Addiction recovery is a lifelong journey that requires constant growth and development. Building resilience, personal development, and exploring purpose are among the topics I target when looking for life-changing books. These life-changing books provide practical advice and indirect strategies for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life. Whether you are struggling with addiction or not, these books will help. Being a helper of people and a seeker of knowledge, books are a large part of my story. I am a firm believer in the fact that knowledge is power. These books prove that to be accurate.
The following is a list of the fifty-eight best personal development books, which I found to be inspiring and to offer practical advice and strategies for those of us in addiction recovery as well as those that are not. Every single book that made this list was a game-changer for me. They are in no particular order because I found each to be equally important for different reasons. Most are available on Audible, and all are available on Amazon. You can click the image or the title to be brought to a page for purchase. If you use my link, I may receive a small commission, which allows me to continue to create great content and costs nothing to you.
My Life-Changing Books List

Living in the present moment is the key to avoiding being consumed by addiction. Eckhart Tolle offers practical techniques for achieving inner peace and serenity. By focusing on the present moment, we can overcome negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to addiction. Like, for real. The Power of Now is a must-read for those of us on the path to recovery and anyone else who is a seeker of truth. Religion and spirituality are different things. Honestly, I often refer to them as opposites. Spirituality is truth, and you know how I feel about truth. #truthtime Honorable Mentions: A New Earth and Living a Life of Inner Peace.

Check Out
Dr. Steven Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Conference
Dr. Greer has dedicated the last thirty years of his life voluntarily to collecting the overwhelming evidence presented to Congress this week regarding secret black ops, extra-terrestrial programs, our government, and everything that has been kept from the public. He has collected the testimonies of over 736 high-ranking government officials and other reputable citizens. The Pentagon has been ordered to comply. You can check out the whole conference below. He has gotten us this far, and now it’s our turn to give back for his grandkids and for ours.

Vulnerability is often viewed as a weakness, but it can be used to build resilience and overcome addiction. BrenΓ© Brown explores the concept of vulnerability and how it can be used as a tool for growth. By embracing imperfection, we can learn from our mistakes and use them as a tool for personal growth. I fell in love with Brene Brown after watching her Ted Talk on The Power of Vulnerability. She is AMAZING! I could listen to her talk for days. She seems really down to earth, and I like that a lot. Honorable Mentions: Dare to Lead, The Gifts of Imperfection, and Rising Strong. All of her content is fantastic.

This book is a classic in the field of personal development. It offers practical advice on cultivating positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction and succeed in all areas of your life. The seven habits outlined in this book are: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw. This book is a must-read for those of us who are sick of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
4. Mindset by Carol Dweck 4.6

Carol Dweck explains how our mindset shapes our attitudes toward various aspects of life, including education, relationships, sports, and business. Through numerous examples and studies, she demonstrates how the growth mindset leads to greater resilience, motivation, and achievement. She also highlights the damaging effects of a fixed mindset, such as a fear of judgment, a limited sense of potential, and a lack of fulfillment growth mindset is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life.
This book offers a thought-provoking exploration of human potential and the power of our beliefs. It challenges us to reflect on our own mindset and consider the ways in which it may be limiting our personal and professional growth. Carol Dweck’s work provides a compelling argument for embracing a growth mindset, inspiring individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve greater success and fulfillment in all areas of life, which is perfect for those of us in recovery because it’s kinda exactly what most of us are trying to do.

It’s no secret that Dr. Joe Dispenza is a large part of my journey to recovery. It was one of his YouTube videos that changed the direction of my life. Just keep an open mind because this is exactly what the Doctor ordered (pun intended). I call him the science behind the Law of Attraction. Joe Dispenza teaches us how to eliminate old habits and ways of thinking completely. I often say, “if you don’t believe, you don’t receive.”
Joe Dispenza introduces us to the idea of the “quantum self” – a version of ourselves that exists beyond our current limitations. He explores the concept of mindfulness and meditation as powerful tools for shifting our awareness and accessing our potential. By letting go of old beliefs and embracing new possibilities, we can transform our lives and manifest our desires.
This offers a profound understanding of the mind-body connection and the potential for personal growth and transformation. I read it after watching everything I could find on YouTube. It hooked me by challenging me to take responsibility for my own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and further empowered me to create the life I truly desired by making me see that it was a very real possibility with very little physical effort on my part but a HUGE mental and emotional effort. It was just what I needed when I needed it.
This book serves as a roadmap for breaking free from old patterns (addictions/behaviors), unlocking our potential, and living a more fulfilling and authentic life which, as I said, is just what the doctor ordered for those of us in recovery. It provides practical exercises and techniques to help us break free from our old habits. He guides us through meditation practices, visualizations, and affirmations that enable us to tap into our subconscious mind and reprogram it for positive change.
Joe Dispenza emphasizes the importance of consistency, dedication, and self-discipline in the process of personal transformation. It sounds like a tall order now, but in long-term recovery, we tend to have a NEED to be better. I do, anyways. Just go into it with an open mind and watch the transformation begin. Honorable Mentions: You Are the Placebo and Becoming Supernatural. All of Joe Dispenza’s books are fire. He has amazing meditations too.
6. EΒ² By Pam Grout 4.4

This book was a game changer for me because it includes nine actionable steps or “energy experiments” that prove consciousness trumps matter. In other words, thoughts become things. This involves nine 48-hour experiments that prove the universe is on our side. If you are skeptical, please just humor me. You won’t regret it. I have gifted this book to at least four people, all of which have changed the direction of their lives in very positive ways. Pam Grout also has an E-Cubed, which is a sequel to this one, which makes it onto my honorable mention list.
I have also encouraged many of my clients just to do the first exercise, and I’ve got to say I have yet to be disappointed. Thank you, Universe and Pam Grout!

