement or seeking peace; it was about realizing that we, as humans, are just a small part of a vast, intricate cosmic tapestry. My consciousness expanded beyond the physical confines of Earth, opening up to the possibilities of the infinite universe.

People find, just as I did, that extra-terrestrials somehow always make their way into spiritual awakenings. While spiritual awakening is often associated with personal growth and enlightenment, the role of ETs in this process is a topic that has gained increasing attention in recent years because, as you will find, if you are embarking on a spiritual journey, ETs are definitely a large part of awakening. Before we get into the how and why, let’s go over the symptoms of a spiritual Awakening.

The signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening can vary from person to person, but there are certain common experiences that many individuals report. A deep longing for something more, a sense of being disconnected from the material world, increased sensitivity to energy, and a desire to explore the mysteries of the universe. Physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and changes in sleep patterns are also common during this time. It is important to note that these symptoms are temporary and are often a sign that profound changes are taking place within.

Woman Staring Up At An Alien Friends
From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align 538

ETs, or extraterrestrial beings, have long been a subject of fascination and speculation. From ancient civilizations to modern-day encounters, there are countless accounts of human interactions with these otherworldly beings. Many believe that these encounters play a significant role in spiritual awakening, acting as catalysts for personal growth and transformation. It is thought that ETs possess advanced knowledge and wisdom that can help guide individuals on their spiritual journey, providing insights into the nature of reality and the purpose of existence, and I believe this to be true.

As my awareness grew, so did my connection to beings beyond our world. I began to experience profound insights, visions, and sometimes even communications that I could only attribute to sources that my rational mind could not explain. These experiences were not born of fantasy or desire for escapism but were as real to me as any earthly interaction. They conveyed messages of love, unity, and the importance of evolving our collective consciousness.

Millions of people all over the world are trance channeling the same exact messages. They are channeling messages telling us that we have been horribly and irrevocably lied to throughout our entire existence. I did research and found out that free energy is not just a possibility. It is an inevitability. People are powering homes across the world with devices that run solely on the repulsion of magnets. Many people have died after attempting to patent such devices. Dr. Stephen Greer is working towards ensuring that these truths, which have been made to look like tall tales, come to light. I have seen it with my own eyes, and I would have never believed it, but it’s true.

That 1% of the population that holds all of the wealth- they would do anything to keep it this way. The bad news for them is that The Disclosure has arrived, and this is good news for all, even that 1% because the ETs are love. I know how crazy it sounds, but if you’re here, you are seeing through the reality we have been force-fed, and that’s all it takes. There is love and light in our future. We all have a part to play.

Human And Alien Face To Face
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You might wonder why extraterrestrial beings would be interested in us or our spiritual journey. From my experiences, I’ve come to understand that these beings are deeply concerned with the spiritual evolution of the universe at large. Humanity stands at a critical juncture, with the potential to either ascend to a higher state of consciousness or continue on a path that could lead to our demise.

Extraterrestrials, many of whom are far more advanced technologically and spiritually, see in us the potential to join the cosmic community as enlightened beings. They are here to guide, help, and sometimes intervene, albeit in ways that respect our free will and evolutionary process.

Connecting with ETs during your spiritual journey can take many forms. Some individuals report direct contact through telepathy or physical encounters, while others experience communication through dreams, meditation, or astral projection. (Yes, Astral Projection and reality shifting are real. Wild, right?)

These interactions can provide profound insights, guidance, and healing, serving as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. It is important to approach these experiences with an open mind and heart, allowing for a deep connection to be established. I often tell my clients, “If you believe, you enable your capacity to receive.”

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Human And Alien Face To Face
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Navigating the journey of spiritual awakening with ETs as guides requires a willingness to explore the unknown and embrace the transformative power of these encounters. Various techniques can assist individuals in this process, such as meditation, energy work, journaling, and connecting with like-minded individuals. If you are like me and live in the most closed-minded place on earth, you can find communities online, just like this one. They help a lot. It is essential to create a sacred space for reflection and self-discovery, allowing for the integration of ET experiences into everyday life.

Check out my post Transform Your Practice: Crafting the Perfect Meditation Altar

CE 5: Our Experience

Integrating ET experiences into everyday life can be challenging, as these encounters often challenge our existing belief systems and societal norms. Approaching these experiences with discernment and an open mind allows for the integration of new insights and perspectives. Seeking support from a community of like-minded individuals can be invaluable during this time, providing a safe space for sharing, learning, and growing.

The spiritual awakening process can be lonely and isolating, especially when it involves encounters with ETs. A supportive community can provide a sense of belonging and validation, allowing individuals to share their experiences and learn from others who have gone through similar transformations. Online forums, social media groups, and local meetups are excellent resources for connecting with like-minded individuals who can offer guidance, support, and a sense of community.

I have navigated my spiritual awakening solo, and I can tell you it’s incredibly lonely and isolated. I highly recommend not mentioning your newfound beliefs to your friends or family because somehow they will turn it into you being ‘woo woo.’ Find groups of Lightworkers and STarseeds for support online or otherwise.

Numerous resources are available for those interested in further exploring the intersection of ETs and spiritual awakening. Books, documentaries, and online courses offer valuable insights and perspectives from experts in the field. Approaching these resources with an open mind and discernment allows for a deepening of knowledge and understanding.


Light Omega

Lightworkers Alliance

The Galactic Federation of Light

A Message To Humanity


GFL Station

Black Eye Presents

The Light Workers

Emissary of Light

Astral Atom

The Secret Universe

Sarah Hall

Aaron Doughty

Many misconceptions surrounding ETs and spiritual awakening can hinder our understanding of these phenomena. It is important to approach these topics with an open mind and a willingness to explore beyond societal conditioning. Debunking common misconceptions allows for a more nuanced understanding of the complexities involved in the spiritual awakening journey with ETs.

ETs first appeared in my journey when I was doing some research about my blood type and Aphantasia. I was convinced there was a link because I had talked to many others on Reddit who had both rh negative blood and Aphantasia. People somewhere have been saying that rh negs are hybrids. Yes, that’s what they think. No other living thing on earth has rh negative blood, so that’s curious, I admit.

Aphantasia is a blind mind’s eye. I found out a few years ago that people can see images in their minds when they close their eyes. To say I was shocked is a gross understatement. All I can see is black darkness, a never-ending void, the darkest darkness. It somehow became even more lonely after finding that everyone else sees images, their children’s faces, the faces of lost loved ones, etc.

This all started with meditation. I was experiencing things while meditating that I couldn’t explain. I was seeing images and pictures. I felt as though I was being shown things. For instance, I had told my three-year-old son that someday, when we were rich, I would build him and his sister their own Go-Kart track. Don’t you know I was shown an image of the three of us riding Go-Karts on a track. That’s just one example, but there are many more.

I think it mostly begins with meditation. When you still your mind, you begin to experience things that you cannot explain with a rational mind, and most people who are personally developing at some point begin meditating. Meditation is the intersection between a spiritual awakening and our friends, ETs.

My goal is not to convince skeptics or push beliefs onto others but to share my experiences and the messages I’ve received. I believe that opening up to the possibility of extraterrestrial life and its role in our spiritual evolution can be a pivotal step for humanity. It’s about expanding our consciousness, understanding our place in the cosmos, and embracing the love and wisdom available to us from these advanced beings.

I am taking a big risk publishing his post on my personal development blog, especially when things are moving so slowly for me and my mission. All of my years attending finishing school on repeat should tell you one thing, if nothing else- I do not follow the herd. I have and always will make my own way. I am the opposite of the norm.

We have been silent observers for far too long. Let’s not make the mistakes of those who came before us. Our children and our grandchildren need us to keep an open mind and realize we have never been alone. Silence your mind, and you can find that out easily enough. Also, stay away from fluoride. Lol. No. Really.

For me, belief in extraterrestrial beings is not just a belief but a profound truth experienced through my spiritual awakening. It has reshaped my understanding of life, the universe, and our potential as a species. I share my story in the hope that it might resonate with others on their spiritual journey, opening minds to the vast, beautiful possibilities that lie beyond our earthly confines.

In conclusion, the journey of spiritual awakening with ETs as guides is a profound and transformative experience. It challenges our beliefs, expands our perspectives, and connects us to the vastness of the cosmos. More importantly, ETs ultimately aid us in our personal development journeys to becoming our best and highest selves. If you’re like me, you need all the help you can get, and that’s totally okay because I am sure they love a challenge.

By keeping an open mind and embracing these encounters, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of cosmic consciousness. As we navigate the enigmatic path toward spiritual awakening, let us embrace the unknown, question the status quo, and honor the profound wisdom that ETs bring to our journey of self-discovery and self-realization. Let us embark on this extraordinary adventure together as we navigate the depths of human consciousness and the mysteries of the universe while attaining self-mastery.

As a side note, if you are reading this, then chances are you are a LIghtworker, and something made our paths cross. It means something, and I would love to hear about it. Feel free to share in the comments below or email me. If you read this and think I am as bat shi% crazy as they come, then chances are this blog and this community isn’t for you, but I do appreciate you stopping by. If you want to humor me, please ask the Universe for a sign.

Say, “this crazy chick is asking me to ask you for a sign so please show me a____________________ within the next 72 hours as a show of good faith. Thanks.” Thats it. You add in ‘dragonfly’ or ‘turtle’ or whatever it is that you fancy. I have had probably around thirty clients, friends, and family do this and I have yet to be disappointed. Try it and then stop back in and we can talk. I could be crazy, but I don’t think so. Not yet anyways.

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach. In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day.

This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Post Off

Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you; the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.

-Dan Millman

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am a co-creator with the universe, manifesting miracles in my life, writing my own story, and experiencing true magic every day in every way.

Steven Greer National Press Conference
From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align 542

Check Out

Dr. Steven Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Conference

Dr. Greer has dedicated the last thirty years of his life voluntarily to collecting the overwhelming evidence presented to Congress this week regarding secret black ops, extra-terrestrial programs, our government, and everything that has been kept from the public. He has collected the testimonies of over 736 high-ranking government officials and other reputable citizens. The Pentagon has been ordered to comply. You can check out the whole conference below. He has gotten us this far, and now it’s our turn to give back for his grandkids and for ours.

**I include affiliate links throughout this blog post. While they come at zero cost to you, they help support my work and keep me going. If you buy through links on this page, I may earn a small commission. I only promote products myself, my family, and/or friends personally use, love, and that I believe will benefit my readers. I may also add products that I hope to buy and have extensively researched just for you. I stand by my recommendations. I appreciate you! Metta, friend! .**

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Pnp Womens Tee
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Pnp Hoodie
From Awakening to Disclosure: Why Spiritual Awakening and ETs Align 546
Self Care for Relationship Success: Why Taking Care of Yourself Matters

Self Care for Relationship Success: Why Taking Care of Yourself Matters

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Self Care for Relationship Success: Why Taking Care of Yourself Matters 578

Image Source

Let’s face it: when it comes to romantic relationships, we often hear about the grand gestures, the dramatic confessions of love, and the fairy-tale endings. But what about the unsung hero in this love story? That’s right, I’m talking about self-care. It’s not just about bubble baths and spa days; self care for relationship success will be your game-changer.

Remember when I signed up for a yoga class to impress my partner? Spoiler alert: my downward dog looked more like a confused cat, but here’s the twist – I discovered a newfound love for meditation and mindfulness, which surprisingly brought more peace and balance into our relationship.

So, why is self-care crucial for the success of your love life? It’s simple: your relationship naturally follows suit when you’re the best version of yourself. This blog will dive into the heart of self-care and its transformative power in relationships. So, buckle up, and let’s embark on this journey together – trust me, you won’t want to miss what’s coming next!

When we think about maintaining healthy relationships, the term ‘self care’ often seems like a solo activity, separate from our interactions with our partners. However, the truth is far more interconnected. 

Self-care is not just about taking time for yourself; it’s about cultivating your mental health and well-being to be present and engaged in your relationships. It’s like preparing the soil for a garden to flourish. By setting healthy boundaries, you respect your own needs and limits and encourage and model for your partner how to do the same. 

This mutual respect creates a strong foundation where both partners feel valued and understood. Therefore, self-care becomes a critical component in sustaining not just our health but the health of our romantic connections.

How to Use Self Care for Relationship Success

Embracing self-care is not just an act of nurturing oneself; it’s a powerful tool for enhancing self-awareness and positively impacting your relationship. Investing time in understanding your needs and emotions in everyday life develops a deeper insight into your life. This clarity allows you to communicate more effectively with your partner, minimizing misunderstandings and conflicts. 

Being in tune with yourself brings authenticity and openness to your relationship. It’s like fine-tuning a musical instrument; the better it sounds, the more harmonious it will be in an orchestra. In this way, self-care is a gift to yourself and the person you share your life with.

Common Misconceptions About Self-Care in Relationships

There’s a common misconception that self-care habits should always involve both partners in a severe relationship. While shared activities can be beneficial, it’s important to remember that mental self care often requires personal space and time. Many believe focusing on self-care might indicate neglecting the relationship, but the truth is quite the opposite. 

Engaging in mental self care allows you to recharge and refresh, making you more emotionally available and resilient in your relationship. It’s crucial to dispel the myth that taking time for yourself is a sign of selfishness. In reality, it’s ensuring that you bring your best self to the relationship, fostering a healthier and more understanding partnership.

Identifying What You Need in a Relationship

Understanding your needs in a relationship goes hand in hand with self care practices. It’s like having a personal roadmap where you know which directions lead to your well-being. Physical self care, such as regular exercise and adequate rest, plays a crucial role in this journey. It’s not just about keeping fit; it’s about feeling good in your skin and bringing that positive energy into your relationship. 

Moreover, self-love is the foundation upon which these needs are built. When you genuinely love and accept yourself, you set a standard for how you wish to be treated and understood by your partner. This self-awareness guides you in recognizing what you seek from a relationship, enabling you to clearly and confidently communicate these needs.

Key Qualities to Seek for a Fulfilling and Healthy Relationship

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In discovering what you are looking for in a relationship, it’s essential to reflect on the qualities that nurture both personal growth and mutual happiness. Self love is the cornerstone of this exploration. It empowers you to recognize and value your worth, setting the stage for a relationship that respects and echoes this sentiment. 

Physical health is another vital aspect, as it reflects a commitment to caring for oneself and, by extension, the ability to care for others. Moreover, self confidence plays a crucial role in building a fulfilling connection.

It allows you to confidently express your needs and desires, fostering a relationship built on honesty and mutual respect. For a deeper understanding of these qualities, consider exploring good things to look for in a relationship, where you’ll find insights that resonate with your quest for a meaningful and healthy relationship.

Establishing Healthy Relationship Practices

Establishing healthy relationship practices is pivotal in nurturing a lasting romantic relationship. This begins with the foundation of self-love. Understanding and appreciating our value sets a positive tone for how we engage in relationships. Practicing self-care is not just an act of personal well-being but also reflects how we approach and contribute to our romantic partnerships. 

It teaches us to balance our needs with our partners, creating a harmonious dynamic where both individuals feel valued and cared for. Remember, a romantic relationship thrives when both partners are committed to their personal growth and well-being, fostering a deeper, more understanding connection.

The Role of Communication in Relationship Self-Care

In the realm of relationship self-care, the role of communication cannot be overstated. It’s the bridge that connects emotional well-being with mental well-being, ensuring that both partners understand and support each other’s needs.

Effective communication goes beyond just talking; it involves listening, empathizing, and responding with care. Remembering that one should not rely solely on one’s partner for emotional or mental support is essential. 

Instead, open and honest communication can help share responsibilities and understandings, ensuring that both partners contribute to a healthy, supportive environment. This approach not only strengthens the individual mental well-being of each person but also fortifies the emotional connection within the relationship.”

How to Use Couple Contracts for Relationship Clarity

In the journey of a romantic partnership, it’s easy to lose track of each other’s needs and expectations. This is where the concept of a relationship contract can be a game-changer. It’s not about legalities; consider it a tool you might learn in couples therapy.

A relationship contract helps keep your emotional tank full and ensures that both partners are on the same page. It involves sitting down together and discussing what you need to feel loved, supported, and valued. 

This process of creating and agreeing on a contract can significantly reduce misunderstandings and unmet expectations. For a step-by-step guide on how to use couple contract effectively and how it can benefit your relationship, feel free to explore how to use it. It’s about setting clear, mutual agreements that help navigate the complexities of love and commitment.

Overcoming Personal Barriers to Self-Care

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Overcoming personal barriers to self-care is crucial, especially when your emotional tank is left feeling low. It’s common to encounter challenges that hinder our self-care routines, such as low self-esteem or misconceptions about how it affects our relationships.

Many of us might mistakenly believe that prioritizing self-care could upset our romantic partners or that it’s selfish. However, caring for ourselves is one of the most selfless things we can do for those we love. 

By boosting our self-esteem and replenishing our emotional reserves, we become better partners and more capable of giving love and support. Remember, a fulfilled and healthy individual forms the basis of a robust and happy relationship. It’s about breaking down those barriers that keep us from being our best selves, for us and our loved ones.

Addressing Guilt and Other Emotional Barriers

One of the biggest hurdles in practicing self-care is addressing the guilt that often comes with taking alone time. It’s a familiar feeling, especially when we’re conditioned to believe that constantly prioritizing others is a mark of self-worth. But here’s a different perspective: alone time is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for our overall health. 

When we allow ourselves the space to recharge and reflect, we are not being selfish; we are taking steps to ensure that we are mentally and emotionally healthy. This, in turn, enhances our ability to connect with others on a deeper level. Remember, valuing your self-worth doesn’t diminish your care for others; it strengthens it and leads to a healthier, more balanced you.”

Strategies to Overcome Anxious Attachment

Dealing with anxious attachment can often feel like navigating a boat in stormy seas, especially when it comes to finding a secure relationship place. It’s about navigating challenges healthily for you and your current partner. This type of attachment style can sometimes lead to feelings of insecurity and fear of abandonment, which might affect the dynamics of a relationship. 

However, there are effective ways to address and heal from these feelings. Understanding the roots of your attachment style and implementing specific strategies can cultivate a sense of security and trust in your relationships.

For those looking to embark on this transformative journey, try these 5 steps to heal from Anxious Attachment. These steps help you build a healthier, more secure connection with your partner, leading to a more fulfilling relationship experience.

Long-Term Benefits of Self-Care in Relationships

Couple In A Loving Relationship
Self Care for Relationship Success: Why Taking Care of Yourself Matters 581

Often, we hear that there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there’s a pathway to a healthier and more fulfilling one that starts with self-care. Taking the time to care for oneself is an important aspect that reaps long-term benefits in relationships. It’s like nurturing a plant; the more you care for it, the more it flourishes. 

When you prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, you’re improving your own life and enhancing the quality of your relationship. This self-investment increases patience, empathy, and understanding towards your partner.

Over time, these qualities build a stronger, more resilient bond, making your relationship withstand the test of time and challenges. Remember, the strength of a relationship is often a reflection of the care each individual puts into themselves.


Reflecting on the insights shared, it becomes clear that self-care is vital for relationship success. Embracing self-care in all its forms – emotional, mental, and physical – enriches your life and strengthens the bonds of your romantic relationships. 

So, take this message to heart: prioritize your well-being and watch your relationships flourish alongside it. The path to a healthy, loving partnership begins with how well you care for yourself.

If This Post…

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share with our author, please do so in the comments below. We love to hear from you. You could also support our work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach.

In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Author Bio

Steffo Shambo Bio Image
Self Care for Relationship Success: Why Taking Care of Yourself Matters 582

Steffo Shambo is the founder of Tantric Academy, where he hosts a program called The Tantric Man Experience – the #1 love and relationship program for men. He strives to empower men to tap into their full masculine confidence, intimate power, and ability to connect with themselves and their partners on a deeper level than ever before. He’s helped hundreds of men worldwide harness their masculine life force energy to save their relationship or attract their dream partner in only nine weeks.

To learn more, visit Steffo at the Tantric Academy.

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** I use affiliate links throughout this page, and you can find my affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page. Thanks!**

Transform Your Practice: Crafting the Perfect Meditation Altar

Transform Your Practice: Crafting the Perfect Meditation Altar

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Transform Your Practice: Crafting the Perfect Meditation Altar 632

The concept of a meditation altar holds significant importance in the realm of spirituality and meditation. It aids you in building a relationship with yourself and becoming familiar with your own life-energy, which is crucial for self-mastery. A meditation altar is a sacred space dedicated to your practice, a place where you can delve deeper into your spiritual journey. It serves as a focal point for your thoughts, intentions, and energy during meditation sessions, enhancing the overall experience.

In this post, we’ll explore the significance of a meditation altar, its elements, how to create one, and why personalization is key. Let’s dive in and elevate your mindfulness journey.

A meditation altar serves as a physical representation of your spiritual aspirations and connection to the divine, whatever your version of the divine may be. It acts as a symbol of reverence and intention, grounding your practice and fostering a sense of tranquility. By creating a dedicated space for your meditation practice, you are setting the stage for deep introspection and spiritual growth.

Your meditation altar also holds deep significance in your spiritual journey. It symbolizes your intention to cultivate inner peace, clarity, and presence. These are things that most of us could definitely use more of. By dedicating a space in your home to mindfulness, you create a tangible reminder to prioritize your well-being, which is something I still regularly need on my journey.

Meditation Altar Table. Altar Table For Home. Wicca Altar Table. Buddha Altar Table. Shrine Table Altar
Meditation Altar Table
Beautiful Small Wooden Temple Home Temple Puja Mandir Wall Hanging
Beautiful Small Wooden Temple Home Temple Puja Mandir Wall Hanging
Spinning Tea Light Candle Holder, Silver Triple Moon Carousel Candle Spinner
White Angels Resin Cherubs Statue Figurine
White Angels Resin Cherubs Statue
Tribe Azure Fair Trade Small Altar Table
Tribe Azure Fair Trade Small Altar Table
Black Moon Phase Wall Shelf, 3 Piece Small Floating Shelves Set For Storage Book Plant, Crystal Display Shelf 
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Trifecta Wooden Representation
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Gaia Statue,6“H Mother Earth Goddess Statue
Gaia Statue,6“H Mother Earth Goddess Statue
Self-Love Candle
self-love candle
A Altar Table With Drawer
Meditation Altar Table
Temple Wooden Wall Hanging Temple
Temple Wooden Wall Hanging Temple
Design Toscano Bn1937 Glass Wall Mounted Storage Curio Cabinet
Design Toscano BN1937 Glass Wall Mounted Storage Curio Cabinet
Hecate Statue
Hecate statue

When creating a meditation altar, consider incorporating elements that hold personal significance and resonate with your spiritual beliefs. Common elements found on a meditation alter include:

Sacred Objects: Choose items such as crystals, candles, statues, or sacred symbols that hold personal meaning and inspire your practice.

Natural Elements: Incorporate plants, flowers, or natural materials to bring a sense of grounding and connection to the earth.

Incense or Essential Oils: Use scents like sandalwood, lavender, or frankincense to enhance the ambiance and create a tranquil atmosphere.

Personal Mementos: Include photographs, mementos, or objects that evoke positive emotions and memories, fostering a sense of peace and serenity.

Below is a list of items you can use for inspiration:

The list really goes on and on, depending on what aligns and resonates with your own personal spiritual journey. The best part is that it’s your altar, so guess who makes the rules. I do!!! I wish. You make the rules, and you make the choices. You may incorporate whatever items align with your spiritual beliefs.

Remember, your altar’s purpose is to support and inspire your spiritual practice. Therefore, it’s important to choose items that resonate with you and reflect your personal beliefs and intentions. You can continually update and change your altar as you grow and evolve in your spiritual journey.

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Transform Your Practice: Crafting the Perfect Meditation Altar 634

1. Choose a Sacred Space: Select a quiet and peaceful area in your home where you can practice meditation without distractions. When I purchased my home, there was a tiny closet room on my sublevel. I redid it with new walls, carpet, ceilings, and some other decorative displays, such as multi-colored bricks that I left halfway up the walls and the area of gray wood planks, which I mounted shelving.

It was no doubt small, but it was my space, away from the kids, to work and meditate. I called it my ‘Zoom Room’ because I used it to meet clients on one side, and on the other, I made a sacred space that, even now, I wouldn’t give up for the world.

I have friends who use only a dresser top in their bedroom, and others I have seen have a chest that folds into a table. The most important thing to recognize is that this is about you and no one else. There is NOTHING, not one thing that you NEED when creating your altar. A single tea light candle can be your altar. It really is that simple.

2. Clear the Space: Remove clutter and clean the area to create a harmonious environment for your altar. I personally like to burn sage to clear any residual energy that may have inadvertently been introduced in the area of my altar. Incense helps as well, and I LOVE incense. I am a hippie. Of course, I love incense. Doesn’t everybody? I’m playin’. My sister can’t stand incense.

3. Select Your Elements: Gather items that resonate with your spiritual journey and align with your intentions for meditation and/or prayer. I have statues of Gaia, representations of my kids, pictures they drew, dried flowers from bouquets I’ve been given, herbs, and, of course, my personal favorite… CRYSTALS of all shapes and sizes.

Please keep in mind that you need nothing. I think you will be surprised how quickly your altar evolves. Picking up some treasures on a walk through the woods and picking flowers to display while fresh and then drying out for later use really starts adding up rather quickly into a space that is beautifully and unapologetically YOU. Moms especially need this. I sure did and do.

4. Arrange Mindfully: Arrange your chosen elements on a surface, such as a table or shelf, keeping in mind symmetry and aesthetics. When you arrange, you put intention into your placements, and that is where the magic happens. You will find that your altar transforms over time into something you never could have expected. It’s truly beautiful.

5. Personalize Your Altar: Add personal touches and adjust the layout to reflect your unique spiritual path and intentions. I constantly find myself moving stuff around and adjusting things to accommodate my moods, feelings, and energy.

As you engage with your meditation altar, remember the power of intention. Infuse your practice with positive energy, gratitude, and pure intentions. Most people have no idea of the power of intention, but if you didn’t, now you do.

Creating a meditation altar is a creative and personal endeavor that allows you to infuse your own unique energy and style into your practice. As you embark on this transformative process, as mentioned above, incorporate elements that hold personal meaning to you, such as symbols, crystals, or objects that evoke a sense of calm and serenity.

One tip to enhance the energy of your meditation altar is to cleanse and purify the space regularly. This can be done by burning sage, lighting incense, intention, or using sound instruments like bells or singing bowls. The act of cleansing helps to remove any stagnant energy and maintain a harmonious atmosphere for your practice.

Another point to consider is the arrangement and organization of your meditation altar. Finding a balance between simplicity and intention is key. Arrange your chosen objects in a way that feels visually and energetically pleasing to you. Intentionally placing items that represent your spiritual journey or aspirations can further deepen the connection to your practice.

Remember, your meditation altar is a reflection of your personal journey and growth. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment, evolve, and make changes as you progress in your practice. By infusing your unique energy and personal touches, you can craft a meditation altar that resonates deeply with your spiritual essence.

Transform your practice today by dedicating time and creativity to crafting the perfect meditation altar, and watch as it becomes a sacred space of tranquility, focus, and spiritual growth. If you have made it this far in your spiritual journey, I am truly excited for you because you are in for the ride of a lifetime, friend. You really and truly are, and I will be here for you every step of the way.

If This Post…

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn and learners teach.

In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please be patient. If there are any issues, please contact me at

Don’t forget to comment, like, share, subscribe, and register. It helps.

Post-Off Quote

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

-Sue Atkins

Post-Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Some days are better than others; that doesn’t mean I’m a bad parent. Tomorrow is a new day.

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Suncatcher Gem For Window
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70-Set Essential Oils
70 Essential oil kit
Violet Crown Chakra Tibetan Bell (Note B)
Violet Crown Chakra Tibetan Bell (Note B)
Orgone Pyramid Amethyst Crystal For Love Protection
Orgone Pyramid Amethyst Crystal for Love Protection
A Tripple Goddess Moon Macrame Decor
a Tripple Goddess Moon Macrame decor
Essential Oil Storage For 96 Bottles
Essential Oil Storage for 96 Bottles
Tenfly Tuning Forks
Tenfly Tuning Forks
Crystal Tower Set
crystal tower set

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024

Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024

In the ever-evolving world of addiction recovery, online resources have become invaluable for those of us seeking support, guidance, and inspiration on our journey to sobriety. We all know that YouTube is a powerful platform for sharing personal stories, expert advice, and valuable tools for anyone whose life has been touched by addiction. As we step into 2024, we’ve compiled a list of the top 24 addiction recovery YouTube channels that you should follow for inspotivation, information, and guidance.

Some of these I refer to as ‘undiscovered gems.’ I think it is necessary to mention that even the best channels on this list started with one subscriber. Subscriber count has no basis for the quality of the channel, and I include the number only to give you an idea as to where the channel is on its journey of evolution. I also want to let you know that these channels are numbered only for reference. I mean- who could possibly choose one over another when they are all such fantastic and inspotivational channels? I couldn’t do without further ado, and in no particular order…

Top Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 (The ones that aren’t on everyone else’s lists.)

Addiction Recovery Youtube Channels : Gettingsoberagain Logo
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Sober Leon Logo
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 723
Habitsv2 Logo
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Soft White Underbelly Logo
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Sober James Logo
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 727
Soberful Representation
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 728
Lost In Phoenix Channel
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1Sober2Another Logo
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 730
Sober Dogs Channel
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Leaving Crazy Town
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 732
Recovery Comedy
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 733
Sober Is Dope Podcast
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 734
That Sober Guy Podcast
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M2 The Rock
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 736
Talk Sober
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 737
Bee Sober
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Liz Kidder Channel
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 739
Tempfileforshare 20240224 223238
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Hard Knox Talks
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 741
Motivation Hub
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 742
Jordan Thorton Channel
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 743
Patrick Delorenzo Channel
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The Sober Curator Logo
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 745

Some of the channels I researched hadn’t made a post in years and that knocked them off the list unless they provide so much value that I couldn’t in good conscience take them off the list. Some of the less active accounts are above, and some are below. Again, in no particular order because they are all trying to help people, and I love helping people, so they are awesome!

The Rewired Soul: Chris, a former addict, offers a fresh perspective on addiction and mental health, incorporating psychology and personal growth principles.

Fostering Resilience: Dr. KJ Foster’s channel is dedicated to helping people get and stay sober.

Recovery Dharma: Focused on the intersection of recovery and Buddhist principles, this channel offers meditation sessions, talks, and discussions.

Daily Recovery: Mike shares his daily struggles throughout his recovery journey.

Laura Mckowen: Laura’s channel explores her journey through addiction and recovery, providing wisdom on living a fulfilled life without substances.

Sober Goddess: A platform that celebrates the journey of women in recovery, offering support and empowerment for those overcoming addiction.

One Year No Beer: Alex and Andy share their experiences and insights into alcohol-free living, helping viewers challenge their relationship with alcohol.

Sober Grid: This channel connects people in recovery, fostering a sense of community and offering hope to those in need.

Brian McAlister: Brian shares his story and offers practical advice for overcoming addiction, drawing from his own experiences as a recovering addict.

Recovery 2.0: Tommy Rosen’s channel combines yoga, meditation, and recovery practices to help individuals heal on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

Sober Courage: Magz, a passionate advocate for sobriety, shares her own journey and offers support to those facing similar challenges.

