Are you looking to explore the spiritual side of life and unlock the power that lies within? If so, I am going to share a piece of my spiritual journey and follow it with a guide to teach you the basics of what it means to be spiritual and how to use it to create a serene and peaceful mindset.

I have always considered myself to be what I call a pragmatic realist. Basically, I am a REALLY pragmatic person who never bought into Hocus Pocus. I didn’t have time for that ish. Who does?
I recently had a friend of mine get into a very bad car accident. When someone told me about a GoFundMe page for her, of course, I donated. I also decided to hit up her sister, another friend of mine, to check on her progress. I had run into her [non-hospitalized sister] a few months prior when I was suddenly guided to the McDonald’s Play Land, which I never ever go to because… just… EW. Before reading this post, I would ask that you keep an open mind.
I keep talking about how we have spent our entire existence as humanity allowing ourselves to be repeatedly and irrevocably lied to. This is not an exaggeration, as you will all soon find out if you haven’t already. If you already know the crimes of which I speak, then congratulations, you are a lightworker, and like me, you should take this title very seriously. Continue to keep an open mind, and you, too, can begin to experience magic every single day.
I go on these missions often because there are people out there who need the knowledge I have regarding the way the world really is. The knowledge that allowed me to beat a lifelong addiction to IV heroin kind of knowledge. Yes, that very knowledge. If you know anything about me, you know that I am on a continuous quest for knowledge. I am learning new things every second of the day. Even right now, as I type, I am listening to Sacred Geometry, learning about Octahedrons and Star tetrahedrons. Knowledge is POWER, and if you didn’t know that, you do now. There you go, learning. It’s easy. See?
To my surprise, my old non-hospitalized friend was really into what I was sharing with her. She didn’t look at me like I was crazy, and we talked for at least an hour while the kids played. That was that. I did my part.
No Such Thing As Coincidence
As soon as I messaged her on this day, she responded. She told me that her sister was still in bad shape. I told her that there is a reason this happened. She told me that she knew there was. She continued to tell me that the doctors had found a tumor and an aneurysm in her sister that would have never been discovered if she hadn’t had the accident. She then told me that she had gotten a flat tire in the exact spot where her sister’s accident was the day before out in east bum fazzle nowhere. What are the chances?
I gave her a few spirit guide meditations and asked her to give them to her sister. I asked her if she thought her sister would do them and if she had said anything about an out-of-body experience. She told me that she hadn’t said anything about it. When I asked her if she would talk to her, she asked me to do the talking, arguing that I was much more convincing. I was sold. (That breath-on-nail thing people do.)
I wasn’t going to talk to her, but I took the morning off to write her a message that might save her life. I told her a piece of my story. I’ve copied and pasted my message below.
The Message
“Hey, girl. I am so sorry this happened to you. I know we haven’t talked in a while, but if I don’t tell you some things, I will never forgive myself. Sorry, this is so long, but please, for your sake, read it.
I don’t tell many people this in-depth part of my story ( I do now), but back in 2016, after _______ [the guy I was seeing] died and Trevor (my best friend) went to jail for allegedly selling him the drugs that he OD’d on, I was at a really low point. I was suicidal, to put it mildly. I had no purpose, an addiction so bad that even selling drugs weren’t enough to support it. I was just existing at this point, and barely. I had nothing left to do but create a plan.
During that time, I fell asleep every night watching movies on an old DVD player. Every single morning, I woke up, and Dr. Joe Dispenza was playing on my TV, even when I set my TV on a sleep timer. I thought they were crazy people and often made jibes at them and their beliefs to myself. Internally, listening to the stories must have been programming me while I slept or something. One day, I woke up and listened to Dr. Joe Dispenza tell the story of how he healed himself from a broken back after being told he would never move below the neck again while I lay there dreading getting up to do what I had to do to be well.
A Decision
He was miserable. I was miserable. He sat in the hospital for months and months, feeling sorry for himself, thinking he would never move again. Until he one day made a decision not to be a victim anymore.
He decided then and there that he WOULD walk again. This hit home because I did the exact same at age 14 when I went home, and everything in my mom’s apartment was gone except for my bedroom. My mom and sister had moved away without me leaving no forwarding address. I started listening. I made small changes. I was still getting high, but my plan of suicide fell to the wayside. I kept my mind in a positive mindset, NO MATTER WHAT.
Around this time, I also had what I know now to be an out-of-body experience or astral projection experience. I was floating over my body as an entity. Bear with me here, and I thought I had OD’d and died. The second I thought about my physical body, I was whipped back into it. I never thought much of it except I needed to lower my intake. That was a close one, you know?
I never used again
I Never Used Again
The small changes I was making led to big results. I started working with Pat because I got put on GPS and couldn’t deliver my drugs. Pat took care of it, and I paid him well. He developed feelings for me, and I told him I was the last thing he needed. I warned him about jail and how I would always go back, and it would hurt him. I didn’t need it, and neither did he. He continued to work for me. We slept in the same bed for months, never even touching. He persisted, and he grew on me. I still waited another month and a half to sleep with him. We were tripping on acid. I knew as soon as it was over, I was pregnant. A gentle knowing that I never questioned. I was terrified, but I knew I could not fail my child.
A month later, after confirming, we flushed our ish down the toilet, walked out of where I was staying, and checked into a homeless shelter. I had the clothes on my back, a 450-credit score, as did he, a bit lower even, and a correctional GPS on my ankle. He didn’t believe in the law of attraction at that time, but he humored me. We worked hard, but not nearly as hard as you would think. You know the rest of the story. Three years later, I purchased my own home that is worth more than 350k today. I never used again. I don’t think about it at all.
Girl, you know how bad I was, and you know that all of you thought I would be dead and gone long ago, so I know you understand the magnitude of what was accomplished here with very minimal effort because I haven’t had so much as one craving since the day I found out I was pregnant. I know, you know.
All the Things