Another complete game-changer. New York Times Best Seller. Gabby Bernstein is in recovery and has a beautiful life. A life beyond her wildest dreams. She shares practical steps for sliding into spiritual practice, clear guidance, mindfulness, and many other ways to align with the universe and make all of your dreams come true.
Since the release of this book, she has written at least one more best seller and has manifested everything she was aiming for while writing this book. I subscribe to her newsletter, which is one of the few I open. Honorable Mentions: Spirit Junkie, The Universe Has Your Back, and Miracles Now. She is truly an inspiration. We all know how difficult it can be to make your recovery an open book. (Again, pun intended.)

New York Times Best Seller. Mike Dooley teaches us how to tap into our true spiritual nature to live a wonder, joyous, and happiness-filled life. This book explores and shares how powerful we truly are and what happens when we finally realize it. Mike Dooley shares that we are beings with infinite possibilities. I love Mike Dooley’s tone. You can just tell he is a pragmatic guy that stumbled on a faith-based experience, and I love it.

Dr. Wayne Dyer (May he rest in peace) is one of my favorite authors, and he got that title after I read this book. He has a beautiful writing style that makes everything seem profound and beautiful. Wayne knows that with God, all things are possible. We learn his technique for retraining your subconscious mind, how to connect and stay connected to our God Source Energy, and he teaches us in detail how to be our best and highest selves and how to live our best and highest lives.
Wayne passed away in 2015, I believe but don’t quote me, and he lived his best and highest life for sure. He inspired millions, including me. RIP, Wayne Dyer.
Honorable Mentions: Change Your Thoughts- Change Your Life, The Power of Intention, and The Shift. These books left me speechless and very motivated.

I am a huge fan of YouTube’s Impact Theory’s Tom Bilyeu, so when he mentioned that his wife’s new book was coming out, I had to get on the list to receive it, and I am so glad I did. Lisa was raised by a family that was very traditional in their ways of thinking. Translation: Lisa should aspire to be nothing more than a stay-at-home mother and wife.
Lisa teaches us that we don’t have to wait out our insecurities to go after our dreams because we can attain them right now. We must acknowledge our fears and insecurities, look them dead in the eye, and then push them to the side. Lisa helps us to stop listening to the “mean girl inside our heads” and dream big already. Thank you, Tom Bileau, for the AMAZING recommendation. Look how adorably beautiful she is!

This book also helped me on a profound level. Being someone that suffers from ADHD, I really get overwhelmed easily, but since reading this book, not so much. I take small steps each day towards my goals for big results over time. It’s genius. Achieving success in all areas of life requires developing positive habits and behaviors. Darren Hardy provides practical strategies for achieving success in all areas of your life. By focusing on small changes, we can achieve big results. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve success in recovery or otherwise.
12. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero 4.7

Achieving personal growth and development is essential for overcoming addiction. Jen Sincero provides practical strategies for achieving personal growth and development. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives. Jen Sincero is hilarious and witty. She is fun, and her humor makes you eager to read more.
This is one of my favorites, and she now has a series of these books called You Are A Bad Ass at Making Money, You Are A Bad Ass Every Day, and Bad Ass Habits. Those are really good as well. Side Note: She is also the author of a little book called The Straight Girls Guide to Sleeping With Chicks, which is hilarious, like laugh-out-loud hilarious, and she holds nothing back. Side Note: Jen does mention having alcoholic beverages in this book, so if that is something that bothers you, then I would steer clear of this guide.

Mark Manson introduces the concept of “not giving a f*ck” as a mindset that liberates us from the need for approval and societal expectations. He emphasizes the importance of choosing our battles wisely and investing our time and energy in things that align with our values. By accepting the inevitability of pain and discomfort, we can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and find meaning in the process.
Mark Manson explores the concept of values and how they can be used to overcome addiction. By focusing on our values, we can let go of negative thoughts and emotions that can lead to addiction. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to overcome addiction and achieve personal growth, and aren’t we all?

Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for achieving success in all areas of life. Napoleon Hill provides practical strategies for developing a positive mindset and overcoming the obstacles that can lead to addiction. By focusing on our goals, we can achieve success in all areas of our lives. Hill has become one of my very favorite authors. I love his tone, and we both share a strong desire to help others succeed.

Achieving inner peace and serenity is essential for overcoming addiction. Michael Singer provides practical techniques for achieving inner peace and serenity, which work. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and go on to achieve success in all areas of our lives.
This is a profound and introspective book that delves into the nature of consciousness and the path to inner freedom. Michael Singer guides us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, inviting us to explore the depths of our inner world and transcend the limitations of the ego. Through profound insights and practical teachings, we are encouraged to release the attachments and fears that hold us back and instead embrace a state of pure awareness and mindfulness.

Living a fulfilling life requires adopting four simple agreements: be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. Don Miguel Ruiz provides practical advice on how to let go of negative beliefs and behaviors that can lead to addiction. This is the one that could change the world if we could get everyone to read it. I love everything that this book stands for. I really do. We should all live by these principles. Not to mention that we lose touch with some of these principles throughout active addiction, so it was nice to be reminded.