The Addicted Lawyer: Brian Cuban’s channel delves into addiction in the legal profession, offering unique insights and strategies for recovery.

The Sobriety Collective: A collaborative effort featuring a variety of voices in the recovery community, offering diverse perspectives and insights.

This Naked Mind: Annie Grace’s channel explores the science behind addiction and offers tools to change your relationship with alcohol.

As we enter 2024, these 24 addiction recovery YouTube channels provide a wealth of knowledge, support, and inspiration for anyone on their journey to sobriety. Whether you’re seeking personal stories, expert advice, or practical tips, these channels cover a wide range of topics and perspectives to help you stay strong, resilient, and motivated in your recovery. Remember that you are not alone on this path, and these channels can serve as valuable companions in your quest for a healthier, happier, and addiction-free life.

Please do check them out and support their work by subscribing and doing all the things. This is an extremely rough niche, and the leaders within the niche aren’t exactly welcoming, which is just so sad. It’s also not easy putting yourself and your addiction out there for people to tear apart, and believe me, they do. I have never worked harder in my life to get nowhere, so please show these awesome creators some love and appreciation for their missions to help others.

If This Post…

Post Off

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”

-Eleanor roosevelt

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am invincible, unstoppable, and can conquer anything. I really do got this.

Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 746
Logo Hoodie
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 747
Pnp Womens Tee
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 748
Pnp Hoodie
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 749

** I use affiliate links throughout this page, and you can find my affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page. Thanks!**

Mother Earth Gaia
Top 24 Addiction Recovery YouTube Channels to Follow in 2024 750

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It’s a Must

Yoga On Beach At Sunrise
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It's a Must 789

Here are the four reasons:

Yoga For Addiction Recovery: Represents The Yoga Pose Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Yoga Kit- 11 Piece
Yoga Kit- 11 piece
Yoga No Slip Socks
Yoga No Slip Socks

Yoga works by calming the nervous system and helping the body relax. It also helps to improve breathing and increase focus and concentration. These benefits can be beneficial for people in recovery who may be struggling with anxiety and stress.

Kundalini yoga, specifically targeting the nervous system, is a form of yoga. The benefits of this type of yoga for anxiety and stress relief are numerous. It can help to calm and focus the mind, as well as to release tension from the body.

This type of yoga can also help to increase energy and stamina levels, which can be helpful for those of us recovering from addiction. Kundalini yoga can also help to improve sleep quality and to reduce stress levels.

3. Improves Sleep Quality

Woman Rolling Up Yoga Mat To Indicate Conclusion
Rolling up yoga mat

This is crucial for those of us who often struggle with insomnia and other sleep issues. I have personally struggled with insomnia since childhood. It is well-known that sleep plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. For example, getting a good night’s sleep can help improve our mood, increase our energy levels, and boost our immune system.

As you know, sleep is kind of non-negotiable. We need it, and poor sleep quality can increase the risk of use and negatively impact our mental and physical health.

Yoga can help improve sleep quality in several ways. First, it can help reduce stress and anxiety, which I already mentioned, and it also helps to enhance the quality of sleep by promoting relaxation and improving sleep habits. Finally, it can help enhance sleep quality by reducing pain and improving overall health. More importantly, it can boost self-esteem and body image.

4. Improves Self-Esteem & Body Satisfaction

Signifies Yoga Changing Negative Body Image And Increase In Self-Esteem
Multiple Yoga poses

Self-esteem is often an issue for us because of the negative messages we have internalized about ourselves during our addictions. These messages can be about our worth as a person, our value in the world, and our ability to be successful in life. Yoga can help counter these messages by providing a space for us to reconnect with our bodies and breathe positively.

In a study published in the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, people who participated in yoga significantly increased self-esteem and body satisfaction, and I am ALL about this. We NEED this so badly. Anything that helps with one of our biggest commonalities, Self-loathing, and it definitely has helped with mine. Work in progress right here.


Shows Women In Yoga Class Doing Yoga
Women in Yoga class

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community.

After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

Post Off

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I make mistakes, but I am not defined by my mistakes, I learn from them.

This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.

iPhone Drug War Veteran with Purple Ribbon Case

Drug War Vet Iphone Case
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It's a Must 790

About This Product

  • A two-part protective case made from a premium scratch-resistant polycarbonate shell and shock-absorbent TPU liner protects against drops
  • Printed in the USA
  • Easy installation

Signature Drug War Veteran and Purple Ribbon Hoodie

Drug War Veteran Merch Hoodie
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It's a Must 791

About This Product

100% Cotton

7 Colors

Shadow Work

Prompt Journal

Shadow work has had such an absolute and profound effect on my life that I created this 138-page prompt journal to be done over 16 weeks when completing one prompt per day.

Image Of Mockup For Shadow Work Journal
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It's a Must 792

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

Comforter Set
Chovey Furry Bed Set
Comforter Set
Chovy Multi-Bed Set
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Womens Onesie PJs

⭐⭐These are affiliate links. Please see the disclosure at the top and/or bottom of the page. When you use my links to purchase products, I may earn a small commission which costs nothing for you but supports my work so I can keep creating great content. You can find my full disclosure here.⭐⭐

Mother Earth Gaia
Yoga for Addiction Recovery: 4 Reasons It's a Must 794

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

What Your “Friends” Don’t Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict

What Your “Friends” Don’t Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict

Winter Fashion Pinterest Pin 5 Png Edited
What Your "Friends" Don't Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict 839

I never wanted to become a heroin addict, but in a world where we often put our best foot forward on social media and paint our lives with rosy colors, I know firsthand that there exists a dark and harrowing reality that remains hidden from public view. It’s a reality that I know all too well. Addiction is a silent, cunning, and ruthless foe that takes hold of us and transforms our lives into a never-ending nightmare.

This blog post aims to pull back the curtain on the agonizing, soul-shattering, and often hopeless journey that is addiction. I am sharing this because I am a human being. I am a daughter, a mother, an aunt, a sister, a volunteer, a good person, etc., and I get treated horribly because of my past with this disease. Even more importantly, it’s a story that desperately needs to be told by someone who has lived it.

**My apologies for not using person first language in this post as I am usually very aware of my use of the term. Keep in mind that I was addicted before addiction was considered to be a disease and I am only referencing myself when using the word "addict." I am trying to raise awareness and advocate prevention and some times I think that posts on the topic need to be candid and raw for the point to come across and people to understand what we are dealing with. Forgive me.**
Woman On A City Street Alone
What Your "Friends" Don't Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict 840

If you are someone lucky enough to have a life that hasn’t in some way been touched by addiction, then you are luckier than you know. I have lost so many people I loved to this disease that you would believe me if I told you the number. I am often faced with individuals who truly believe that addiction is not a disease and that as a heroin addict, I chose my path.. Nine times out of ten, these are the people whose lives have not been touched by addiction.

I tell them all the same thing. The one thing that we all have in common is that we hate ourselves. For most of us, it’s because of something someone else did to us that we had absolutely no control over. They took our power, our confidence, our strength, our security, our development, our developing self-awareness, our innocence, mindsets, anything else we had going for us gone, and so much more.

In one fell swoop, they replaced them with the inability to trust or ask for help, self-doubt, self-loathing, mental health issues, living life in fight or flight, debilitating anxiety, debilitating fear, and you get the idea. Being so young and feeling so much pain- it’s intolerable. We are so hard on ourselves, and coping with the trauma of whatever it was that happened isn’t easy for us. We have never felt comfortable in life. It’s an unbearable feeling, and I wish it on no one. I frequently say that I grew up feeling as though I was wearing a skin suit that was five sizes too small. It wasn’t okay. I wasn’t okay.

I never chose to disappoint my family and hurt them on repeat. I never chose to spend my life incarcerated, going in and out of jail for twenty years, sometimes getting out and going back the same or the next day. I never choose to watch those I love die over and over. I also never chose to have my innocence taken from me or to grow up with the weight of the world on my shoulders, living with an alcoholic-addicted single mother who loved to party. Nah, never asked for it consciously. Let’s see if we can make them understand.

Sad Person Struggling
What Your "Friends" Don't Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict 841

The hidden horrors of addiction often exist in the shadows, concealed from the prying eyes of society. Behind closed doors and veiled beneath the veneer of normalcy, countless individuals grapple with the relentless and all-encompassing grip of substance dependency. The stage is set in a world where appearances can be profoundly deceiving, where the smiling faces of friends, family members, and colleagues may mask a tumultuous and harrowing struggle that unfolds silently. Millions of people are suffering silently every day.

Within the realm of addiction, the allure of the drug becomes a siren’s call—a seductive promise of escape from the pain, anxiety, and despair that haunt our very own hearts. Most of us are waiting for it because we can’t take another day of the pain. The journey often commences with the fateful decision to take that first shot, swallow that first pill, or down that initial drink. In these moments of vulnerability, addiction finds its foothold, luring us into a web of deceit, desperation, and destruction. We are so naive and don’t want to hurt anymore. We also think we know everything, and spoiler- we know NOTHING.

The hidden horrors of addiction manifest in the secret lives that we lead. The world witnesses a facade of normalcy while behind closed doors a parallel existence unfolds—a life marked by lies, isolation, and an insatiable need for the next fix.

Loved ones, who once stood as pillars of support, become unwitting participants in our elaborate charade, deceived by the mask of normalcy donned by their struggling family member or friend. Meanwhile, we navigate our treacherous path, our days consumed by a relentless pursuit, a hustle to secure the means for the next fix, and a growing chasm of isolation that separates us from the world we once knew.

Syringe And Skull By Candle
What Your "Friends" Don't Tell You Before Helping You Become a Heroin Addict 842

Alot of people start out on pills, which are really expensive. Soon enough, our tolerance grows to a point where we can never afford to feed it. That’s the point where, typically, someone we trust points out the obvious. Dope is cheaper, and you definitely get more bang for your buck.

I have never heard even one story where they tell us, “Hey, this stuff is pretty treacherous, and if you use it every day, you will get so sick you will think you’re going to die.” Nobody shares that tidbit. They smile and act excited and have no problem sticking a needle into your virgin teenage veins.

If you’re like me, the next thing you know is you are driving to the city, coming back with ungodly amounts of heroin, sitting right in your center console because it simply won’t fit anywhere else, so you can sell it and get this; you are not selling it to get rich; you are only selling it to support your quickly growing habit.

You’re running from a sickness that you have no real idea about at that point. By this time, you have heard the sickness referenced, but you still just can’t go a day without getting high because, for once in your pathetic existence, you can’t feel the pain, and the trauma is a thing of the past.

They also never tell you that you will start having difficulty finding veins at some point in the future. They start to hide from the poison you are steady injecting into them. They don’t tell you that you will also become addicted to the act of shooting up and that no matter how bad the pain and damage you physically can NOT stop. You will shoot out your arteries, maybe even shoot up in your forehead, your eye, even the bottoms of your feet.

They don’t tell you that you will spend the next 20 years walking around like a zombie, falling asleep in the middle of sentences… while standing up… while pouring hot coffee… while your at court.

They don’t tell you about the poison within a poison that will contribute to the permanent damage, discoloration, scars, and permanent swelling that your limbs will incur in the future or the chunks of flesh you will lose that leave scars that disfigure your body.

They don’t tell you about the infections you will get that can and will kill you or about how bad you feel when you wake up after overdosing and being Narcan’ed to realize you’re alive. They don’t tell you how the blood can coagulate within the needle, and if it clogs, you lose your shot or that no matter what, you will get that shot into your body, even if you shoot it in your skin to form a large and seriously painful lump for two to four days.

They don’t tell you about the pain, bruising, or abysses and how insanely painful they are or how good the chances are of getting jumped, raped, or killed on the city streets, or how many times you will be ripped off for everything you have.

They don’t tell you about the many lives you will lose when repeatedly going back to jail.

They don’t tell you that you will lose relationships, homes, cars, jobs, worldly possessions, pets, and everything else you may have worked hard to get. They don’t tell you that you will never find a job because no one will hire you because they don’t think you are worth the chance.

They don’t tell you that you may have to get federal insurance on your person to get hired in case you decide to steal or mess up really bad, so the insurance covers it, and chances are you still won’t get hired.

They don’t tell you about the blood splatter on the ceiling from blood coagulation in the needle causing a blockage which you push so hard that it finally gets pushed out all over your ceiling or about how you turn your shoes upside down for just that reason when you enter any home that has people using so it doesn’t get in your shoes.

They don’t tell you about how badly you will be treated in jail, how you will be thrown in the hole for months at a time by yourself and off all of your meds. They don’t tell you that you will lose parts of yourself in there and you can never get them back. They don’t tell you that you will soon become just like them. You will make it look fun to your friends for no reason other than that misery… loves… company.

They don’t tell you that from the first use on, people will look at you and treat you like you are the lowest thing in existence, and soon enough, all those looks make you start seeing yourself the same way. They don’t tell you about the way all your friends from high school will start falling off or the way they look at you in the grocery store when they pretend not to see you. They don’t tell you that every second will be a struggle to death.

They don’t tell you how all of them hear rumors constantly, but not one of them ever confronts you or how the minute you make the decision to use heroin, your life somehow fails to matter to anyone.

They don’t tell you that you will get to a point where you cannot hit yourself and that you will have to ask your friends to do it, and you even have to take a hot bath first because that makes your scared little veins pop to the surface. They don’t tell you that the people that you love will die right before your eyes. Sometimes, you are lucky enough to save them; other times, you can’t allow yourself to give up and complete CPR on your dead loved one for forty-five minutes.

They don’t tell you that every person you ever loved will never look at you the same again. They don’t tell you how people get a look of disdain on their faces when they say your name or how you make mistakes while procuring your drugs, and they add up to a point where you realize that you can’t not be numb because you would rather die than feel those feels.

They don’t tell you that if you think you hated yourself before using, words can’t do justice to how you will feel about yourself afterward. They don’t tell you that heroin leads to three places: jails, institutions, and death, or that you will spend most of your life in two of those three, but most days, you are hoping for the third.

They don’t tell you that when you eventually get caught, and you will get caught, that you will be taken off all of your medications, and you will detox in a small cell by yourself with only a bed, toilet, and fireproof blanket, or that one day you will wake up and realize your life has passed you by. I was never told any of this stuff, and that is exactly why I am telling you now.

They don’t tell you that you can have your children taken from you and that you will legit never see them again. They don’t tell you how you lose a part of yourself that you can never again find or how there are lines that you never thought you would cross, and when you do, your world shifts and your insides become an even deeper, darker, lonelier hole that can never be filled.

They don’t tell you that even if you do manage to recover and start a blog, for example, you will be stigmatized by the leaders within the niche, making success nearly impossible. They don’t tell you that while you recover, the people you were once so close to begin to hate you more and more with every one of your small successes.

They don’t tell you that the act of purchasing your own home will render you friendless.

They don’t tell you that this happens because they get really mad when you stop making it so easy for everyone else to look good. They don’t tell you that every success you share on social media will no longer receive likes or comments, no matter how big the success is. The one thing you were told becomes your reality. THEY WERE NEVER YOUR FRIENDS, and being that you feel things now- this really hurts.

As I look back on my life, I can vividly recall the day I was injected with my first shot of heroin. It was an escape from the pressures, pain, and anxieties that had been building within me. Little did I know that this initial escape would lead me down a treacherous path, one that countless others have also traveled. Including those that made it seem so enticing to my teenage self.

Heroin seemed like the answer, the temporary respite from the demons that haunted my mind. The demons that, up until that point, I had never been able to escape. Can you imagine how that feels?

Can you imagine how it feels to have negativity whispered into your ears on a non-stop kind of basis? Negativity that is more cruel to you than anyone else ever could be. That first high, the warmth, the numbness—it was a feeling of euphoria that I wanted to chase endlessly. I was finally free. I would never stop, not for nothing, or so I thought.

Part A: Chasing a Ghost

As an addicted person, I soon realized that chasing that initial high was a fool’s errand. No matter how much heroin I consumed, I never came close to recapturing the magic of that first experience. Instead, I found myself in a relentless pursuit, constantly increasing my dosage and risking my life with each use.

Overdosing and causing my own death on multiple occasions only to be saved by my fellow cohorts. The high I was chasing grew more elusive, and I became a slave to its demands, forsaking everything else in my life by simply staying away.

Part B: The Downward Spiral

Heroin addiction is like a downward spiral, a vortex that pulls you deeper and deeper into its clutches. Day by day, it consumed my existence, pushing aside all other priorities. My life began to revolve around the drug—finding money to buy it, finding ways to use it without getting caught, and numbing the pain that had initially driven me to it. It was a life consumed by addiction, a life that became increasingly difficult to escape.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the hidden struggles of addiction, shedding light on the secret life of an addict, the physical and mental toll it takes, and the never-ending cycle of desperation that characterizes this harrowing journey. Please read on, and let us uncover the truths that society often chooses to ignore.

Addiction And The Art Of Concealment Or Living Two Lives
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As an addict, I learned early on to master the art of concealment. Behind the facade of normalcy, I harbored a secret that was slowly devouring me from within. I was working two separate management positions and going to college. The world saw a version of me that appeared functional, but beneath the surface, I was drowning in a sea of despair, deceit, and desperation.

A. Living a Double Life:

The Facade of Normalcy: Addiction is a master of disguise. It taught me how to put on a mask, to feign normalcy when all I felt was chaos inside. To my friends, family, and coworkers, I was just another person going about their daily life. But behind closed doors, I was a prisoner to my cravings, a slave to my drug of choice. Maintaining this double life required a relentless commitment to deception, which quickly leads you right into criminal thinking..

I would go to great lengths to hide my addiction, not that anyone particularly cared, but I had friends from school who I had to hide it from. The shame and guilt of living this dual existence were overwhelming, but the desperation to maintain the status quo kept me locked in this vicious cycle. Little did I know I was on my way to cycles much, much worse.

B. Isolation and Alienation:

Pushing Loved Ones Away: One of the most heartbreaking aspects of addiction is the way it isolates and alienates you from the people who care about you the most. The fear of being discovered, judged, or rejected drives you to distance yourself from those who love you. I pushed away friends, family, and romantic partners who had once been my pillars of support.

The isolation I felt was a self-imposed prison. As my addiction progressed, I withdrew further into myself, pushing my loved ones away with a mixture of lies, anger, and withdrawal. The loneliness and isolation only deepened my reliance on the drug, creating a vicious cycle that seemed impossible to break.

C. The Day-to-Day Struggle:

Desperation for the Next Fix: Every day as an addict is a battle, a relentless struggle to satisfy an insatiable hunger for the drug. The cravings are like a constant whisper in your ear, urging you to use, promising temporary relief from the agony of withdrawal and the emotional torment that accompanies addiction. Escape.

I became a slave to the drug’s demands, willing to sell the drug to others to support my own sick habit. My life revolved around driving to the city multiple times daily, securing my supply, and driving it back to my ‘Beez’ (buyers), avoiding the law or anyone who might try to intervene. It was a life characterized by desperation, where the pursuit of the next high overshadowed every other aspect of my existence.

In this hidden world of addiction, where appearances deceive, and the battle rages within, I was trapped, yearning for a way out but struggling to find it. As we continue to explore the hidden struggles of addiction, we will delve into the physical and mental toll it takes, the cycle of desperation, and the shattered dreams that haunt an addict’s life. Stay with me as we uncover the unspoken truths that need to be told.

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Behind the scenes of an addict’s life, a profound and devastating toll is exacted on both the body and mind. The physical and mental consequences of addiction are hidden beneath the surface, often overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of the next high.

A. The Agony of Withdrawal:

A Living Nightmare: Withdrawal from heroin is a nightmare that most people cannot fathom unless they’ve experienced it firsthand. It’s an ordeal that makes an addict dread the very thought of sobriety. The physical symptoms of withdrawal include excruciating pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and intense cravings. These symptoms can last for days, making every moment feel like an eternity.

But it’s not just physical agony; withdrawal takes a toll on your mental and emotional well-being as well. The anxiety, depression, and desperation that accompany withdrawal can be overwhelming, pushing many addicts back into the cycle of drug use just to escape the torment of withdrawal.

B. The Constant Cravings:

The Insatiable Hunger for the Drug: Even when the physical symptoms of withdrawal subside, the cravings persist. Addiction rewires the brain, creating an insatiable hunger for the drug. It’s a constant, gnawing sensation that refuses to be ignored. No matter how badly you want to quit, the cravings can be overwhelming, driving you back into the clutches of your addiction.

The constant craving for the drug is a haunting reminder that breaking free from addiction is not just a matter of willpower. It’s a battle that takes place on multiple fronts, with the mind and body conspiring to keep you trapped in a cycle of dependence.

C. Lost in the Haze:

The Erosion of Self-Identity: As addiction tightens its grip, it erodes the very core of your self-identity. The person you once were becomes a distant memory as the drug takes precedence over everything else in your life. Hobbies, passions, dreams, and relationships all fade into the background, replaced by a singular focus on obtaining and using the drug.

The erosion of self-identity is a painful and gradual process. It leaves you feeling like a mere shell of your former self, disconnected from the values, aspirations, and interests that once defined you. It’s a profound loss that compounds the already immense difficulties of recovery.

In the next sections, we’ll delve deeper into the unspoken struggles of addiction, exploring the cycle of desperation that ensnares addicts and the broken promises and shattered dreams that haunt their journey. Addiction is a relentless adversary, but shedding light on its hidden costs is a crucial step in understanding and addressing this devastating issue. Stay with me as we continue this journey of revelation and understanding.

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In the shadowed corners of addiction, a never-ending cycle of desperation unfolds. It’s a cycle that entraps individuals, driving them to increasingly desperate measures in their quest to feed their addiction and numb the pain that haunts their lives.

A. The Hustle:

The Lengths Some of Us Will Go to Get a Fix: When you’re in the throes of addiction, there’s no limit to the lengths you’ll go to in order to obtain your drug of choice. The hustle becomes a way of life—a relentless pursuit of money, connections, and opportunities to score your next hit.

You’ll engage in behaviors that you never thought possible, resorting to theft, deceit, and manipulation to fuel your addiction. As a woman addicted to heroin, I was extremely lucky that hustling came as second nature. People do desperate things as a result of a lack of options. I had somehow manipulated the game so that I NEVER ran out of options.

Do I understand how people can rob their loved ones or sell their bodies for drugs? I will be honest and tell you after twenty years in the game, I have noticed that the people who go this far have already gone too far, and in their minds, there is no going back for them. Just because I don’t understand the motivation behind it doesn’t mean I judge or look down on it. I don’t. I feel for those who couldn’t realize their self-worth in time. It’s heartbreaking.

I know their pain, and I know what it feels like to be beaten down so long and so hard that you simply don’t realize your worth. These are the individuals that keep me pushing on. They are why I started my blog. They are at the top of the list of those I want to help. I want them to know that they are worth so much more than their addiction, and circumstances have served them because they are.

The hustle is a constant battle between the need for the drug and the moral compass that still exists within you, however buried it may be. It’s a moral erosion that leaves you feeling like a stranger to yourself, a far cry from the person you once were.

B. Criminal Involvement:

The Dark Side of Addiction: For many addicts, the desperation to sustain their habit leads to criminal involvement. Whether it’s drug-related offenses, theft, or more serious crimes, the allure of addiction can drive individuals to compromise their values and break the law. Legal consequences become a looming threat, but they often pale in comparison to the overwhelming need for the drug.

I was horribly failed by an unjust justice system. I spent twenty-plus years stuck in a cycle of addiction and incarceration for petty, non-violent, drug-related offenses, some of which are no longer criminal. My whole life gone because my small town decided that this poor girl would become the example. They couldn’t have more people become addicted to heroin, could they?

The criminal involvement that accompanies addiction can further isolate individuals from society and exacerbate their feelings of hopelessness. It’s a vicious cycle where addiction begets criminal behavior, and criminal behavior begets more addiction, and I can tell you it is living in your own personal hell on repeat.

C. The Inevitable Rock Bottom:

When Everything Falls Apart: Every addicted person, at some point, reaches rock bottom—a moment when the consequences of their addiction become impossible to ignore. It’s a devastating place to find oneself, where everything that once held meaning is stripped away. Relationships crumble, jobs are lost, and health deteriorates.

Rock bottom can be a life-altering moment, the catalyst for seeking help and recovery. But for many, it’s a place of profound despair and self-destruction. It’s when you realize that you can’t sink any lower, yet the path to recovery seems insurmountable. While detoxing in the hole, I used to think about how I was so low that there was not one person in the universe who wished they were me. Talk about sobering.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the emotional impact of addiction, exploring how it shatters relationships, dreams, and self-worth. Addiction is a relentless force that leaves a trail of devastation in its wake, but understanding its hidden costs is a crucial step in addressing this ongoing crisis. Stay with me as we continue to uncover the harsh truths about addiction and the path to recovery.

Sad Girl Alone
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In the world of addiction, promises are broken, and dreams are shattered on a daily basis. The relentless cycle of desperation and dependence leads to a series of heart-wrenching consequences that haunt an addict’s journey.

A. The Impact on Relationships:

Betraying Trust and Causing Pain: Addiction has a devastating impact on the relationships that matter most. Friends and family, who once stood by your side, are now witnesses to the slow unraveling of your life. Trust is eroded as you lie, steal, and manipulate to maintain your addiction, causing immeasurable pain to those who care about you.

The heartbreak and betrayal experienced by loved ones can be overwhelming. They watch helplessly as you prioritize the drug over everything else, leaving them feeling hurt, abandoned, and powerless to save you from yourself.

B. Missed Opportunities:

Dreams and Potential Left Behind: Addiction robs individuals of their dreams and potential. As the pursuit of the drug becomes all-consuming, aspirations are forgotten, and opportunities slip through your fingers. Careers, education, and personal goals are sacrificed on the altar of addiction.

The potential that once burned bright within you is smothered, leaving you with a sense of regret and despair. The dreams you once had seem like distant memories, and the future appears bleak.

C. Self-Loathing:

The Emotional Burden of Addiction: One of the most insidious aspects of addiction is the self-loathing that accompanies it. As you witness the destruction of your own life and the pain you inflict on those you love, a deep sense of shame and guilt takes hold. It’s a heavy emotional burden that weighs on your soul, exacerbating the desire to escape through drug use.

The emotional toll of addiction is relentless, leading to a vicious cycle of self-destructive behavior and self-recrimination. It’s a dark and lonely place where self-worth is at an all-time low, and the path to recovery can seem impossibly distant.

As we continue to explore the unspoken struggles of addiction, we’ll delve deeper into the false hope of recovery, the importance of support, and, ultimately, the message of hope that recovery can bring. Addiction may break promises and shatter dreams, but understanding its toll is a crucial step in finding a way out of its grasp. Stay with me as we uncover the harsh realities of addiction and the path to redemption.

The Comeback Is Always Stronger Than The Setback.
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In the turbulent world of addiction, the pursuit of recovery can often seem like an elusive mirage. The desire to break free from the clutches of addiction is strong, yet the journey towards sobriety is fraught with challenges and setbacks.

A. Failed Attempts:

The Challenges of Quitting: Quitting an addiction is one of the most difficult challenges an individual can face. The physical and psychological dependency on the drug makes it incredibly hard to stop using. Many addicts make multiple attempts at quitting, only to find themselves pulled back into the cycle of addiction.

The fear of withdrawal, the overwhelming cravings, and the constant battle with the demons of addiction can make it seem almost impossible to quit. Each failed attempt can deepen the sense of hopelessness and despair, leaving many to wonder if recovery is an achievable goal.

B. The Revolving Door of Treatment:

Relapse and Relapse Again: Addiction treatment can offer a glimmer of hope, but it often proves to be a long and winding road. Many addicts enter rehab programs or seek professional help with the best of intentions, only to experience relapse later on. Relapse is a painful and discouraging part of the recovery journey.

The revolving door of treatment can be disheartening, as individuals find themselves caught in a cycle of progress and setbacks. It’s a testament to the power of addiction and the tenacity it takes to break free.

C. The Importance of Support:

Breaking Free from the Cycle: Despite the challenges and setbacks, recovery is possible. One of the key ingredients to successful recovery is a strong support system. Friends, family, and addiction professionals play a crucial role in helping individuals overcome addiction.

Supportive and understanding relationships can provide the motivation and encouragement needed to keep pushing forward. Group therapy, counseling, and support groups can offer valuable tools and coping strategies to navigate the challenges of recovery.

Image Representing Addiction
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In the following sections, we’ll explore the journey of hope and redemption, where individuals find a reason to live and the power to rebuild their shattered lives. While addiction may appear to offer only despair, the stories of recovery remind us that there is always hope and there is always a path toward healing. Stay with me as we continue to uncover the harsh realities of addiction and the inspiring stories of those who have found their way to redemption.

In the depths of addiction, there lies a beacon of hope—a hope that can illuminate the path to redemption and a life reclaimed. While the road to recovery is strewn with challenges, it is also adorned with resilience, strength, and the promise of healing.

A. Finding a Reason to Live:

The Turning Point: For many individuals trapped in the throes of addiction, the journey toward recovery often begins with a profound turning point. It’s that moment when the realization dawns that addiction has exacted a devastating toll, claiming relationships, dreams, and personal well-being. This epiphany becomes the catalyst for change.

Finding a reason to live, a purpose that transcends the allure of the drug, becomes the driving force behind recovery. It may be the love of a family member, the desire for a better future, or simply the recognition that life is worth fighting for. This turning point serves as the spark that ignites the path toward redemption.

For me, it was finding out I was pregnant with my daughter at the age of thirty-five. I have been sober since that day nearly eight years ago. She was my purpose, and that was all it took. It wasn’t about me anymore. Even though I had never wanted children, she was what finally filled the deep, dark hole within. My purpose. Someone that needed me, and it had nothing to do with drugs. My daughter and the people I helped along the way made getting sober easy.

B. The Power of Recovery:

Rebuilding a Shattered Life: Recovery is not solely about ceasing substance use; it’s about reconstructing a life that addiction has shattered. For most of us repeatedly. It’s a journey that entails physical, mental, and emotional healing. Addiction leaves scars, but recovery is the process of transformation, growth, and self-discovery. If you keep at it, you are bound to get it right at some point. If I got it right, I promise anyone can.

Asking for help and expressing your vulnerabilities is essential and absolutely unheard of for most of us. For most of my life, I would have preferred poking my own eye out over asking for help. Be humble and stay grateful in the process.

For many of us, recovery often involves seeking professional help, engaging in therapy, and participating in support groups. It’s about learning new coping strategies, addressing underlying issues, and establishing a support network capable of offering strength and encouragement during the most challenging moments.

C. A Message of Hope:

It Is Possible to Overcome Addiction: The most vital message to convey is that recovery is not only possible; it is a reality for countless individuals who have transcended the depths of addiction to reclaim their lives, much like I have. Our stories are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of hope.

In fact, I have a UGC section of my blog called Unheard Voices. This is where I publish reader content, and readers can share their original writing, pieces, paintings, sketches, poems, etc. If you are interested, you can submit your work here. Guest posts with links are welcome. Just please be reasonable.

If you or someone you know is battling addiction, remember that help is available. Reach out to addiction support services, therapists, or support groups. If all else fails, contact me, and I will do anything I can to help. It’s never too late to seek assistance and embark on the journey towards recovery.

In the depths of addiction, there lies a beacon of hope—a hope that can illuminate the path to redemption and a life reclaimed. While the road to recovery is strewn with challenges, it is also adorned with resilience, strength, and the promise of healing.