Okay, so I’m working, and I’m doing good things like leaving extra cash on gas pumps and in diaper boxes at Stewart’s, and girl, I can’t explain it. I started getting this feeling that I needed to share my story to help others. I found a psychic reader on Etsy that had like 5000 five-star ratings. I got a reading. The reader (GrayWolfSpells) told me I was one of the three waves of volunteers sent to Earth to help save humanity. You can imagine my reaction. I was laughing so hard reading it that I peed a little. Until the end.
A couple of other readers had told me that I was going to save thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of lives, which I found laughable at the time. Grayson told me to begin reading Dolores Cannon’s books. (She is a QHHT therapist who helps people heal by guiding them through past lives.) She helped hundreds of thousands before she died and wrote books about it. The crazy thing is I was already familiar with her! I had received a SIGNED AUTHORS edition of her third book, The Convoluted Universe, in my MAILBOX a few months prior with no return address.
Do the Blog

He also tells me there is no such thing as coincidence earlier in the document. But that’s not the best part. I still have this reading and many more. One of the last parts of the reading said this- “DO THE BLOG! Do it with light and love in your heart, and you will help more people than you can imagine.” Or something along those lines. At this point, I hadn’t even said it out loud to myself. (I will attach the reading and a photo of the signed book.) I have had many readings done by Grayson now, and I have never experienced anything like it. His accuracy has been beyond what my mind can comprehend.
I immediately purchased a few more readings. Not to educate myself but to prove he was wrong. Though every single one of the probably 100 readings that followed over the next two years, I was called something different (Starseed, Lightworker, volunteer, one of the 144,000). They all said the same thing. I was a healer, and I was divinely protected. This same thing was told to me after I had gotten pregnant. I started going to church, and a man whom God spoke through called me up and told me that I had been doing the devil’s work for a long time. Things would be okay, and my testimony was going to save lives. Still, I couldn’t believe it.