Times are changing, and most of us know that spirituality has nothing to do with religion but more to do with extra-terrestrial and multi-dimensional beings. This book sums it all up perfectly, and I owe my recovery to my spirituality. Somehow the harder I tried to prove it wrong, the further it was proven until seven years had gone by, and holy sh*t, I’m still sober. It filled that dark, empty hole within me that had always caused me to feel like I didn’t belong or that I was different. This is the same emptiness and hole that I believed I was filling with heroin.
My spirituality allowed me to see that I am different and that being different isn’t such a bad thing. My spirituality has had me witness real-life magic many times over the last seven years, and every day is filled with more wonder than the last. I truly believe that spirituality can help many of us suffering from addiction and other issues. It is faith and hope and has nothing to do with religion, and Stewart Dixon nails it in this book.

The book begins by introducing the concept of the avatar as a symbol of our highest potential and divine nature. Darren explores the idea that each individual has an inner wisdom and power waiting to be awakened and expressed. He offers practical tools and techniques to help us tap into this inner potential and unleash our most authentic selves.
He delves into topics such as energy healing, consciousness expansion, and personal growth. He provides insights and exercises to help us navigate our own inner landscapes, release limiting beliefs and patterns, and embrace our unique gifts and purpose in life. Yes, every single one of us has unique gifts, and that’s why this book is on the list.
I love this book, and I think I have listened to it about five times now. I found myself immediately integrating the suggestions into my life and seeing positive change shortly after. This book is another that gave me hope that I could still have a fantastic life and accomplish great things as a five-time convicted felon and ex-addicted individual.
19. Atomic Habits By James Clear 4.8

Breaking bad habits and cultivating positive ones is essential for overcoming addiction. James Clear provides practical advice on how to develop positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction. By focusing on small changes, we can achieve big results.
James provides a four-step model for building effective habits: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. He shares practical strategies for implementing these steps in various areas of life, such as health, productivity, relationships, and personal growth. He also addresses common pitfalls and offers strategies for overcoming obstacles and staying on track. Are you sure this book wasn’t written for people in recovery?

This amazing book challenges traditional beliefs about the relationship between the mind and body. Author Bruce Lipton presents a revolutionary perspective on health and healing that will change the way you think about your body and mind. Lipton is a cell biologist who has spent years studying epigenetics, how cells work, and how they communicate. In this book, he presents his findings on how our beliefs and thoughts can affect our physical health. Yes, the SCIENCE.
Bruce Lipton presents a groundbreaking perspective on the mind-body connection. He argues that our beliefs and thoughts can actually affect the way our cell’s function and communicate with each other. He explains that our cells are not controlled solely by our genes but also by our environment and our beliefs. This means that our thoughts and beliefs can actually influence our physical health. Lipton’s research provides a scientific basis for the mind-body connection and offers a new way of thinking about health and healing.
I recommend listening to this book on Audible. I tried reading it but kept losing myself in thoughts and concepts. Listening was much more beneficial for me, like by a landslide.

One of the main concepts in “You Were Born Rich” is the Law of Attraction, which states that we attract into our lives what we focus on. If we focus on lack and scarcity, we will continue to experience those things. But if we focus on abundance and prosperity, we will attract more of those things into our lives. This is where the power of positive thinking comes in – by focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs, we can shift our mindset and attract more abundance into our lives. As some of you know, this is the exact formula I used to beat my lifelong addiction to heroin.
While having a positive mindset is important, it’s not enough on its own to attract wealth and abundance. Action is also necessary. Bob Proctor emphasizes the importance of taking action toward our goals and persisting through challenges. He encourages us to set clear goals, create a plan of action, and take consistent steps toward those goals. He also reminds us that challenges and setbacks are inevitable, but it’s how we respond to them that determines our success. By persisting through challenges and staying focused on our goals, we can unlock the secrets to wealth and abundance. Yes, even us!

This is a self-help book that was first published in 1925. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality and that by changing them, we can achieve success and happiness. The book is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different aspect of life, such as health, wealth, and relationships. Throughout the book, Florence Scovel-Shinn offers practical advice and real-life examples to help readers understand and apply her teachings.
One of the key teachings is the power of positive thinking and visualization. Florence Scovel-Shinn believed that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality and that by focusing on positive outcomes and visualizing them, we can manifest them in our lives. She encourages readers to let go of negative thoughts and beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations and visualizations of their goals. By doing so, she believed readers could attract success and happiness into their lives. I am living proof that, somehow, this magic works.

A self-help book written by Joseph Murphy that explores the power of the subconscious mind and how to harness it to achieve personal and professional success. The book offers practical advice and techniques for developing a positive mindset and achieving one’s goals.
One of the book’s main points is that the subconscious mind is a powerful force that can be harnessed to achieve success in all areas of life. Murphy provides readers with a series of exercises and techniques for accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming negative thought patterns.
This is a valuable resource for those of us interested in personal growth and development. Murphy’s writing is clear and accessible, and his ideas are grounded in both spiritual tradition and scientific research. The book provides practical advice and exercises to help us achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.