In the exploration of what it means to be addicted, we have delved into the depths of a struggle that often remains hidden from the world’s gaze. The unspoken truths of addiction are raw, heart-wrenching, and eye-opening. This journey has been about revelation, empathy, and a call to action.

A. The Untold Stories:

Shedding Light on the Hidden Struggles: Addiction is a complex and devastating condition that affects individuals, families, and communities. It is not just a moral failing but a profound health issue that deserves our understanding, compassion, and support. The untold stories of addiction are those of pain, despair, and isolation, and it is our responsibility to bring them to light.

By sharing these stories, we hope to break the silence surrounding addiction, encouraging open dialogue and fostering greater empathy for those suffering. Only by acknowledging the depth of this struggle can we hope to make progress in addressing and combatting addiction.

B. A Call to Action:

Breaking the Stigma and Supporting Those in Need: Addiction is a public health crisis that affects millions of lives worldwide. It is a crisis that knows no boundaries and can impact anyone, regardless of their background, race, or socioeconomic status. As someone who was addicted before addiction was considered a disease, I can tell you that it is crucial that we break the stigma associated with addiction and recognize it as a disease that requires treatment, understanding, and support because the old way doesn’t work.

We must advocate for policies that prioritize addiction treatment and prevention, increase access to mental health services, and combat the societal factors that contribute to addiction. We must also provide resources and support for individuals and families affected by addiction, ensuring that they have the help they need to embark on the path to recovery. The fact that my blog is experiencing stigma within the addiction recovery niche says it all and is most likely why we don’t have many drug addiction recovery blogs. We can only self-sustain for so long, and then we are forced to hang it up. I don’t want to hang it up. I want to help people and make enough to feed my kids and pay my mortgage.

Another crucial part of the recovery process is for those of us who have made it to the other side to give back. We need to keep it green and help those still sick and suffering. Don’t you ever forget that you are and will always be one poor choice away from being right back where you left off. Never allow complacence. I can’t tell you how many times complacency has landed me right back in jail and starting right back at square one. You deserve better than that. We need to stick together and support ours. And again, #provethemallwrong and #showthemwhatwecando.

C. The Journey Continues:

My Commitment to Recovery and Advocacy: As someone who lost most of their life to the cycle of addiction and incarceration and somehow found a path to recovery when I was the last person anyone believed would survive addiction, let alone make it to recovery. I am committed to raising awareness about this issue and advocating for those who are still trapped in its clutches. My own journey has been marked by pain, despair, self-destruction, etc., and I am determined to use my experience to inspire and support others. Maybe prevent someone from making the same mistakes that I made. Even one person would make it all worth it to me.

Recovery is not a destination but an ongoing journey, one that requires vigilance, resilience, and community.

It is my firm belief that by sharing our stories, shedding light on the darkness of addiction, and highlighting the path to redemption and recovery, we can collectively pave the way for a world where addiction is met with compassion and where individuals are empowered to reclaim their lives.

I am proof that it is possible to break free from the chains of addiction and rebuild a life filled with purpose, meaning, and joy. I extend my hand to anyone who is struggling, and I encourage you to seek help, reach out to your support network, and believe in the possibility of a brighter future.

In closing, addiction may cast a long shadow, but through understanding, compassion, and action, we can dispel that darkness and usher in a brighter future for all those affected by addiction.

By shedding light on the hidden struggles, breaking the stigma, and offering hope and support, we can pave the way for a world where addiction is met with compassion and where individuals are empowered to reclaim their lives. Let us continue this journey together, breaking the cycle of addiction and offering a beacon of hope to those in need.

Please consider registering to be a part of my growing online support community. Becoming a member is free of charge, and you get insider access, first access to upcoming freebies, my fact & fun-filled monthly newsletter, access to my support forums, and so much more. Help me build an online community that matters and is just for us by us. You can register here.

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community.

After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

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 “You Can’t Defeat The Darkness By Keeping It Caged Inside Of You.”

-Sam Adam Smith

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am stronger than any storm.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

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I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

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A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

The Art of Self-Mastery: Embracing Change and Personal Transformation

Self-Mastery Image Representing Being Free.
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I must admit that I had no idea what was meant by ‘self-mastery.’ I have never been a very self-aware person. I was too on my grind to slow down for a second and do a self-check-in. Looking back I wish I had. Life is just so busy and most of my existence has been really hard. We are now at the point where we need to talk about self-mastery.

What is Self-Mastery?

Having self-mastery means possessing the capacity to maintain control over oneself in any circumstance, consistently advancing towards your objectives with awareness and steadiness. It encompasses a clear understanding of your purpose and the self-discipline required to accomplish tasks in a methodical, concentrated, and ethical manner.

What’s standing in the way of us reaching the level of success we desire, enjoying a great relationship, or seeing our abs for the first time? Is the problem that we don’t know enough? No. Is there too much competition? Not even close. The only obstacle is a lack of mastery over ourselves. Don’t believe it?

You will.

Are we in great shape? Do we only eat healthy foods? Why not? Is it because we’re confused about which foods are healthy and which are not? Are we confused about whether it’s better to exercise by running down the block or by doing Supernatural workouts in VR? Hardly. We know enough to make significant changes in our lives. Knowledge isn’t the challenge. The challenge is managing ourselves and our behaviors.

Why Do We Want to Master Self-Mastery?

Having self-mastery offers numerous benefits in various aspects of life. I will share a few below:

  1. Improved Focus and Productivity: By mastering the self-discipline aspect of self-mastery, you can concentrate better, avoid distractions, and become more efficient in completing tasks.
  2. Better Emotional Regulation: Self-mastery helps in managing emotions effectively, leading to fewer impulsive reactions and more thoughtful responses in challenging situations.
  3. Enhanced Decision Making: With a clear understanding of your goals and values, self-mastery allows you to make decisions that align with your long-term objectives.
  4. Increased Resilience: It fosters the ability to cope with setbacks and challenges, making it easier to bounce back from failures and hardships.
  5. Greater Personal and Professional Success: The self-discipline and focus that come with self-mastery often lead to achieving personal and professional goals.
  6. Improved Relationships: Being in control of your emotions and actions leads to healthier interactions and relationships, both personally and professionally.
  7. Enhanced Mental Health: Self-mastery contributes to reduced stress and anxiety, as you feel more in control of your life and actions.
  8. Personal Growth and Self-Actualization: It enables you to push your boundaries, try new things, and continually grow and develop as a person.

In summary, self-mastery is a key component in leading a balanced, successful, and fulfilling life. It’s not just about controlling impulses, but also about aligning your actions with your deepest values and goals. This is it, right?! This is what we need! This will help us help ourselves. It really will if we can stick to a personal commitment to master self-mastery.

Haven’t had a date in a year? Are you confused about how to get a date? The key to getting dates is to ask people out. How many people have you asked out in the last week? How many new people have you spoken to in the last week? Are you able to say the things that need to be said? Are you able to be silent when you know you should? Can you make yourself go to the gym or eat an apple instead of
a piece of apple pie? It sounds like easy enough stuff but we know that things are commonly not always as easy as it sounds.

From that, you can achieve all your other goals! Use these strategies to become the master of yourself:

1. Make a list of the things you should do each day, but aren’t. Basically, healthy habits you want to begin doing daily or weekly. This list might include things like exercising, playing the piano for 20 minutes, drinking eight glasses of water, paying your bills, flossing, and making social connections. You can also make or buy some habit tracker sheets to keep track.

2. Make a list of the things you do each day, but shouldn’t. Maybe you stay up too late, watch too much TV, waste time playing video games, smoke, and show up late to work. Think about all the things you do that sacrifice your health, career, finances, social life, and happiness.

3. Begin by addressing one item from each list. Slowly eliminate one of the negative items and add one of the positive items. Habits are challenging to change, but you’ve developed habits without even trying. Imagine what you can accomplish intentionally.

4. Have a long-term focus. Negative behaviors have short-term rewards. Eating ice cream or watching TV is rewarding immediately. They can be harmful in the long term, but they pay off right now. Adopt a long-term focus and consider the long-term implications of your
behavior before you indulge in it. What will it cost you down the road if you don’t change?

5. Realize that your body is the enemy. Why does a person eat a bag of potato chips instead of an orange? He imagines himself eating chips. Then he imagines eating an orange. Then he chooses the one that feels better. But your body is deceiving you. It’s only concerned with safety and reproduction. It cares little for your longevity or your long-term prospects. Humans seek pleasure, just like any other animal. The advantage humans have over animals is the ability to make decisions and not follow instinct. The disadvantage humans have is the ability to create pleasurable foods and activities that are detrimental to long-term success and survival. Self-mastery is the key. If you can master yourself, everything else becomes easy.

6. Keep a positive mindset NO… MATTER… WHAT… I struggled with a negative mindset for my entire life, and being that I spent my life being addicted to heroin and going in and out of jail it was a hard one to break. When I stopped the “…going to go to jail anyway. Might as well.” thing don’t you know I stopped going to jail? If you start making small positive changes to your mindset now in six months whoa!

It’s easy to get ahead at work. It’s easy to be healthy. It’s easy to save money and maintain relationships. Can you master yourself? Key your attention to the long-term impact of behaviors and avoid short-term pleasures that lead to long-term challenges. Also, remember that making small one small change every day isn’t anything to us. What is going to blow your mind is what that small change or habit adds up to over time. If you’re like me you have no patience and you want what you want when you want it. Starting with one small habit was extremely hard for me but I just stuck with the program and as a result, I have been so rewarded for my patience, and you will be too.

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community. After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

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“Live your life, listen to your music way to loud, be crazy and as different as you want to be and always remember your not alone.”

-Andy biersack

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am an energetic match for all of the abundance and prosperity the Universe has to offer.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

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I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

4-Piece PJ Set
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Minority Skateboard
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Rise Up From The Ashes
The Art of Self-Mastery: Embracing Change and Personal Transformation 869

Mother Earth Gaia
The Art of Self-Mastery: Embracing Change and Personal Transformation 870

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024

Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024

Best Addiction Podcasts 2024
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 943

Addiction recovery is a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and the need for ongoing support. What better way to navigate sobriety than with the absolute best addiction recovery podcasts for 2024? I listen to them daily, and thankfully, the world of podcasts has emerged as a vital resource for those of us seeking to overcome addiction. In this post, we will delve deep into my favorite drug addiction recovery podcasts for 2024. Each of these podcasts, hosted by individuals who have faced their own battles with drug addiction, offers a unique blend of personal stories, expert insights, dark humor, and practical advice to help you or your loved ones navigate the path to sobriety and healing.

What Makes the Best Addiction Recovery Podcasts for 2024?

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Before we dive into my favorite drug addiction recovery podcasts, it’s essential to understand what sets an excellent podcast in this genre apart. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating addiction recovery podcasts:

  • Authenticity: A great addiction recovery podcast is anchored in authenticity. Hosts and guests openly share their personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs. Authenticity fosters relatability and helps listeners feel understood and less alone in their journey. As I mentioned above, it’s the most important thing to me.
  • Diverse Perspectives: The best podcasts offer a diverse range of perspectives, covering various types of addiction and recovery methods. They recognize that recovery is not one-size-fits-all and explore different pathways to healing.
  • Expertise: Reputable addiction recovery podcasts often feature guests with expertise in addiction treatment, mental health, therapy, and related fields. These experts provide valuable insights and evidence-based guidance.
  • Empathy and Compassion: Podcast hosts should approach their content with empathy and compassion. They create a safe, judgment-free space for listeners to explore their own experiences and emotions. This is essential.
  • Practical Advice: Practical tips and strategies for recovery are crucial. The best podcasts offer actionable advice on maintaining sobriety, managing triggers, and improving overall well-being.
  • Community Building: Many addiction recovery podcasts foster a sense of community by sharing listener stories, hosting support groups, or providing resources for further connection.
  • Mindset: A positive and empathetic mindset is the backbone of a great addiction recovery podcast. It fosters authenticity, compassion, and relatability, allowing hosts to connect with their audience on a deep level.
  • Dark Humor: This one is important to me because it’s just something I enjoy, personally. This might not be everyone’s thing, but it is mine, and when dark humor is used judiciously and sensitively, it can add a special and unique dimension. It allows hosts to address challenging topics with authenticity and relatability, often resonating with individuals who’ve experienced addiction themselves. However, a good balance is crucial, as excessive dark humor can potentially alienate or trigger some listeners. Ultimately, a great addiction recovery podcast with dark humor leverages it as a tool to break down barriers, providing moments of levity while maintaining a respectful and supportive tone in addressing the serious aspects of recovery.

Next week I will be publishing the same kind of post for alcohol recovery podcasts. In these posts, they are not listed in any particular order. They are numbered only for reference, and I love all of these podcasts equally. Again, my choices are in no particular order. All of my choices have different points of interest for me, as I’m sure they will for you. Every one of these choices gives loads of value to every listener. Authenticity is extremely important to me, and every one of these creators gives me a seriously authentic vibe, throw in a strong desire to help others. Much like myself and for me, it’s what I relate to. Check them out and let me know what you think. If there is a podcast you think I should check out and add to the list, let me know, even if you are the creator. This list will be ongoing, and I will be adding to it indefinitely. Let me know if I missed someone.

Now, let’s explore my favorite addiction recovery podcasts:

The Hope Chase Podcast Logo
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About the Creator:

The Hope Chase Podcast is a source of inspiration and practical advice for those navigating the challenging journey of addiction recovery. The show’s creator, Angie Ox, is not only a certified addiction recovery coach but also a person who has personally experienced the struggles and triumphs of overcoming addiction. Having been in recovery for several years, Angie leverages her unique blend of professional expertise and personal experience to help others find their path to sobriety.

Angie’s commitment to her work goes beyond the professional realm. She’s deeply passionate about sharing her message of hope and recovery with those who need it most. Her belief in the possibility of change and the power of resilience shines through in each episode of the podcast, making it a heartfelt and uplifting resource for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Hope Chase Podcast will first and foremost welcome you to the ‘sh*t show.’ Angie is determined to share her story with the same message that I am constantly screaming from the rooftops: CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! Another commonality between us is that we both share a lifelong heroin addiction. Angie has seventeen long years spent on drugs and incarceration, and I have a little over twenty. I’m sure you are beginning to see why Angie’s podcast aligns with my mission and journey.

Angie’s unique perspective is one of the key elements that sets this podcast apart. She successfully blends her professional knowledge with personal insights to deliver practical advice and hope-filled encouragement to her audience. Each episode serves as a reminder that recovery is possible, and that every individual’s journey, though difficult, can lead to a life of freedom and fulfillment. Angie is a true inspiration and I am really hoping to hear from her for possible future collaborations.

Why It’s Great:

The Hope Chase Podcast stands out in the landscape of recovery podcasts due to Angie’s empathetic and compassionate approach. She understands firsthand the struggles associated with addiction and uses her experiences to provide practical, actionable advice to her listeners. Angie’s open and honest discussions about her experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a comforting and inspiring source of support.

Angie has no problem sharing the damage that her drug use caused to her life and her body. I found this extremely inspirational because my addiction caused serious damage to my body, especially my hands, which are permanently scarred and damaged as a result of needle use. I have spent the last almost eight years trying to hide my hands in embarrassment when they should be seen as a trademark, displaying how much I have overcome and that there is no use being embarrassed by something I did to myself. This is definitely something we should be talking about. (More to come on this.)

Where to Find It (Aside from the Button ☝️☝️☝️):

The Hope Chase Podcast with Angie Ox is available on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart, and Google Podcasts. Angie also has a YouTube channel. This accessibility ensures that Angie’s message of hope can reach a wide audience, providing support and encouragement to those who need it most.

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Back From Broken Podcast
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About the Creator:

Back from Broken is a potent and highly influential podcast fronted by Vic Vela, a figure of inspiration in the sphere of addiction recovery. As a seasoned news host who has personally battled addiction, Vic brings an intriguing mix of journalistic professionalism and personal experience to the podcast. His own journey to recovery has not only shaped him but has also enkindled a passion to assist others who are grappling with similar trials. This passion echoes in every episode he hosts, making him a truly authentic and relatable host.

Vic’s resilience and determination are integral to his identity, both as a host and as a person. Despite facing significant challenges throughout his journey to sobriety, his resolve to overcome addiction never wavered. Today, he channels the strength and wisdom gleaned from his personal struggles into his podcast, becoming an emblem of hope for many listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of Back from Broken is on narratives of recovery, resilience, and redemption. Each episode is imbued with intimate and deeply moving stories from individuals who have grappled with various forms of addiction and emerged victorious. The narratives extend beyond drug and alcohol addiction, touching on overcoming mental health challenges and life crises.

Vic’s empathetic interviewing style creates a safe and supportive space for guests to open up about their darkest times, as well as their triumphs and valuable lessons learned. This candid exploration of personal experiences provides listeners with valuable insights and a beacon of hope on their path to recovery.

Why It’s Great:

Back from Broken sets itself apart with its authentic and honest approach to discussing addiction and recovery. Vic’s personal experiences with addiction lend a unique depth and credibility to the podcast, while his journalistic prowess ensures each story is delivered with the utmost respect and integrity.

The podcast does not shy away from discussing the harsh realities of addiction. Instead, it delves into the heart of these issues, shedding light on the struggles many face but few discuss openly. However, it is not all about darkness and despair. At its core, Back from Broken is a podcast that underscores the possibility of recovery, the resilience of the human spirit, and the power of redemption. This potent blend of authenticity, honesty, and hope makes the podcast an indispensable source of inspiration for those navigating similar paths.

Where to Find It:

Back from Broken is a staple of Colorado Public Radio, which is where you can always find it, but Back from Broken is also available on s, including Apple, YouTube, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Vic’s message of hope and recovery can reach a diverse audience, providing much-needed support to those embarking on their recovery journeys.

Addiction Podcasts Chasing Heroine Podcast
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About the Creator:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast is a powerful and inspiring platform for those embarking on the journey to recovery. Hosted by the dedicated and fervent Jeannine, the podcast serves as a beacon of hope and a source of practical advice for its listeners. Jeannine is a figure of resilience and determination, having battled the storms of addiction firsthand and emerging victorious with several years of sobriety under her belt. Her personal experiences and insights into the trials and triumphs of recovery are what drive her to share her wisdom and support with others who are navigating the choppy seas of addiction.

Jeannine’s commitment to her podcast transcends mere professional obligation. She is amazing. I love her nrg. Her fervor for aiding others in their recovery is palpable in each episode, setting a tone of genuine compassion and understanding that fosters a strong connection with her audience.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast primarily zeroes in on the multifaceted journey of addiction recovery. The podcast offers a rich mix of personal narratives of recovery, insightful interviews with experts in the field, and candid discussions on a range of topics pertinent to addiction and recovery. A standout feature of the podcast is the frequent focus on Jeannine’s own experiences with addiction and recovery, lending a personal and relatable touch to each episode.

The podcast also focuses on fitness as a means to succeeding in recovery. Jeannine shares how physical fitness paved her way to recovery and a healthy mind state. We really have no idea the impact that just eating healthy and moving our bodies can have on us until we decide to do it. Jeannine will help you get there.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey, emphasizing the personal growth, resilience, and strength that can be cultivated through the process. Jeannine’s empathetic approach to discussing serious and often challenging topics provides a sense of comfort and support to her listeners, making the podcast not just informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts, thanks largely to Jeannine’s compassionate and engaging presentation style. Her knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding crafts a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The podcast’s extensive range of topics ensures that each episode is not only rich in information but also relevant to various stages of the recovery journey.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its unwavering authenticity and the sense of community it fosters. Jeannine’s open and sincere discussions about her own experiences with addiction and recovery strike a deep chord with listeners, making the podcast a potent source of support and motivation for those at various stages of their recovery journey.

Where to Find It:

The Chasing Heroine Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This wide availability ensures that Jeannine’s message of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, extending a helping hand to those who need it most.

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4. Addicts in the Dark with Quick Nick

Addicts In The Dark Podcast
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About the Creator:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast is a beacon of hope for those embarking on the journey to recovery. The podcast is hosted by the dedicated and passionate Nick, who uses his platform to share the strength and inspiring stories of others who are navigating the choppy seas of addiction. One hour, one anonymous caller. As someone who has personally experienced the struggles of addiction, Nick’s insights resonate deeply with his audience. His commitment to the podcast and its mission is evident in each episode, creating a genuine connection with his listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of the Addicts in the Dark Podcast is the journey of one anonymous caller and their story of navigating addiction recovery. Nick’s own experiences with addiction and recovery feature prominently in the podcast, lending a personal and relatable touch to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey, emphasizing the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the process. Nick’s empathetic approach and honest discussions provide a sense of comfort and support to his listeners, making the podcast not only informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts due to Nick’s compassionate and engaging presentation style. His knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding creates a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The wide range of topics covered in the podcast ensures each episode is not only rich in information but also relevant to various stages of the anonymous callers recovery journey.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its authenticity and the sense of community it fosters. Nick’s open and sincere discussions about his own experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a potent source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Addicts in the Dark Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This wide availability ensures that Nick’s message of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, extending a helping hand to those who need it most.

Drug Addiction Podcasts: Lock Stock &Amp; 2 Joking Addicts
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About the Creators:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts is a unique and inspiring podcast hosted by the charismatic and dynamic duo, Man O and Dean R. Both hosts have personally battled with addiction and have been through the arduous journey of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the subject matter. Their shared experiences form the backbone of their insightful discussions and provide a layer of authenticity to the podcast that is truly engaging.

Their commitment to the podcast isn’t just professional; it’s deeply personal. They use their platform as a means to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they offer hope and reassurance to those who are in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for those in recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts is on the journey of recovery, but with a unique and engaging twist – the hosts use humor as a tool to tackle the often challenging and serious topics of addiction and recovery. This approach makes the podcast both accessible and enjoyable, offering a fresh perspective on a topic that can often be daunting.

The podcast is a rich tapestry of content, featuring a blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. The hosts’ own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts stands out in the vast landscape of recovery podcasts due to it’s unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. The hosts’ dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their ability to tackle serious subjects with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The diverse range of topics covered in the podcast ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. The discussion is always insightful and thought-provoking, offering listeners a wealth of information and practical advice.

Where to Find It:

Lock Stock and Two Joking Addicts can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that the hosts’ messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

The Real Answers To Addiction Podcast
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About the Creator:

In the vast realm of recovery podcasts, The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast stands out. Hosted by the passionate and dedicated Chris Dew of Chris Dew Ministries, this podcast serves as an inspiring platform for individuals navigating the choppy seas of addiction, whether you are spiritual or you have never set foot inside of a church. As someone who has personally battled with addiction, Chris’s insights into the trials and triumphs of recovery are invaluable. His personal journey and his own experiences with spirituality make him uniquely qualified to discuss the multifaceted issues surrounding spirituality and addiction recovery.

Chris’s commitment to the podcast is deeply personal. His dedication transcends professional obligation, creating a palpable connection with his listeners that’s rooted in shared experiences and mutual understanding. His mission is not only to share his wisdom but also to offer support and foster a sense of community among those who are on a similar journey.

Focus of the Podcast:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast is primarily focused on the spiritual journey to recovery from addiction. It offers a rich mix of content that caters to various aspects of recovery. This includes personal narratives of recovery, insightful interviews with experts in the field, and candid discussions on a range of topics pertinent to addiction and recovery.

A distinguishing feature of the podcast is the frequent focus on Chris’s own experiences with addiction and recovery. These personal narratives lend a relatable touch to each episode, making the podcast feel like a conversation with a trusted friend rather than a lecture.

The podcast stands out for its unique perspective on the recovery journey. It emphasizes the personal growth, resilience, and strength that can be cultivated through the process of recovery. Chris’s empathetic approach to discussing serious and often challenging topics provides a sense of comfort to his listeners, making the podcast not just informative but also a source of solace and encouragement.

Why It’s Great:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast shines brightly in the realm of recovery podcasts due to several key factors. Chris’s compassionate and engaging presentation style is a major draw. His knack for intertwining serious discussions with empathetic understanding creates a nurturing and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s extensive range of topics ensures that each episode is rich in information and relevant to various stages of the recovery journey. Whether listeners are just starting their journey or are well into the recovery process, they’re bound to find episodes that speak to their experiences.

Listeners have consistently praised the podcast for its authenticity and the sense of community it fosters. Chris’s open and sincere discussions about his own experiences with addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners. The podcast has become a potent source of support and motivation for those at various stages of their recovery journey. It has also become a place where listeners can feel seen, heard, and understood.

Where to Find It:

The Real Answer to Addiction Podcast can be easily accessed on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability is a testament to Chris’s commitment to spreading his message of hope, recovery, and resilience as far and wide as possible. It ensures that his invaluable insights can reach an extensive audience, offering support to those who need it most.

8. The Dopey Podcast

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About the Creators

The Dopey Podcast is a unique and engaging platform hosted by the dynamic duo, Dave and Chris. Both Dave and Chris have personal experiences with addiction and have faced the challenges of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the myriad issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Their shared experiences and insights lend authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Their commitment to the podcast is deeply personal. They use their platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they provide hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast

The Dopey Podcast primarily focuses on the journey to recovery, offering a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. The hosts’ experiences with addiction and recovery often take center stage, adding a deeply personal touch to each episode.

The Dopey Podcast takes a unique prospect on addiction, choosing not to filter the actual use and abuse of substances, adding a tad of humility and an overdose of dark humor. I must admit that this take can be extremely therapeutic. People who have not used drugs before and who hear these stories will never use drugs. Some of those in recovery need to talk about their experiences to process and heal. Some of the stories are hilarious, but most make it very clear by the end that the stories were not a good time.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of humor and honesty. Dave and Chris tackle serious subjects with a light-hearted approach, making the podcast both accessible and enjoyable. Ultimately, the Dopey Podcast underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

Side Note:

Before you dive into The Dopey Podcast, it’s essential to be aware of its unique approach. This particular podcast often utilizes dark humor and shares raw, unfiltered war stories about addiction as part of its narrative. While these elements can be empowering and relatable for some listeners, they might be triggering for others. If you find that such stories and humor could adversely affect your emotional well-being or exacerbate any personal triggers, I strongly recommend exploring one of the other podcasts on our list. Recovery is a deeply personal journey, and it’s crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional health throughout the process. There are plenty of other excellent podcasts that offer alternative perspectives and supportive content to assist you on your path to sobriety and healing.

Why It’s Great

The Dopey Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. Dave and Chris’ dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. The hosts’ open and honest discussions about their own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Not to mention, saving the best for last here, the AMAZING COMMUNITY they have created and nourished on Discord. I am a member, and I gotta say, guys, I am impressed, very impressed. They are what I aspire to be and create. They offer so…. much…. value! If nothing else, check out the Discord. There is a sign-in above my sidebar, and you can click below for the invite link.

Where to Find It:

The Dopey Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Dave and Chris’ messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

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About the Creator:

That Sober Guy Podcast is an enlightening and inspiring platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Shane Ramer. Shane has personal experiences with addiction and has faced the journey of recovery, making him uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with his audience.

His commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. He uses his platform as a means to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing his story, he provides hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of That Sober Guy Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Shane’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of honesty, compassion, and humor. Shane tackles serious subjects with a light-hearted approach, making the podcast both accessible and enjoyable. Ultimately, That Sober Guy Podcast underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

Why It’s Great:

That Sober Guy Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of humor, authenticity, and empathy. Shane’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Shane’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

That Sober Guy Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Shane’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

The Addiction Podcast- The Point Of No Return
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 955

About the Creator:

The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return is a compelling and insightful platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Joanie Segal. Joanie brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the complex issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Her commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it is deeply personal, as she uses her platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return is the many different roads to recovery and the many processes involved in getting there. The podcast features a rich blend of well known guests, personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Joanie’s own understanding and insights into addiction and recovery add a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

The podcast stands out for its unique blend of honesty, compassion, and understanding. Joanie tackles serious subjects with a compassionate approach, making the podcast both accessible and enlightening. Ultimately, The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return underscores the resilience, strength, and personal growth that can be cultivated through the recovery process.

The homepage reads, “Our guests run the gamut from musicians, actors, sports figures, experts, MDs, family members, law enforcement, and clergy to a wide array of addicts who have overcome challenges and are now successful. The podcasts are ‘story’ oriented and, for the past year, are also captured on video and posted on our YouTube Channel.”

Why It’s Great:

The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its authenticity, empathy, and insightfulness. Joanie’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with her knack for intertwining serious discussions with understanding and compassion, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Joanie’s open and honest discussions about addiction and recovery resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Addiction Podcast – Point of No Return can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Joanie’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

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About the Creators:

The Way Out Podcast is a dynamic and inspiring platform co-hosted by the dedicated and passionate Charlie LeVoir and Jason Rudeen. Both Charlie and Jason have personal experiences with addiction and have navigated their own journeys of recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. Their shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Their commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. They use their platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing their stories, they provide hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Way Out Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Charlie and Jason’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

The Way Out Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Charlie and Jason’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Charlie and Jason’s open and honest discussions about their own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Way Out Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Charlie and Jason’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

12. The Sober Stu Podcast with Stu Jenkins

Sober Stu Podcast
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About the Creator:

The Sober Stu Podcast is a truly inspirational platform hosted by the dedicated and passionate Stu Jenkins. With personal experiences with addiction and recovery, Stu is uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His shared experiences and insights lend an air of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with his audience.

His commitment to the podcast is not only professional; it’s deeply personal. He uses his platform to support, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery. By sharing his story, he provides hope and reassurance to those in similar situations, creating an uplifting and supportive community for listeners.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Sober Stu Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other recovery advocates, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and recovery. Stu’s own experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode.

Why It’s Great:

The Sober Stu Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of honesty, authenticity, and empathy. Stu’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with humor and light-heartedness, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. Stu’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Sober Stu Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Stu’s messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

Recovery Unscripted Podcast
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 958

About the Creator:

The Recovery Unscripted Podcast is a riveting platform hosted by the dedicated and insightful David Condos. David, an experienced journalist with a keen interest in mental health and addiction recovery, brings a wealth of knowledge and understanding to the complex issues surrounding addiction and recovery. His commitment to the podcast is deeply professional, using his platform to explore, inspire, and connect with others who are navigating their own paths to recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Recovery Unscripted Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features an impressive array of guests, including leading experts in the field of addiction recovery, mental health professionals, and individuals sharing their personal recovery narratives. These diverse perspectives provide a comprehensive overview of addiction and recovery, making each episode not only informative but also intensely engaging.

Why It’s Great:

Where to Find It:

We Are Superman Podcast
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 959

About the Creator:

The We Are Superman Podcast is a transformative platform hosted by the inspirational David Clark. Clark, an ultra-marathon runner and author, offers a unique perspective on addiction recovery, having personally battled and overcome severe alcoholism and obesity. His commitment to the podcast extends beyond professional interests; it’s a deeply personal journey that he shares with listeners, making him a relatable and authentic guide in the realm of recovery.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The We Are Superman Podcast is on the transformative journey of recovery, with a particular emphasis on how physical fitness and mental resilience can help individuals overcome addiction. The podcast features an array of guests, including athletes, mental health professionals, and individuals sharing their personal narratives of recovery. These diverse perspectives provide a comprehensive understanding of addiction, recovery, and the power of the human spirit.