It was just a coincidence. I got readings for other people to see if they were told the same, but they weren’t. Christmas 2 years ago, three or four days before, I went into my room to wrap gifts and found a book on my bed. This book was unfamiliar to me. It was called “Invoking your Celestial Guardians,” A letter to lightworkers by Solara. I was crying. It must have been in the Arts and crafts books I had bought for Mikaiyah for Christmas from the armory second-hand store.
This was enough. I had also repeatedly asked the universe for signs and told my clients to do the same. I was not once disappointed. This is how Pat came to believe. He had seen everything I had but was still on the fence. I asked him to humor me and ask for a sign. He asked to see a purple and red butterfly. It was winter. I said, “Jeez, don’t make it hard on Good Ole Uni.” The next morning Pat calls me and excitedly tells me how he opened FB and what was staring at him but a purple and red butterfly. I had him finally. (I’ve added a photo below.)
I began to educate myself and to find my purpose. I started using affirmations, meditating, journaling, and focusing on feeling good no matter what. That spring, after meeting with a client who had also chosen a purple and red butterfly, after hearing about Pat’s story. I was leaving work. Most days, I run out that door so fast I spin. This day, I was lollygagging. I was looking at the floor, and when I got to the entryway, I looked down, and I am not even playing. I see a bright red and purple butterfly.
Red & Purple Butterflies