This is a self-help book that also explores the concept of the Law of Attraction and how to use it to achieve success and abundance in all areas of life. The book provides readers with practical advice and techniques for accessing the power of the subconscious mind and manifesting their desires.
One of the book’s main points is that the Law of Attraction is a natural law that governs the universe and that anyone can learn to use it to create the life they desire, even those of us in long-term recovery. Andrew Kapp emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and grateful mindset and provides us with exercises and techniques for cultivating this mindset.
I honestly wish I had read this one before the many, many LOA books I had read prior.

This self-help book explores why we struggle to follow through on our goals and intentions. In the book, Nick Hall argues that the key to achieving success is not just setting goals but also understanding the underlying psychological barriers that prevent individuals from taking action. How perfect for us!
One of the book’s main points is that the subconscious mind plays a powerful role in shaping behavior and habits. Nick Hall provides us with a series of exercises and techniques for identifying and overcoming negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs.
Nick Hall’s writing is clear and accessible, and his ideas are grounded in psychological research and personal experience, which I love. The book provides us with practical advice and exercises that can help us overcome the psychological barriers to achieving our goals and living a more fulfilling life.

This book presents a series of teachings from the non-physical entity Abraham, who offers guidance on manifesting one’s desires and living a fulfilling life. Remember I said to keep an open mind? Esher, Jerry, & Abraham are a close second to Joe Dispenza in the act of changing my life forever.
One of the book’s main points is that we have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. Abraham emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with positive intentions in order to attract positive experiences and outcomes. Be a good person and attract good things. I recommend watching some of their hot seat talks on YouTube to familiarize yourself.

This is a collection of works by the influential spiritual teacher Neville Goddard, whom I absolutely adore. The book includes several of Neville’s most famous lectures and essays and lesser-known works that offer unique insights into his teachings.
His philosophy is that we have the power to create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and constructive mindset and provides readers with practical advice and exercises for cultivating this mindset. Are you catching the theme here?

This spiritual book explores the concept of the Law of One. In the book, Erin Werley argues that all beings are connected and that only one ultimate truth and law governs the universe.
The Law of One is a fundamental principle that underlies all existence. Erin Werley emphasizes the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of all beings and the role that each individual plays in the larger cosmic scheme. Yes. We all have a role.
I found this to be a thought-provoking and enlightening book that offers a path to spiritual growth and understanding. This makes the book a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring addiction recovery, the nature of consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all beings.
31. The Big Leap By Gay Hendricks 4.6

This book is a must-read for all of us who are maniacally personally developing, and especially beneficial to those of us who do the self-sabotage thing on repeat. Whenever things are going well, we are just biding our time waiting for the other shoe to drop because good times never last, right? This was me and most of you. Gay Hendricks helps us rid ourselves of the limited happiness deal to move forward and ditch the whole self-sabotage thing. He also teaches us that we create our own problems and who better solve them or eliminate them altogether. Let go of useless worries, and success lies in the “Zone of Genius.” Find what you love and do it.

This is a spiritual book that explores the nature of consciousness and the evolution of the human soul. In the book, Gary Zukav argues that humanity is in the midst of a profound transformation and that individuals must learn to align their intentions and actions with the principles of the soul to achieve spiritual growth and fulfillment.
One of the main points of the book is that the soul is a multi-dimensional entity that exists beyond the physical body and is connected to all other beings and the universe as a whole. Gary Zukav emphasizes the importance of cultivating awareness and intentionality to align one’s actions with the principles of the soul and achieve spiritual evolution.
33. Be The Love By Sarah Prout 4.9

This is a beautiful book with a beautiful message and seven ways to unlock your heart and manifest happiness. At the time of this writing, it has all five-star reviews, but most of these books have this or close. Sarah Prout, a single mom that spent her four children’s early life on welfare, is a great writer, and I also love her podcast, Manifest. I am obsessed with this podcast. I love her accent and that she has four kids and is killing it from all angles.
We have the power to manifest our dreams by connecting to the universe. The book shares that we must live with our choices; that’s life, but living with those choices is how we grow. Love this book.
34. As a Man Thinkith By James Allen 4.7

This book explores the power of thought in shaping one’s life and destiny. In the book, James Allen argues that our thoughts have a powerful influence on our actions and experiences and that by changing our thoughts, we can change our lives. I did it, and it works. Just saying.
One of the main points of the book is that we are the architects of our own destinies and that our thoughts and beliefs shape the reality we experience. Allen emphasizes the importance of developing a positive and constructive mindset and provides readers with practical advice and exercises for cultivating positive thinking.
Overall, As a Man Thinketh is a timeless classic that offers us valuable insights into the power of thought and its role in shaping our lives. It is a short and accessible book that is well worth reading.

This book discusses the Buddhist concept of non-self and the path to spiritual liberation. In the book, Ayya Khema explores the nature of the self and how attachment to the self can lead to suffering. He provides readers with practical guidance and exercises for cultivating mindfulness and developing a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
One of the main points of the book is that the self is a construct of the mind and that it is possible to overcome attachment to the self through mindfulness and meditation. Ayya Khema emphasizes the importance of developing a mindfulness practice and cultivating insight into the true nature of reality.
Overall, Being Nobody Going Nowhere is a thought-provoking and enlightening book that offers us a path to recovery via spiritual liberation.

This book teaches us that we are unstoppable. Once we find the right motivating factors, there really is no stopping us. I love this because this is kind of my thing. Empowering people by inspiring and motivating them to chase the change they want to be. Jessica Marks shares simple, actionable steps to gain momentum and begin achieving success in all areas of life.