Why It’s Great:

The We Are Superman Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of raw honesty, authenticity, and motivational storytelling. Clark’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with his knack for intertwining serious discussions with motivational insights, creates a powerful and uplifting atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also incredibly inspiring for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity, motivational content, and the tangible sense of empowerment it fosters. Clark’s open and honest discussions about his own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The We Are Superman Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that Clark’s messages of hope, recovery, resilience, and personal empowerment can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 960

About the Creators:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast is an enlightening and inspiring platform hosted by the committed and passionate friends Billy and Jason. Both Billy and Jason bring personal experiences with addiction and recovery, making them uniquely qualified to discuss the intricate issues surrounding these topics. Their shared experiences and insights lend a level of authenticity and depth to the podcast, creating a genuine connection with their audience.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Recovery Sort Of Podcast is the journey to recovery. The podcast features talks on mental health, spirituality, addiction, and many other recovery topics. The hosts chat with mental health and addiction recovery advocates. The personal experiences of Billy and Jason add a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode, making it more than just a podcast but a platform for shared experiences and growth.

Why It’s Great:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its authenticity, relatability, and empathetic approach. Billy and Jason’s dynamic and engaging presentation style, combined with their ability to intertwine serious discussions with compassionate understanding, creates a warm, inviting, and relatable atmosphere for listeners. The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey.

Where to Find It:

The Recovery Sort Of Podcast can be found on several popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that the messages of hope, recovery, resilience, and personal growth from Billy and Jason can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

Sober Not Mature Podcast
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 961

About the Creators:

The Sober Not Mature Podcast is one of my personal favorites. I also have quite the sense of humor. This is a refreshing and engaging platform co-hosted by two individuals who have personally navigated the challenges of addiction and recovery. Their commitment to the podcast extends beyond professional interests; it is a deeply personal project rooted in their own experiences.

Drawing from their unique journeys, the hosts share dark humor, raw insights and hilarious anecdotes that are both enlightening and relatable. Their candid discussions about the realities of addiction and the path to recovery create a genuine connection with their audience and offer a fresh perspective on a complex topic.

Focus of the Podcast:

The primary focus of The Sober Not Mature Podcast is the journey to recovery, characterized by its ups and downs, victories and setbacks. The podcast features a rich blend of personal narratives, insightful interviews with other individuals in recovery, and candid discussions on a wide array of topics relevant to addiction and mental health.

The hosts’ personal experiences with addiction and recovery are frequently at the forefront, adding a deeply personal and relatable element to each episode. This unique blend of humor, honesty, and personal experience makes The Sober Not Mature Podcast more than just a podcast; it’s a shared journey of recovery.

Why It’s Great:

The Sober N

ot Mature Podcast stands out in the realm of recovery podcasts due to its unique blend of honesty, authenticity, and humor. The hosts’ dynamic and engaging presentation style, coupled with their skill for balancing serious discussions with a light-hearted and relatable approach, creates a warm, inviting, and engaging atmosphere for listeners.

The podcast’s diverse range of topics ensures that each episode is not only informative but also relevant and engaging for listeners at various stages of their recovery journey. Feedback from listeners often praises the podcast for its authenticity, relatability, and the tangible sense of camaraderie it fosters. The hosts’ open and honest discussions about their own experiences resonate deeply with listeners, making the podcast a powerful source of support and motivation.

Where to Find It:

The Sober Not Mature Podcast can be found on most popular podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeart, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. This broad availability ensures that the hosts’ messages of hope, recovery, and resilience can reach an extensive audience, providing valuable support and inspiration to those in need.

Recovery from addiction is a deeply personal journey, but it doesn’t have to be a solitary one because you have ME. No, I’m playing, but the podcasts I’ve shared offer a treasure trove of information, inspiration, and support to individuals and their loved ones.

Whether you’re seeking personal stories, expert guidance, a sense of community, epic addiction fails, or dark, explicit recovery humor and stories, these podcasts are invaluable tools on your path to sobriety and healing. I enjoy each and everyone, and I am grateful for each and every one of the amazing creators. They make me feel not so alone, and to me, that is invaluable.

As you know, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, and finding the right resources and support is essential for your success. Dive into these podcasts, explore their episodes, and you may uncover the guidance and encouragement you need to embark on your own transformative journey towards a brighter and substance-free future.

The power to overcome addiction and build a fulfilling life is within your reach, and with my blog and these amazing podcasts, you have support every step of the way. We gotchu, and we are all in this together. The addiction community is one of the tightest & toughest there is.


While doing research for this post, I really tried to find podcasts that I enjoy that aren’t on EVERY list. I did this because I am starting to see just how it all works. Podcasting and blogging go hand in hand. You can have an amazing blog or podcast and have the purest of intentions, but the fact is that if you don’t have money to promote and market your blog or podcast, it will take you 30x longer (my guesstimate) than if you have money.

That’s perfectly fine with me because I may not have money, but I do have the purest of intentions, and I have definitely put in the work and continue to do so. The people I am helping and the people I will help when my blog does get the attention it deserves is why I do this in the first place. To all the little guys starting out, please know that I gotchu. (I am you.) Lol.

If you are interested in collaborating or would like to guest post for PnP, please just ask. I am a huge supporter and advocate for all up-and-coming creators, and I will do anything I can to help you on your epic journey.

I will keep adding to this list moving forward, so if you know of an awesome podcast that you think deserves the recognition, send it to me so I can check it out and possibly add it to the list. I am also creating a list of actual drug addiction recovery blogs and podcasts. I will be doing the same for alcohol recovery blogs and podcasts. Send submissions to If you have other ideas for ‘Best Lists,’ send those too. You know I love love love hearing from you. Remember you are loved and you do flipping matter. Metta, friends!

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, registering, and/or maybe donating so I can keep it coming. After doing so, you can check out the support forums to give and receive support and/or be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

Post Off Quote

“Happy people build their inner world; unhappy people blame their outer world.”

-T. Harv Eker

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind reveals to me my true place in life and reminds me of the potential I hold within to be and do whatever I want in life. I am powerful and I am loved endlessly.

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Logo Hoodie
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Pnp Hoodie
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Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
Navigating Sobriety: The Best Drug Addiction Recovery Podcasts of 2024 966

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

figure .embed-container > div {padding-top: 0 !important;}

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

The Healthy Mind Toolkit

The Healthy Mind Toolkit
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 993

1. Define your life goals

Focus on understanding what to do to get more of what you want. But pay more attention to what you already know so that you can put your insights and skills to good use.

2. Breathe slowly to calm down

Your mind interprets physiological
information from your body via your
emotions. When you can’t think
properly, try to focus on slow and
steady breathing. You’ll decrease your
anxiety and calm down.

3. Change behavior to change mindset

Healthy habits are the foundation for a healthy mind. To thoroughly declutter your thoughts, simplify your actions, and replace troublesome behaviors with more intentional

4. Know your emotions

Most people don’t understand their emotions and label them incorrectly.
The downside is confusion from being
unable to tell what they feel. Try
familiarizing yourself with the major
emotions and know how to differentiate them.

5. Avoid bias and judgment

You should recognize when you may have reached a premature decision to keep your options open. Policies and procedures, particularly at work, may help you avoid confirmation bias.

6. Think large and out of the box

Thinking large may help you look
beyond whatever limitations you may
be experiencing due to traditional
beliefs. As a result, thinking large
may often be less dangerous than
thinking small.

7. Surround yourself with the right people

When you’re among intelligent people with different ideologies, you learn more from their success and failure stories. Surround yourself with clever individuals who believe differently than you do.

8. Remove self-destructive habits

Emphasize patterns with the most serious potential repercussions to remove the bulk of the destructive effects of self-sabotage in your life.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

Chakra Quiz Explainer
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 994

Chakra Charisma Checkup:

Unveil Your Energetic Essence.

Chakra Quiz Intro
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 995

Mother Earth Gaia
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 996

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
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Logo Hoodie
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Pnp Womens Tee
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 999
Pnp Hoodie
The Healthy Mind Toolkit 1000
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Guide to Self-Love & Adoration 10-page Sneak-Peak E-book.

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Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Overcoming Life’s Setbacks

Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Overcoming Life’s Setbacks

Overcoming Life'S Setbacks Phoenix Rising
Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Overcoming Life's Setbacks 1025

If you believe that overcoming life’s setbacks is not a possibility- you’re WRONG. I’m living proof. Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, such as a 20+ year heroin addiction that more times than not led to extensive jail sentences. Days/moments/weeks/years that can leave us feeling shattered, lost, and at our absolute lowest.

I remember sitting in the hole in jail and thinking ‘There isn’t one person in the world who wants to be me right now.’ Hitting rock bottom is a journey no one willingly embarks upon, yet it’s a path that many find themselves on at some point in their lives.

Whether it’s grappling with addiction, facing the consequences of poor decisions, or weathering the storm of personal crises, the experience of hitting rock bottom can be a defining moment. Don’t let it be the downward defining moment. I promise you that you can rebuild, restore, and/or revitalize your life no matter how low your bottom is. I know because I was once as low as I could go.

Roadmap for Overcoming Life’s Setbacks

But here’s the thing about rock bottom—it’s also the solid foundation on which we can rebuild. It’s the raw material from which we can craft a new and stronger version of ourselves. This blog post is not just about acknowledging the darkness of the abyss but shining a light on the possibility of redemption that follows. It’s a roadmap—a guide to navigating the challenging terrain of rebuilding your life after everything has seemingly fallen apart.

In the following post, we’ll explore the stages of this journey, from the initial self-reflection and acceptance to setting realistic goals, seeking support, and ultimately embracing change. Each step on this roadmap is an opportunity for growth, transformation, and redemption. We’ll also discuss the common obstacles that may arise and offer strategies to overcome them.

If you’ve found yourself at rock bottom or know someone who has, this is an invitation to embark on a journey of renewal and resurgence. It’s a reminder that hitting rock bottom is not the end; it can be a powerful beginning, just like it has been for me.

Don’t be known as the guy who fell down and never got up. Be known as the Phoenix that rose from the ashes of destruction bigger, better, stronger, and more motivated than ever. So, let’s dive into the process of rebuilding from rock bottom—a journey toward redemption and a brighter, more resilient future.

Overcoming Life'S Setbacks: Person With Hands Over Face Crying
Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Overcoming Life's Setbacks 1026

Life’s journey is marked by peaks and valleys, and sometimes, those valleys can be deep and seemingly insurmountable. Hitting rock bottom is one of life’s worst experiences, one that often involves a profound sense of loss, despair, and self-doubt. Who needs that?

For me, I needed to know exactly what had gotten me sitting in jail in jail. Double bagged. Story of my life right there. I don’t mean the obvious, either. Like my addiction put me here, or I may or may not have committed a crime. Nope.

We need to get a bit messy right here. We need to identify the underlying issues causing the behaviors that got us here. It’s the only way the healing can begin. Now I am going to share exactly how to do just that.

A. Reflect on Personal Experiences and Recognizing the Need for Change

It starts with introspection. Ouch. We hate introspection because we can’t stand ourselves, at least on some level. Just take a moment to reflect on your experiences and acknowledge the emotions that come with hitting rock bottom. It’s okay to feel a range of emotions—pain, regret, frustration.

These emotions are part of the human experience and can serve as catalysts for change. Try saying it out loud. “I have finally hit rock bottom.” When I said it out loud, something shifted. I can’t even explain it.

Recognizing the need for change is a pivotal moment. Seriously, though, if you’re like me, you have hit rock bottom more than once. I am thick-headed, and I try to stay in the game long after the last person on my team has left. I just got to a point where the status quo wasn’t going to cut it for this girl anymore. I had tried things my way, but they never worked.

It’s about understanding that the current path is unsustainable and that a different course is not only desirable but necessary. This realization is the first glimmer of hope, the initial spark that can ignite the process of rebuilding. That glimmer of hope has gotten me this far and it’s more like a sun than a glimmer now.

B. Acknowledge the Challenges and Emotions Associated with Hitting Rock Bottom

Hitting rock bottom is not a linear journey. It’s messy, chaotic, and filled with challenges, and this is the road we have consistently chosen throughout our lives. Acknowledge the difficulties you face, but also understand that facing them head-on is the only way to move forward. It’s a journey of self-discovery, where the darkest corners of your soul are illuminated, revealing both vulnerabilities and strengths. You simply have to keep an open mind and be willing to try things that you haven’t tried before.

Embrace the emotions that come with hitting rock bottom. Allow yourself to feel without judgment. Through this emotional honesty, you can lay the foundation for a more authentic and resilient version of yourself. I won’t tell you that it’s easy, but the end result is necessary for the next steps of your journey.

C. Emphasize the Importance of Self-Awareness and Acceptance

Self-awareness is a powerful tool in any context, but especially in this one. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, triggers, and patterns of behavior. Acceptance is not about condoning past actions but acknowledging them without self-condemnation. It’s about making peace with your imperfections and understanding that they do not define your future.

This is the exact reason my blog is called Progressing Not Perfecting. I don’t know about you, but I have always been super hard on myself. Nobody could be harder on me than me. The best way to hit this one is to commit to being gentler and kinder to yourself. Start working on improving your negative self-talk because that will end up coming back to haunt you if you don’t nip it…

In the next stages of the roadmap, we’ll build upon this foundation of self-awareness and acceptance. Remember, hitting rock bottom is not the end of your story; it’s the beginning of a transformative process. So, embrace the journey ahead with an open heart and a willingness to grow.

If I had never fallen into the fire, I would never have been able to rise from the ashes of my destroyed life. I would have never had my two kids, purchased my home, helped the many people that I’ve helped, or started my blog.

I see now that all of the horrible things I have endured happened for a reason. They happened so I could learn and help others in similar circumstances. For my kids alone, I would do it all again.

Overcoming Life'S Setbacks
Rising from the Ashes: A Guide to Overcoming Life's Setbacks 1027

I could sit here and tell you that it’s going to be easy and it’s going to be great, but I have no idea how it will be for you. It will be what you make it. I know that’s the last thing you want to hear, but it’s true. I simply decided to change my mindset.

When bad things are all that you know, most people develop a ‘bad things’ mindset and think they deserve bad things. I am here to tell you that you DESERVE ALL THE BEST that life has to offer. The sooner you realize that, feel it, and start to live by it, the sooner the magic starts to happen.

After deciding that you are indeed sick and tired of being sick and tired, it’s time to embark on a purposeful journey of redemption. This roadmap is designed to guide you through the transformative process of rebuilding your life. Each stage is a stepping stone, leading you away from despair and towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.

A. Stage 1: Self-Reflection and Acceptance

The first stage on this roadmap is self-reflection—a deliberate examination of your thoughts, actions, and the factors that led to hitting rock bottom. This is not a time for self-blame but an opportunity for honest introspection.

What patterns contributed to your current situation? What are the underlying issues that need addressing? As I mentioned above, this is necessary, and there isn’t any getting around it.

Accompanying self-reflection is acceptance. Embrace the reality of your circumstances without judgment. Acceptance is not resignation; it’s a courageous acknowledgment of your starting point. Only by understanding where you are can you begin to chart a course to where you want to be.

B. Stage 2: Setting Realistic Goals

With self-awareness and acceptance as your compass, it’s time to set realistic goals. These goals should be both short-term and long-term, providing a clear direction for your journey. As I’m sure you know, start with small, achievable objectives that build momentum and confidence. As you progress, you can aim for more ambitious milestones.

This is one of the ways that I did in three years, which most people don’t achieve in a lifetime. I am a go-big or go-home type, as I may have mentioned, so I would bang out all my small goals and reward myself with a big guy. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish.

Setting goals serves as a roadmap within the roadmap—a tangible guide for your daily actions and decisions. Whether it’s breaking free from addictive behaviors, improving relationships, or pursuing personal development, each goal becomes a building block for the life you envision. Be sure you write them down, update, and keep score.

C. Stage 3: Seeking Support

This always has been and continues to be difficult for me, but no journey is undertaken alone. In this stage, actively seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement no matter how hard it is.

Share your goals and aspirations with those who genuinely care about your well-being. The power of a supportive network cannot be overstated; it can be the difference between faltering and flourishing.

Professional support, such as therapy or counseling, can offer valuable insights and coping mechanisms. Building a support system is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your commitment to change. I’ve been in therapy for fifteen years at least. It helps.

D. Stage 4: Embracing Change

Change is at the heart of redemption. This stage involves breaking harmful habits and adopting positive behaviors. This is not necessarily something we have been good at in the past, and it requires a commitment to personal growth and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone.

Embrace change as a process, not an event, and be patient with yourself as you navigate this transformative journey. You need to know like I know that you.

Identify the areas of your life that require change and take deliberate steps towards improvement. Whether it’s physical health, mental well-being, or relationships, each positive change contributes to the larger narrative of your redemption. Start small and work on one area at a time, one day at a time.

E. Stage 5: Learning and Growing

The journey doesn’t end with change—it evolves into a continuous process of learning and growing, except this time, we are aware, and we care. Cultivate a mindset of lifelong learning, seeking opportunities for personal and professional development. Read, attend workshops, and engage in activities that nourish your mind and soul.

Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Mistakes are inevitable, but each one is a lesson that propels you forward. By fostering a mindset of continuous improvement, you ensure that the redemption you’ve achieved becomes a sustainable and enduring part of your life. The crazy thing is that you know as well as I do that the Universe always looks out and ensures that things do always, yet eventually work out. We are still here, aren’t we?

In the next sections, we’ll explore the common obstacles on this journey, and I’ll provide strategies for overcoming them. Remember, this roadmap is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a flexible guide that can be adapted to your unique circumstances. Stay committed, stay resilient, and let the journey to redemption unfold.

Overcoming Life'S Setbacks
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The path to redemption is not without its challenges. As we navigate the roadmap to rebuilding our lives, it’s crucial to anticipate and address the obstacles that may arise. Understanding these challenges and having strategies in place to overcome them will fortify your journey toward redemption.

A. Common Challenges in the Rebuilding Process

  1. Residual Temptations and Triggers:
  • Acknowledge that old habits die hard. Identify situations, environments, or people that may trigger a relapse into destructive patterns.
  • Develop coping mechanisms to navigate tempting situations, such as creating a support network or practicing mindfulness.

Side Note: I just want to say that this is where we need to really understand that we cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results. I may not have used a 12-step program to attain my sobriety, but I did have to move away from my using friends for a few years until I felt that I was in a safe enough spot to try to help them.

Even if you change everything about your current life except for your actively using friends, it’s a rare occurrence for success to be found.

2. Negative Self-Talk:

  • Combat the inner critic by consciously replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations. It’s a kind of thought replacement, and it will eventually come naturally.
  • Seek professional guidance to reframe destructive self-perceptions and build a healthier self-image.

3. Impatience and Frustration:

  • Understand that transformation takes time. Set realistic expectations and celebrate even the smallest of victories along the way.
  • Cultivate patience by focusing on the progress made rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings.

B. Strategies for Overcoming Setbacks and Staying Resilient

  1. Develop a Resilience Toolkit:
  • Identify activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and a sense of purpose. Build a toolkit of resilience strategies, such as meditation, exercise, or creative pursuits. My resilience kit has been really effective for me.
  • In moments of difficulty, turn to your toolkit for emotional support and rejuvenation.

2. Learn from Setbacks:

  • Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, consider them opportunities for learning and growth. This time will be different. Know that and accept that.
  • Analyze the circumstances surrounding setbacks, identify triggers, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

3. Stay Connected to Your Support System:

  • Regularly engage with your support network, sharing both successes and challenges.
  • Lean on others for guidance and encouragement during difficult times.

4. Professional Assistance:

  • If obstacles seem insurmountable, seek professional help. Therapists, counselors, and support groups can provide tailored guidance and coping strategies.
  • Understand that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

5. Adaptability and Flexibility:

  • Recognize that the rebuilding process is dynamic, and circumstances may change. Be adaptable and adjust your approach as needed.
  • Setbacks do not erase progress. Embrace flexibility as an essential component of your journey.

Remember, overcoming obstacles is an integral part of the redemption journey. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth and resilience. By proactively addressing and learning from setbacks, you strengthen your resolve and move closer to the life you’re rebuilding.

Stay committed to the process, stay resilient, and continue forging ahead on the path to redemption. This could be the one thing that you haven’t applied before, and it could be the secret of your success.

Overcoming Life'S Setbacks: I Am The Success Story Text.
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In the journey of redemption, again, it’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate the victories, no matter how small. Celebrating success is not just a form of self-affirmation; it is a powerful motivator that reinforces positive behavior and encourages continued progress. In this section, we explore the significance of recognizing and celebrating the milestones on your path to rebuilding.

A. Recognizing Small Victories

  1. The Power of Incremental Progress:
  • Understand that redemption is a cumulative process of small, incremental victories.
  • Celebrate daily achievements, no matter how minor, as they contribute to the larger tapestry of your success.

2. Gratitude and Reflection:

  • Take time regularly to reflect on the positive changes in your life.
  • Express gratitude for the progress made and the support received from others on your journey. I highly encourage my clients to keep a journal and to track their progress and analyze their challenges, but if this isn’t for you, at the very least, please do yourself a favor and keep a gratitude journal. Gratitude is so crucial in achieving success.

B. The Importance of Celebrating Progress Along the Way

  1. Positive Reinforcement:
  • Celebrating success serves as positive reinforcement, strengthening the neural pathways associated with positive behaviors.
  • The joy of achievement becomes a driving force, motivating you to persist in your efforts.

2. Boosting Confidence:

  • Each celebration of success boosts your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Confidence is a key asset on the journey to redemption, empowering you to face challenges with resilience.

3. Building Momentum:

  • Celebrating success creates a sense of momentum, propelling you forward on your journey.
  • Momentum is a powerful force that can carry you through challenges and setbacks.

C. Setting Milestone Celebrations

  1. Define Milestones:
  • Break your larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones.
  • Celebrate each milestone, whether it’s a week of sobriety, a month of positive habits, or achieving a personal development goal.

2. Meaningful Rewards:

  • Attach meaningful rewards to your milestones. These rewards should align with your values and contribute positively to your well-being.
  • Rewards can be both tangible and intangible, such as treating yourself to a favorite activity or acknowledging progress in a journal.

D. The Continuous Cycle of Celebration and Growth

  1. Embracing a Positive Feedback Loop:
  • Cultivate a positive feedback loop where success breeds more success.
  • Celebrate, reflect, set new goals, and repeat the process, creating an ongoing cycle of growth.

2. Sharing Success with Others:

  • Share your successes with your support network. Your achievements not only inspire others but strengthen the bonds within your community.
  • Collective celebration fosters a sense of shared accomplishment.

In the journey of redemption, celebrating success is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. It fuels your determination, fosters resilience, and transforms the rebuilding process into a fulfilling and empowering experience. So, take a moment to celebrate the victories, and let each success propel you further on the path to redemption. No parties. I’m playing.

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Stories have the power to inspire, and on the path to redemption, personal testimonials are beacons of hope. In this section, I share a very quick recap of my own failure on repeat turned success story that came after I spent around twenty years hitting rock bottom over and over.

My story showcases the diversity of experiences, challenges faced, and the resilience that ultimately led to transformation.

I started using IV heroin for the first time between the ages of 14-15. I began selling heroin to support my habit shortly after. I was extremely functional while my heroin addiction very slowly destroyed my young life.

My first time was with two older friends. We copped at Tompkins Square Park in The Village and then drove across the Jersey Bridge, and I was injected for the first by my older best friends while my pregnant twins 14-year-old sister watched. One of those friends allowed my sister to come because she was going stir-crazy, staying home all the time as a result of her teen pregnancy. I still carry a lot of guilt over this today.

For a very long time, I remembered that time as the first time in my life I had ever felt comfortable in my skin. I knew at that moment that I would have a long and insane romance with heroin. There was no going back.

In September of 2000, my door was rammed in, and my apartment was the first heroin raid in my small town. I was not caught with drugs. I had a feeling that morning, and as soon as I heard the first knock, I jumped into my closet and watched them throw my friends to the ground with guns to their heads.

My roommate was caught with 9.6 grams of heroin in her hands when she was tackled. They had four sales on her. Her parents got her the best attorney in the state, and I don’t believe she did more than that first night in jail.

She is doing great and has completely turned her life around. She never looked back, and I don’t blame her. We are still great friends today.

I was a poor twenty-year-old kid who was from a family with a long history of addiction. I couldn’t afford an attorney, and often, nobody even showed up for my court dates. I was made ‘the example’. I spent twenty years being ‘the example’ in my town. I was never offered or mandated to rehab by the court when not through my own urging. I went to two short-term rehabs on my own.

I spent twenty years going in and out of jail, doing my life on the installment plan. It was horrible, and it killed me inside. The system perpetuated my addiction along with all of the other young women who grew up within those walls.

Seven and a half years ago, at the age of thirty-five, after spending my life not wanting children because I knew my addiction was selfish and I didn’t believe I had a maternal bone in my body, I found out I was pregnant. It wasn’t about me for the first time in my life. I left my apartment where I was living, selling, and using. I checked into a homeless shelter with the clothes on my back, a 450 credit score, and a correctional GPS around my ankle.

I had no idea what my future looked like, but I knew that drugs could no longer be a part of my story. It wasn’t about me anymore.

I immediately set to work on changing every single thing about myself. It was a makeover of sorts. That’s the way I saw it. Unfortunately, I was still on DOC supervision.

One night, when I was seven months pregnant, I had the worst nightmare. I dreamed that I was back in the hole at CRCF. I was sitting on the bunk with my arms wrapped around my knees. I was pregnant. I was rocking back and forth and crying. I woke up crying and couldn’t get back to sleep because the next morning was parole check-in day.

Sure enough, I was arrested the next day at probation & parole (also PnP). The drug task force showed up, and I assumed they were there for a friend. Nope. I was cuffed and stuffed, sober, and almost six months pregnant. I was charged with sales and conspiracy six months after it allegedly happened. I almost had my daughter in jail. It was awful.

I got a few ultrasounds, and I wasn’t even permitted to see my baby. When I was finally released about two weeks before giving birth, I found out that they never even had anything on me, and this wasn’t even the only time. They backed me into a corner, as usual, and if I wanted to fight it, I would have been forced to have my baby in jail. They roped me into two years on the back end of my sentence.

When my daughter was six months old, I was on an open schedule and was doing amazing. I got a little complacent and decided to go to Hampton Beach for my birthday. A correctional officer from the jail saw me in the ocean and had her mother take photos, which were then sent to my probation officer. I was sober, my tests were clean, and I had been doing so well.

They didn’t care.

They didn’t care that I was thriving and that my daughter was dependent on me. I was even breastfeeding, and I was ruthlessly sentenced to nine months to nine months and one day, which meant I was serving that nine months. It was the worst experience of my life, and looking back, I don’t know how I got through it. I was crafty and applied to go to a home for moms with babies that women could attend pre-min (before someone completes their mandatory minimum sentence.)

The court even tried to deny the request, but the home fought for me, which really surprised me because they were fully aware of my past drug-seeking tendencies within the facility in the past. My daughter and I lived there for six months, and it was so hard. Actually, hard is an understatement. I graduated from the program the day I maxed out my final DOC sentence in March of 2018.

My point is that I never used again.

I was someone who never aspired to be anything but what I was- a drug dealer. NOBODY thought I would live this long, me included. I have died on several occasions, but each time I was saved.

Today I am a certified professional life coach and certified addiction recovery coach. I have completed an accredited Certified Addiction Counseling Education program.

My areas of specialty are as follows: spirituality, the law of attraction, empowerment, personal development, life purpose, mindset, transformation, personal productivity, personal success, and I am trauma-informed.

I am a Reiki II practitioner, certified sound healer, certified crystal healer, a member of the NAADAC, a sober curator, a shatterproof ambassador, and I volunteer as an operator for the MA Overdose Prevention Helpline. (

Three short years after I checked into the homeless shelter, I purchased my own 350k home, which in this market has a value of around 450k. A year before I purchased my home, I had a second child. I now have a two-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter. Mikaiyah and Malyckai. My little M&Ms. They drive me nuts and some days I don’t even want to get out of bed, but they saved my life, and I make sure they know it.

I garden. I meditate. I do Yoga. I do my virtual reality workouts. I invest. Spend time in nature. Spend time with my kids. Everything else I’ve got and then some goes into creating content for this blog.

It’s really hard sometimes, but it’s nothing compared to being 150% physically dependent on an illegal and illicit substance and being repeatedly forced to detox in the hole after being ripped off all mental health meds without so much as Tylenol.

My worst day sober is a million times better than my best day in active addiction.

By sharing my testimony, I aim to inspire and demonstrate that the journey to redemption is not a solitary one. Through the experiences of another, you may find common threads of resilience, courage, and the capacity for positive change.

I wish with everything I’ve got that my success story might serve as a beacon of hope on your own journey of rebuilding and redemption. Below are some tips I have for success.

1. Self-Reflection and Acceptance:

  • Acknowledge the importance of introspection and accepting the need for change as the initial steps toward redemption. I recommend you do this by journaling. This can do more for you than you know.

2. Setting Realistic Goals:

  • Understand the significance of setting achievable goals, both short-term and long-term, as a roadmap for progress. I use this Freedom Mastery Planner. This is my second year using this planner, and I LOVE it. It’s worth it. It has a vision board within, a map, and a place for your travel bucket list. Every month, you have a review, and there are just so many extras. I will include the details below. This is one of my top recommended products. I love my planner!
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Life Mastery Planner 5
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Life Mastery Planner
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3. Seeking Support:

  • Emphasize the value of building a support network, including friends, family, and professionals, to provide guidance and encouragement.

4. Embracing Change:

  • Recognize the necessity of breaking harmful habits, adopting positive behaviors, and committing to personal growth.

5. Learning and Growing:

  • Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning, resilience, and adaptability as integral components of the redemption journey. Be willing to think outside of the box and try new things. Keep an open mind, and I highly recommend meditation, affirmations, and a positive mindset.

In the pursuit of redemption, celebrating success is not a mere luxury but a vital component of the journey. Acknowledge and rejoice in the small victories, for they are the building blocks of a renewed and empowered self. By cultivating a cycle of celebration and growth, you create a positive feedback loop that propels you forward.

I have made it my mission to motivate and inspire people just like me to change. I hit rock bottom so many times I believed I was the rock. My life sucked. There was never a person that wanted to be me. Even now, I am like an overactive 3rd grader because the use of opioids stunted my development. The people out there still sick and suffering- they are the reason I am here. Putting myself out there when I personally find it terrifying and way outside my comfort zone. To be honest, there are days when I still have the self-worth of the person I once was.

I’ve got to let it go. If I am going to help anyone, I have to set aside my feelings about myself and do the work. I am trying harder than I have ever tried in my life. I am not seeing any evidence to show that I am helping anyone significantly on their journey yet here I am still plugging along until the money is gone. That is the only thing that will stop me- not being able to move forward.

How am I still going? I have… FAITH, and you should, too. Just please believe that you have a shot and that you are worth so much more than your bottom has shown you. We are so fierce and strong when fighting for those we care about. Let’s do this one-time fight for ourselves. Work together to #provethemallwrong and #showthemwhatwecando. I was the worst of the worst, and I will have eight years of sobriety in March. I can barely believe it.