I didn’t think there were red and purple butterflies. The one Pat saw was drawn in crayon by my niece. This one was for me, and it was real. I got videos and photos of freeing it from the entryway. While I was freeing it, I had this feeling come over me of pure and untouched unconditional love. It made my knees weak.
I had also begun actively trying to astral project again. I then find out that my blood type is very different, and I had always thought it was a curse. It is very rare. I am rh negative. O negative. We are the only living things on the planet that have rh negative blood. We have some kind of immunity to AIDS and many other diseases. Our immune systems are kicking and beat most things. Though also our fetuses, so we have to have shots when pregnant to protect our babies.
Last year I wanted to make people see, so I posted a law of attraction video and immediately regretted it, and as I was about to take it down, your cousin ___________ messaged me and thanked me for sharing my videos. That was enough; I left it.
Sparking Curiousity
A bunch more happened, and we will have plenty of time to talk about that later. About two months ago me and the kids are sitting around, and something tells me I have to go to Mcdonald’s play area. I hate it. It’s dirty and germy and scary to me for my kids, but I did it. You will never guess who I ran into. Your rh negative sister, ________. I know your sister pretty well, and I was a little scared to come at her, but I instinctively knew she was who I was there to see. I begin talking to her. Mind you; my high vibes had my friends drop out of my life like flies. Most of them robbing me along the way. It was nice to be able to talk with someone about this, but as I said, I was a bit scared to do so with your sister.
I eased into it almost immediately after our hellos. I have always felt drawn to both of you but could never really understand or explain. I knew that day. When your sister told me she was an rh negative, I had no doubts. I tried to get out as much of the story as I knew without completely making her think I was crazy, and to my utter amazement, she wasn’t looking at me like I was crazy. She had experienced things that maybe she wasn’t ready to share, but I knew. I had, at the very least, sparked a curiosity. That’s all it takes to watch the magic begin.
After that, I didn’t hear from her for a while, and I thought I would, but I had faith that I had done my part and it would all come together. This morning, Pat came in and said isn’t this your friend? My heart dropped. I told him to donate some money and set to reaching out to your sister. She didn’t tell me much, but she told me enough that I know every bit has happened for a reason. I KNOW you are going to be ok. I don’t know how I know, but I do.
My Crazy Friend Sam
You need to decide that you will not be a victim. You are NOT ready to head to your next life. You need to KNOW that you are going to be okay. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself if you are and realize that you, my friend, are a powerful creator. You control the storyline. Your sister’s guides have intervened for you to get this far, but you need to quiet your mind and go within and tell your guides that you are ready, willing, and able to accept any and all help they are willing to give. Humor me by asking for a sign. “Universe, my crazy friend Sam is telling me to ask you for a sign that this is the way. Show me a _______________ within the next 48 hours as a show of faith.” Sit back, knowing that a sign is coming, and watch the magic begin.
Joe Dispenza regularly has workshops where people walk in blind, paralyzed, sick, etc. He teaches them to quiet their minds, and they walk out of these things, walking, seeing, etc. Everything we have been taught is a lie, girl. I have done my homework. Please know that believing can save your life, and if it couldn’t, I wouldn’t have taken the time to put my day on hold and plant this seed.
We All Have a Purpose
When I told everyone in my life I would be somebody, they all laughed at me. They aren’t laughing now. Every day, things grow more and more exciting. God did not put us here to suffer. We can talk about all that when you’re better, but please, gf. You know who I was and where I came from. If you listen to ANYTHING in your godd*mn life, you will listen to me now. You control what happens to you. Do what you gotta do to feel good right now. If you have questions or need guidance, just ask. This will save your life, and I truly hope you pick up what I’m putting down. Spirituality is actually the opposite of religion. It’s truth, luvey. Commit yourself to finding the truth of who you are. We all have a purpose here, but it’s up to us, with help, to find it. Cheer up. Brighter days ahead.❤️”
After sending this message, she replied and told me she met with her guides when she was hit. That they had blocked her path and told her not to go into the light. She said that she will continue the path, but she was having a hard time staying positive because the pain is horrible.
Tips to Embark on Your Own Spiritual Journey
I told her I was coming to see her tomorrow, and I am, but before I do, I want to share some tips I have for anyone ready to embrace the magic and embark on their own spiritual journey.
Define Your Intentions and Goals.
Before embarking on a spiritual journey, it’s important to define your intentions and goals. What do you hope to achieve through this journey? Are you seeking inner peace, a deeper connection to a higher power, or a better understanding of your purpose in life? By defining your intentions and goals, you can create a roadmap for your journey and stay focused on what’s important to you. Take some time to reflect on your intentions and write them down. This will help you stay motivated and committed to your journey.
Choose Your Path and Practice.
Once you have defined your intentions and goals, it’s time to choose a spiritual path and practice that resonates with you. There are many different paths to choose from, including meditation, yoga, prayer, and mindfulness. Choosing a practice that feels authentic and meaningful to you is important rather than simply following what others are doing. Experiment with different practices and see what works best for you. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to embark on a spiritual journey – it’s all about finding what works for you and staying committed to your practice.
Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation.
Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for connecting with your inner self and the world around you. Mindfulness involves being present at the moment and fully aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. Meditation involves quieting the mind and focusing on a specific object or mantra. Both practices can help reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and improve overall well-being. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day to practice mindfulness or meditation, and gradually increase the amount of time as you become more comfortable with the practice.
Connect with Nature and Your Inner Self.
One way to embark on a transformative spiritual journey is to connect with nature, which is my personal favorite, with gratitude a close second. Spending time in nature can help you feel more grounded and connected to the world around you. Take a walk in the woods, sit by a river, or simply spend time in your backyard. As you connect with nature, take time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. This can help you better understand yourself and your place in the world.
Practice Gratitude and Compassion.
Another way to enhance your spiritual journey is to practice gratitude and compassion. Gratitude involves acknowledging and appreciating the good things in your life, while compassion involves showing kindness and empathy toward others. Practicing these qualities can cultivate a more positive and fulfilling outlook on life. Consider keeping a gratitude journal or volunteering your time to help others in need. These small acts of kindness can greatly impact your spiritual growth.
Moral of the Story.
I don’t know, but I am hoping to know very soon, and maybe I can get back to you. Lol. I am playing. I just think that sometimes taking the time to do something selfless for another person makes all the difference for all parties involved. If my friend hadn’t had that accident, she would have never known about the tumor and the Aneurysm. Unfortunately, she had to endure so much pain, but it ultimately saved her life. Everything happens for a reason. I only shared a small piece of my crazy story, but I mean it when I say I have experienced real and true magic before my eyes. This is how it goes when you make that conscious decision to embark on the journey. If you need support, you know where to find me.
Post Off Quote
“It’s only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control.”
-Ram Dass
Post Off Affirmation (Until Next Time)
Today I model connection, kindness, and love for all living things because I am connected to the endless abundance of the universe.
Last But Not Least
I would love for you to share your spiritual experiences. I love love love stories like these, and that’s why I shared. I know some of this may seem redundant if you are familiar with my story, but I have never gone into a lot of the details about all of the amazing things that have happened to me. Mostly because I am not sure how it will be received.
I live in a very small, very closed-minded town with the kind of people that purchase “shoot your local heroing dealer” bumper stickers. Not even one person I know fully shares my beliefs. Also, I find it pretty cool that most of us who embark on the journey of a spiritual awakening find that ETs are very closely intertwined with spirituality. My Gaia subscription is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I highly recommend that anyone experiencing synchronicities, angel numbers, or any other signs check out Gaia. It’s very affordable for the unmatched anywhere knowledge you will receive.
Please share your experiences below in the comments or visit the PNP Forums. Also, be sure to share, like, comment, subscribe, register, and do all the things because it really helps me and my mission to save the world. If you are struggling and need support, please reach out in the forums or comments or email me at [email protected].
Support my Work by Visiting my Amazon Storefront
Third Eye Awakening Supplement
Haritaki Plus