Breakthrough is a book that offers practical advice and guidance on achieving personal and professional success. It is written by Made for Success, a company that specializes in personal and professional development training. The book presents a compelling argument that success is not a matter of luck but rather a result of hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks.
The authors of Breakthrough provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving our goals. They emphasize the importance of developing a growth mindset that allows us to approach challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset helps readers overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.
One of the strengths of Breakthrough is its accessibility. The authors present complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making the book easy to follow and understand. They use real-life examples and case studies to illustrate their points, which helps us apply the concepts to our own lives.
Moreover, the book offers practical advice that we can immediately implement. It gives us a roadmap for achieving our goals by breaking them down into smaller, achievable steps. This approach helps us build momentum and stay motivated as we work towards our goals.

This book is a guide to making small habits to recognize that you are in control and attaining the life of your dreams. My favorite is the attitude habit. “Things don’t happen to you; you make things happen!” I say this to my kids because it is such a fantastic truth. Robert Ringer further teaches us that happiness is not a goal. It’s a state of mind. A state of mind that you have control of. Love it!

This is a book about the Silva Method, a self-help program designed to improve mental abilities and promote personal growth. I learned of this book by taking a course of the same name with my MindValley subscription. In the book, Jose Silva Jr. and Ed Bernd Jr. describe the history of the Silva Method and provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for developing our own extrasensory perception (ESP) abilities. It actually works!
One of the main points of the book is that everyone has the potential for ESP and that it can be developed with practice and dedication. The authors provide us with a series of exercises and techniques for developing our ESP abilities, such as visualization, relaxation, and positive thinking (My favorite.)

This is a personal finance book written by Robert Kiyosaki. The book contrasts the financial teachings of Kiyosaki’s “rich dad” (his best friend’s father) with those of his “poor dad” (his biological father). Robert Kiyosaki explains that his rich dad’s teachings focused on building assets and passive income streams, while his poor dad emphasized traditional education and working for a paycheck.
Robert Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial literacy, understanding the difference between assets and liabilities, and the power of investing to build wealth over time. He also challenges us to shift our mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance and to think creatively about ways to generate income.
Overall, Rich Dad Poor Dad is a thought-provoking and practical guide to personal finance that encourages us to take control of our financial future and build wealth through smart investing and a mindset of abundance. I found this book to be incredibly motivating and exciting. I was excited to begin taking control of my financial future by using the things I had learned in this book.

The Energy Codes is a book written by Dr. Sue Morter about the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. In the book, Sue Morter presents a system of energy healing that is designed to help us connect with our inner wisdom and achieve optimal health and wellness.
One of the main points of the book is that the body has an innate intelligence that can be harnessed to promote healing and well-being. Morter provides us with a series of exercises and techniques for accessing this inner wisdom and aligning our body’s energy systems.
Sue Morter’s approach is grounded in scientific research and personal experience, making this book a valuable resource for those of us interested in exploring the mind-body connection and promoting optimal wellness, which we can integrate into our recoveries.
42. You Owe You By Eric Thomas PhD 4.8

This is a book about personal accountability and taking responsibility for one’s life. In the book, Eric Thomas shares his personal experiences and inspiring stories to motivate us to take ownership of our lives and pursue our goals.
One of the main points of the book is that success is not a matter of luck or circumstance but rather a result of one’s own choices and actions. Thomas emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, hard work, and perseverance in achieving success.
Eric Thomas’s message is practical and motivational, making this book a valuable resource for those of us looking to achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives.
43. The One Thing by Gary Keller 4.6

Achieving success in all areas of life requires focusing on one thing at a time. Gary Keller provides practical strategies for achieving success in all areas of your life. By focusing on one thing, we can achieve big results. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve success.
This is a compelling self-help book that aims to guide us toward achieving extraordinary results in our personal and professional lives. Gary Keller emphasizes the importance of focusing on one specific task or goal at a time, arguing that this singular focus is the key to success. By prioritizing and dedicating undivided attention to the most impactful task, we can maximize our productivity and achieve significant results.
Gary Keller introduces the concept of “The Domino Effect” to illustrate the power of prioritization. He encourages us to identify our most crucial goal and align all our actions toward accomplishing it. By doing so, each task completed becomes a stepping stone towards the next, creating a chain reaction of success. The book provides practical strategies to help us overcome distractions, increase productivity, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Ultimately, it offers valuable insights and actionable advice for those of us seeking to streamline our efforts and achieve remarkable outcomes by focusing on what truly matters.
44. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod 4.6

Starting each day with a routine can set the tone for the rest of the day. Hal Elrod offers a unique approach to personal development by providing a daily routine for achieving success. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve our goals. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to start their day on the right foot.
This is a transformative self-help book that presents a powerful morning routine designed to enhance personal growth and improve overall well-being. Hal Elrod introduces the concept of the “SAVERS” system, which stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing. He argues that by dedicating intentional time to each of these activities every morning, individuals can set themselves up for a successful and fulfilling day.
The book delves into the importance of starting the day with silence and solitude, allowing for reflection and mental clarity. Hal Elrod emphasizes the value of positive affirmations and visualization techniques to cultivate a mindset of abundance and optimism. Additionally, he highlights the benefits of regular exercise for physical and mental health. Engaging in reading and learning, as well as journaling or writing, are also encouraged as powerful practices for personal development. I was fortunate to discover these very effective methods prior to reading this book. I have Aphantasia, a blind mind’s eye, and I am unable to visualize anything but blackness, and these methods are still extremely effective.

Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for overcoming addiction and achieving success in all areas of life. Norman Vincent Peale provides practical strategies for developing a positive attitude and achieving success in all areas of your life.
This is a timeless self-help book that explores the transformative potential of a positive mindset. Norman Vincent Peale emphasizes the significance of cultivating positive thoughts and beliefs as a means to overcome challenges (SUD), achieve success, and lead a fulfilling (substance-free) life. Drawing on his experiences as a minister and psychologist, Norman Vincent Peale presents practical techniques and inspirational anecdotes to guide us in harnessing the power of our thoughts.
He highlights the role of faith and optimism in shaping one’s outlook on life. He encourages us to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations, enabling us to overcome self-doubt and develop resilience. The book explores the concept of “applied Christianity,” emphasizing the importance of aligning spiritual beliefs with practical actions to foster personal growth and well-being. His teachings empower us to reframe obstacles as opportunities, maintain a confident attitude, and unleash our full potential.
46. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 4.6

Following your dreams is essential for living a fulfilling life. Paulo Coelho provides a powerful message on how to live a fulfilling life by following your dreams. By overcoming obstacles, we can achieve success in all areas of our lives.
This is a captivating and philosophical novel that tells the enchanting story of Santiago, a young shepherd who embarks on a journey to discover his personal legend. Set against the backdrop of the mystical and spiritual traditions of the desert, the book explores themes of destiny, purpose, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Paulo Coelho weaves a tale that is both profound and accessible, inviting us to reflect on our own aspirations and the significance of following our hearts.
Through Santiago’s encounters with various characters and his pursuit of the fabled Alchemist, Paulo Coelho imparts timeless wisdom about the importance of listening to one’s intuition, embracing the present moment, and finding meaning in life’s challenges. The book encourages us to embrace our own personal journey, emphasizing that true fulfillment lies not in the destination but in the process of self-discovery and growth. With its lyrical prose and thought-provoking insights, this book serves as a guiding light, inspiring us to pursue our dreams and live life with a sense of purpose and authenticity. One of my favorite things is authenticity.

Breaking bad habits and cultivating positive ones is essential for overcoming addiction. Charles Duhigg provides practical strategies for developing positive habits and behaviors that can help you overcome addiction. By understanding the science behind habits, we can develop positive ones and break bad ones. This is essential for those of us in recovery.
This is a captivating exploration of the science behind habits and their profound impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Charles Duhigg delves into the mechanics of habit formation, revealing how habits shape our lives and offering insights into how they can be understood, changed, and harnessed to achieve personal and professional success. Through engaging anecdotes and in-depth research, he illustrates the power of habits in influencing behavior, productivity, and overall well-being.
The book introduces the “habit loop,” a three-step cycle of cue, routine, and reward, which serves as the foundation of habit formation. Charles Duhigg highlights how understanding and identifying the cues and rewards associated with our habits can help us create positive changes and break free from destructive patterns. He explores the role of habits in various domains, including individual habits, organizational habits, and societal habits, shedding light on how habits can be manipulated and transformed. A must-read for those of us in recovery.

Achieving personal growth and development is essential for overcoming addiction. M. Scott Peck provides practical strategies for achieving personal growth and development. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives.
This is a timeless self-help book that explores the journey toward spiritual and emotional growth. M. Scott Peck presents a compelling argument for the importance of discipline and personal responsibility in leading a fulfilling life. Through a blend of psychological insights and spiritual wisdom, he challenges us to confront and transcend our own limitations, urging us to choose the path of self-awareness, love, and personal growth.
He emphasizes the significance of self-discipline, delayed gratification, and the willingness to face and work through life’s challenges. He addresses various topics, including love, relationships, and the nature of suffering, offering practical advice and thought-provoking perspectives. By embracing the concept of “the road less traveled,” which involves embracing uncertainty and taking responsibility for one’s choices, we are encouraged to embark on a transformative journey toward authentic self-discovery and inner fulfillment.

Embracing possibility is essential for living a fulfilling life. Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander provide a powerful message on living a fulfilling life by embracing possibility. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and succeed in all areas of our lives.
This an inspiring and thought-provoking book that challenges us to shift our perspectives and embrace a mindset of possibility. Drawing on their experiences as a therapist and a conductor, respectively, the authors present a captivating exploration of creativity, leadership, and personal transformation. Through a series of powerful stories, principles, and practices, they invite us to break free from limiting beliefs and open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.
The book offers a refreshing and optimistic approach to life, urging us to adopt a mindset that sees obstacles as opportunities and failures as stepping stones toward growth, which I love. The Zanders introduce transformative concepts such as “giving an A,” which encourages individuals to approach others with trust and belief in their potential, fostering an environment of collaboration and empowerment. They also emphasize the importance of embracing the present moment and finding joy in the process rather than focusing solely on the outcome. A wonderful blueprint for those of us in recovery or considering recovery.

Achieving happiness and success in all areas of life requires cultivating a positive mindset, as we have learned thus far. Shawn Achor provides practical strategies for achieving happiness and success in all areas of our lives. By focusing on positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve said success. If you are interested in achieving happiness and experiencing true joy, then this is the book for you.