I am here for you. I’m trying to build a community of people just like us. People who never thought they would still be here by Christmas, but against all odds, we are. We all have a purpose and my purpose is to show the world that change is definitely possible, and it’s possible for EVERY… SINGLE… ONE… OF… US. If I did it- you can too!

May your steps be guided by courage, self-compassion, and the unwavering belief that, even in the face of adversity, redemption is not only possible but achievable. The journey is yours—embrace it, celebrate it, and let it unfold with purpose and resilience. I am here, and I care, so keep coming back and help me to build a community we can all be proud to be a part of. Metta, friends.

If This Post…

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“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”

-Robert Collier

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I take care of my own needs first because I can’t take care of another if I’m not taking care of myself.

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Chakra Quiz Explainer
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Chakra Charisma Checkup:

Unveil Your Energetic Essence.

Chakra Quiz Intro
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SUD Resources

If you are interested in getting help, please see the links below or contact me.


Call this helpline if you are using alone. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should, you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
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Suicide & Crisis Hotline

Suicide And Crisis Hotline Dial 988
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Treatment Locator

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Vitajewel Water Decanter for Structured Water
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Santa Cruz! Sk8board
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Steven Greer National Press Conference
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Check Out

Dr. Steven Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Conference

Dr. Greer has dedicated the last thirty years of his life voluntarily to collecting the overwhelming evidence presented to Congress this week regarding secret black ops, extra-terrestrial programs, our government, and everything that has been kept from the public. He has collected the testimonies of over 736 high-ranking government officials and other reputable citizens. The Pentagon has been ordered to comply. You can check out the whole conference below. He has gotten us this far, and now it’s our turn to give back for his grandkids and for ours.

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

Healing And Transformation: Robyn'S Story
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I am going to share my story of healing and transformation because I think it’s important for survivors to compare notes, adjust, and adapt. Life hasn’t been exactly kind to me, but thats all in the past because I am forward-focused with a whole new mindset. I’m beginning to see myself, as a beautiful tree that’s full of life. Roots, deep into the dark soils of this earth, and branches that reach up to the heavens. 

I earned those depths, and heights through the roads less traveled in life. 

Through making horrific decisions, and defiling my body/mind/spirit with parasitic entertainment, although it was love I was truly seeking, I continually found emptiness in those places. 

My healing and transformational journey feels as though I was born into the underworld. 

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When I was 4 years old, my parents separated – my first memory is seeing my room all over the lawn, getting ready to be loaded into the truck – wondering what was happening, I lived with my Mom until Children’s Aid stepped in and helped my Dad win custody of us. 

My Mother was sick, with a loss that consumed her soul – she drank until blackout, over and over until she could no longer remember, or feel, who she was. 

I was just a young kid, witnessing the vicious spirit of alcoholism rip through my Mother and it destroyed my heart. I didn’t understand then, that she was not well. I used to think, if I was quiet enough, or good enough, that I could help her stop, but as I would later come to know in life, it’s not quite that easy, or simple. 

I grew up quickly, leaving home at 14 to find a place I belonged, but found myself laying on floors staring down at the bottom of a bottle, right where I swore I would never be. 

Alcoholism opens the doors to so many abuses – from others, and from the self. 

My Mom used to have all kinds of men around, drinking and doing drugs, and believed her worth was only worth who would accept her as the flavour of the week. 

I hated those men, I hated the way they’d look at me, I hated how they stole away my Mom but yet, some part of me learned that the only way to be loved was through the attention of men. 

And so I went on, to repeat all the things that haunted me. 

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If it wasn’t for getting pregnant at 16, I don’t think I’d be alive today. My daughter saved my life and taught me about love. 

I was a baby, with a baby. It’s hard to believe now that I went through that. 

My daughter is now 16, and I look at her beauty, and innocence and just wish I could go back and hug the younger me. I really thought I knew what I was doing then, but I know now that I didn’t have a damn clue. 

I fought to find peace for us, and a stable life but I was still so young. When I was 20, I moved from my hometown to attend hairdressing school and to prepare my daughter and I for a good life. 

But soon that hope would be more of a wish.

I met my ex-husband and was whisked away into a fantasy of a happy family life, that was anything but. 

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We got married at city hall, moved across the country, and I got pregnant at 21 with my son. I wanted to believe, so badly, in the dreams we talked about but what happened out there, changed me forever. 

We used to bond over drinking, but he was a severe alcoholic and had anger issues. Those years, imprinted on my heart a scar that I’ve had to learn to love. The abuse got so bad, and here I was, a young mom with no money, no license, no self-esteem, across the country with two young children and no idea what to do. 

Alcoholism destroyed my childhood, and it destroyed my own children’s as well. It took me so many years, of leaving, of being in women’s shelters, living in friend’s basements, or their freezing trailers, and going back to the cycle, over and over. 

I know we all judge those women, able to see the insanity of their situation and think WHY WON’T THEY JUST LEAVE but we have to remember, they’re extremely traumatized. 

I tried to work up the courage, many many times. I exhausted my family, my friends, and all of the support networks around me telling the same stories just trying to hear myself say how horrible it had gotten. A part of me didn’t want to face the truth because I was so damn scared of leaving. 

But one day, I did.

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Years later, I lived just 4 hours from my hometown and managed to put all our things into the car one night, whatever we could fit into garbage bags, and drove home to my Dad’s house, not a clue in the world what the next day would hold.

Each day, even though I’d spend my nights crying myself to sleep silently as I snuggled my baby boy – I had peace in my soul. 

No one could yell at us, no one could lie, manipulate us, steal our food & rent money for cigarettes and beer, and no one could hurt us anymore. 

I spent a few years at my Dad’s home, trying to figure out who I was again. 

I made friends, got a good job, and started attending a gym. I went on to complete Tough Mudder, and felt so damn proud of myself when I crossed that finish line. That’s a day I’ll never forget. I remember thinking ‘if I can do this – then I can do anything.’ 

But, life still had its shadows and I still had a healing journey to walk. 

I was beginning to get glimpses of my passion, my power, my abilities, and my talents. 

I felt beautiful, for the first time in my life, but when you’ve got a light it can attract all kinds of people. I may have run for my life, and survived the first round, but as we heal on this life journey we need to learn how to identify energy patterns and see them for what they really are. 

I fell into so many potholes, trying to find my path. 

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Eventually, I found love again and moved in with my boyfriend. He was kind and good with the kids and I really believed that this was going to be my happily ever after. 

And that’s when the car accident happened. This is where I really began to feel like a punching bag for the universe. 

Feb 4, 2019 – another day I’ll never forget. I was t-boned at an intersection, an elderly lady ran a red light and hit me that Monday morning. 

I was diagnosed with severe whiplash, a traumatic concussion, cervicogenic headaches, and fibromyalgia. 

I used to tell the story of how I went from running Tough Mudder, to looking at canes. I was 29 years old and bedridden. 

I don’t know how to describe the devastation I felt. My kids and I had finally found stability, and a safe shore, and now, I couldn’t even walk down the stairs without help. 

I wanted to give up. 

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But something happened, in those dark days of disability, pain, and grief… 

Something in me woke up. 

I began to have precognitive dreams, and night after night, I’d wake up and witness the day unfold as I saw. 

Right after the accident, I had this dream where I walked into a forest clearing and saw this shaman standing there, with godly blue eyes telling me that it was time to wake up again and train and that we’d done this together in past lives – and all I could do in the dream, was sob. The human part of me didn’t want to go through anymore, but my soul seemed to have a mission. 

During those years of rehab, I spent all the money I had on books, courses, and mentors to help me discover who I was, and why this was happening to me. 

I didn’t realize it then, but those moments of utter hopelessness would be treasures I shared with others who needed someone to help them feel safe, in being human too. 

That it’s okay to feel that, but that we have to get back up and keep trying. 

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I threw myself into the world of spirituality and developed my psychic abilities from bed. 

I meditated and developed a vision for myself. 

I began to see myself, standing on a stage telling the stories that once had me curled up in fetal positions, to people who needed to see, hear, and know, that transformation is possible. 

I fought, for my health, for my physical abilities, got off all the injections, and medications, and slowly regained my health against all odds. 

I fought for my healing and held myself so lovingly and found help to heal the trauma, to hug my inner child, and to scream that pain into pillows, the ethers, and into purpose. 

I fought to find understanding of my psychic abilities and learned about the karmic reasons why things happened the way they did, the love of the spirit realm and god, and the power of prayer. 

I knew that each step of my path was leading me to a vision that was bigger than I could have ever believed. 

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I decided that I wanted to tell a story of miracles, of purpose, and of a woman who overcame. 

I decided that I was going to show up so damn fiercely for little Robyn, who needed someone to protect her.

I decided that I was going to fight off any shithead who meant her harm and that I would not tolerate disrespect ever again. 

I decided to trust myself, against all the odds and advocate for what I knew I needed – in body, mind, and spirit. 

I decided to live a legendary life that I could look back on that made me so damn proud. 

I ended up leaving my boyfriend of 5 years, to pursue my own business, to be on my own and figure out who I really was. 

And here I am, living a reality I never thought would be possible. 

I have a beautiful home, a healthy body, and a clear mind. 

I now teach people about the magic of prayer, and of God and the power of belief. 

I use my psychic abilities to help others align with a life they’re in love with. 

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I tell my stories, to show others that if I can, they can too. 

I’m going to spend the rest of my life helping others heal and inspiring people to find the courage to change, to take leaps of faith, even if they don’t know what’s on the other side. 

Sometimes life can be hard, and not make sense, but we have to trust in a divine plan. 

A lot of people tell me, they are sorry for the accident I was in, for the abuse I went through, but I choose to be thankful for it – because it taught me to fight, and gave me the opportunity to choose a new story. 

It was those dark stormy roots that gave me the ability to reach up to the heavens. 

It was the pain I was in, that let me touch the other world and bring their love here. 

It was the moments on my knees, praying for a sign, that taught me, I’m never alone. 

It was in the darkest of times that I discovered a light within me, and all around me. 

And it’s that light that I want to share with the world. 

Black Rose Oracle Readings
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Robyns Love Reading
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Robyn Aura Reading
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Robyn Past Life Reading
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Robyn Psychic Reading
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From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation 1129

About the Author

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community. After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

Mother Earth Gaia
From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation 1131

I am a tree-hugging worker of light, and I invite my fellow sober Starseeds & Lucid Lightworkers to support my mission by joining my online community. We need to save Mother Gaia, who has taken such good care of her people. We must now show her the same respect. This means EVERYTHING for our future and the future of our children and their children.

If you love the Earth as I love the Earth, this is a call to action. We can make small changes today that will lead to significant results later, but we must move fast and work together. Start making changes such as walking kids to school, carpooling, not flushing medications, conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing, etc. We can do this. Help us save our home.

Shadow Work

Prompt Journal

Shadow work has had such an absolute and profound effect on my life that I created this 138-page prompt journal to be done over 16 weeks when completing one prompt per day.

Image Of Mockup For Shadow Work Journal
From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation 1132
Crystal Decanter
Vitajewel Water Decanter for Structured Water
Santa Cruz Sk8 Board
Santa Cruz! Sk8board
Vew-Dew Board
Vew-dew Balance Board

PNP Logo Design Zip Hoodie

Pnp Logo Hoodie
From Darkness to Light: A Journey of Healing and Transformation 1134

About this item

  • Solid colors: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester; Heather Grey: 78% Cotton, 22% Poly; Dark Heather: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • This is the famous logo representing the blog Progressing Not Perfecting.
  • PNP is an addiction recovery blog, and the founder works hard to motivate, instill hope, and inspire people to change.
  • 8.5 oz, Classic fit, Twill-taped neck
  • Comes in 8 Colors and Many Sizes

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This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.

Ready to kick the old you to the curb and embrace a new you that’s way more fabulous than your Netflix queue? Look no further! Dive into the wild journey of life coaching with fun, laughter, & humor. I’m not your average life coach; I’m the secret weapon against the negativity of your past that you never knew you needed. With a dash of laughter and a pound of motivation, I’m here to guide you toward a life where your only cravings are for success, happiness, and maybe a well-deserved ice cream sundae.

Transform Your Life

Learn More About My Coaching Program

I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

**The button above will open a blank email to me. In the subject line, type re. Coaching Info or something along those lines. Then tell me a bit about yourself and what you are looking for, and I will send you my fees and services pack. We can go from there. If you are low-income, please let me know in the email because I do have an income-based payment program. You do have to provide supporting income information for that program.**

Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing

Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing

Crystals In Addiction Recovery: Crystals With Journal And Pen
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1201

Embarking on the path of using crystals in addiction recovery can be a profound journey that requires a comprehensive approach to holistic healing. While conventional therapies and support systems play a vital role, there is a growing interest in alternative methods that address the mind, body, and spirit. One such approach gaining traction is the use of crystals in addiction recovery.

I ask that you keep an open mind, just as I was forced to do. I say to you to not knock it until you try it because crystals have contributed in a big way to my success in my almost eight years of recovery, but also in every aspect of my life. What do you do when you have tried everything and nothing has worked? You think OUTSIDE of the box. Oh, and keep an open mind. In this blog post, we will explore the intricate world of crystal healing, unraveling the reasons behind their use and examining how they contribute to the complex process of recovery.

Scroll to the Bottom of the page to Take the Crystal Quiz and find out which crystal you need in your life right now.

Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1202

Understanding Crystal Healing

Crystals, Pendulum Board, Candles
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1203

Crystal healing is an age-old practice rooted in the belief that crystals possess unique energetic properties capable of influencing our well-being. Each crystal is thought to emit a specific vibrational frequency that interacts with the energy field surrounding the body. In the context of addiction recovery, the objective is to restore equilibrium to the our holistic well-being, targeting the underlying issues that contribute to our addictive behaviors.

You must admit that a practice as old as time must have some kind of basis. That was my reasoning when I started working with them. If you have heard of vibrational medicine you are familiar with the effects of certain vibrations, not our own, on our energy field. Addiction manifests a certain kind of excess energy and crystals help redistribute and even out that vibration. I can only tell you what has worked for me and somehow I am almost eight years sober after twenty years of nothing working.

I did everything that I hadn’t done before and the combination of the practices aided me in finding success when nobody, myself included, thought I would ever amount to more than what I was, a drug-addicted dealer. Most would have bet their children’s lives I wouldn’t live to the end of the current year. I agreed and really didn’t care much at that time.

Dyed Agate
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How Crystals Work for Addiction Recovery

Crystals are believed to operate on multiple levels, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual. Their energy interacts with an individual’s energy field, promoting balance and harmony. This interaction may manifest as a sense of calmness, increased self-awareness, and a greater capacity to cope with the challenges inherent in the recovery process.

For me, I really didn’t get into how they worked initially. I didn’t want to poison my journey with the techs and specs of crystals. I wanted to keep my mind open and now allow any negative inputs to sully my journey. I used prayer and meditation to guide me and that seemed to do the trick initially. I guess this was a good choice because it worked for me.

Why Use Crystals in Addiction Recovery

Crystals &Amp; Stars
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On the tabs below, you will find some of the ways I have found to use crystals in my recovery. There are many more ways that I do not cover in this post. I would ask that you do your own research and try different things because what has worked for me may not be the exact recipe for what works for you.

Crystals act as energetic sponges, absorbing and transmuting negative energies. This aspect is particularly valuable in addiction recovery, where we are working to release the emotional and energetic burdens associated with substance abuse.

As an empath, I seem to pick up a lot of different energies even just going to the grocery store. I would be completely depleted by the time I got home. I now wear crystal jewelry and carry crystal sachets in my handbag, and wouldn’t you know I don’t get so drained after going out anymore. This was an important development for me because, in my early recovery, I tended to get easily overwhelmed.

The journey to recovery often brings heightened stress and anxiety as we all know. Crystals like amethyst and rose quartz possess calming properties, aiding in stress reduction and promoting a sense of inner peace. They are so beautiful and it has become common practice for me to organize my collections or just check them out and refamiliarize myself with them. This is extremely successful in reducing stress for me.

Addiction is frequently rooted in unaddressed emotional pain. Crystals such as citrine and moonstone are associated with emotional healing, empowering individuals to confront and overcome past traumas which is essential for those of us desiring to be successful in recovery.

Clear quartz, known as the “master healer,” is believed to amplify energy and enhance mental clarity. This can be instrumental for us as we strive to build a clear and focused mindset. This is especially difficult for me as a result of executive function issues and ADHD. I had never been able to meditate successfully until I began integrating crystals into my practice.

Crystals serve as powerful tools for self-reflection. Through meditation or introspective practices, we may connect with crystals to gain insights into their behaviors and thought patterns, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Getting Started with Crystals

Crystals &Amp; Sage Sticks
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Again, there are many different ways to incorporate crystals into your daily recovery lifestyle. In the tabs below I will cover some things that are important in your success in using crystals.

Before using crystals, it’s crucial to set clear intentions for your healing journey. Whether overcoming cravings, finding inner peace, or fostering self-love, stating your intentions can amplify the effectiveness of crystal work. Intention alone is more powerful than I had ever known. Throw in your favorite crystals and you have yourself some results.

Crystals can absorb negative energies over time. Regularly cleanse them using methods such as running water, sunlight exposure, or smudging with sage to maintain their energetic purity. While doing so visualize that you are washing away darkness and watching it evaporate or go down the drain. If you are like me and are unable to visualize as a result of Aphantasia you can use a narrative within your head to complete the processes.

Not all crystals are created equal. Consult with a crystal healer or conduct research to identify crystals that align with your specific needs in recovery. When I was around 17 I heard someone say that we don’t choose our crystals- our crystals choose us. I have to say that I believe this to be true on many different levels, but pay attention to the crystals that resonate and those that you feel drawn to.

Make crystals a consistent part of your daily routine through activities like meditation, carrying them in your pocket, or placing them strategically in your living space. Consistent interaction with the crystals can deepen their impact on your recovery and in your life. I have been pleasantly surprised by the way I have connected with my crystals. I am kind of obsessed now, so be careful not to replace one addiction with another. (Wink wink.)

The Science Behind Crystals

Crystal Ball
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I must note that while crystal healing has been extremely beneficial to me, and has gained popularity in alternative and holistic circles, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. The use of crystals is often rooted in metaphysical and spiritual experiences and beliefs rather than empirical scientific data. I believe the scientific need to quantify the benefits of crystals may be in something that we haven’t yet discovered. Despite my belief, I include below an overview of the science and a discussion of why people are drawn to crystal healing:

Crystals can be categorized into different crystal systems based on the symmetry of their lattice arrangement. These systems, including cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral (trigonal), hexagonal, monoclinic, and triclinic, offer a framework for understanding the diverse structures found in the crystalline world.

Within the crystal lattice, there exists a repeating unit known as the unit cell. This cell, when replicated in all directions, forms the complete crystal structure. The arrangement of atoms or ions within this structure is specific to each type of crystal, dictating its physical and chemical properties. Different bonding types, such as ionic, covalent, metallic, and van der Waals forces, contribute to the overall bonding landscape of crystals.

Crystals can display isotropy or anisotropy, meaning their physical properties may be uniform in all directions or vary based on orientation. The growth of crystals from a liquid or gas, a process known as crystallization, is a natural occurrence where molecules or ions come together to form the ordered structure.

Furthermore, crystals may contain defects or impurities, influencing their properties. Defects, such as vacancies or interstitials, contribute to the overall behavior of crystals. This deep understanding of crystal structure is pivotal across scientific disciplines, guiding researchers in predicting and explaining the multifaceted properties that make crystals such versatile and valuable materials in fields ranging from materials science to geology.

Some crystals, like quartz, exhibit the piezoelectric effect, where mechanical stress generates an electrical charge. I recommend trying this because it is quite perplexing. Take two pieces of quartz, shut off all of the lights, and begin rubbing them together. You will see a light coming from the friction, and this light does not create heat. No matter how long you keep at it. The crystals do not heat up. It’s a beautiful thing to witness, and I still do it once in a while.

Crystal healers, like myself, often refer to the vibrational resonance of crystals. This concept suggests that the unique vibrational frequency of each crystal interacts with the body’s energy field. However, this idea lacks empirical evidence in mainstream scientific literature.

As I mentioned above the core of every crystal lies a highly ordered lattice arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules, forming a three-dimensional grid that extends throughout the material. This precise arrangement creates a stable and repetitive pattern, leading to the manifestation of vibrational frequencies within the crystal. When subjected to external stimuli such as heat, pressure, or even the energy from human touch, crystals respond by vibrating at specific frequencies corresponding to their inherent lattice structure.

These vibrational frequencies give rise to the distinct energies associated with different crystals. In metaphysical and holistic practices, it is believed that these vibrational energies interact with the energies of the human body, influencing the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of individuals.

This concept aligns with the broader understanding of vibrational medicine, where the subtle energies emitted by crystals are thought to harmonize and balance the vibrational frequencies within the body, promoting a state of equilibrium and overall health. Whether harnessed for meditation, energy healing, or simply as decorative elements, the vibrational resonance of crystals continues to inspire awe and exploration in the realms of science and spirituality alike.

Side Note Regarding Rigorous Studies

Scientific research on crystal healing is limited, and the existing studies often lack the methodological rigor required for conclusive findings. Well-designed, controlled studies are necessary to determine the true efficacy of crystal healing practices. I can only say that they made profound changes in my life and I believe in them so much that I became a certified crystal healing practitioner.

How Crystals Are Experienced

Reiki Image
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1209

One of the first things I researched (googled) when I realigned with crystals after many years was if there was a crystal that caused an instant and undeniable reaction in people. To my surprise, I found a crystal that is said to cause a physical reaction in those holding it. It’s called Moldavite.

Moldavite is a unique and rare gemstone that is believed to have extraterrestrial origins. It is formed by the impact of a meteorite that crashed into the Earth approximately 15 million years ago in what is now the southern Germany region. This impact created intense heat and pressure, causing the local sand and minerals to melt and fuse into a green glass-like substance known as moldavite. The gem is often found in the southern German region and parts of the Czech Republic.

Crystal Kit
Healing Crystals Kit
Selenite Tower
Selenite Tower
Crystal Tower Set
Healing Crystal Tower Set
Recovery Crystal Set
Addiction Recovery Healing Set
Samsari X-Large Amethyst Geode (2 Lb To 3 Lb) + 7 Chakras Crystal Healing Stones Set 
Amethyst & Chakra Set
Orgone Pyramid Amethyst Crystal For Love Protection
Amethyst Orgonite
Karma Pledge Bonsai Tree Of Life 7 Chakra Healing Crystals &Amp; Stones For Positive Energy
Healing Bonsai Crystal Trees
Healing Heart Crystal Citrine Large Set For Wealth &Amp; Money Manifestation &Amp; Meditation With Manifesting
Citrine Set

Moldavite is renowned not only for its distinctive olive-green color and captivating surface patterns but also for its purported metaphysical properties. Many individuals who work with moldavite report experiencing intense sensations or reactions when holding or wearing the gem.

These reactions are often described as a warm or tingling sensation, increased energy, heightened awareness, vivid dreams, or even a sense of spiritual connection. This reaction has been coined “the moldavite flush”. It’s a rush of excitement that causes your face to flush and butterflies in your stomach.

How Do Crystals Work

Below are some common beliefs about how crystals are thought to work in metaphysical and holistic practices:

Advocates of crystal healing often suggest that crystals emit energy that interacts with the energy fields surrounding the human body. This energy alignment is believed to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy centers, also known as chakras. After working with my Chakras and using crystals daily, I can tell you that I am just so zen now. I used to stomp around the house and get so angry about messes or whatever, and I am just so…. chill now.

As mentioned above, each type of crystal is said to have a unique vibrational frequency. It is believed that when a person comes into contact with a crystal, the crystal’s vibrations resonate with the individual’s energy, influencing their emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Crystals are often associated with specific chakras, which are energy centers in the body according to some Eastern spiritual traditions. Placing crystals on or near these energy centers is thought to activate and align the chakras, promoting a free flow of energy throughout the body.

Many practitioners of crystal healing use crystals as tools for setting and amplifying intentions. The idea is that crystals can magnify the power of one’s thoughts and intentions, aiding in manifestation and personal growth.

Certain crystals are believed to have protective and purifying qualities. They are often used for creating energetic shields, clearing negative energies, and promoting a sense of well-being and safety.

Some holistic practitioners suggest that certain crystals may have healing properties that can support physical well-being. For example, amethyst is often associated with calming energy, while citrine is believed to promote vitality.

Holistic healing with crystals is deeply rooted in intention, personal belief, and the symbolic nature of these beautiful gems. Incorporating crystals into mindfulness practices can be a meaningful and reflective way for individuals to explore their own holistic well-being.

Studies exploring the effectiveness of crystal healing often face challenges related to the placebo effect. When individuals believe in the healing properties of crystals, their perception of improvement may be influenced by psychological factors rather than the crystals themselves.

The experiences reported by individuals using crystals for healing are often subjective and can vary widely. Objective measures, such as physiological changes or clinical outcomes, are challenging to quantify in the context of crystal healing.

Why People Use Crystals

Crystals And Box
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1210

People use crystals for various reasons, drawn to their aesthetic beauty, symbolic significance, and their metaphysical properties. From a holistic perspective, crystals are often associated with intentions, meditation, and chakra work, serving as tools to enhance focus, relaxation, and spiritual connection.

Additionally, some individuals turn to crystals for their potential calming, energizing, or protective properties, viewing them as supportive elements in their personal journey toward physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. While the efficacy of crystal use is subjective and not scientifically proven, the practice remains a popular and deeply personal aspect of various cultural, spiritual, and holistic traditions. Below are some more reasons why people use crystals.

Crystals have been revered for their beauty and perceived mystical properties throughout history in various cultures. This historical significance contributes to their enduring popularity. I believe that our ancestors knew what they were doing because they were taught these things. We should seriously consider their beliefs and rituals because they definitely hold credence.

Many individuals are drawn to the holistic and spiritual aspects of crystal healing. The idea that crystals can positively influence one’s energy, emotions, and spiritual well-being aligns with certain belief systems.

Some people use crystals as part of a broader approach to well-being, incorporating them alongside meditation, yoga, and other holistic practices. I use crystal along side of my Reiki, vibrational, and sound healing practices for clients and myself. Crystals are powerful on their own, but throw in a complementary practice and whoa…


Crystals &Amp; Statue
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1211

Crystals, with their ancient allure and mysterious properties, offer a unique and complementary approach to addiction recovery. While they are not a substitute for professional medical and therapeutic interventions, I know many individuals, including myself, find solace and support in the energetic properties of these natural wonders. Whether you’re at the beginning of your recovery journey or well into it, exploring the potential of crystals may provide an additional source of strength and resilience, fostering a holistic approach to healing that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.

I think that if you can manage to keep an open mind and you begin to integrate crystals into your daily life you will be thanking me a little down the road. They have the potential to make all the mishaps of the past suddenly not seem so important because suddenly you KNOW that you really do GOT this, and you do!

Post Off

“Your changes do NOT inspire other people, they confront them.”

-Mel Robbins

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

Not only is the best yet to come, it’s going to keep coming because I deserve nothing less.

If This Post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community. After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community.

If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

Free Crystal Quiz

Find out what crystal you need in your life today.

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Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1212
Pnp Bead Necklace With Pendant.
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1213
Logo Hoodie
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Pnp Womens Tee
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1215
Pnp Hoodie
Harnessing the Power of Crystals in Addiction Recovery: A Holistic Approach to Healing 1216
State Ignores Inhumane Conditions of the Vermont Women’s Prison for More than 20 Years

State Ignores Inhumane Conditions of the Vermont Women’s Prison for More than 20 Years

Inhumane Conditions Of The Vermont Women'S Prison
State Ignores Inhumane Conditions of the Vermont Women's Prison for More than 20 Years 1226

Below is a post I found that goes hand and hand with my Breaking the Silence series about the inhumane conditions of the Vermont women’s prison. How bad is it that the State of Vermont has been aware of the inhumane conditions in that facility for more than twenty years, and they have done NOTHING to rectify it?

In Slice 1 of the series, I mention the sewage that backed up into the cells made it impossible for us to walk on the floor, and we were locked in these cells twenty-three hours a day. My entire unit wrote to Prisoner’s Rights, and nine months later, they allowed us not to be locked in the cells and to have access to the backed-up dayroom. That occurred around 2002 or 2004, and there are more records of this stuff than I can count.

They are entirely aware of these issues, but these women are still there almost twenty years later. They should have built another facility a long time ago, but instead, they spend our money on parks and recreation when human beings are suffering, and the world shrugs it off because of the stereotyping in regard to the populace. “Oh, they exaggerate the circumstances.”

The Inhumane Conditions of the Vermont Women’s Prison

I am here to tell you that there is no exaggerating the conditions of that nasty facility. The author says since 2011? Try 1995, at least. They moved us women out of CRCF in 2000, I think around there anyway, and our return in 2011 was just that: a return. They moved us to the Windsor facility, and I am not even kidding; our shampoo and hygiene items would be frozen if we left them on our dressers in front of the windows.

The windows wouldn’t close all the way. We had to sleep with our oversized winter jackets on, and they actually allowed us to double up on the bunks because even the COs knew we might not survive it. They left us in that facility for what… Four years, maybe more, maybe less. Winters in Windsor, VT, are no joke, man. I am 7.5 years sober, and I grew up in the Vermont women’s prisons for non-violent drug-related crimes.

Some of the most amazing human beings I have ever met were in that jail. Most of them have passed away now, and I have to say I was never offered real long-term treatment, and for the most part, neither were they. I went twice to treatment on my own.

I am the CEO and founder of this blog, I am a professional coach, a member of the NAACP, a Shatterproof ambassador, and don’t you know, the minute I wasn’t being torn apart by the Department of Corrections, the state attorney’s office and the rest of the VT judicial system, I turned my life around after a near lifelong addiction to IV heroin.

I Was NEVER a Bad Person; I Just Had a Bad Drug Problem.

Now, I help those who haven’t been that fortunate. I have been trying to get in front of the Vermont legislature for about five years now. Thank you for writing the post below. Seriously. Those women need an advocate who doesn’t have a criminal background because I can attest to the fact that nobody cares what they have to say. At least nobody that works for the state.

Something close to 90% of Vermont’s women’s population is there as a result of their drug addiction. Last I checked, ninety-something percent have suffered as a result of severe trauma and suffer from mental health issues. Don’t you think there might be a high probability that the many women we lost to drug overdose could be a result of the conditions or the employees within that facility? I know too much to stay quiet.

We have lost so many of those women I grew up with. I can’t tell you that I would have chosen death over returning to that facility had I had the choice, and I know many of the women felt the same, especially when most of us were locked up for things like ‘lack of an approvable residence’s, having an unauthorized visitor, etc.

My life was lost within those walls, and there is no making it okay now. I made one poor choice and was an unsupported youth with nobody who cared. Most of us were. I was NEVER a bad person; I just had a bad drug problem.

I was charged with three felony escapes that aren’t even charges now, and I never even went on escape. I went to a grocery store that wasn’t on my pass, and I went to Hampton Beach—no GPS for me.

Vermont Strong?

Vermont residents who suffer from SUD aren’t like the rest of the nation. (Most, anyway.) We are Vermonters, and we care about doing the right thing.

Even now, I am stigmatized within my niche. Vermont has a flawed system that doesn’t work. Why can’t I seem to get in front of the legislature to share my story? They don’t want to hear it because I was just another “lowly drug-addicted Vermont resident who was a drain on Vermont resources.