This stuff is amazing! My very first and currently only video review of a product was this baby. I have aphantasia, and I just never seem to remember having dreams. It’s horrible. When I take this Third Eye Awakening supplement, I have the most vivid and realistic dreams I have ever had in my life. They are good ones, too. I am so excited to share this product because if you are someone who has no dream recall or you have aphantasia, which is basically a blind mind’s eye because I can’t see anything but black when I close my eyes, this helps a lot. I don’t know how, but it worked for me, and I couldn’t be happier.
If I don’t take it before bed, then I go back to not having dreams I remember, but if I do take it, it’s hello dream time! As you know, I can’t make a promise about the efficacy it may have in regard to you, but I can tell you that I have yet to be disappointed using this product on my spiritual journey. If you are interested in checking out my video review, you can watch it here.
*Please see the affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page.*
TopFund Tibetan Chakra Singing Bowls

I was so ecstatic when I was finally able to buy these Tibetan Singing Bowls. A sound healer with no singing bowls is like… Not cool. I absolutely love these, and my house just vibes higher with these within. I tried finding these used for months to no avail. I say it’s because after owning them, you are aware of the magic they are capable of, and you aren’t going to give them up for anything. These can definitely help with spiritual evolution.
*Please see the affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page.*
Ella & Emma Sun & Moon Crystal Display Case

I am really into these right now. I love finding creative ways to display my awesome crystals. This is hanging on the wall, and it’s just awesome. I keep my little bottles in it, and I love when I get the opportunity to swing the doors open and appreciate the contents within. I love the natural-looking finish and the decorative doors that give just enough of a peek to spark curiosity. I added a few hooks to the bottom for hanging small things, and I am really good at finding the things that I love, and many others do too, so I have had a couple of friends pick this one up after seeing mine. One picked up the other version, but still- I just love this kind of stuff. Anyone who collects crystals will find an appreciation for products like these.
*Please see the affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page.*
Tenfly Chakra Tuning Forks Set

These are beyond words amazing! I was initially a little… hesitant to invest in tuning forks, but the benefits far outweighed my skepticism. I am so glad that they did. These are effective for DNA Repair Healing, sound healing, cleansing energy, purifying mind & body, aligning chakras, cleansing crystals and tools, meditation, Yoga, and the list goes on and on. I have had so much success with these, helping not only myself but family, friends, and many clients. Highly recommend adding these to your sound arsenal. Just look at the beautiful colors! Omgoodness! I just love them!
*Please see the affiliate disclosure at the bottom of the page.*
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