Angela Duckworth delves into the concept of grit and how it separates successful people from others. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance that can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve success. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to cultivate grit and overcome addiction.
This book explores the concept of grit and its importance in achieving long-term success. Angela Duckworth, a psychologist, and MacArthur Fellow presents her research and insights into what separates high achievers from those who fall short, emphasizing the role of perseverance and determination.
It debunks the common myth that talent is the sole predictor of success. Instead, Angela Duckworth argues that grit, defined as a combination of passion and perseverance, is a better indicator of achievement. Drawing from her own experiences and interviews with a wide range of individuals, including athletes, students, and professionals, she provides compelling evidence that passion and sustained effort are more critical than innate ability.
She explores the four psychological assets that contribute to grit: interest, practice, purpose, and hope. Delving into the importance of cultivating a sense of purpose, finding and maintaining interest in one’s chosen field, and developing a growth mindset that embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. These are all things I am big on advocating for in recovery.
Throughout the book, Angela Duckworth presents numerous anecdotes and case studies to illustrate the power of grit in various domains, such as sports, education, and business. She also discusses the role of parents, teachers, and mentors in fostering grit in individuals, emphasizing the value of providing support, guidance, and a nurturing environment that encourages perseverance.
In addition, Angela Duckworth acknowledges the potential pitfalls of excessive grit, cautioning against blindly pursuing goals without reassessing them in light of changing circumstances. She emphasizes the importance of adaptability and knowing when to adjust one’s course. This is incredibly important to acknowledge on the road to true transformation and success.

The Arbinger Institute explores the concept of peace and how it can be used to overcome addiction. By cultivating a positive mindset and developing positive habits and behaviors, we can achieve inner peace and serenity. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve inner peace.
This is a powerful book that explores the concept of finding peace in personal relationships and resolving conflicts. It presents a fictional story that takes place at a retreat center where individuals from different backgrounds and with varying conflicts come together to learn a new way of approaching conflict resolution. The book focuses on shifting our mindset from a “heart at war” to a “heart at peace” and offers practical tools to apply this mindset in everyday life.
The central message of the book is that peace begins with an individual’s willingness to examine their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It encourages readers to recognize their role in perpetuating conflicts and to take responsibility for their contributions to the situation. Through engaging dialogue and relatable characters, the book provides insights into how individuals can shift from a self-centered perspective to one that emphasizes empathy, understanding, and accountability. It explores the transformative power of seeing others as human beings with their own struggles and desires, fostering a genuine desire for reconciliation and cooperation.

Achieving a work-life balance is essential for living a fulfilling life. Timothy Ferriss provides practical strategies for achieving a work-life balance and living life on your terms. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve success in all areas of our lives. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to achieve a work-life balance.
This is a groundbreaking book that challenges traditional notions of work and productivity. Timothy Ferriss presents a revolutionary approach to escaping the 9-to-5 grind and achieving financial independence by working smarter, not harder. Drawing on his personal experiences as an entrepreneur and lifestyle designer, he introduces the concept of “lifestyle design,” emphasizing the importance of prioritizing personal freedom and fulfillment over conventional career paths.
In this book, Ferriss provides practical strategies and step-by-step instructions to help readers streamline their work, automate processes, and outsource tasks, enabling them to reclaim their time and create a life of abundance and adventure. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, adopting a mindset of efficiency, and leveraging technology to create a sustainable and flexible work-life balance. Timothy Ferriss demonstrates how individuals can break free from the constraints of traditional employment, redefine their relationship with work, and embrace the possibilities of a four-hour workweek. What could be better for those of us that have acclimated to lives with “fast money”?
54. The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma 4.5

Starting each day with a routine can set the tone for the rest of the day. I tell my kiddos every day that each day is a fresh start, and I truly believe that. Robin Sharma provides a unique approach to personal development by providing a daily routine for achieving success. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can overcome addiction and achieve our goals.
This is an insightful and motivational book that explores the power of waking up early and developing a morning routine for personal growth and success. Robin Sharma presents a captivating story that follows the lives of four individuals who embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation by joining the 5 AM Club. Through a blend of fiction and practical advice, Sharma highlights the significance of starting the day with intention, discipline, and purpose.

Building strong relationships is essential for overcoming addiction. Gary Chapman provides practical strategies for building strong relationships and overcoming addiction. By developing positive habits and behaviors, we can build and maintain healthy relationships.
This is a renowned book that explores the different ways people give and receive love. Gary Chapman introduces the concept of love languages, which are distinct methods through which individuals express and interpret love. He identifies five primary love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. By understanding and effectively communicating in their partner’s love language, couples can strengthen their relationships and experience deeper emotional connections.

Adventures Beyond the Body is a book written by William Buhlman about the phenomenon of out-of-body experiences (OBEs). In the book, Buhlman shares his own experiences with OBEs and provides readers with tips and techniques for inducing their own experiences.
One of the main points of the book is that OBEs are a natural and normal part of human experience that can be used to explore the nature of consciousness and the universe. Buhlman suggests that anyone can learn to have OBEs with practice and dedication.
If you are not familiar with astral travel, then I highly;y recommend this book. You can also check out The Gateway Audios. This is the program created by Robert Monroe for the CIA to train its participants in remote viewing after the cold war. This is a very real phenomenon, and yes, you can absolutely experience contact with loved ones who passed. I know it sounds crazy, but before you pop off in the comments, just… try… it.
Honorable Mentions: Beyond the Astral, The Secret of the Soul, Higher Self Now, and How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience.