We all know that addiction has no prejudice, and as soon as the higher-up functioning members of society realize this, they can start making moves that matter. I was beaten down so severely by this system that I began thinking I wasn’t worth it, and the thought of other young Vermont men and women going through what I went through kills me. I keep asking myself, ‘What can I do?’ and coming up empty. I’ve tried everything.

I can’t even get Guest Posts within the Addiction Recovery niche, so I went on to the Personal Development and Spirituality niche, where I am able to be seen for more than my addiction and status as a five-time convicted felon when almost all of my FELONIES are not only no longer felonies but no longer criminal charges at all. We are Vermont Strong only if you fit into a perfect little box, and it sickens me.

Fu#$ Vermont

So please tell me why I spent twenty-plus years of my life going in and out of jail when I never hurt anybody but myself. I would love to know what’s worth a young life being ruthlessly wasted before addiction was considered a disease. Give me my life back, man.

Why were we ruthlessly ripped off our maintenance and mental health meds and forced to detox for having an unauthorized visitor or being out of place?

Fu#$ Vermont! Fu#$ Vermont! The State of Vermont employs more criminals than we ever thought of being. That’s how I feel about this. Not that anyone cares, but Fu$& Vermont for caring so little about our young lives and caring more about having ‘the example’ to keep them rest in line.

This is the awesome and compassionate post I am responding to in this post.

👉Click the titles to read the actual articles. 👈

Post Off

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”

-Henry Ford

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I will keep an open mind, a strong heart, and a conscious mind throughout my journey to become my best and highest self.

New Moon Candle
New Moon Candle
Peloton Bike
Peloton Bike
Third Eye Orgonite
Third Eye Orgonite

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If you are interested in some of the other posts in the series…

Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System Slice 1

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

If you are interested in contributing to the series, click here and let me know, or submit your work with the title ‘Submission.’

A Vermont Women’s Prison Story (Slice 2 of the Series)

Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing

Chakras And Addiction Recovery Title Image
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1389

Hey there, fellow recovery warriors! Grab a cup of herbal tea, put on your favorite meditation playlist, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of chakras and how they can help us on our journey to sobriety.

Picture this: You’re on a path to recovery, navigating the ups and downs, and suddenly, you stumble upon the mystical realm of chakras. What are these colorful energy centers, you ask? Well, buckle up because we’re about to embark on a whimsical journey of self-discovery, healing, and a touch of fun!

This post will journey through the colorful world of chakras and addiction recovery. I’m your guide, and I’ve been through the rollercoaster of recovery myself—almost eight years and going strong. But let’s not get too serious about it. We’re here to explore how working with my chakras aided me in overcoming my addiction to heroin.

Most of us who are struggling with addiction are trying to fill a void or a hole within ourselves with substances. Before I began this work, the guy I was seeing overdosed and died, and my best friend- went to jail for allegedly selling him the dope that killed him.

This forced me to take a long, hard look at what I was doing and why. I knew that the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, but that didn’t stop me from trying for more than twenty years.

Sound familiar? By this point, after sitting through the 2015 Super Bowl alone, I knew I had to make some drastic changes, but I was only willing to start small (as usual.) I started using the law of attraction to make small changes. Even though I thought they were all crazy, I was desperate. My search led me to learn about the chakras, getting sober, getting Reiki, and then becoming a Reiki practitioner because, in case you don’t know, EVERYTHING is energy.

Before proceeding, I want to let you know that some recommendations in the post might require the use of meditation or visualization techniques.

Finding and exploring my spirituality (not to be confused with religion) filled the hole within that I had been trying to fill for so long with heroin, and I believe it can do the same for you. The more I began to dig up information to disprove the fact that we as a society have been horribly and irrevocably lied to for our entire existence, the more I would learn and experience to further prove what I was attempting to disprove.

It wasn’t long before the synchronicity became too big for me to ignore. Shortly after that, I witnessed real and true magic with my very own eyes. I have even got videos. Before we proceed, I would like to ask you one thing. It’s small, but it will make a big difference in how you receive this life-altering information.

I am asking you to keep an open mind. How hard is that? Not too hard. I am constantly letting readers know how important authenticity is to me because I need you to know that I would never BS you. I only want to help people and prevent them from wasting twenty (or more, probably less) years of their lives like I did. This post will help if you decide to keep an open mind.

Embarking on the journey through chakras is like unlocking a treasure chest of self-discovery and healing. These seven energy centers, known as chakras, are integral to the holistic well-being of mind, body, and spirit, especially with addiction and recovery. Each chakra is a unique powerhouse governing specific aspects of our existence and holds the key to unlocking a more balanced and harmonious life, substance-free.

From the rooted stability of the Muladhara (Root) Chakra to the ethereal connection of the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra, these energy hubs guide us through the intricate dance of our own energies. So, buckle up as we take a colorful expedition through the chakras, exploring their individual nuances and discovering how they can play a transformative role in addiction recovery and overall well-being.

The Root Chakra

Chakras And Addiction Recovery: The Root Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1390

Stability & Health: Ah, the root chakra, our anchor to the physical world. Just like a tree needs strong roots to withstand the winds of change, we also need stability in our journeys of recovery. This chakra reminds us to ground ourselves, reconnect with our bodies, and find stability amidst the chaos.

Prepare for this root chakra visualization in a quiet and comfortable space. Find a seated or lying position, ensuring you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your body to relax.

  1. Foundational Breath Awareness: Begin by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply, directing the breath to the base of your spine—the location of the root chakra. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension. Continue with deliberate and grounding breaths.
  2. Visualize a Deep Red Glow: Close your eyes and visualize a deep, vibrant red glow at the base of your spine. Picture this red light expanding with each breath, creating a warm and grounding energy. Feel the comforting and stabilizing essence of the red light.
  3. Rooted Tree Visualization: Envision yourself as a strong and rooted tree. Picture your legs as the trunk, extending deep into the Earth. Feel the energy of your roots reaching down, establishing a firm connection with the soil. Sense the stability and support of your rooted foundation.
  4. Earth Energy Absorption: Visualize the red light transforming into a stream of Earth’s energy, flowing up through your roots and into your body. Feel this energy nourishing your root chakra, instilling a sense of security and stability.
  5. Safety and Security Blanket: Picture a warm and protective blanket of energy surrounding your body. See this energy extending from the base of your spine, creating a cocoon of safety. Allow the sense of security to permeate every cell of your being.
  6. Grounding Crystals Connection: Envision grounding crystals, such as red jasper or hematite, surrounding your root chakra. Feel the energy of these crystals resonating with your root, promoting balance and stability. Sense their protective influence on your energy.
  7. Root Chakra Affirmations: Integrate affirmations that align with the root chakra’s energy. Examples include “I am grounded and secure” or “I trust in the process of life.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing the words to settle into your consciousness.
  8. Earth Connection Meditation: Imagine yourself in a serene natural setting—a forest, meadow, or mountainside. Feel the connection between your body and the Earth beneath you. Allow the grounding energy of the Earth to infuse your root chakra.
  9. Balancing Yoga Poses: Visualize engaging in grounding yoga poses, such as Mountain Pose or Tree Pose. Picture the energy of the Earth supporting and stabilizing you as you move through these poses. Sense the alignment of your root chakra.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the stable and grounded energy within your root chakra. Open your eyes and carry this rooted stability into your daily life.

Regular practice of this root chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery establish a strong and stable foundation, fostering a sense of security and groundedness on their journey toward healing and transformation.

More: Imagine yourself as a mighty oak firmly rooted in your commitment to sobriety. When we focus on our root chakra, we cultivate a sense of security and safety. We become aware of our fundamental needs and work towards fulfilling them. It’s like building a solid foundation for our recovery house. So, dear warrior, take a moment to visualize yourself firmly rooted, standing tall, and capable of weathering any storm that comes your way. We always do.

Grounding: Imagine your root chakra as the anchor of your recovery ship. It’s all about stability, security, and feeling grounded. When we’re bouncing around like a pinball in early recovery, this chakra helps you find your balance.

Begin this root chakra exercise in a calm and comfortable space. Have a journal and pen nearby and sit in a relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself, feeling the connection between your body and the Earth.

  1. Rooted Meditation: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Picture a red, grounding light at the base of your spine—the location of the root chakra. Envision this light extending down, forming roots that anchor you to the Earth. Breathe deeply, drawing in stability with each inhale and releasing tension with each exhale.
  2. Grounding Walk: Take a mindful walk outdoors, preferably in nature. Feel the connection between your feet and the Earth with each step. As you walk, visualize the energy from the Earth rising through your body, nourishing your root chakra and instilling a sense of stability.
  3. Root Chakra Affirmations: Develop affirmations that resonate with the energy of the root chakra. Examples include “I am grounded and secure” or “I trust in the process of life.” Repeat these affirmations with conviction, allowing the words to permeate your consciousness.
  4. Earth Connection Visualization: Imagine yourself sitting or lying on the bare ground. Visualize the Earth’s energy rising through your body, clearing away any stagnant or negative energy. Sense the solidity and support of the Earth beneath you, fostering a deep-rooted connection.
  5. Physical Grounding Yoga Poses: Incorporate yoga poses that focus on the lower body, such as Mountain Pose, Tree Pose, or Child’s Pose. These poses enhance the flow of energy to the root chakra, promoting physical and energetic stability.
  6. Root Chakra Crystal Meditation: Choose grounding crystals such as red jasper or hematite. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it at the base of your spine during meditation. Allow the crystal’s energy to resonate with your root chakra, promoting a sense of security.
  7. Grounding Rituals: Develop grounding rituals, such as spending time barefoot on natural surfaces, gardening, or sitting against a tree. Engage in these activities regularly to strengthen your connection with the Earth and promote root chakra balance.
  8. Safety and Stability Reflection: Open your journal and reflect on aspects of your life that make you feel safe and stable. This could include relationships, routines, or personal achievements. Acknowledge the areas where you already experience a sense of security and build upon them.

Incorporating these root chakra grounding exercises into our routine can foster a strong foundation for our journey. This process helps establish stability, security, and a deeper connection with the Earth, contributing to a more balanced and resilient recovery.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Root Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Chakras And Addiction Recovery: Sacral Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1391

Creativity: Addiction can rob you of your creative spirit, but the sacral chakra can help reignite it. It’s like the source of artistic energy that keeps you entertained in your recovery journey. Embracing Joyful Sobriety: The sacral chakra is all about pleasure, joy, and creativity. We LOVE pleasure, don’t we, friends? That’s what got us here, to begin with, isn’t it? As we embrace a life free from addiction, we rediscover the simple joys that were once overshadowed. Dance like nobody’s watching, paint like a toddler, run barefoot in the grass, and laugh until your belly hurts.

Trust me, sobriety doesn’t mean a dull existence; it means finding a new zest for life! When we tap into our sacral chakra, we unlock a wellspring of creativity and passion. We find delight in the little things and appreciate the beauty around us. So, don’t be afraid to let your inner child run wild and embrace the joyful side of sobriety. Who knew that living life to the fullest could be so much fun?

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Settle into a relaxed position, either sitting or lying down. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and let go of any tension.

  1. Deep Belly Breaths: Begin by taking slow, deep breaths, focusing on filling your belly with each inhalation. Feel the breath expand into your abdomen and exhale gently. This rhythmic breathing helps relax your body and mind.
  2. Visualize a Radiant Orange Light: Close your eyes and imagine a vibrant, glowing orange light at the location of your sacral chakra, just below your navel. Picture this light growing brighter with each breath, emanating warmth and creativity.
  3. Warmth and Fluidity: Envision this orange light as a pool of warm, liquid energy. Feel it gently flowing and swirling in your sacral area, creating a sensation of comfort and fluidity. Allow this warmth to spread through your lower abdomen.
  4. Embrace Creative Elements: Visualize elements associated with creativity, such as flowing water, blooming flowers, or the warmth of the sun. Picture these elements surrounding and infusing the orange light, amplifying your creative energy.
  5. Explore Your Creative Space: Imagine stepping into a space that represents your creativity. It could be a studio, a natural setting, or any place that sparks your imagination. Explore this space, taking in the sights, sounds, and scents that evoke your creative passion.
  6. Engage in Creative Activities: Within your visualization, engage in creative activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s painting, dancing, writing, or any form of self-expression, allow yourself to fully immerse in the creative process. Feel the liberation and fulfillment it brings.
  7. Connect with Emotions: Tune into your emotions as you create within this visualization. Allow yourself to express and release any emotions that arise, acknowledging the power of your feelings as fuel for your creative endeavors.
  8. Empowerment and Joy: As you immerse yourself in this creative space, sense a growing empowerment and joy within. Feel the energy of the sacral chakra expanding and radiating positivity, infusing your entire being with a sense of fulfillment.
  9. Affirmations for Creativity: Integrate affirmations related to creativity, such as “I am a creative being” or “My creativity flows effortlessly.” Repeat these affirmations in your mind, reinforcing the positive energy cultivated in your sacral chakra.
  10. Gradual Return to Reality: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the creative energy you’ve invoked. Open your eyes and carry this renewed sense of creativity with you into your daily life.

This sacral chakra visualization is a powerful tool for individuals in recovery to reconnect with their creative essence. Regular practice can help unlock the flow of creative energy, bringing inspiration, passion, and a deeper connection to one’s authentic self on the journey to recovery.

Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Grab a journal and some colorful pens or pencils, creating an inviting atmosphere for self-reflection. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body to relax and your mind to settle.

  1. Reflect on Past Passions: Start by revisiting moments in your life when you felt profoundly passionate or engaged in a creative pursuit before addiction took its toll. Jot down memories, experiences, or activities that once brought you joy.
  2. Identify Current Interests: Consider your present interests and any sparks of curiosity that may have surfaced during your recovery journey. These can be simple hobbies, artistic endeavors, or activities you’ve been meaning to explore.
  3. Visualize Your Creative Self: Close your eyes and visualize a version of yourself completely in tune with your creative side. Picture this version of you engaged in activities that ignite your passion and bring joy. Notice the vibrant colors and sensations associated with this creative expression.
  4. Expressive Writing: Open your eyes and let the creative energy flow onto the pages of your journal. Write freely about your past passions, current interests, and the envisioned creative self. Explore how engaging with these activities makes you feel and any emotions they evoke.
  5. Set Creative Intentions: Set intentions for incorporating creative and passionate pursuits into your life based on your reflections. Establish realistic goals that align with your current interests, allowing the Sacral Chakra’s energy to flow freely.
  6. Create a Vision Board: If you’re feeling inspired, extend this exercise by visually representing your creative intentions. Collect images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your passions, arranging them on a vision board as a daily reminder of your creative journey. This really helped me, and I will even include a photo of mine for inspo.

This creative journaling exercise provides a pathway for individuals in addiction recovery to reconnect with their Sacral Chakra. By exploring and embracing their creative side, they tap into a wellspring of inspiration and joy, fostering a renewed sense of purpose on their journey toward healing.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Sacral Chakra

Bios Apothecary - 2Nd Chakra Balancing Oil - Svadhisthana Sacral Chakra
Bios Apothecary – 2nd Chakra Balancing Oil – Svadhisthana Sacral Chakra
Carnelian Chakra Tree Of Life
Carnelian Chakra Tree of Life
Sacral Orgone Pyramid With Healing Crystal Red Aventurine Sphere
Sacral Orgone Pyramid with Healing Crystal Red Aventurine Sphere
Sacral Essential Oil
Sacral Essential Oil

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakras &Amp; Addiction Recovery: Solar Plexus Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1392

Igniting the Fire Within: The solar plexus chakra is like a blazing fire in our core, empowering us with confidence and personal power. As we recover, we reclaim our strength and ignite the fire within, much like the Phoenix rushing from the ashes we have all heard so much about. Embrace your newfound courage, stand tall, and let your inner warrior shine.

Remember, you are a force to be reckoned with! When we activate our solar plexus chakra, we step into our personal power. We release self-doubt and embrace our strengths and abilities. We radiate confidence and determination, lighting up the path to our recovery.

So, my fellow warrior, ignite that fire within and let it fuel your journey towards a brighter and bolder future, just as I have. Confidence: As recovering addicts, we tend to struggle with self-esteem. I sure do, anyway. The solar plexus chakra is our inner cheerleader. It boosts our confidence and helps us take on life’s challenges, and tell me this isn’t just what the doctor ordered. It so is.

Prepare for this solar plexus chakra visualization in a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down, ensuring you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your body to relax.

  1. Focused Breathing: Begin by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling the breath fill your abdomen, and exhale slowly. With each breath, sense a growing warmth in the area above your navel, where the solar plexus chakra resides.
  2. Visualize a Radiant Yellow Light: Close your eyes and visualize a vibrant yellow light at your solar plexus. Picture this light expanding with each breath, radiating a powerful, confident energy. Feel the warmth and intensity of the yellow light as it glows within you.
  3. Solar Plexus Sun: Imagine the yellow light transforming into a radiant sun at your solar plexus. Visualize the sun pulsating with vitality, casting its empowering rays throughout your entire being. Sense the energy of the sun infusing you with strength and courage.
  4. Empowering Flame: Envision a flickering flame within the sun, representing your personal power. See the flame growing stronger with each breath, symbolizing your inner strength and the ability to overcome challenges.
  5. Visualization of Achievements: Picture a screen in front of you, like a movie screen, showing images of your past achievements and moments where you demonstrated personal power. Relive these empowering experiences, connecting with the sense of accomplishment they bring.
  6. Physical Empowerment Postures: Visualize yourself standing tall with a confident posture. Envision the energy of the sun radiating from your solar plexus, empowering your physical presence. Feel the strength and assurance in your stance.
  7. Affirmations for Personal Power: Integrate affirmations that resonate with the solar plexus chakra. Examples include “I am confident and powerful” or “I trust in my ability to achieve my goals.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing them to strengthen your sense of personal power.
  8. Manifestation of Goals: Envision your goals and aspirations as tangible manifestations. Picture yourself taking steps towards achieving these goals, fueled by the powerful energy of the solar plexus. Feel the confidence and determination propelling you forward.
  9. Radiant Aura of Confidence: Imagine a radiant aura surrounding you, filled with the empowering yellow light of the solar plexus chakra. Visualize this aura expanding, creating a field of confidence and positive energy that extends beyond your physical body.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the newfound sense of personal power within you. Open your eyes and carry this empowered energy into your daily life.

Regular practice of this solar plexus chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery tap into their personal power, boosting confidence and resilience on their journey toward healing and self-discovery.

Create a dedicated space for self-reflection, ensuring a calm and quiet environment. Have a notebook and pen ready, and sit comfortably with your back straight. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind. I don’t want to hear the ‘I have ADHD and can’t sit still’ or whatever because I have suffered with ADHD my entire life, and I used to say the same thing. Now, the fact that I didn’t start meditating earlier in life is one of my biggest regrets. Just humor me and freaking try it.

  1. Identify Personal Strengths: Begin by listing your personal strengths and achievements, acknowledging the resilience and courage that brought you to the point of recovery. Reflect on instances where you felt powerful and capable.
  2. Clarify Values and Goals: Consider your values and what truly matters to you. Define short-term and long-term goals aligned with your values, whether they relate to career, relationships, personal growth, or other aspects of life.
  3. Affirmations for Empowerment: Craft positive affirmations that resonate with your goals and values. These affirmations should reflect your inner strength, resilience, and the power you hold within. Repeat these affirmations aloud with conviction.
  4. Visualization Exercise: Close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving your goals. Picture the empowered version of yourself, confident and successful. Envision the steps you’ll take to reach your objectives and the positive impact it will have on your life.
  5. Create a Goal-Setting Plan: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Develop a step-by-step plan for achieving them, incorporating realistic timelines. This process empowers you by providing a clear roadmap for your journey.
  6. Celebrate Achievements: As you make progress, celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. Recognize and reward yourself for the effort and dedication you invest in achieving your goals. This reinforces the sense of empowerment associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.
  7. Physical Empowerment Practices: Engage in physical activities that make you feel strong and confident, such as yoga, martial arts, or strength training. These exercises not only promote physical well-being but also enhance the Solar Plexus Chakra’s energy.

This Solar Plexus Chakra empowerment exercise encourages individuals in addiction recovery to reconnect with their inner strength and regain a sense of personal power. By setting and achieving goals aligned with their values, they activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, fostering confidence and resilience on their transformative journey.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Bios Apothecary - 4Th Chakra Balancing Oil
Bios Apothecary – 4th Chakra Balancing Oil
Seven Chakra Tibetan Singing Bowl
Seven Chakra Tibetan singing bowl
Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura – Kundalini Yoga Meditation T-Shirt
Solar Plexus Chakra Manipura

The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1393

Love, love, love! The heart chakra is all about compassion, forgiveness, and, most importantly, self-love. As we heal, it’s crucial to nurture our hearts, forgive ourselves for the past, and shower ourselves with love. Treat yourself with kindness, practice gratitude, and open your heart to the beautiful journey of recovery.

When we tap into our heart chakra, we invite love and compassion into our lives. We learn to extend forgiveness to ourselves and others, and we cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the present moment. So, dear warrior, let your heart expand with love and let it guide you towards a life filled with joy and connection.

Compassion: Addiction can make us forget about love, but the heart chakra reminds us to be kind, first and foremost, to ourselves. It’s like a warm, fuzzy hug from the universe.

Create a serene space for this heart chakra visualization. Sit comfortably or lie down, ensuring a peaceful environment. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing the cares of the day to fade away.

  1. Heart-Centered Breathing: Begin by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply, directing your breath to the center of your chest—the location of the heart chakra. Exhale slowly, feeling the breath flow through the heart space. Continue this heart-centered breathing.
  2. Visualize a Radiant Green Light: Close your eyes and visualize a gentle, radiant green light at the center of your chest. Picture this light expanding with each breath, creating a warm and comforting glow. Feel the soothing energy of the green light enveloping your heart.
  3. Heart Opening Flower: Envision a blossoming flower at the center of your chest, with its petals gradually unfolding. As the flower opens, sense your heart chakra expanding, allowing love and compassion to flow freely. Feel the tender energy of the flower unfolding within you.
  4. Connection with Loved Ones: Picture the faces of loved ones, friends, and those you care about deeply. See their smiles, feel their warmth, and sense the love shared between you. Allow this connection to amplify the energy of your heart chakra.
  5. Acts of Compassion: Visualize instances where you’ve shown compassion and received it from others. Replay these moments in your mind, experiencing the kindness and warmth exchanged. Let the energy of compassion fill your heart space.
  6. Healing Light for Self and Others: Envision the green light intensifying, becoming a healing energy that radiates throughout your entire being. Picture this light extending beyond yourself, reaching others in need of healing. Feel the interconnectedness of all beings through the healing energy of the heart.
  7. Affirmations for Love and Compassion: Incorporate affirmations that resonate with the heart chakra. Examples include “I am worthy of love,” or “I radiate love and compassion to myself and others.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing the words to permeate your heart space.
  8. Gratitude for Love: Reflect on the love in your life, expressing gratitude for the connections that bring joy and warmth. Feel the gratitude expanding your heart chakra, creating a positive feedback loop of love and appreciation.
  9. Expansion of Loving Energy: Visualize the green light expanding beyond your physical body, creating a loving aura around you. Sense this aura radiating love and compassion, positively influencing your interactions with others.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the love and compassion cultivated within your heart. Open your eyes and carry this loving energy into your interactions and experiences.

Regular practice of this heart chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery foster a deeper connection with love, compassion, and the healing energy that resides within the heart center.

Find a quiet and comfortable space for this heart-opening exercise. Have a journal and pen ready, and sit or lie down in a relaxed position. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling positivity and exhaling tension, allowing your body and mind to settle.

  1. Gratitude Reflection: Begin by reflecting on aspects of your life for which you are grateful. Consider people, experiences, or moments that have brought joy or comfort. List these in your journal, acknowledging the positive elements that surround you.
  2. Self-Appreciation Affirmations: Write down affirmations that emphasize self-love and appreciation. Affirm your worth, acknowledging that you are deserving of love and compassion. Repeat these affirmations aloud to reinforce positive self-perception.
  3. Forgiveness Meditation: Close your eyes and focus on your breath. As you inhale, visualize self-forgiveness and acceptance filling your heart space. On each exhale, release any self-critical thoughts or lingering guilt. Picture your heart becoming lighter with each breath.
  4. Loving-Kindness Meditation: Extend feelings of love and compassion beyond yourself. Envision sending love to others in your life, whether they are close friends, family, or even those with whom you may have conflicts. Embrace the interconnectedness of all beings through love.
  5. Heart-Opening Yoga Poses: Incorporate heart-opening yoga poses into your routine. Poses like cobra, camel, or bridge open the chest, promoting physical and energetic expansion in the heart center. Move mindfully and connect with the breath during these poses.
  6. Create a Heart-Centered Mantra: Develop a personal mantra that resonates with the energy of the heart chakra. This could be a simple phrase like “I am love” or “I radiate compassion.” Repeat this mantra during moments of reflection or meditation.
  7. Acts of Kindness: Engage in small acts of kindness throughout your day. Whether expressing gratitude, offering assistance, or simply smiling at others, these gestures foster a sense of connection and compassion, aligning with the heart chakra’s energy.
  8. Heart-Centered Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize a radiant green light at the center of your chest—the color associated with the heart chakra. Imagine this light expanding with each breath, enveloping your entire being in a warm and loving glow.

By regularly practicing this heart chakra healing exercise, individuals in addiction recovery can cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and others. This exercise fosters self-love, forgiveness, and compassion, creating a heart-centered foundation for the transformative journey toward lasting recovery.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Orgonite
Heart Chakra Orgonite
Karma Pledge Bonsai Tree Of Life 7 Chakra Healing Crystals &Amp; Stones For Positive Energy
Karma Pledge Bonsai Tree of Life 7 Chakra Healing Crystals

The Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1394

Communication: The throat chakra helps you find your voice. It’s your secret weapon for expressing your feelings, setting boundaries, and asking for help.

Expressing Your Truth: The throat chakra is our gateway to honest self-expression. In recovery, it’s vital to find our voice and speak our truth. Whether it’s through journaling, sharing our stories, or engaging in support groups, let your voice be heard. Speak up, advocate for yourself, and inspire others with your authenticity. When we activate our throat chakra, we find the courage to express ourselves authentically. We let go of the fear of judgment and embrace our unique voice. So, dear warrior, let your words flow freely, for they have the power to inspire, heal, and create positive change in your life and the lives of others.

Prepare for this throat chakra visualization in a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down, ensuring you won’t be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your body to relax.

  1. Conscious Breathing: Begin by focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply, directing your breath to the area of your throat—the location of the throat chakra. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension in the throat. Continue with conscious and intentional breathing.
  2. Visualize a Brilliant Blue Light: Close your eyes and visualize a radiant, bright blue light at your throat. Picture this light expanding with each breath, illuminating the space around your neck and throat. Feel the cool and calming energy of the blue light.
  3. Flowing River of Expression: Envision your throat as a flowing river. Picture this river meandering through a serene landscape, symbolizing the free and unrestricted flow of your authentic expression. Feel the ease and fluidity of your communication.
  4. Vibrant Blue Lotus: Imagine a vibrant blue lotus flower blossoming at your throat. Visualize each petal unfolding gracefully, representing the blossoming of your unique voice and authentic self-expression. Sense the purity and authenticity of the lotus energy.
  5. Sound Resonance: Engage in toning or humming, allowing the vibrations to resonate in your throat. Sense the reverberations clearing any energetic blockages, creating a harmonious and balanced flow of energy in the throat chakra.
  6. Expressive Communication Scenes: Visualize scenes where you communicate authentically and assertively. See yourself expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas with clarity and confidence. Replay these empowering communication moments in your mind.
  7. Affirmations for Authentic Expression: Integrate affirmations that align with the throat chakra’s energy. Examples include “I speak my truth with confidence” or “My voice is a powerful expression of my authentic self.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing them to resonate within.
  8. Throat-Opening Yoga Poses: Picture yourself engaging in yoga poses that open the throat, such as Fish Pose or Shoulder Stand. Visualize the energy flowing freely through your throat, enhancing your ability to express yourself authentically.
  9. Creative Articulation: Envision engaging in creative forms of expression that resonate with you—whether it’s writing, speaking, singing, or any other artistic outlet. Feel the joy and fulfillment that comes from expressing your authentic voice.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the clear and authentic energy now flowing through your throat. Open your eyes and carry this empowered communication into your daily interactions.

Regular practice of this throat chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery rediscover and strengthen their authentic voice, promoting clear and confident self-expression on their journey toward healing and transformation.

Create a serene space for this throat chakra exercise where you can express yourself freely. Have a journal and a pen nearby, and sit in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, letting go of any tension.

  1. Voice Exploration: Begin by humming softly, gradually increasing the volume. Feel the vibrations in your throat. Experiment with different sounds—try singing, chanting, or even speaking affirmations aloud. Allow your voice to flow without judgment.
  2. Journal Your Truth: Open your journal and write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Be honest and unfiltered as you express your innermost thoughts. This act of self-expression helps you connect with your truth, aligning with the throat chakra’s energy.
  3. Affirmations for Communication: Craft affirmations that focus on clear and authentic communication. Examples include “My voice matters,” or “I express myself with honesty and clarity.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing them to resonate within.
  4. Listening Meditation: Practice active listening during meditation. Focus on external sounds without judgment. This cultivates a receptive state, fostering the balance needed for effective communication. Listening is a crucial aspect of healthy self-expression.
  5. Throat-Opening Yoga Poses: Incorporate yoga poses that target the throat chakra, such as fish pose or shoulder stand. These poses help release tension in the neck and throat, allowing for smoother communication and self-expression.
  6. Speak Your Truth Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize a bright blue light at your throat. Envision this light expanding with each breath, creating a space for you to speak your truth confidently and authentically. Picture any obstacles melting away.
  7. Expressive Arts: Engage in expressive arts such as writing, painting, or drawing. Allow your creativity to flow without inhibition. Use this medium to communicate your emotions and experiences, tapping into the throat chakra’s energy for self-expression.
  8. Set Communication Intentions: Reflect on your communication habits and set intentions for improvement. Whether expressing your needs more clearly or actively listening to others, establishing positive communication goals aligns with the throat chakra’s influence.

By incorporating these practices regularly, individuals in addiction recovery can nurture their throat chakra, fostering clear and authentic communication. This exercise empowers individuals to find their voice, speak their truth, and create a harmonious flow of expression on their journey toward healing and recovery.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra Vishuddha Journal
Throat Chakra Vishuddha Journal
Bios Apothecary - 5Th Chakra Balancing Oil - Vishuddha Throat Chakra Aromatherapy 
Bios Apothecary – 5th Chakra Balancing Oil – Vishuddha Throat Chakra Aromatherapy 

The Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1395

Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Ah, the third eye chakra, the seat of intuition and inner wisdom. Ever had that gut feeling? That’s your third eye chakra talking to you. It’s like your internal GPS guiding you away from addictive triggers. As we heal and make better choices, our inner guidance becomes stronger. Trust your instincts, embrace your inner guru, and let your intuition be your recovery compass. You’ve got this, and your inner wisdom will guide you every step of the way.

When we tap into our third eye chakra, we access our intuition and inner knowing. We learn to trust ourselves and make decisions aligned with our highest good. So, dear warrior, close your physical eyes, and open the eye of your soul. Let your intuition be your guide as you navigate the twists and turns of your recovery journey.

Find a tranquil and comfortable space for this third-eye chakra visualization. Sit or lie down, ensuring a peaceful environment. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your mind to quiet.

  1. Centering Breath: Begin by taking slow, intentional breaths. Inhale deeply, directing your breath to the space between your eyebrows—the location of the third eye chakra. Exhale slowly, releasing any mental tension. Continue this centering breath.
  2. Visualize a Luminous Indigo Light: Close your eyes and visualize a gentle, luminous indigo light at the center of your forehead. Picture this light expanding with each breath, illuminating your inner vision. Feel the calming and expansive energy of the indigo light.
  3. Sacred Space of Insight: Envision entering a sacred space within your mind—a space that symbolizes your intuitive insight. This could be a serene garden, a library, or any setting that represents the expansiveness of your inner wisdom.
  4. Mystical Pathways of Insight: Picture pathways within your sacred space leading to doors of insight. Each door represents a different aspect of your intuition. Choose a door intuitively and open it, allowing a flood of intuitive wisdom to reveal itself.
  5. Connection with Higher Self: Visualize a luminous figure within your sacred space, representing your higher self. Engage in a silent conversation, seeking guidance and wisdom. Allow the connection with your higher self to deepen, fostering a profound sense of inner knowing.
  6. Guided Insight Meditation: Envision a guided meditation within your sacred space, led by your higher self. Allow the meditation to unfold, revealing insights and revelations that guide you on your spiritual journey. Sense the expansion of your intuitive abilities.
  7. Affirmations for Intuition: Integrate affirmations that resonate with the third eye chakra’s energy. Examples include “I trust my inner wisdom” or “My intuition guides me on my path.” Repeat these affirmations, letting them penetrate your consciousness.
  8. Crystal Clear Vision: Picture your mind’s eye becoming crystal clear, like a pristine pool of water. See visions and insights reflected on the surface, allowing your intuitive perceptions to manifest with clarity. Embrace the gift of clear vision.
  9. Nature Connection for Insight: Imagine yourself in a natural setting—a forest, mountain, or by the ocean. Feel a deep connection with the wisdom of nature, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things. Sense the insights nature offers for your spiritual journey.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the heightened sense of intuition and insight within you. Open your eyes and carry this expanded awareness into your daily life.

Regular practice of this third eye chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery tap into their intuitive abilities, fostering a deeper connection with inner wisdom and insight on their journey toward healing and self-discovery.

Set aside a quiet space for this exploration into the realm of your third eye chakra. Ensure you have a journal and pen nearby, and find a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and let go of external distractions.

  1. Meditative Visualization: Close your eyes and focus on the point between your eyebrows—the location of the third eye chakra. Imagine a deep indigo light emanating from this area. Envision this light expanding with each breath, awakening your intuition and insight.
  2. Dream Journaling: Keep a journal by your bedside and record your dreams upon waking. Dreams often contain symbolic messages from the subconscious, providing valuable insights that can be aligned with the intuitive nature of the third eye chakra.
  3. Mindful Observation: Practice mindfulness by observing your surroundings without judgment. Notice the details—the colors, textures, and sounds. This heightened awareness enhances your intuitive senses, allowing you to perceive subtle energies.
  4. Trataka Meditation: Engage in trataka meditation, a concentration practice involving gazing at a fixed point. This could be a candle flame or a specific image. As you maintain focus, let your mind relax, opening the gateway to intuitive insights.
  5. Affirmations for Intuition: Create affirmations that resonate with the third eye chakra’s energy, such as “I trust my inner wisdom” or “I am open to receiving intuitive guidance.” Repeat these affirmations regularly to reinforce your connection to intuition.
  6. Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature, whether it’s a park, a forest, or by the sea. Nature has a way of quieting the mind and heightening intuitive senses. Observe the natural world around you and allow it to inspire your inner vision.
  7. Tarot or Oracle Card Reading: Use tarot or oracle cards as tools for intuitive exploration. Pull a card with a specific question in mind or simply to gain insight into your current situation. Trust the messages that arise, as they may offer guidance from your intuition.
  8. Explore Creative Visualization: Visualize a scenario or decision you’re contemplating. Imagine each potential outcome and pay attention to your intuitive reactions. This creative visualization can illuminate the path that aligns with your inner knowing.

By consistently engaging in these third eye chakra exercises, individuals in addiction recovery can enhance their intuitive abilities and gain deeper insights. This process not only aids in decision-making but also strengthens the connection to one’s inner wisdom, contributing to a more holistic and guided recovery journey.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Orgonite
Third Eye Chakra Ajna Journal
Third Eye Chakra Ajna Journal
Ajna Third Eye Chakra Hooded T-Shirt With Thumbholes (Back Print)
Anja Hoodie

The Crown Chakra

Crown Chakra Correspondences
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1396

Recovery is not just about the physical or mental aspects; it’s also a spiritual journey. The crown chakra connects you to a higher purpose, reminding you there’s more to life than addiction.

Connecting to the Divine: Last but certainly not least, the crown chakra is our connection to the divine. As we recover, we realize that we are part of something greater than ourselves. Whether it’s through meditation, prayer, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around us, let your spirit soar and connect with the higher power of your understanding. When we activate our crown chakra, we experience a profound sense of connection to the universe and all that is. We surrender to the flow of life and trust in the divine plan. So, dear warrior, take a moment to bask in the beauty of existence and let your spirit rise above the challenges, knowing that you are always supported by a higher power.

Prepare for this crown chakra visualization in a quiet and serene space. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your mind and body to relax.

  1. Elevated Breath Awareness: Begin by bringing your attention to your breath. Inhale deeply, allowing the breath to rise from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension. Continue with conscious and intentional breaths.
  2. Visualize a Radiant Violet or White Light: Close your eyes and visualize a radiant violet or white light above your head at the location of the crown chakra. Picture this light expanding with each breath, creating a luminous halo above you. Feel the divine energy of the light.
  3. Crown Chakra Lotus Blossom: Envision a delicate lotus blossom at the crown of your head. Picture the petals gently unfolding, revealing a vibrant and pure light. Sense the lotus connecting you with the divine wisdom and universal consciousness.
  4. Golden Cord of Connection: Visualize a golden cord extending from the crown of your head, reaching upward into the cosmos. Feel this cord connecting you to the higher realms, symbolizing your link to divine wisdom and the infinite.
  5. Celestial Meditation Experience: Imagine entering a celestial meditation space within your mind. Visualize this space as a sanctuary of divine wisdom and higher knowledge. Allow yourself to sit or stand within this sacred space, surrounded by the profound energy of the cosmos.
  6. Connection with Spiritual Guides: Envision spiritual guides or beings of light appearing in your celestial space. Feel their presence and wisdom enveloping you. Engage in silent communication, seeking guidance and clarity on your spiritual journey.
  7. Crown Chakra Affirmations: Integrate affirmations that resonate with the crown chakra’s energy. Examples include “I am connected to divine wisdom” or “I trust in the unfolding of my spiritual journey.” Repeat these affirmations, allowing them to resonate within.
  8. Accessing Universal Knowledge: Visualize the crown chakra as a gateway to universal knowledge. Picture information and insights flowing down from this gateway, entering your awareness. Sense the profound wisdom and clarity that comes from tapping into the universal consciousness.
  9. Golden Halo of Enlightenment: Imagine a golden halo forming around your head, radiating with divine light. Feel this halo expanding, creating a luminous field of enlightenment that surrounds you. Embrace the divine wisdom and illumination bestowed upon you.
  10. Return to the Present: When you feel ready, gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths, acknowledging the connection with divine wisdom and the expansive energy within your crown chakra. Open your eyes and carry this heightened awareness into your daily life.

Regular practice of this crown chakra visualization can help individuals in recovery deepen their connection with divine wisdom, fostering a sense of spiritual insight and enlightenment on their transformative journey.

Create a serene space for this exploration of the crown chakra. Ensure you have a journal and pen nearby, and sit in a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, allowing the external world to fade away.

  1. Meditative Silence: Begin by sitting in stillness, focusing on your breath. As you breathe in, imagine a stream of pure, white light entering through the crown of your head. With each exhale, visualize any tension or distractions leaving your body.
  2. Guided Meditation for Unity: Explore guided meditations that emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine. Allow your mind to expand beyond personal concerns, tapping into the universal wisdom associated with the crown chakra.
  3. Mindful Silence in Nature: Spend time in nature, seeking a quiet spot. Practice mindful silence, tuning in to the sounds of the natural world. Feel the breeze, listen to the rustling leaves, and connect with the energy that transcends the physical realm.
  4. Journaling Spiritual Insights: Open your journal and reflect on any spiritual insights or moments of divine connection you’ve experienced. Write about your beliefs, questions, and any guidance you feel you’ve received. Journaling helps crystallize spiritual experiences.
  5. Affirmations for Spiritual Connection: Create affirmations that align with the energy of the crown chakra. Examples include “I am connected to the divine wisdom of the universe” or “I trust in the unfolding of my spiritual journey.” Repeat these affirmations with a sense of reverence.
  6. Gratitude for Existence: Cultivate gratitude for the gift of existence. Express appreciation for the interconnected web of life, acknowledging the sacredness of each moment. This practice opens the heart to higher states of consciousness.
  7. Connect through Prayer or Ritual: Engage in prayer, rituals, or ceremonies that resonate with your spiritual beliefs. These practices serve as a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms, fostering a sense of connection with divine energies.
  8. Contemplative Reading: Explore sacred texts, spiritual literature, or philosophical writings. Allow the wisdom of these texts to inspire contemplation and reflection. The insights gained can deepen your understanding of spiritual truths and the nature of existence.

By regularly incorporating these crown chakra exercises into your routine, individuals in addiction recovery can nurture their connection to spiritual wisdom. This process fosters a sense of purpose, meaning, and divine guidance, contributing to a more profound and spiritually grounded recovery journey.

Some of My Favorite Helpers for Working with Your Third Eye Chakra

Crown T Shirt
Crown T Shirt
Violet Crown Chakra Tibetan Bell (Note B)
  • Meditation: Meditating on each chakra can help you tune into and balance them.
  • Yoga: Different yoga poses to target specific chakras, promoting balance and well-being.
  • Crystals and Stones: Crystals like amethyst, clear quartz, and rose quartz can enhance chakra healing.
  • Herbs: Working with herbs corresponding to the chakra you are working on is incredibly beneficial. By simply dotting on some essential oils or sprinkling some herbs into your bedtime tea or dinner dish, you can aid your chakra in to a speedy recovery. Some other options might be to take well-researched or trusted 100% organic herb supplements or throw a few sprigs in your diffuser, or leave dry sprigs on the dashboard of your car.
  • Sound Healing: Use singing bowls, bells, tuning forks, or guided chakra meditation tracks to harmonize your energy centers.
  • Aromatherapy: Burn chakra incense or soak in a bath with Epson salt and chakra-corresponding bath oil and/or salts. Certain scents can stimulate or soothe chakras—for example, lavender is for the crown chakra, and orange is for the sacral chakra.
  • Diet: Eat foods that are corresponding chakra colored. For example, If you are working on your third eye chakra, eat eggplant and red grapes. If you are working on your solar plexus chakra, eat squash and bananas. This one is important and will benefit you in more ways than you know. If you’re like me, you were never taught that nutrition is detrimental to healthy mental states. It took me many years to figure this out. When I saw firsthand the change in myself after eating healthy foods with no preservatives that had been freshly picked and purchased from the only two organic isles at my local grocery store, it was more intense than THE most intense epiphany. Isn’t that just some word pocket science right there? Yeah. Not so much. Sorry about that. It’s late.

I used to laugh out loud when people would talk to me about nutrition and what I put into my body. I mean- I spent most of my life incarcerated and didn’t have much of a choice aside from which flavor Ramen I was having for dinner. We have never cared what we put in our bodies. We inject drugs into our bodies and take the word of our drug dealers when they promise us that we are buying MDMA. Are we CRAZY or what? Start to care. Start slowly. You can just start checking out labels at first and doing some research and move on to adding a vegetable or fruit to your daily intake and go from there.

Remember, chakras are like the GPS of your inner world. They won’t magically solve addiction, but they can be your trusty co-pilots on your path to recovery. Don’t take it all too seriously; life’s too short for that. Have fun, explore, and allow your chakras to be your quirky companions on this wild ride. All I can do is tell you what worked for me and that working through my chakras to clear blockages was and is a complete GAMECHANGER, and I would know. I was the one that people bet their kid’s lives would never change. All those poor kids, man. Sorry, NOT sorry. Ew. Did I just type that? Ew.

I have been dying to write this post. Sometimes, I feel as though I have unlocked secrets of the Universe throughout my recovery, and I kind of have. Anyone who knew me in my active addiction knew that not only did I not put out the desire to change anything about my wonderful life, but also that I had absolutely zero willpower. I still don’t, really. This is why the chakras and the law of attraction were integral to my recovery journey. What I was doing and what I knew wasn’t working.

This is where things get hard for me. I genuinely want to help people and aid them in not making the same unnecessary and life-altering mistakes that I made, but as you know, you can lead a horse to water… and that’s about it. I wish that you could have known me during my entire life of addiction and incarceration.

As you can imagine, I was ‘hard’. All of my best friends are guys, all of whom are currently incarcerated because some are still drug dealers, and they are my brothers. I love them. I even let my best friend get out of jail and come live with me and my family. He did awesome for quite a while until his mom and his dog (my dog that he gave me when he went to jail the time prior died.) He messed up and went back, but I still love him. He’s my brother.

Anyway, I am a girlie girl in appearance, but growing up with the ‘baddest’ guys in my area made me what I thought then, the ‘baddest’ girl, which I definitely was not in the way I thought at the time.

Don’t get me wrong, because I have always been a good person. An S1 at the Windsor jail once said, “I have never seen a sadder case, Samantha. You really are just a really good person with a really bad drug addiction.” Aren’t we all though? Nobody wants to be the bad guy, and for us, it’s more like waking up one day and realizing a horrible plot twist. Not only are you addicted, but you are the Joker of the story.

The chakras offer a holistic and unique approach to addiction and recovery. They’re like the colorful characters in my personal recovery story, each contributing their own flavor to my journey. So, let’s embrace the healing power of chakras with a smile and a sense of adventure because I am telling you that working through your chakras and unlocking their divine power will forever be the best decision you have ever made. Feel free to thank me later.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and you think you have tried everything and nothing has worked, please stick around because I don’t know how it happened, but I got sober, and I did it on my own by using the law of attraction, spirituality, the power of positivity, and my knowledge of the chakra energy centers to make small changes every day that lead up to big results over time. No groups. No 12-step meetings. Just me doing thinks a little different this time.

Almost eight years later, after having two late-in-life kids, purchasing my own 350k home, becoming a professional coach, starting my first business, and founding this blog to help others, I have to say holy sh*t! It fu*king worked, you guys, and if it worked for me, I promise it can work for you.

Post Off

“Disease is often an accumulation of dammed-up energy. When we learn how energy moves through the chakras we can begin to allow it to flow freely through our bodies, creating greater health.”


Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I am in harmony with my mind, body, and spirit, and I radiate positive energy into the world

Some More Products I Find Helpful for Every Chakra

Mylumina Self-Love Candle
Mylumina self-love candle
Crystal Infused Water Bottle
Crystal Infused Water Bottle
Lush Meditation Mat
Lush Meditation Mat
Chakra &Amp; Luck Premium Seven Chakras Layered Candle
Chakra & Luck Premium Seven Chakras Layered Candle
Chakra Quiz Explainer
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1397

Chakra Charisma Checkup:

Unveil Your Energetic Essence.

Chakra Quiz Intro
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1398

Subscribe or Register

SUD Resources

SAMSHA National Helpline

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1399

Suicide And Crisis Hotline Dial 988
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1400

More Reading

This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.

PNP Logo Design Zip Hoodie

Pnp Logo Hoodie
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1401

About this item

  • Solid colors: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester; Heather Grey: 78% Cotton, 22% Poly; Dark Heather: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • This is the famous logo representing the blog Progressing Not Perfecting.
  • PNP is an addiction recovery blog, and the founder works hard to motivate, instill hope, and inspire people to change.
  • 8.5 oz, Classic fit, Twill-taped neck
  • Comes in 8 Colors and Many Sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

Over-Unity Long Sleeve Shirt

Overunity Long Sleeve
Chakras and Addiction Recovery: A Whimsical Journey to Inner Healing 1402

About this item

Fit TypeClassic Fit
Neck StyleCrew Neck
MaterialPolyester, Cotton
Sleeve TypeLong Sleeve
  • Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve, and bottom hem
  • Multiple colors and sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I will earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

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I am a confidant, advocate, therapist, guide, mentor, supporter, motivator, encourager, friend, teacher, ally, navigator, problem solver, advisor, counselor, cheerleader, and so much more. I will help you get from where you’re at to where you want to be. So, why wait? Click the button to get more information, and let’s get you detoxed from those self-sabotaging habits and onto the path of transformatastic living! 🚀 

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Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1)

Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1)

In the dimly lit cell in the “hole” of the Vermont Women’s Prison, I made a habit of reflecting on the choices that had repeatedly led me to the place I seemed to always be sitting. The harsh reality of addiction (before it was considered a disease) and incarceration for many, including myself, is a vicious cycle that becomes impossible to break. I had become a statistic, just one of the many individuals caught in the web of addiction, trapped in a system that perpetuated our struggles rather than offering us the help we so desperately needed. One poor choice led to me becoming “the example” in my small town, and this resulted in the loss of my life because I was forced to do life on the installment plan in that Vermont prison for petty non-violent drug-related crimes like possession. I went to rehab twice throughout those twenty years, and it was my choice to go, not the courts.

In this blog post, I will share some of my personal journey through addiction and incarceration, shedding light on why this cycle occurs and exploring the steps we can take to break free from it.

Addiction And Incarceration Crcf Burlington, Vt Prison
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1419

I was homeless in my teens, and somehow, I managed to graduate high school and start college. I was working two jobs as a Licensed Nursing Assistant. When I received my student loans, I was able to get my first apartment with a roommate. It was a dump, but it was home, and homes were hard to come by for me. At this time, I had a habit, but nothing compared to what it became.

My roommate bailed on me, and this is where my ultimate poor choice makes its debut. I was scared. I was barely eighteen, and I knew I never wanted to be homeless again, but even with two jobs and student loans every semester, I couldn’t swing it on my own. Lucky for me, my friend and local drug dealer was looking for a place to stay. As an empath who has been homeless, I was always offering up a place to stay for anyone needing it, including her, and looking back, I never thought twice about this decision.

I won’t get into all of the details, but I will say that my home was the first big raid that my town had ever had. My dealer had parents with money, and they got her the best attorney in the state. I was a poor kid who didn’t even have anyone show up at court for me most of the time. This is exactly how I became “the example.” We were the first women of a long line that left the state to procure drugs in big cities nearby, and we did this every single day, sometimes more than once. I was a young woman. I was addicted to IV heroin. I sold drugs to support my growing habit. I was Satan Incarnate. No, I wasn’t even close, but that’s how they treated me.

When they busted my door down, they tackled my roommate as she was trying to run to the bathroom and flush the 9.6 grams in her hand. I had a weird feeling that morning, and when I heard the knock, I jumped into my closet and watched the “Vermont Drug Task Force” weave their web of lies while throwing my “friends” to the floor with guns to their heads. They found nothing more than paraphernalia on me or in my room. All they found was that 9.6 grams in my roommate’s hands. Then why did I go to jail, you ask? This is good. Get ready. I spent the next twenty years doing life on the installment plan because… the lease was in my name. I should have heeded the warnings. “Vermont. Come on vacation; NEVER leave cause you will always be on probation.”

Never mind that my old roommate was still on the lease. Somehow, this became all about me. All of the informants were people who dealt with my new roommate. She was charged with four counts of sales and felony possession. I was initially charged with felony possession. My roommate did that first night in jail and never came back. I wasn’t so lucky. I didn’t have parents with money who could afford to relocate me and give me a fresh start. I was stuck. I got bailed out by “friends” who needed me to take a trip and cop for them, and this is where my cycle through hell begins.

The following eighteen months are a big blur to me now. It was a long time ago, but not only was my face on the front page of every local newspaper, but my own newspaper must have liked the idea of me being “the example” because even my violations of probation made second-page news. They had me on such strict conditions of release that it was impossible. I had to check in at the police department four times a day, meet with my probation officer three times a week, and see the judge in her chambers with my attorney three times a week. Every time I violated the impossible conditions for things like being late for check-in (when I have really bad ADHD and executive function issues), I kept bailing out, and the conditions got more and more difficult to comply with.

Part of my conditions of release was that I find employment, being that after my current employers saw their nurse’s aide on the front page of the paper as a heroin dealer, I pretty much just assumed I was unemployed. Looking back, I don’t even know how I got the balls to go into places and ask for an application. I was treated horribly during this time of my life, and I honestly don’t know how I got through it. People really believed that my addiction was my choice. By the time I got sentenced, I still hadn’t gotten a job, and it’s a good thing because I was sentenced to 3-6 years, split to serve for that “possession of heroin” that I never possessed.

Addiction &Amp; Incarceration: Getting Arrested
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1420

My first time going to the women’s prison was one of the worst experiences of my life. My initial arrests had always landed me in holding at the Rutland men’s facility. When I was sentenced, I was sent to the Burlington men’s prison, which had a women’s unit. When I first got to Chittenden, there were twenty-five women inmates in the state of Vermont, and I was lucky number twenty-six. Today there are around 119 women incarcerated in Vermont. Believe it or not, this number was significantly higher before COVID. Many of the population, and women I loved, were lost in the ongoing war on drugs. Everyone, including myself, figured I would be one of them.

By the time I was allowed out of the hole and able to hit population, I was excited to just get out of that cell. I remember the walk of shame walking into the unit with a clear trash bag of clothes over my shoulder like I was Santa Clause. I even remember the sound of the heavy steel door slamming shut behind me, stamping permanence on my new home. I have always been a positive person, so I thought that I would be making new friends. Never had a problem before. My eyes met the eyes of a straw red-headed girl who looked a bit like a rat with heavy freckles. She smirked, and I had mistaken it for a smile. I should have paid better attention.

I was a hippy girl back then. Despite my addiction, I tried to be a good person, and I had never been forced to go to the lengths that others are forced to by addiction. I was extremely lucky. I credit my outgoing hippy nature and my high trustability level, which I had earned on the streets. I trusted people to do the right thing because I would have. I learned quickly after the girls in my new home forced me to allow them to chop off my beautiful, flowing down my back, Manic Panic red hair. They did this intentionally and for their own entertainment. I have written about the entire incident a couple of times but picture the worst haircut you have ever seen and multiply that times one million. Yup, that was me. This incident traumatized me on a level that I refused to have any scissors touch my hair for the last twenty-plus years. Recently, my stylists finally talked me into a trim after all of these years of trying. It’s all a part of the healing process.

Vermont Current Population Statistics
119 Females Significantly Down Since The Beginning Of Covid
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1421

During that first bid, I learned how to commit more crimes and more ways to get away with them. I gathered connections, and back then, I had come to call it crime school. That bid that I should have never done schooled me to a level that you wouldn’t believe if I told you. Instead of being sent to rehab, I was sent to jail, where they put all of the “addicts” in one unit with nothing to do. Hmmmmm… What do you think I got up to?

The girls I was incarcerated with talked about drugs constantly. They were constantly telling war stories and were always working the guys in the next unit for the drugs that their (the men’s) girlfriends and wives brought them at visit. Every time those dudes went to chow, it was Wrestle-mania by the door. “Here comes a couple of joints!” and “Oh yeah, those are my OCs.” Then, “NO! ¡No! Girl, those are mine. ________ sent them for me.” Met with, “Nah! Uh-uh! He sent those for me.” It was insane, considering the CO office was between us in the rec room and the door, and only cells 1 and 2 were allowed down the hallway. It was all arranged at the cell “windows,” which the men passed by on the way to the rec yard, and in “bread mail,” which were the letters the men would stick in the stack of five pieces of bread they put on our trays. Yup. The men cooked our food. Imagine that.

Before too long, I joined in the fun. Who wouldn’t? What else did I have to do? As it turned out, I was really good at trafficking drugs into the facility, and this is how I quickly made my way to the top of the prison food chain. This also made me a target, and I deserved this. Not to the degree with which it came, but this is me being accountable.

Addiction &Amp; Incarceration: In Jail
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1422

In NA, they have a saying, “keep coming back! It works if you work it!”. I guess that’s how my first time in jail led to me doing my life on the installment plan, and I wasn’t the only one. Not even close. Over the next twenty years, I was arrested probably more than a hundred times, and this is not an exaggeration. I have seen a copy of my booking sheets. There were many times I got out and ended up back in jail the same day or the next day. I would often think on the long drive upstate that I should have just stayed because I gave away all of my stuff before leaving.

For the first few arrests, I would always cry on that long ride. I was really hard on myself. After the first few times of going in and out, I was rock every time. No matter what I had lost on the occasion. Apartment, car, another relationship, etc. Most of the time, my best friends (every single one of them has passed now) would already be in or they would arrive shortly after my arrival. I came to be religiously prepared for my trips to “finishing school.” How could I arrive empty-handed and disappoint “my peeps?” Later on, I ended up serving three years for bringing party favors because those same peeps told twenty-five too many people my business.

Just to be clear, I don’t think that any of this part of my story is cool or that I was all OG-she up there. It’s actually quite the opposite. It humiliates me, and I am terrified that one day my children might come across some of those newspaper articles, and I might not be here to explain. The only reason I mention this here is to give you an idea of how quickly I became the queen of shit for the simple reason that I was always prepared for school. Coming from a broken, low-income, addicted parent, and single-mother-addicted-to-men-household, I had never felt like I was loved. When I went to jail, everybody was happy to see me, even if for the wrong reasons. They quickly became my family, and whenever one of the girls I got close to made their way back to good ole 4 C’s (Chittenden County Correctional Center, AKA. finishing school, as I like to call it these days), The rest of us shortly followed.

We had a female CO in her mid-forties, and she mothered all of us. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t take any shit, but she came to care about us and genuinely wanted to see us go out and never come back. In those first years, things were so different from what they are now. Back then, when one of us left, we weren’t left wondering if we would ever see them again. The heroin was heroin, and the cocaine was cocaine. We lost a few over the years, and some even passed away in jail, but NOTHING like now. I have lost more than fifty people I deeply cared for to drugs in the last five years alone. I just stopped counting at fifty. I thought I would have been one of the first to go, and so did everyone else who knew me. I have no idea why I am one of the last girls standing, but I am determined to make it count… For them.

Incarcerated With No Options
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1423

When the women’s population started to quickly grow, I was there for their different moves to new women’s facilities, which we would quickly outgrow to ultimately end up right back where we started, back at the Chittenden Men’s Facility. When we went back from the Windsor facility, where our shampoo and conditioner would freeze if we left it on the dressers in front of the windows, they decided to put all of us “drug-addicted women” in one lockdown unit away from the rest of the population. It gets better. For the simple reason that we were addicted to drugs, we were put in a lockdown unit for a minimum of thirty days upon arrival. In this unit, we were not permitted to purchase commissary unless it was to buy medicine. For those of us who didn’t eat jail food, this was really torturous and inhumane, and everybody knew it. Let’s not get into the fact that all of the women who were there for brutal murders or other heinous crimes were housed in the “privileged unit.” Let all of the violent inmates run free as long as the drug addicts are locked up tight. C’mon.

I remember back in 2002, there were some serious issues with sewage. There were always issues with sewage. The place was built on a swamp. his particular visit was a nightmare, and I remember it like it was yesterday. All of the COs were wearing rubber boots to their knees because sewage had backed up through all of the drains in the floors. This wasn’t just water; this was urine and fecal matter. Do you think they allowed us out of those locked cells? Absolutely not. Each cell had either one or two drains in it. By this time, they had cots in cells because they were always overcrowded. The CO would unlock and open our cell doors and slosh over to the toilet, where he would place our stackable trays for us to figure out how to get them!

I was on the top bunk, and in this unit, we were not permitted to have our shoes when we arrived, so all we had were “felony fliers,” which is our name for the cheap flip-flops we were forced to wear. I had to step down to the middle cot, which was someone’s bed, then crawl on the lower bunk on the opposite side, slide down to the metal “desk,” and stretch to reach trays. Getting back to my bunk was even worse and was often unsuccessful. We all took turns. I remember how hard it was to keep our feet in the air while using the toilet. Once, we actually put a folded-up facility blanket down so we could rest our feet. We all got DRs (disciplinary referrals). When it first started backing up, the smell was awful. Never in a million years would I have imagined it would have been something we would acclimate to, but we did. There is so much other stuff, like how there was a square peak hole from the CO office directly into our shower, which had a reflective mirror on our side but not on theirs. As you can see from the headlines of just a few of the many articles about our “home away from home” below. The place was sick right from the gate.

Seven Days took a particular interest. They spoke with us and wrote an article called Controversial Program Locks Down Drug-Addicted Female Inmates. Click to check it out. I am in there telling the world about how women would purchase cough drops and they would eat them by the bag when they were hungry. Those cough drops had a severe side effect, but I won’t go into that here. Seven Days wrote about the women at Good Ole 4 C’s many times over the years. I will list a few of the many articles still available below, and looking at the titles, I am sure you get the idea of just a few different kinds of circumstances that we were raised in. Side Note: I am currently writing a book called ‘Life on the Installment Plan,’ where I go into all of this stuff in more depth. For this post, I just want you to get a general idea. That facility violated us for years in unspeakable ways. They treated us so badly that we became convinced that was all we were worth.

👉Click the titles to read the actual articles. 👈

This is where those of us who were addicted to drugs were sent from 1998- current (for me, 2017) to be punished for our addictions. This is where all of us young girls were trained in the art of crime. I refer to it as crime school because, with every visit, we were taught more and more about how to commit crimes and not just by fellow inmates either. This crime school ultimately shaped all of our futures for more… Crime.

Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility
So. Burlington Vermont
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1424

It didn’t help that the State’s Attorney had made it very clear that she didn’t like addicts back then. This woman was so cruel to me every single time I went to court that I started thinking funny. One time a woman I worked with came to court with me for support, and this state’s attorney took it upon herself to get her alone and to tell her that she was “wasting her time with that one. (referring to me) She is and will continue to be a lost cause. Save yourself the trouble and think about it.” When the woman later told me about this incident, it hit hard. The State’s Attorney proceeded to do things like this throughout my entire time in corrections despite the fact that she had never heard me say more than “Not guilty, your honor.”

Even worse is that it took its toll on me. I began to allow how this woman felt about me to determine how I felt about myself. I must be a worthless human being if this professional woman is going out of her way to talk negatively to another professional woman about me. I started to really believe that prison was where I belonged. I never hurt anyone or anything in my life except myself. I never stole from my parents or any of the other things that often come with addiction. I stopped defending myself. More times than I would like to admit, I went to jail for crimes I seriously never committed. I got sober seven years ago after finding out I was pregnant with my daughter, and in all those years, I went to treatment twice. Only twice, and both times, were situations where I chose to go, and the court had no say. I remember watching girls leave to go to rehab for their twenty-something time. Treatment was never an option for me. Right to jail and do not pass GO. As I mentioned below, the court attempted to contest my pre-min release to the Lund Home so I could finish my minimum sentence with my six-month-old daughter. They said that programs were not an option for me. I was a program failure despite the fact that I had never been to a program. They refused to acknowledge my severe mental health issues as well. I would get put in jail and have to detox off my many meds. Try having insomnia in prison. It’s not pretty.