The Unacknowledged is a book written by Stephen M. Greer about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the government’s involvement in covering up this knowledge. In the book, Greer argues that there is substantial evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial life and that the government has been actively covering up this information for decades.
One of the main points of the book is that there have been numerous sightings of UFOs that cannot be explained by natural phenomena. Greer suggests that these sightings are evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.
Dr. Steven Greer is an amazing man who has dedicated the last thirty years of his life to delivering the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth to all of humankind. Last week congress was hearing the case he built with over 730 high-ranking government and military officials, amongst many other reputable witnesses. He is actively making history. It’s so exciting!
57. Rich As F*ck By Amanda Francis 4.7

This amazing book is a blueprint for us to see money for what it is and to become financially empowered. Amanda Francis tells us that this is a book for you if money has always been a problem for you and never a solution. This book teaches us how to crack the code to financial liberation and how to achieve abundance in all areas of finance.
I listened to this book on Audible, and Amanda Frances was the narrator. Some authors choose not to read their books, and that is a huge mistake. I love her voice, the way she read the words from the depths of her soul, and how I could tell that she really and sincerely wants her readers to find the financial freedom that she was able to find. This book was her baby. It was evident in the way she read the words and the voice she carried throughout. This is a must-read for all of us that have ever wanted more money and who don’t.
Parting Words
Books have always been my very best friends. As a child, they were my escape. My only escape and I read ANYTHING that had words. My sister and my ex cellie’s used to steal and hide my books, so I would play with her. This was always something I was ashamed of and kept private. I read to my kids every single night before bed. I share with them that knowledge is power, and there aren’t many more truthful statements than that.
If you have read any of these books or you do after I recommend them, please share below in the comments or visit the PNP Forums and start a conversation. Please be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe to my newsletter for first access to my freebies, tips for recovery and personal development, and updates on all things PNP (Progressing Not Perfecting.)
Post Off Quote
βIt is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed.β
-Ram Dass
Post Off Affirmation (Until next time)
I deserve so much more than my addiction has served me. I am capable and deserving of all that I ask for. Being ME is enough.
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If you are interested in getting help please see the links below or contact me
SAMSHA National Helpline
This is an amazing resource that is run by an amazing individual, Stephen Murray. I personally volunteer as an operator for the hotline and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of such a life-saving organization. The hotline is for anyone that doesn’t want to risk using alone. You call the hotline and we stay on the phone with you while you do your dew and until you are sure you are okay. Should you become unresponsive we immediately contact emergency services and send them to your location. I can personally attest to the fact that this hotline saves lives and changes lives for the better. Please put this number in your phone. If you want a few reasons why you should you can check out my post on Xylazine and Fentanyl.

- My Supernatural Experience: A Supernatural Review
- Understanding Dr. Emoto’s Water Consciousness Study & How It Can Transform Your Life
- Addicted to the Hustle: Why Selling Drugs Was Was Harder to Quit Than Using Them
- Why Lightworkers Face Addiction and How to Fight It
- Working Towards Chakra Alignment After Addiction: Where to Start
Be sure to visit me at
The Sober
The most amazing site with the most amazing Alysse Bryson and her crew of Sober Curators, and I happen to be one of them! This is a sister addiction recovery site, and it has everything anyone in recovery could ever want or need in an all-inclusive and beautifully curated website.

The Sober Curator Website and About Page
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(c) 2023 Progressing Not Perfecting LLC.
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.
WOW, top recommendations Samantha πππ. You put so much work and research into this and I know there are alot of people who may be trying to recover from drug addiction that would appreciate and could really use stuff like this ππππ.
I really did and thank you from the bottom of my heart for recognizing this. I spent over a month on this post. The links are all messed up and I just realized it so I will probably be working on it for another three weeks. Lol. Thanks for your comment, Killa!
Awwwwwww, you are welcome Samantha πππ. I am happy that my words connected with your heart. Form the first day I saw your blog, it didnβt take long for me to realize how dedicated you were β it speaks for itself π€π€
I hope that you were successful in restoring the links πππ.
I tried leaving a comment here recently, but your home page looked changed up drastically, and every time I tried sending a comment, it would give me an error lol.
Omg, Killa! It has really been challenging lately. I changed my theme and everything went bonkers. I have been living a nightmare! Like seriously. I am barely sleeping trying to get things the way I need them to be. I am going to Medellin, Colombia tomorrow to do some soul searching, child-free. I don’t think I have ever needed a break as badly as I do now. I can’t say that I’m not looking forward to it. I need some ME time. I am really hoping I don’t have to hang up this dream. I gave myself 1 year in February and time is flying by and all of the technical issues are sooooo time consuming and I have to hire people to take care of alot of stuff too. That’s not good when you aren’t bringing in any income. I guess time will tell. I just got into the Amazon Influemcer program so now U will try to promote my links. I am going to have to pivot regarding my niche but I can still help whoever needs help. I have 7 clients and not one can afford to pay, actually 5 now. Somethings gotta give. Lol. I hope you are well, Killa. Did you see that we are talking peace treaties with Extraterrestrials in congress? Yup. We have been horribly and irrevocably lied to and it’s about to be cataclysmic and there will be no going back. It’s exciting and it’s scary. Nothing is what we think it is. Look up Steven Greer on YouTube. His work has changed the direction of our future. Let me know what you think. Be well, friend. Metta.