It wasn’t enough that we were losing apartments, cars, credit scores, etc., but we had to be put in a lockdown unit like the one they use to punish us as a result of disciplinary referrals, and we had to be taken off all of our mental health meds and maintenance meds. Kinda making sense why we begin drug seeking now, isn’t it? Some think that when you get out, it’s all uphill from there, and that is definitely not the case. I was released close to a hundred times, and going back is the easy option by far. In Vermont, we aren’t released on parole upon the completion of our minimum sentences. Nope. If they decide to let us out, we are released on house arrest or FSU, which we have come to call “Fu*king Set UP” because that’s what it is. We are expected to account for every second of our day two weeks in advance, never be late for anything, and not miss a group even if we are sick. Who can do this?

I can tell you that during the time I was incarcerated for petty possession charges, I watched people who hurt kids come in, and I watched them go out. All while I am still sitting there, never getting treatment and never getting out. Getting administratively segregated by myself, in the hole for six months straight, for suspicion of getting drugs, like suboxone, in the mail. What did we do to be treated this way? I mean- I get it, but why? What made them treat us like we were the lowest form of life out there? What made them think they could proposition us for things like a cigarette? Why were our sentences so freaking harsh? I love hearing men say that women get off easy because I am here to tell you that nothing about the twenty-plus years of sentences for petty non-violent drug-related crimes was easy for me.

Samantha Bushika Mug
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1425

Now, over the years, I managed to pick up five felonies. This part is good. So, my first felonies were for two bounced checks over $500—two felonies for bouncing my checks after my account was closed. These kinds of charges are no longer felonies. My next two felonies were for Escape. The first one was because I went to the grocery store when it wasn’t on my approved pass. I had just gotten out of jail, and I had no food. I figured I could run quickly to Hannaford. I was on GPS, and from my experiences in the past, I knew they never checked them. Things had changed while I was away. They checked, and I got caught.

The second escape happened after I had my daughter and was sober. I went to Hampton Beach for my birthday. Just for the day. I wasn’t permitted to leave the state. There were probably fifteen thousand people on the beach that day. Don’t you know a correctional officer from Good Ole 4 Cs saw me in the ocean and had her mother take photos of me which were sent to my PO (Probation Officer). You would think they would have taken it easy on me because I was finally out there killing it, I had just gotten an apartment, and I had even held a job for almost a year.

Most would have gotten thrown on a GPS. Not me. I turned myself in the next morning, and they ripped my six-month-old daughter from my arms and sent me to jail for my second felony escape. I was sentenced to nine months for this one. Nine months I would have spent away from my daughter had I not been able to get into the Lund Home. I was able to get out pre-min to a program I didn’t even need, so I could have my daughter. Get this- the state’s attorney tried to fight it. It was the hardest time I had ever done in my life, and I truly didn’t deserve it—two felony Escape charges when I had never even gone on escape. Escape from Furlough- not only is this no longer a felony, but it’s no longer a charge, but best believe they are still on my record.

My third felony was for Obstruction of Justice. This one was charged all wrong. I got this for writing fake letters to the court from doctors saying that, in their professional opinion, I should not go back to jail. They weren’t mad because I wrote the letters; they were mad because they worked and managed to keep me out of jail for almost two years. In my opinion, I should have gotten a fraud charge or something like that. Obstruction is given when people hurt or harass witnesses and is typically a violent crime. I did get it amended, so it was reported as non-violent. I served three years for this and had six years added to the back of my sentence.

They tried to get sales charges on me for almost twenty years with no success until after I got sober, and it was and is a bonk charge. I went to probation when I was six months pregnant, doing great, and had built a whole new life. This happened before my last escape charge. Suddenly PnP (Probation & Parole not Progressing Not Perfecting, but yes, it was intentional) was flooded with the police, and they cuffed and stuffed my ass. I was charged with sales and conspiracy from seven months prior, which was a joke. I was forced to take the sale to keep my baby’s dad out of jail. After I was released one week before my labor was induced, I found the paperwork in my glove box. They had no wire because it wasn’t working. They had no marked money. They had nothing. The kid who did the sale had sold us the same stuff that he purchased back for the sale. C’mon. Not to mention I was across the park while my baby’s dad did the sale. That’s how we began. I had hired him to run my stuff because I was put on GPS. Romantic, right? I tried to warn him away for two months, but he wasn’t having it. I told him that I was the last thing he needed and that I would go to jail and he would feel more powerless than he ever had before. I tried to warn him.

Sam Behind Bars
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1426

This is how it always went with me. There is nothing I can do now. My entire early adult life was thrown away in those jails. The cycle was the worst because I would always hit the ground running. I always planned on staying sober. I wasn’t able to drive because it wasn’t allowed back then. You can also go to jail in Vermont for Lack of Residence, which is a joke. This means you will also not be released unless you have an FSU-approved residence. Keep in mind that FSU officers are correctional officers in the community. They were given way too much power in that regard. I had residences denied for things like “lack of night lighting,” dogs, and for having a fire escape off the window of what would have been my room. They would deny these residences until six months later when they needed beds. Suddenly my residences were approved, and out I went.

Getting out to an FSU apartment was tough, to say the least. They would give us our own tiny roach-infested apartment with nothing in it but a phone. Gotta be able to reach us. Not even a roll of toilet paper. Keep in mind that upon release, we weren’t allowed to go anywhere, and we couldn’t have any visits. We were told that we had thirty days to pay the rent. I tried so hard. I would go to the same places that had denied me for years because that’s all there was. I put in the work every single day right up until day twenty when I realized that even if I had gotten a job, I would get paid in time, and it surely wouldn’t be enough money. I would talk myself into making just one trip and doing one flip, and I wouldn’t get high.

I always bought myself a little time, but as you can imagine, I always ended up getting high. It was all so hard and depressing. I tried many times over the years to talk to them about this cycle, but nobody cared what I had to say, and I doubt anyone cares now, but when I think of other young people getting sucked in and failed by the criminal justice system, it breaks my heart. I was worth so much more, but they made sure I didn’t see it. When I finally realized that I was worth more, it was too late. I had lost most of my life in a Vermont women’s prison, learning how to commit bigger crimes.

The worst part about it all was that everybody knew that they treated me unfairly, even that my sentencing wasn’t just, but nobody did anything. Over the years, I have worked with the Department of Employment & Training, Vocational Rehabilitation, and other community agencies. I worked with other state professionals, and every single one of them knew that something wasn’t right, but they figured that there was nothing they could do. The best part is that the State’s Attorney is still holding her position. Not only that but this woman who scorned addicts and never believed for a second that addiction is a disease conveniently has a photo of herself sitting with an addicted person on her website. I have been trying to get in front of the Vermont Legislature for a few years now with no success. Why would they want to hear what such a horrible ex-drug-addicted individual has to say about her experience in the Vermont Criminal Justice System? Hmmmm…

So, how could we go about changing a failing system that nobody will acknowledge is failing? I am going to tell you. The moment I had purpose in my life, I put down drugs for good. The moment I had purpose and a professional career, I managed the confidence to begin building my empire, and I worked hard and purchased my own 350k home three short years after I left my place and checked into our local homeless shelter with the clothes on my back, a 450-credit score, and a correctional GPS around my ankle. I think that this is important in regard to a new successful system. If I had found purpose and been given a chance sooner… We will never know.

4-Piece PJ Set
Beats Studio Pro
Beats Pro Noise Cancelling Headphones
Minority Skateboard
Minority Sk8 Board

As we all know, addiction is a formidable adversary, one that can consume your life just as it quickly consumed mine, turning you into a mere shadow of your former self. It’s a battle fought not only within but also against external forces that push us further down the rabbit hole. The criminalization of addiction is a significant factor that keeps this vicious cycle spinning. Trust me, I know. Now I want to go over my thoughts on how we should proceed from here and I would love to know what you think in the comments below.

In our society, addiction is met with punishment rather than compassion. Instead of addressing the root causes of addiction, they incarcerate those of us struggling with it, which only exacerbates our problems. Many people, including myself, turned to substances as a way to cope with underlying trauma, mental health issues, or societal pressures. Punishing people for their addiction without addressing these underlying issues only perpetuates the cycle. Not to mention putting people in jail where they are inadvertently taught how to commit bigger crimes and how to get away with those crimes.

As someone who has experienced long-term incarceration, I can attest to the profound impact it has on families. Separated from my loved ones, I witnessed their pain and suffering, which only served to fuel my feelings of guilt and shame. It’s a cruel irony that the very system designed to protect society from the consequences of addiction often causes immeasurable harm to the families of those incarcerated.

This is a big one that I still have many issues with. Upon release from jail or prison, individuals with addiction-related offenses often face the insurmountable barrier of a criminal record. These records make it exceedingly difficult to find employment, stable housing, or even regain a sense of self-worth. When opportunities for reintegration are limited, it becomes all too easy to fall back into old habits. As I shared above, sometimes, we are forced into a cycle we truly want nothing to do with.

⭐⭐If you are interested in Vermont Recidivism and incarceration statistics, you can check out a few of the reports I have collected here.⭐⭐

Breaking the cycle of addiction and incarceration begins with a fundamental shift in our approach. We must prioritize rehabilitation over punishment, focusing on providing the support and resources necessary for individuals to reclaim their lives. Vermont’s recidivism rates are insane. According to, the Vermont recidivism rate over a ten-year period is 41%! Almost half of the people who get incarcerated in Vermont return for more rounds of fun. One would think that rate would be indicative that there is something wrong with this system. In my opinion, it’s the street prison program (FSU). I have witnessed corrections focus on some of the issues, like getting people out because they need the beds, and not care any further past that. Here are several key steps we can take to create a more compassionate and effective system:

One way to address addiction-related offenses is through diversion programs that redirect non-violent offenders away from the criminal justice system and into addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs. These programs offer a second chance, allowing individuals to confront their addiction and address the underlying issues that led to their involvement in the criminal justice system. Had I had this opportunity, I truly believe my life would have gone in a different direction.

Access to comprehensive addiction treatment is crucial in breaking the cycle of incarceration. Instead of punishing individuals for their substance use, we should focus on providing evidence-based treatment and support services. This includes detoxification, counseling, and access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction. Offering a range of treatment options ensures that individuals can receive the care that best suits their needs. It would also be useful to offer these same programs within the prisons, and as much as they say they are offered, they often are not.

In my own journey, I discovered that addiction was often intertwined with underlying mental health issues. To truly address addiction, we must prioritize mental health services and ensure that those struggling have access to therapy, counseling, and psychiatric care. A holistic approach to healing is essential, as addiction is frequently a symptom of deeper emotional and psychological pain. I also think it would be beneficial to have therapists who specialize in Shadow Work and other beneficial new holistic approaches.

Prevention is always better than cure, and that applies to addiction as well. We should invest in education and prevention programs that address substance abuse and its root causes from an early age. This includes promoting awareness of the dangers of addiction, providing coping skills, and reducing the stigma associated with seeking help. We also need parenting classes to train parents on how to best approach the issues of addiction and drug dependence with our young children.

This is CRUCIAL for the success of all individuals reintegrating into the community. This is where the system repeatedly failed me. For individuals reentering society after incarceration, a supportive network is vital. This includes access to education, job training, housing assistance, and continued addiction treatment and support. Removing the barriers created by a criminal record and fostering opportunities for reintegration can make a significant difference in an individual’s ability to break free from the cycle of addiction and incarceration.

As someone who has faced the dual challenges of addiction and incarceration, I can attest to the lack of a compassionate and rehabilitative approach within the Vermont Department of Corruption and the Vermont Judicial system. In my darkest moments, I often felt trapped and hopeless as a direct result of how I was repeatedly treated by the judicial and correctional personnel in the state of Vermont. Despite the lack of support received, lack of empathy and compassion, and lack of options or opportunities for long-term treatment, I managed to find my way out of the darkness. If I found my way, there is hope for everyone, and that’s the truth. What can we do? Not much except to keep fighting the good fight and forcing our voices to be heard. I cannot stand by and watch other young kids lose their lives in Vermont’s failing injustice system. I won’t.

The first step on my path to recovery was acknowledging the pain and trauma that underpinned my addiction. It was through therapy, counseling, support, and deep introspective work that I was able to confront these issues and begin the healing process. Incarceration did nothing to address these root causes; it was the support and guidance of mental health professionals that made a real difference. The only thing incarceration did was secure that revolving door by teaching me how to sell drugs and offering me connections with which to get them. Not to mention ignoring all mental health diagnoses’ and ripping me off all of my mental health meds and maintenance all while locking me in a secured unit with thirty other women just like me with not a thing in the world to do except drug seek. Wouldn’t you?

While incarcerated, I was not fortunate to have access to addiction, mental health, or dual diagnosis treatment programs that would have helped me understand my addiction and diagnosis to develop healthier coping mechanisms and other recovery skills needed to maintain long-term sobriety. Instead, I was segregated and not permitted to go to the general population. This was in no way beneficial. It was the opposite. I can’t think of one thing that would make an individual deserve to be put in the hole while detoxing off all medications and suffering from severe mental health issues on top of the physical and mental detox issues, but I am humane and compassionate and not everybody is. These kinds of programs within the system would allow offenders to see that recovery is possible, even in the most challenging circumstances. I am not talking about a weekly NA meeting or a weekly women’s group either. I am talking about intensive treatment. What else did we have to do?

Upon release, I faced the daunting task of reentering society. This transition was NEVER a transition; I felt thrown out. As I have mentioned they would throw us in an empty apartment with a phone and nothing else, not even food. It would have been a bit better if we were allowed to have somebody stop by with stuff without getting an unauthorized visit and going back to jail, but they used to tell me I was “beat”. You have thirty days to get a job and pay that rent, and failure to do so gets you a do not pass go. This is usually where the cycle begins. Desperate people do desperate things. Desperate things that are familiar such as selling enough drugs just to get the rent. With the help of supportive reentry programs that aid in finding purpose (employment, housing, meetings, groups, transportation, continued addiction treatment, and home visits that aren’t for the purpose of catching you doing something you’re not supposed to be doing). These opportunities can provide the stability people need to maintain their sobriety and build a more hopeful future and would be a great start.

Breaking the cycle of addiction and incarceration is an essential endeavor for our society. It requires a shift in our mindset from punitive measures to compassionate and rehabilitative solutions. My journey through addiction and incarceration is proof that change is possible, even in the darkest of circumstances. Now, I am working hard to help those still struggling in hopes of motivating and inspiring them to channel their change just as I have.

We must strive to divert non-violent offenders from the criminal justice system, prioritize addiction treatment and mental health services, invest in education and prevention, and provide comprehensive support for reentry into society. By doing so, we can break the chains of addiction and incarceration, offering individuals a chance to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their communities where they can become contributing members of society instead of being locked down and punished for being in pain.

If I was heard in any way, I think my positive outcome would have come much sooner. There is no way for me to get that time back, but I can try to help prevent any other young individuals from getting sucked into and failed by our criminal justice system. I can’t imagine doing to another what was done to me. I was torn down time after time as a result of my addiction, yet I was never given the opportunity to succeed, no matter how hard I tried. Let’s not let them get that far. Let’s offer support and compassion in the absence of a just and fair criminal justice system. Let’s offer unconditional love, empathy, compassion, and understanding.

Let us recognize that addiction is a struggle that affects not only the individuals caught in its grasp but also their families and communities. Through a collective effort to change our approach, we can offer hope and healing to those who need it most. It’s time to break the cycle and build a more compassionate and effective system that helps people overcome addiction and incarceration rather than perpetuate their suffering. This is my mission and my hope for this community. Helping others helps me, and I think I might be able to help where others have failed. If I had one person who understood (maybe a coach), it would have changed everything. Now I know that I went through all of the pain, all of the horror, and trauma for a reason; to help prevent others from going down this road and to hopefully educate, motivate, and inspire throughout the process of building a sober support community.

If this post resonated with you or you have some things you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. I love to hear from you. You could also support my work by liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering to join our free-of-charge, supportive, all-inclusive, judgment-free, meet-you-where-your-at online community where teachers learn, and learners teach. In our support forums, you can give support or receive support all on the same day. This community is for all of us who are more progressors, less perfectors. Addiction is not a prerequisite. All are welcome. This is a new, growing community, so please have patience, and if there are any issues, please contact me at

Post-Off Quote

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

-Sue Atkins

Post-Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

I view mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Some days are better than others; that doesn’t mean I’m a bad parent. Tomorrow is a new day.

SUD Resources

If you are interested in getting help, please see the links below or contact me.

SAMSHA National Helpline


This is an amazing resource that is run by an amazing individual, Stephen Murray. I personally volunteer as an operator for the hotline, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of such a life-saving organization. The hotline is for anyone who doesn’t want to risk using alone. You call the hotline, and we stay on the phone with you while you do your dew and until you are sure you are okay. Should you become unresponsive, we immediately contact emergency services and send them to your location. I can personally attest to the fact that this hotline saves lives and changes lives for the better. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should, you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
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Suicide And Crisis Hotline Dial 988
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This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.

Over-Unity Long Sleeve Shirt

Overunity Long Sleeve
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1429

About this item

Fit TypeClassic Fit
Neck StyleCrew Neck
MaterialPolyester, Cotton
Sleeve TypeLong Sleeve
  • Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve, and bottom hem
  • Multiple colors and sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I will earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

PNP Logo Design Zip Hoodie

Pnp Logo Hoodie
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1430

About this item

  • Solid colors: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester; Heather Grey: 78% Cotton, 22% Poly; Dark Heather: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • This is the famous logo representing the blog Progressing Not Perfecting.
  • PNP is an addiction recovery blog, and the founder works hard to motivate, instill hope, and inspire people to change.
  • 8.5 oz, Classic fit, Twill-taped neck
  • Comes in 8 Colors and Many Sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

Galaxy Drug War Veteran and Purple Ribbon Case

Drug War Veteran Merch Phone Case
Addiction & Incarceration: Breaking the Silence and Giving a Voice to Addicts in the Criminal Justice System (Slice 1) 1431

About This Product

  • A two-part protective case made from a premium scratch-resistant polycarbonate shell and shock-absorbent TPU liner protects against drops
  • Printed in the USA
  • Easy installation

Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes

Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes

We all make mistakes, and its human nature. But if you are anything like me, you can’t stop reliving them–repeatedly. If this is you, don’t worry–you’re not alone. I’m going to share some of the ways I was able to overcome this bad habit. In this post, we’ll explore some of the most common causes of reliving past mistakes and some practical tips for breaking free from this destructive habit as someone who suffers from substance use disorder. So read on if you’re ready to live in the present and leave your past mistakes where they belong, in the past!

Picture This

Reliving Past Mistakes
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1477

Picture waking up one day in your mid-thirties, feeling sick until you can muster up enough energy to reach under your bed and grab the shot you prepared the night before, living in a dusty trap house where you are currently selling poison to all of the people you know, and thinking that you won’t make it to the new year. You spent your entire life after age 17 in and out of the same Vermont prisons for non-violent drug-related offenses. There were even several occasions where you got out of “finishing school” just to go back the same day or the next. Can you imagine the self-loathing I experienced at that point? Half of my life had slipped by while I was doing what I have come to call “life on the Installment plan.” (Also, the name of my upcoming book.) Even now, after turning my life around and building a life I truly love, I still torture myself by reliving my many many fu*k ups. Moving forward, let’s make a commitment to ourselves and one another to remain forward-focused. Are you with me?

Why Do We Torture Ourselves By Reliving Our Past Mistakes?

Reliving Past Mistakes Cover
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1478

Addiction recovery is a complex and deeply personal journey. One of the crucial aspects of this process is understanding the “why” behind our initial choice to pick up and then why we choose to embark on the path to recovery. Here are some of the top reasons we chose to use and continued to use substances to the point of dependence.

1. Guilt and Shame: Many of us in recovery struggle with overwhelming guilt and shame from our past actions. These emotions can lead to a cycle of self-punishment, where we feel we deserve to dwell on our mistakes as a form of atonement or another thing to contribute to our cycle of self-sabotage.

2. Unresolved Trauma: Past mistakes can be linked to unresolved trauma. Reliving these experiences might be an attempt to process the trauma or gain a sense of control over it. This is a big one.

3. Identity and Self-Worth: For some, our past actions have become intertwined with our sense of identity and self-worth. Reliving these mistakes might reinforce negative self-perceptions or serve as a way to validate their struggles.

4. Lack of Coping Mechanisms: Coping with the emotional baggage of addiction and past mistakes can be challenging. For me, reliving my errors was a familiar coping mechanism, even though it was harmful, and I knew it.

5. Fear of Repeating: We constantly revisit past mistakes out of fear. We believe that by replaying these memories, we can prevent ourselves from making the same errors again.

6. External Pressure: Society, family, or peers may also contribute to the compulsion to relive past mistakes. Judgment or expectations from others can lead us to ruminate on our past errors.

7. Resistance to Change: Recovery is a journey of transformation, which can be intimidating. Some individuals may subconsciously resist change by holding onto their past mistakes, as they represent a known and predictable state. It’s what we know, and what we know is always comfortable, even if it’s toxic.

How Do We Stop?

Here are some of the strategies that I used to stop reliving past mistakes:

1. Understand why you’re reliving past mistakes. Often, this type of behavior is a defense mechanism to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings or difficult situations in the present, which is why some of us turned to drugs initially.

  • Maybe you’ve had some recent setbacks at work or in your personal life and struggle to cope with those challenges. By focusing on the past, it’s easier to avoid those feelings of anxiety, sadness, or uncertainty.
  • How to understand why you’re reliving past mistakes: Journal about your feelings and emotions, both in the present moment and about your past mistakes. Journaling can help you identify any patterns or common themes in your thinking and behavior, and getting it out can be incredibly therapeutic.
  • Identify your triggers. What situations or activities lead you down the rabbit hole of reliving past mistakes? Once you’re aware of your triggers, you can avoid them.
  • Reflect on experiences or traumas that may cause you to feel stuck or unable to move forward. Often, our experiences can strongly influence our current behavior. Reflection is different than reliving. Reflection is done to heal. Reliving is done to harm.
  • I personally believe that we can all use some therapy, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. It may be helpful to seek professional help to deal with any underlying unresolved and/or traumatic issues/experiences.

How to Stop:

2. Acknowledge the feelings associated with past mistakes. Reliving your past mistakes typically comes with negative feelings — shame, guilt, regret, and anger. These intense emotions can be difficult to manage and process on your own.

How to acknowledge the feelings associated with past mistakes:

  • One important step in overcoming the tendency to relive past mistakes is recognizing and accepting the emotions you’re feeling.
  • Try to be as specific as possible when identifying your feelings. For example, instead of just saying, “I feel bad,” try to identify the particular emotions you’re experiencing, such as “I feel guilty, ashamed, and embarrassed.”
  • Allow yourself to experience these negative emotions without judgment or criticism. Pay attention to your feelings, and don’t suppress them. Feel every facet of your emotions. I was never taught that emotions are HEAL-THY. We were made to feel no matter what the emotion is; allow it.
  • Connect with others who can support you through this process, whether in person or online. Reaching out to friends and family, joining a support group, or seeking professional counseling can all be helpful ways to manage difficult emotions and work through your past mistakes.
  • Meditate on the emotions. Pay attention to where you feel the emotions in your body and breathe through that area. Ask for divine assistance from Source/God and your guides. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

3. Celebrate your progress. As you work through the process of not reliving past mistakes, be sure to celebrate your progress along the way! Each step forward is a victory, so take the time to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements.

How to celebrate your progress:

  • Set small goals for yourself and reward yourself when you reach them. For example, if your goal is to stop thinking about a past mistake for one day, treat yourself to a new outfit or favorite activity/food once you’ve accomplished it. The longer you go, the bigger the reward, which can be a lot of solo fun.
  • Keep a journal of your progress. It can be a great way to track your thoughts and emotions over time and see how far you’ve come. You know I am all about journaling, so you knew this one was coming.
  • Share your accomplishments with friends and family and celebrate with them. It can help solidify your progress and provide extra motivation to keep going. You might also consider using an accountability partner that you can celebrate with.
  • If you have a setback, don’t let it discourage you. The process of change takes time, patience, and practice. But with effort and support, you can learn to move forward and leave your past in the dust.

My Top Reccomendations for Relieving Stress & Anxiety

Sensate Device For Relaxation
Sensate Relaxation Device
Calm Magnesium Roller
Calm Magnesium Roller Lavender Orange Cedarwood Essential Oil Roll On
Large Premium Crystals And Healing Stones In Wooden Gift Box
CRYSTALYA Travel Chakra Crystals and Healing Stones in Wooden Gift Box
Kannect Supplement
G1 NUTRITION Kannect Sceletium Tortuosum Dietary Supplement
Large Premium Crystals And Healing Stones In Wooden Gift Box 
Large Premium Chakra Crystals and Healing Stones in Wooden Gift Box
Chill Out Calming Roll On
Chill Out Calming Roll On Essential Oil Blend
Zenium Supplement
Zenium Stress Relief Supplement & Support
Calming Large Sleep Crystals And Healing Stones In Wooden Gift Box
Calming Large Sleep Crystals and Healing Stones in Wooden Gift Box
Ono Roller - Handheld Fidget Toy For Adults
ONO Roller – Handheld Fidget Toy for Adults

4. Practice self-compassion and forgiveness. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to practice self-compassion and forgiveness. It’s impossible to be perfect, and everyone makes mistakes–including you!

How to practice self-compassion and forgiveness:

  • Try to be understanding and gentle with yourself when you make a mistake. Instead of beating yourself up, give yourself some grace and allow yourself to recover and learn from the experience.
  • Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a friend. Would you berate and criticize your friend for making a mistake? Most likely not! Try to adopt a more supportive and encouraging attitude when facing your past mistakes.
  • Create a self-forgiveness board. It can be a powerful tool for helping you to let go of the past and move forward. Create a board or journal with images, quotes, writing prompts, and anything else that inspires self-compassion and forgiveness.
  • Above all, remember that it’s perfectly normal to struggle with past mistakes. But by practicing self-compassion and forgiveness and seeking the support of others, you can heal and move forward in your life.

Holding on to past mistakes prevents you from living your best life and achieving your full potential. With the right mindset and approach, you can learn to stop reliving past mistakes and start creating a brighter future for yourself. Don’t be afraid to start this journey today–you’ve got this!

Why is this so important?

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1. Emotional Freedom: Dwelling on past mistakes can trap us in a cycle of guilt and shame, hindering our emotional healing.

2. Progress: Focusing on the present and future allows for personal growth and positive change, which are central to recovery.

3. Reduced Relapse Risk: Letting go of the past reduces triggers and relapse risk, as it helps break the cycle of addiction-associated memories.

4. Improved Well-being: It promotes better mental and emotional well-being, leading to a more fulfilling and productive life in recovery.

5. Rebuilding Relationships: It enables us to rebuild and nurture healthier relationships with family and friends, fostering support, if that’s something you’re into.

6. Hope and Resilience: Leaving the past behind fosters hope and resilience, empowering us to face challenges with optimism.

In Conclusion

I am writing about this because I had never thought twice about torturing myself by constantly putting my energy and focus towards things I had done in the past. One thing that every single person that suffers from SUD has in common is… Self-loathing.

You know it, and I know it. We were so desperate to get away from OURSELVES that we decided to enlist the help of illicit substances because we have never been comfortable in our own skin. Substances, for me heroin, made the pain go away. Even though it was temporary, my self-loathing was so strong that I would have done anything to escape it.

Most of us felt this way due to a situation or circumstance that made us feel powerless. We allowed the mistakes of another to define how we felt about ourselves. In case nobody has ever told you- it’s not your fault. You are loved. You are valuable, and now you know exactly how to eliminate the torturous process of reliving our past mistakes. Like I always say, If I can, you can!

Post Off Quote

What if I told you that 10 years from now, your life would be exactly the same? I doubt you’d be happy. So, why are you so afraid of change?

-Karen Salmansohn

Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)

It’s okay to say no. My time and energy are my most valuable assets and I am choosing to put myself first because I want to put my time and energy on myself during this time.

-Yours Truly

If this post…

If this post resonated with you or you have something you would like to add or share, please do so in the comments below. You know I love to hear from you. If you would like me to keep this stuff coming, please consider liking, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and registering for my growing online community. After doing so, you can check out the support forums and give and receive support and also be a part of an all-inclusive, judgment-free, forever-free, supportive community. If you are new here and you would like to learn more about me and my story, please check out my ABOUT page. Also, please follow me on social media @pronotper. You are all awesome, and just in case nobody has told you today, and I am sure they have, you are special, you are valuable, and you matter. Light, love, and Metta, friends!

SUD Resources

If you are interested in getting help, please see the links below or contact me.

SAMSHA National Helpline


This is an amazing resource that is run by an amazing individual, Stephen Murray. I personally volunteer as an operator for the hotline, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of such a life-saving organization. The hotline is for anyone who doesn’t want to risk using alone. You call the hotline, and we stay on the phone with you while you do your dew and until you are sure you are okay. Should you become unresponsive, we immediately contact emergency services and send them to your location. I can personally attest to the fact that this hotline saves lives and changes lives for the better. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should, you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

Ma Overdose Prevention Hotline Flyer
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1480
Suicide And Crisis Hotline Dial 988
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1481

Progressing Not Perfecting Merch

Signature Drug War Veteran and Purple Ribbon Hoodie

Drug War Veteran Merch Hoodie
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1482

About This Product

100% Cotton

7 Colors

Over-Unity Long Sleeve Shirt

Overunity Long Sleeve
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1483

About this item

Fit TypeClassic Fit
Neck StyleCrew Neck
MaterialPolyester, Cotton
Sleeve TypeLong Sleeve
  • Solid colors: 100% Cotton; Heather Grey: 90% Cotton, 10% Polyester; All Other Heathers: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve, and bottom hem
  • Multiple colors and sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I will earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

Galaxy Drug War Veteran and Purple Ribbon Case

Drug War Veteran Merch Phone Case
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1484

About This Product

  • A two-part protective case made from a premium scratch-resistant polycarbonate shell and shock-absorbent TPU liner protects against drops
  • Printed in the USA
  • Easy installation

PNP Logo Design Zip Hoodie

Pnp Logo Hoodie
Stop the Cycle: How to Break the Habit of Reliving Past Mistakes 1485

About this item

  • Solid colors: 80% Cotton, 20% Polyester; Heather Grey: 78% Cotton, 22% Poly; Dark Heather: 50% Cotton, 50% Polyester
  • Imported
  • Machine Wash
  • This is the famous logo representing the blog Progressing Not Perfecting.
  • PNP is an addiction recovery blog, and the founder works hard to motivate, instill hope, and inspire people to change.
  • 8.5 oz, Classic fit, Twill-taped neck
  • Comes in 8 Colors and Many Sizes

🤘This is an affiliate link and will bring you to my storefront on Amazon. I may earn a small fee should you choose to purchase using my link. Thank you.🤘

Progressing Not Perfecting
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